5,376 research outputs found

    An exploratory study on social engagement using Facebook among hotel operators in Malaysia

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    The use of social media has changed the way communication and interaction with each other and also with business companies such as how hotel industries take place. Currently, social media is the main tool in hotel industry in facilitating the marketing besides being used in engaging with customers. Indeed, recent studies had discovered that customers make decision largely based on the influence of user-generated content and word of mouth. However, there are limited studies which examined the use of Facebook as a tool to engage with customers especially in Malaysia. Thus, this study aims at exploring the use of social media among Malaysian hotels and how these hotels engage with customers through Facebook. Besides, this study also attempts to identify the metrics used by Malaysian hotels to measure the engagement of their customers. Data were collected through interview and content analysis over the Facebook page of selected hotels. The results had indicated that hotels use Facebook as an important communication tool to engage with their customers in various ways. Besides the benefits, this study also discovered some difficulties faced by the hotels when they communicate socially with their customers. On top of that, this study determined that hotels measure their engagement with customers through Facebook in two ways: (i) using software; and (ii) monitoring the page from inside. The results also had shown that some of the hotels are confused about the way to measure the engagement, in which they only focus on certain metrics while others are neglected. In a nutshell, Facebook pages of Malaysian hotels have a relatively weak engagement with customers especially in voice opinion and advocacy. In contrast, attitude expression has a moderate level

    Three essays on innovation: the moderating roles of reputation for innovation, CSR principles and managerial perceptions of environmental turbulence

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    This dissertation examines three moderating effects on innovation. First, the impact of reputation for innovation on corporate and product evaluations in user design products. Secondly, the effect of corporate social responsibility principles (CSR) on innovation capabilities is analysed. Finally, the role of managerial perceptions of environmental turbulence is investigated to understand the impact on the relationship between innovativeness and performance. Two criteria guided the moderators selected. First, moderators were identified by looking at trends in marketing research and practice in the 21st century society. Secondly, by revisiting the work of Peter Drucker along such trends, observing that his ideas are still very much emphasised by today’s marketing scholars. Chapter 1 provides the background for the following chapters. We review Drucker’s insights on the moderators and how they relate to this dissertation. This chapter also sets the definitions that will guide the three essays. Chapter 2 introduces the question of open innovation, particularly how a user design label impacts corporate and product evaluations. This framework is tested in firms high and low in reputation for innovation, in the apparel and fashion industries. Insights were gained on how perceptions of innovation can be hampered (or helped) from a user design label. Chapter 3 analyses in a context of high-tech industries how innovation capabilities are developed for firms that pursue CSR principles. The result is a novel finding on how CSR principles and innovation can be synergistic to export performance. Chapter 4 questions whether the effectiveness of new service success is contingent upon managerial perceptions of the environment in the hotel industry. This essay shows that how managers perceive the environment has implications for resource allocation and consequently to innovation. Chapter 5 provides an overall discussion for managers and theory and leaves suggestions for future research

    A proactive and entrepreneurial international market approach: Some evidence in the Portuguese hotel sector

