69 research outputs found

    Modelos de Maturidade em um Cenário Educacional: Um Mapeamento Sistemático

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    Este paper apresenta um mapeamento sistemático em modelos de maturidade educacionais, almejando identificar e reunir as suas principais características, inspirações e métodos de desenvolvimento. Foram identificados 22 modelos de maturidade educacionais, divididos em 25 estudos. Os resultados apontam que CMM, CMMI e SPICE são as inspirações mais comuns para os modelos educacionais existentes. Também foi constatado que estudos literários, pilot testing, workshops e surveys foram os métodos mais comuns utilizados para desenvolver tais modelos. Finalmente, não foi possível encontrar nenhum estudo especificamente relacionado a modelos de maturidade para recursos educacionais abertos, destacando uma lacuna na área que pode ser apurada em trabalhos futuros

    Pembelajaran Online Selama Pandemi Covid-19 oleh Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia: Bentuk, Implementasi dan Harapan

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    Since the corona virus disease (Covid-19) was found in patients in Wuhan, China and this virus has shown rapid transmission and has become a worldwide epidemic. As a result, online learning is applied to all universities in Indonesia by using various applications. This work is aimed for analyzing the implementation of online learning during the Covid -19 pandemic and is directed for investigating the form, implementation and expectations of students in online learning. This research was involved 231 samples consisting of all chemistry education student at Universities in Riau. The data directly collected through e-questionnaire using google form. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and the interview data in the form of short questions were analyzed qualitatively. All the obtained data were carfully described in descriptive form. Basid oh the analysis, it was found that the type of online learning was dominated by using google classroom and zoom meeting, while the type of online learning was popularly used by student in the form of google classroom. Methods and obstacles in online learning were found using discussion approaches and internet networks, respectively. Meanwhile, the analysis of implementation and expectations in online learning were found the student responses with both in the agreed category with a value of more than 50%. Based on the data findings, the students of chemistry education have applied online learning, even though there are still many obstacles faced in online learnin


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    Abstract: Consumtion abroad is one of the real impacts of globalization, there is a movement of consumers going abroad and have non-resident status where services are consumed, including higher education. In Indonesia, economic growth is influenced by the level of education and technology, both of which converge in the classroom teaching and learning. Higher education has a strategic role to play in meeting education and technology in the teaching and learning classroom. The factors of knowledge and power, domestic politics, in education have a lot of influence on the development direction of this strategic field. Considered and careful strategic leadership, preserving distinctiveness, and promoting equality among cultures are the long-term commercial interests of higher education, as well as offering individual and social benefits. Key words: Consumption Abroad; technological developments; changes in strategic leadership Abstrak: Consumtion abroad merupakan salah satu dampak globalisasi yang nyata, terjadi arus perpindahan konsumen pergi ke luar negeri dan berstatus bukan penduduk dimana jasa dikonsumsi, termasuk pendidikan tinggi. Di Indonesia, pertumbuhan ekonomi dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan dan teknologi, keduanya bertemu di dalam kelas pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pendidikan tinggi memiliki peran strategis terhadap pertemuan pendidikan dan teknologi dalam kelas pengajaran dan pembelajaran tersebut. Faktor-faktor pengetahuan dan kuasa, politik domestik, dalam pendidikan banyak memberikan pengaruh terhadap arah pengembangan bidang strategis tersebut. Kepemimpinan strategis yang dipertimbangkan dan berhati-hati, menjaga kekhasan, dan mempromosikan kesetaraan di antara budaya adalah kepentingan komersial jangka panjang dari pendidikan tinggi, serta menawarkan manfaat individu dan sosial. Kata kunci: Consumption abroad; perkembangan teknologi; perubahan kepemimpinan strategis 

    How technology shapes assessment design: findings from a study of university teachers

