4,010 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence and visual analytics in geographical space and cyberspace: Research opportunities and challenges

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    In recent decades, we have witnessed great advances on the Internet of Things, mobile devices, sensor-based systems, and resulting big data infrastructures, which have gradually, yet fundamentally influenced the way people interact with and in the digital and physical world. Many human activities now not only operate in geographical (physical) space but also in cyberspace. Such changes have triggered a paradigm shift in geographic information science (GIScience), as cyberspace brings new perspectives for the roles played by spatial and temporal dimensions, e.g., the dilemma of placelessness and possible timelessness. As a discipline at the brink of even bigger changes made possible by machine learning and artificial intelligence, this paper highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with geographical space in relation to cyberspace, with a particular focus on data analytics and visualization, including extended AI capabilities and virtual reality representations. Consequently, we encourage the creation of synergies between the processing and analysis of geographical and cyber data to improve sustainability and solve complex problems with geospatial applications and other digital advancements in urban and environmental sciences

    Context-sensitive interpretation of natural language location descriptions : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    People frequently describe the locations of objects using natural language. Location descriptions may be either structured, such as 26 Victoria Street, Auckland, or unstructured. Relative location descriptions (e.g., building near Sky Tower) are a common form of unstructured location description, and use qualitative terms to describe the location of one object relative to another (e.g., near, close to, in, next to). Understanding the meaning of these terms is easy for humans, but much more difficult for machines since the terms are inherently vague and context sensitive. In this thesis, we study the semantics (or meaning) of qualitative, geospatial relation terms, specifically geospatial prepositions. Prepositions are one of the most common forms of geospatial relation term, and they are commonly used to describe the location of objects in the geographic (geospatial) environment, such as rivers, mountains, buildings, and towns. A thorough understanding of the semantics of geospatial relation terms is important because it enables more accurate automated georeferencing of text location descriptions than use of place names only. Location descriptions that use geospatial prepositions are found in social media, web sites, blogs, and academic reports, and georeferencing can allow mapping of health, disaster and biological data that is currently inaccessible to the public. Such descriptions have unstructured format, so, their analysis is not straightforward. The specific research questions that we address are: RQ1. Which geospatial prepositions (or groups of prepositions) and senses are semantically similar? RQ2. Is the role of context important in the interpretation of location descriptions? RQ3. Is the object distance associated with geospatial prepositions across a range of geospatial scenes and scales accurately predictable using machine learning methods? RQ4. Is human annotation a reliable form of annotation for the analysis of location descriptions? To address RQ1, we determine the nature and degree of similarity among geospatial prepositions by analysing data collected with a human subjects experiment, using clustering, extensional mapping and t-stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) plots to form a semantic similarity matrix. In addition to calculating similarity scores among prepositions, we identify the senses of three groups of geospatial prepositions using Venn diagrams, t-sne plots and density-based clustering, and define the relationships between the senses. Furthermore, we use two text mining approaches to identify the degree of similarity among geospatial prepositions: bag of words and GloVe embeddings. By using these methods and further analysis, we identify semantically similar groups of geospatial prepositions including: 1- beside, close to, near, next to, outside and adjacent to; 2- across, over and through and 3- beyond, past, by and off. The prepositions within these groups also share senses. Through is recognised as a specialisation of both across and over. Proximity and adjacency prepositions also have similar senses that express orientation and overlapping relations. Past, off and by share a proximal sense but beyond has a different sense from these, representing on the other side. Another finding is the more frequent use of the preposition close to for pairs of linear objects than near, which is used more frequently for non-linear ones. Also, next to is used to describe proximity more than touching (in contrast to other prepositions like adjacent to). Our application of text mining to identify semantically similar prepositions confirms that a geospatial corpus (NCGL) provides a better representation of the semantics of geospatial prepositions than a general corpus. Also, we found that GloVe embeddings provide adequate semantic similarity measures for more specialised geospatial prepositions, but less so for those that have more generalised applications and multiple senses. We explore the role of context (RQ2) by studying three sites that vary in size, nature, and context in London: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, and Hyde Park. We use the Google search engine to extract location descriptions that contain these three sites with 9 different geospatial prepositions (in, on, at, next to, close to, adjacent to, near, beside, outside) and calculate their acceptance profiles (the profile of the use of a preposition at different distances from the reference object) and acceptance thresholds (maximum distance from a reference object at which a preposition can acceptably be used). We use these to compare prepositions, and to explore the influence of different contexts. Our results show that near, in and outside are used for larger distances, while beside, adjacent to and at are used for smaller distances. Also, the acceptance threshold for close to is higher than for other proximity/adjacency prepositions such as next to, adjacent to and beside. The acceptance threshold of next to is larger than adjacent to, which confirms the findings in ‎Chapter 2 which identifies next to describing a proximity rather than touching spatial relation. We also found that relatum characteristics such as image schema affect the use of prepositions such as in, on and at. We address RQ3 by developing a machine learning regression model (using the SMOReg algorithm) to predict the distance associated with use of geospatial prepositions in specific expressions. We incorporate a wide range of input variables including the similarity matrix of geospatial prepositions (RQ1); preposition senses; semantic information in the form of embeddings; characteristics of the located and reference objects in the expression including their liquidity/solidity, scale and geometry type and contextual factors such as the density of features of different types in the surrounding area. We evaluate the model on two different datasets with 25% improvement against the best baseline respectively. Finally, we consider the importance of annotation of geospatial location descriptions (RQ4). As annotated data is essential for the successful study of automated interpretation of natural language descriptions, we study the impact and accuracy of human annotation on different geospatial elements. Agreement scores show that human annotators can annotate geospatial relation terms (e.g., geospatial prepositions) with higher agreement than other geospatial elements. This thesis advances understanding of the semantics of geospatial prepositions, particularly considering their semantic similarity and the impact of context on their interpretation. We quantify the semantic similarity of a set of 24 geospatial prepositions; identify senses and the relationships among them for 13 geospatial prepositions; compare the acceptance thresholds of 9 geospatial prepositions and describe the influence of context on them; and demonstrate that richer semantic and contextual information can be incorporated in predictive models to interpret relative geospatial location descriptions more accurately

