10 research outputs found

    Trends and Issues in Educational Technology Research in Saudi Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Review

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    As Information Technology expands, all industries and fields in Saudi Arabia are experiencing reduced costs and improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in various systems. This has positioned the higher education sector in Saudi Arabia as the land of opportunity in terms of educational technology and its ability to support the development of sustainable educational systems. However, scholars in the field in Saudi Arabia still lack sufficient academic scientific study surrounding the various trends and issues in educational technology research in Saudi higher education. Therefore, this study contributes to this gap in knowledge by aiming to evaluate the contents of previous relevant articles concerning educational technology within Saudi universities. The study reviews the trends (i.e. types of technology, target groups, the socio-technical research context, research theories and the research paradigm and methodology) and the various issues on which studies of educational technology have concentrated. Based on this, a total of 52 studies were reviewed. Thereafter, the study outlines limitations in the previous studies and accordingly puts forward various potential future directions and opportunities for research in this field, and some implications for theory. Keywords: Educational Technology, E-Learning, Higher Education, Saudi Arabia, Universities

    Mathematics and mobile learning

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    The wide range of Mathematical Apps targeting different mathematical concepts and the various types of mobile devices available present a demanding and challenging problem to the teaching and learning in the field of mathematics. In an attempt to address this issue, few Apps where selected, implemented and tested in this work

    Using Bayesian Networks to Provide Educational Implications: Mobile Learning and Ethnomathematics to Improve Sustainability in Mathematics Education

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    There are many Western apps that help students strengthen their mathematics skills through learning and game apps. A research project was designed to create an IOS Math App to provide Grade 6 Emirati students with the opportunity to explore mathematics, then, using Bayesian Networks, to examine the educational implications. The learning app was developed using ethnomathematics modules based on the Emirati culture. Students were required to navigate through several modules to examine various mathematical concepts in algebra and geometry. The survey was written for Grade 6 English language learners. Based on the Bayesian Networks, the findings suggested that if students are allowed to explore mathematics based on familiar cultural norms and practices, students with grades A and C would get higher grades. However, if students are not allowed to explore mathematics in line with their local culture, more students would receive an F grade, while some students with an A grade would get lower grades. Additionally, the findings showed that incorporating cultural elements had a positive change in students’ liking and learning mathematics, even without a mobile device. However, not allowing a mobile device and not allowing culture had an increased negative impact on students’ liking and learning mathematics. The last finding suggested that students valued ethnomathematics examples over a mobile device to learn mathematics. The research findings could help to improve sustainability in mathematics education by promoting ethnomathematics and mobile learning

    El Aprendizaje Móvil en Educación Superior: Una Experiencia desde la Formación de Ingenieros

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    This article presents the results of a research project performed at the Faculty of Engineering and Basic Sciences of the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogotá., whose objective was to describe the effects and experiences of incorporating the GeoGebra “Graphing Calculator” app on learning the notion of limit from the integration of mobile devices in the classroom. A sequential explanatory design was used in order to judge the hypothesis linking a positive influence of the use of smartphones and tablets and academic performance. In the quantitative stage, an experimental design of four Solomon groups was carried out and during the qualitative stage, an attitudinal test was applied and semi-structured interviews were carried out with students who participated in the treatment with the mobile application. The results obtained in the postest by the experimental groups surpassed those obtained by the control groups that participated in an intervention based on traditional teaching resources. The students who received the experimental treatment showed greater interest and motivation for learning about the topic addressed, so it can be inferred that the integration of mobile devices in the classroom promotes other innovative ways of learning calculus.Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado en la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Básicas de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogotá. cuyo objetivo fue describir los efectos y las experiencias de la incorporación de la aplicación “Calculadora Gráfica” de GeoGebra sobre el aprendizaje de la noción de límite a partir de la integración de dispositivos móviles al aula de clase. Se empleó un diseño explicativo secuencial con el ánimo de validar la hipótesis relacionada con una influencia positiva del aprovechamiento de teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas en el desempeño académico. En la etapa cuantitativa se realizó un diseño experimental de cuatro grupos de Solomon y durante la etapa cualitativa se aplicó un test actitudinal y se desarrollaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con estudiantes que participaron del tratamiento con la aplicación móvil. Los resultados obtenidos en el postest por los grupos experimentales superaron a los obtenidos por los grupos control que participaron de una intervención mediada por recursos didácticos tradicionales. Los estudiantes que recibieron el tratamiento experimental demostraron mayor interés y motivación por el aprendizaje del tema abordado, por lo que se puede inferir que la integración de dispositivos móviles en el aula promueve otras formas innovadoras de aprender cálculo