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    Internationalization is a process of such complexity that its explanation, in terms of one single theoretical perspective is difficult. Drawing on a comprehensive multi-case study, this doctoral thesis explores the influence environmental and organizational stimuli as determinants of Portuguese hotel firms’ international engagement. It also proposes to understand the linkage between the antecedent firm motivational stimuli factors with, time of entry, market selection and entry mode strategies. The strategy regarding the epistemological position is via a deductive research approach, where is identify, and tests, in the field, the propositions initially proposed, for further development. A previously used framework was adopted to structure the factors involved, thus ensuring that all comprehensive evidence was obtained through empirical research. Having its foundations in Barney´s resource-based theory and International Entrepreneurship principles within Dunning's eclectic model determinants, this model sheds light on firm´s resources and competences as determinants factors for the decision to go abroad, pointing the ownership and location advantages as main determinants factors of internationalization strategy decisions. Due to the limited number of the total population, a non-probability purposive sampling method was adopted. This study is mainly based on semi-structured interviews to top level managers, responsible for the internationalization process and supplemented by confirmatory questionnaires, memos, press releases, media articles and in-situ observations. Accordingly, a within and cross-case analysis was applied for the deduction of facts. From the data analysis, it is seen that that the internal competences and the firm’s managerial entrepreneurial profile were important stimuli for the Potuguese hotel grups becoming involved in international activities. Accordingly, it was found that the combination of proactive, internal and external, stimuli drives initially, the Portuguese hotel groups to international market. It was the junction of these proactive stimuli, within an entrepreneurial vision from managers that triggered the process of internationalization. An evolution of the nature´s motivational stimuli was also found given the level of international engagement and the development of market environment. Hence, from an opportunistic market seeker motivation, the Portuguese hotel firms turned to efficiency seeking motivation, less based on tacit competences exploitation and more focused in network and coordination competences, emerging a systematic market exploitation taking into account the new profile of demand and firm growth ambitions in international market. It was also found that, in the early stages of international engagement a positive linkage between the firm proactive stimuli factors and the Portuguese firm international strategies. From the contributions that emerged from the work, stood out, in the theoretical field the achievement of a deeper knowledge, of the motivational, and stimuli factor, on the internationalization process and the importance of manager´s proactive attitude as key determinant of the linkage between the company's competitive advantages and strategies of internationalization. Concerning the practical implications, a better understanding of the key resources and competencies to exploring market opportunities, can be an aid to hotel firms companies that are considering expanding to other markets, thus, preventing the dispersion and improper use of scarce firm assets.A internacionalização é um processo de tal complexidade que a sua explicação é difícil em termos de uma única perspetiva teórica. Baseado num estudo multi-caso, esta tese de doutoramento explora a influência dos estímulos ambientais e organizacionais como determinantes do envolvimento das empresas hoteleiras portuguesas no mercado internacional. Também propõe compreender a ligação entre os estímulos motivacionais e as estratégias relativas ao processo de internacionalização. A abordagem epistemológica do estudo é maioritariamente dedutiva, onde o pesquisador identifica e testa no campo, as proposições inicialmente propostas. Assim e em conformidade, foi adotada uma matriz previamente estruturada, garantindo que todas as variáveis do modelo fossem obtidas através de uma pesquisa empírica. Tendo nos seus fundamentos a Teoria Baseada nos Recursos de Barney, integrando os princípios do Empreendedorismo Internacional e utilizando as determinantes do modelo eclético de Dunning para explicar as estratégias de internacionalização, este modelo lança luz sobre os recursos e competências da empresa como determinantes na decisão de sair para o estrangeiro, apontando as vantagens de propriedade e de localização, como principais fatores decisivos nas estratégias de internacionalização. Devido ao número limitado da população, foi adotado um método de amostragem nãoprobabilístico. A recolha de dados, foi baseada em entrevistas semiestruturadas a gestores e responsáveis pelo processo de internacionalização. Posteriormente foi complementada por um questionário confirmatório, memorandos, comunicados, artigos de imprensa e observações. A estruturação e análise dos dados foram obtidas através de uma análise caso a caso e de cruzamento de todos os casos, seguindo as questões de investigação, as dimensões do estudo e as variáveis do modelo. A partir da análise de dados, foi observado que os participantes do estudo identificaram como estímulos importantes para o envolvimento internacional, as competências internas, o perfil do gestor e as oportunidades de mercado. Por conseguinte, verificou-se que a combinação de estímulos organizacionais e ambientais com uma natureza proactiva motivou os grupos hoteleiros portugueses a se envolverem no mercado internacional. Foi também observado, uma evolução da natureza dos estímulos motivacionais, consequência de um maior envolvimento internacional das empresas hoteleiras e evolução das condições económicas do mercado doméstico e internacional. Assim, partindo inicialmente de uma abordagem oportunista ao mercado internacional, as empresas hoteleiras portuguesas passaram a adotar uma abordagem mais sistematizada, tendo em conta a dinâmica dos mercados e as suas ambições de crescimento. Observou-se também que, nas fases iniciais de envolvimento internacional existe uma ligação entre os estímulos motivacionais e as estratégias de internacionalização. Das contribuições teóricas do trabalho destacam-se a obtenção de evidências sobre a importância, dos estímulos motivacionais no processo de internacionalização e da atitude proactiva do gestor como determinante na ligação entre as vantagens competitivas da empresa e as estratégias de internacionalização. Quanto às implicações práticas, e tendo em conta as contingências e o desenvolvimento dos mercados, destacam-se a compreensão e a importância dos recursos e competências das empresas hoteleiras na exploração das oportunidades no mercado internacional, sendo uma mais-valia para as empresas hoteleiras Portuguesas que estão a considerar expandir-se para outros mercados

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines
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