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    A wide range of technologies has been developed to enhance assessment, but adoption has been inconsistent. This is despite assessment being critical to student learning and certification. To understand why this is the case and how it can be addressed, we need to explore the perspectives of academics responsible for designing and implementing technology-supported assessment strategies. This paper reports on the experience of designing technology-supported assessment based on interviews with 33 Australian university teachers. The findings reveal the desire to achieve greater efficiencies and to be contemporary and innovative as key drivers of technology adoption for assessment. Participants sought to shape student behaviors through their designs and made adaptations in response to positive feedback and undesirable outcomes. Many designs required modification because of a lack of appropriate support, leading to compromise and, in some cases, abandonment. These findings highlight the challenges to effective technology-supported assessment design and demonstrate the difficulties university teachers face when attempting to negotiate mixed messages within institutions and the demands of design work. We use these findings to suggest opportunities to improve support by offering pedagogical guidance and technical help at critical stages of the design process and encouraging an iterative approach to design

    Blended learning: Adoption pattern of online classrooms in higher education

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    This study aimed to describe the patterns of technology usage. Specifically, on the implementation of blended learning (BL) in higher education institutions. The case study explores usage patterns, influencing factors, and success factors. The data sources came from the Google Classroom log activity of 35 departments, consisting of five vocational programs, 28 undergraduate programs, and two professional programs in a university for three years with an average in a semester. A method called the customer window quadrant (CWQ) was utilized to analyze the pattern. In addition, a questionnaire was deployed to measure the teacher’s satisfaction with using the Google Classroom in a blended learning setting. The results show two dominant activities in Google Classroom, namely assigning tasks and quizzes. For the quiz, there were two popular question types, i.e., multiple-choice and short answers questions. The activity of using the Google Classroom has doubled in the three years. Assigning tasks to projects becomes the task in the Google Classroom. The usage patterns of Google Classroom are based on the level of importance. There are three activities considered the most important, namely creating class, topic, and material course. Moreover, the most influencing factors are stability, convenience, simplicity, velocity, and reliability

    How technology shapes assessment design: Findings from a study of university teachers

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    © 2016 British Educational Research Association A wide range of technologies has been developed to enhance assessment, but adoption has been inconsistent. This is despite assessment being critical to student learning and certification. To understand why this is the case and how it can be addressed, we need to explore the perspectives of academics responsible for designing and implementing technology-supported assessment strategies. This paper reports on the experience of designing technology-supported assessment based on interviews with 33 Australian university teachers. The findings reveal the desire to achieve greater efficiencies and to be contemporary and innovative as key drivers of technology adoption for assessment. Participants sought to shape student behaviors through their designs and made adaptations in response to positive feedback and undesirable outcomes. Many designs required modification because of a lack of appropriate support, leading to compromise and, in some cases, abandonment. These findings highlight the challenges to effective technology-supported assessment design and demonstrate the difficulties university teachers face when attempting to negotiate mixed messages within institutions and the demands of design work. We use these findings to suggest opportunities to improve support by offering pedagogical guidance and technical help at critical stages of the design process and encouraging an iterative approach to design

    UK Higher Education Institutions’ technology-enhanced learning strategies from the perspective of Disruptive Innovation

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    The publication of institutional strategies for learning, teaching and assessment in UK higher education is practically ubiquitous. Strategies for technology-enhanced learning are also widespread. This article examines 44 publically available UK university strategies for technology-enhanced learning, aiming to assess the extent to which institutional strategies engage with and accommodate innovation in technology-enhanced learning. The article uses qualitative content analysis as its method, and uses the categories of disruptive innovation, sustaining innovation and efficiency innovation to evaluate individual institutional strategies. The article argues that sustaining innovation and efficiency innovation are more commonplace in the strategies than disruptive innovation, a position which is misaligned with the technology practices of students and lecturers

    Novel application of a predictive skill retention model to technical VLE content production skills among Higher Education teachers: a case study

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    Periods of no practice in performing a technical procedure may impact on the retention of the procedural skills required to produce VLE content. This exploratory paper reports a case study into the application of a validated skills retention model, the User Decision Aid (UDA). Use of the UDA results in a series of indicative retention rates predicting how long the procedures required to carry out Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) content production tasks will be remembered. Considerable variability in retention rates for differing VLE content production tasks was indicated. The study reveals that improvement in predicted VLE content production skills retention rates may be observed when a quality job aid is available and the mental processing complexity resulting from conducting VLE tasks is reduced. Outputs from this research can inform the design of VLEs, lead to the development of targeted training for teaching staff, and the better design of effective resources in order to mitigate skills fade in VLE content production tasks
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