    Tecnologia móvel na aprendizagem universitária

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    In the last decade, a significant number of initiatives aimed at using mobile technologies and applications for educational purposes have emerged, however, implementation has not been fully effective due to various difficulties. This paper explored the attitudes of students and teachers towards the use of mobile learning in higher education institutions. Students and teachers from five universities in Cajamarca, Peru, were sampled and administered surveys that were validated by experts and whose reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha. It was evaluated whether there are statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes in relation to age, sex, major and type of cell phone used. Likewise, it was evaluated whether there are statistically significant differences between teachers’ attitudes in relation to age, sex, university experience, academic level and type of cell phone used. Student’s t-tests and a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed for each indicator considered. The results revealed that there are statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes regarding the type of mobile device. The emergence of mobile learning technologies had a significant impact on the educational technology.  En la última década han surgido un número significativo de iniciativas que apuntan a utilizar tecnologías y aplicaciones móviles con fines educativos, sin embargo, la implementación no ha sido totalmente efectiva debido a diversas dificultades. En este trabajo se exploraron las actitudes de los alumnos y docentes hacia el uso del aprendizaje móvil en instituciones de educación superior. Se tomaron muestras de estudiantes y docentes de cinco universidades de Cajamarca en Perú a los cuales se les aplicaron encuestas que fueron validadas por expertos y la confiabilidad fue evaluada mediante alfa de Cronbach. Se evaluó si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las actitudes de los estudiantes con relación a la edad, sexo, especialidad y tipo de móvil usado. Asimismo, se evaluó si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las actitudes de los docentes con relación a la edad, sexo, experiencia universitaria, nivel académico y tipo de móvil usado. Se realizaron pruebas de t de Student y un análisis de varianza unidireccional (ANOVA) por cada indicador considerado. Los resultados revelaron que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las actitudes de los estudiantes con respecto al tipo de dispositivo móvil. La aparición de las tecnologías de aprendizaje móvil tuvo un impacto significativo en la tecnología educativa.  Na última década, surgiu um número significativo de iniciativas que visam a utilização de tecnologias e aplicações móveis para fins educacionais, no entanto, a implementação não tem sido totalmente eficaz devido a várias dificuldades. Neste trabalho, foram exploradas as atitudes de alunos e professores em relação ao uso da aprendizagem móvel em instituições de ensino superior. Foram coletadas amostras de alunos e professores de cinco universidades de Cajamarca, no Peru, nas quais foram aplicadas pesquisas que foram validadas por especialistas e a confiabilidade foi avaliada pelo alfa de Cronbach. Foi avaliado se existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as atitudes dos alunos em relação à idade, sexo, especialidade e tipo de móvel utilizado. Da mesma forma, avaliou-se se existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as atitudes dos professores em relação à idade, sexo, experiência universitária, nível de escolaridade e tipo de celular utilizado. Os testes t de Student e uma análise de variância unilateral (ANOVA) foram realizados para cada indicador considerado. Os resultados revelaram que existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as atitudes dos alunos em relação ao tipo de dispositivo móvel. O surgimento de tecnologias de aprendizagem móvel teve um impacto significativo na tecnologia educacional. &nbsp

    Motivation Factors for Using Mobile Information Systems in M-Learning

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    Organizations of all types have benefited from the development and use of information systems. With the explosion of mobile applications, also known as mobile information systems, new uses are emerging. One such application of mobile information systems is mobile learning, referred to as m-learning hereafter. M-learning has found its ways in the corporate world for employee training and development, and in higher education for teaching and student learning. However, m-learning has not seen the same extent of usage as distance learning and e-learning, often attributed to technological limitations. Motivational factors, though, may also contribute to the slow adoption of m-learning. If the problems of m-learning usage are not well understood and addressed, then it is possible that usage will decrease and the opportunities inherent in m-learning may be missed. Extant literature includes numerous m-learning studies explicitly focused on student use and perceptions of m-learning. Faculty members, on the other hand, have not been the focus of many studies, despite the integral role that faculty motivation likely plays in the use of m-learning. The primary goal of the study was to identify motivation factors that would explain the use of mobile information systems. The framework was developed by triangulating the disciplines of Human Computer Interaction and User Experience (HCI/UX), Information Systems, and M-learning. The influence of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors on mobile information systems use (MISU) was tested. Intrinsic motivation factors assessed included perceived enjoyment (PE) and perceived playfulness (PP). One extrinsic motivator factor was assessed, perceived usefulness (PU). Additionally, the influence of personal innovativeness (PI) on PU, PE, and PP was also assessed. An online survey was administered to faculty teaching in the disciplines of computer science, information systems, and business at 60 institutions of higher education (both public and private) who are members of the Association of American Universities (AAU) in the United States. Data was collected using Qualtrics and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The survey also contained questions to help understand how m-learning is being used for teaching, faculty member preparedness, why faculty are not using m-learning and what is impeding its use. A total of 379 faculty responses were analyzed. Results showed that PI does influence PU, PE, and PP. Only PU influences MISU, PE and PP do not. Users of m-learning are generally happy and use it for a variety of activities inside and outside the classroom. Non-users of m-learning provided a variety of reasons for its exclusion from their teaching. Research contributions, implications for future research, and recommendations are also discussed. The research has relevance for both educators and practitioners who use m-learning for workforce development