    Conservation GIS: Ontology and spatial reasoning for commonsense knowledge.

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.Geographic information available from multiple sources are moving beyond their local context and widening the semantic difference. The major challenge emerged with ubiquity of geographic information, evolving geospatial technology and location-aware service is to deal with the semantic interoperability. Although the use of ontology aims at capturing shared conceptualization of geospatial information, human perception of world view is not adequately addressed in geospatial ontology. This study proposes ‘Conservation GIS Ontology’ that comprises spatial knowledge of non-expert conservationists in the context of Chitwan National Park, Nepal. The discussion is presented in four parts: exploration of commonsense spatial knowledge about conservation; development of conceptual ontology to conceptualize domain knowledge; formal representation of conceptualization in Web Ontology Language (OWL); and quality assessment of the ontology development tasks. Elicitation of commonsense spatial knowledge is performed with the notion of cognitive view of semantic. Emphasis is given to investigate the observation of wildlife movement and habitat change scenarios. Conceptualization is carried out by providing the foundation of the top-level ontology- ‘DOLCE’ and geospatial ontologies. Protégé 4.1 ontology editor is employed for ontology engineering tasks. Quality assessment is accomplished based on the intrinsic approach of ontology evaluation.(...


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    This thesis explores the systemic behavior of illegal mass migration in the Central Mediterranean region and proposes strategic approaches to address the problem. We hypothesize that the illegal migration is a complex systemic problem, where parts of the system are interdependent and behavioral change of any element effects the behavior of the whole. This research applies a series of quantitative and qualitative analyses where each reveals different aspects and properties of the migration system as a whole. The systemic analysis highlights the interconnectedness of different parts and their impact of the system’s output. Also, it reveals the cognitive background as a unique aspect of this region: namely, the decision to migrate is based on biased perception and bounded rationality rather than rational choice. In conclusion, we claim that the system’s output (i.e. level of illegal migration) is characterized by the interrelated behavior of parts of the migration system; therefore, strategic planning requires the notion of the dominant feedback loops, self-organization, time delays, limitations, and non-linear relations. Also, we conclude that a skewed perception based on social influence and cognitive biases influences a large number of people in that region to migrate.Captain, Hungarian Defence ForceApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Visualizing the Past: Tools and Techniques for Understanding Historical Processes

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    The University of Richmond requests a Level I Digital Humanities Start-Up grant to bring together experts for investigations about how to overcome limitations that prevent most humanities scholars from taking advantage of visualization techniques in their research. The grant will fund a two-day workshop where invited scholars will discuss current work on visualizing historical processes, and together consider: (1) How can we harness emerging cyber-infrastructure tools and interoperability standards to explore, visualize, and analyze spatial and temporal components of distributed digital archives to better understand historical events and processes? (2) How can user-friendly tools or web sites be created to allow scholars and researchers to animate spatial and temporal data housed on different systems across the Internet? The grant will also fund initial experiments toward creating new tools for overcoming obstacles to data visualization work. Results will be presented as a white paper

    A Tutorial on Geographic Information Systems: A Ten-year Update

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    This tutorial provides a foundation on geographic information systems (GIS) as they relate to and are part of the IS body of knowledge. The tutorial serves as a ten-year update on an earlier CAIS tutorial (Pick, 2004). During the decade, GIS has expanded with wider and deeper range of applications in government and industry, widespread consumer use, and an emerging importance in business schools and for IS. In this paper, we provide background information on the key ideas and concepts of GIS, spatial analysis, and latest trends and on the status and opportunities for incorporating GIS, spatial analysis, and locational decision making into IS research and in teaching in business and IS curricula
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