    Mobile Learning Technology Acceptance Among Saudi Higher Education Students

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    The rapid development of technology has encouraged Saudi universities to establish initiatives to improve learning. Mobile learning technology is one of the technologies targeted by eLearning and distance education deanships among Saudi universities. However, few studies have been done in investigating mobile learning technology acceptance in the Saudi context. This study aims to provide policy and decision makers in the Saudi higher education with reliable data in order to employ mobile learning technology in learning process. Therefore, this study modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate students’ acceptance of mobile learning technology. To this end, seven questions were proposed to explore the effect of learning expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, mobile learning technology characteristics, and self-management of learning on students’ behavioral intentions and use behaviors of mobile learning technology. In addition, age, gender, and eLearning experience were proposed to moderate such an effect. This study employed sequential mixed method to procced the exploration. A questionnaire and semi-structured interview were developed to collect the data. 1203 participants were included in the quantitative data collection while fifteen participants were included in the qualitative data collection. Multiple regression analyses were used in the quantitative analysis and thematic analysis was used in the qualitative analysis. The results of this study assert that learning expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and mobile learning characteristics are significant predictors of students’ intentions to use mobile learning technology regardless the moderating effects of gender, age, and eLearning experience. Unexpectedly, the social influence construct is the only construct that was moderated by gender where men show a stronger behavioral intention to use mobile learning than women. Facilitating conditions and self-management of learning in this study were found insignificant constructs in predicting students’ behavioral intention and use behavior of mobile learning technology. These findings are justified in the literature of UTAUT. The exploratory analysis revealed an interesting finding that distance education students showed significantly higher intentions to use mobile learning technology than on-campus students, but there was no significant difference between them in the actual use of mobile learning technology

    Students' and teachers' perspectives towards the use of social media technologies as a supportive learning tool in English language classes: A case study from a university in Saudi Arabia

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    This study examined students’ and English language instructors' attitudes towards using social media technologies to support English language learning and teaching at the University of Bisha, Blagran campuses, College of Science and Arts in Saudi Arabia. While this phenomenon has been researched for many years, relatively little is known about the role of social media technologies to support English language learning from both the students' and English instructors' lenses; or, about the factors that may influence the use of these technological tools, and the conditions required for the successful use of these tools. Through a review of the current empirical and theoretical literature, this research aims to provide a clear understanding for the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia of some potential roles that social media technologies could play in enhancing the English language learning environment within the kingdom. The participants in this study were English language undergraduate students, along with their English language instructors. Mixed methods were used to gather the data (survey, focus groups, interviews). Two hundred and twenty-two students completed the survey (101 male and 121 female). Forty students (20 male and 20 female) participated in the focus groups. The survey and focus groups were used convergently to provide a rich understanding of the students' attitudes. Semi-structured interviews were used with the English language instructors, a total of eighteen (8 male- 10 female), to examine their attitudes in-depth and allow them to reveal their stances on using such technological tools in supporting English language teaching. The findings from the survey indicated that the students showed positive attitudes to use social media technologies to support English language learning with a mean (M=4.09, SD =.93). There was a significant difference between male and female students' attitudes in using social media technologies to support English language learning. Females mean scores were all higher than males and exhibited less dispersion as illustrated by the standard deviations. The difference in overall mean scores by gender was significant (p<0.05). Also, YouTube was the most social media technologies used by the students to support their English language learning. All the suggested predictors, including Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Subjective Norms, and Gender were significant determinants of the students' attitudes. Also, overall the students stated that social media technologies could be useful tools in supporting their English language learning. These technological tools could be seen as a reference tool to familiarise the students with new vocabulary and English varieties. Also, the students stated that using these technological tools to support English learning could make the language learning process more comfortable and enjoyable because it can suit different language learning preferences and reduce classroom anxiety. The students also stated that using social media allowed them to socialise and speak English with people around the world. As far as the instructors' responses are concerned, their overall attitudes were positive. They stated that social media are familiar tools to the students, can make learning English more comfortable, and could create an enjoyable learning environment. However, some potential concerns were raised, such as losing control of the classes, cultural norms effect, language complexity, and a possible negative impact on learning motivation. The majority of the instructors agreed that technology competence could be an obstacle facing some instructors in terms of using social media technologies to support their English language teaching. They also agreed that they often lack administrative support and the college's infrastructure administration could be barriers to adopting social media technologies. Future suggestions included using social media technologies as supportive or scaffolding tools in English learning and the integration of some activities from social media into the English curriculum were made by the instructors for successful adoption of social media to support English language teaching. Some tentative implications might be drawn from this study. It provided a rich insight into the use of social media technologies to support English language learning and teaching via student and teacher lenses. These insights have practical benefits for educational administrators and instructors in Saudi Arabia. However, more research on exploring students' and instructors' attitudes is needed with a greater consideration of the impact of gender and age differences

    Exploring the Potential of Mobile Learning Use Among Faculty Members

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate faculty members' attitudes toward mobile learning in King Saud University. The sample of the study consisted of 362 faculty members from King Saud University in Saudi Arabia during the academic year 2012-2013. A questionnaire consisted of 37 items was developed to measure the attitudes. The results showed that the attitudes of faculty members towards mobile learning are positive and there are statistically significant differences attributed to gender in favor of (female faculty members), academic rank in favor of (instructor), and academic experience in favor of (21 years of experience and more)