85 research outputs found

    Exploring Robot Teleoperation in Virtual Reality

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    This thesis presents research on VR-based robot teleoperation with a focus on remote environment visualisation in virtual reality, the effects of remote environment reconstruction scale in virtual reality on the human-operator's ability to control the robot and human-operator's visual attention patterns when teleoperating a robot from virtual reality. A VR-based robot teleoperation framework was developed, it is compatible with various robotic systems and cameras, allowing for teleoperation and supervised control with any ROS-compatible robot and visualisation of the environment through any ROS-compatible RGB and RGBD cameras. The framework includes mapping, segmentation, tactile exploration, and non-physically demanding VR interface navigation and controls through any Unity-compatible VR headset and controllers or haptic devices. Point clouds are a common way to visualise remote environments in 3D, but they often have distortions and occlusions, making it difficult to accurately represent objects' textures. This can lead to poor decision-making during teleoperation if objects are inaccurately represented in the VR reconstruction. A study using an end-effector-mounted RGBD camera with OctoMap mapping of the remote environment was conducted to explore the remote environment with fewer point cloud distortions and occlusions while using a relatively small bandwidth. Additionally, a tactile exploration study proposed a novel method for visually presenting information about objects' materials in the VR interface, to improve the operator's decision-making and address the challenges of point cloud visualisation. Two studies have been conducted to understand the effect of virtual world dynamic scaling on teleoperation flow. The first study investigated the use of rate mode control with constant and variable mapping of the operator's joystick position to the speed (rate) of the robot's end-effector, depending on the virtual world scale. The results showed that variable mapping allowed participants to teleoperate the robot more effectively but at the cost of increased perceived workload. The second study compared how operators used a virtual world scale in supervised control, comparing the virtual world scale of participants at the beginning and end of a 3-day experiment. The results showed that as operators got better at the task they as a group used a different virtual world scale, and participants' prior video gaming experience also affected the virtual world scale chosen by operators. Similarly, the human-operator's visual attention study has investigated how their visual attention changes as they become better at teleoperating a robot using the framework. The results revealed the most important objects in the VR reconstructed remote environment as indicated by operators' visual attention patterns as well as their visual priorities shifts as they got better at teleoperating the robot. The study also demonstrated that operators’ prior video gaming experience affects their ability to teleoperate the robot and their visual attention behaviours

    Exploring Natural User Abstractions For Shared Perceptual Manipulator Task Modeling & Recovery

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    State-of-the-art domestic robot assistants are essentially autonomous mobile manipulators capable of exerting human-scale precision grasps. To maximize utility and economy, non-technical end-users would need to be nearly as efficient as trained roboticists in control and collaboration of manipulation task behaviors. However, it remains a significant challenge given that many WIMP-style tools require superficial proficiency in robotics, 3D graphics, and computer science for rapid task modeling and recovery. But research on robot-centric collaboration has garnered momentum in recent years; robots are now planning in partially observable environments that maintain geometries and semantic maps, presenting opportunities for non-experts to cooperatively control task behavior with autonomous-planning agents exploiting the knowledge. However, as autonomous systems are not immune to errors under perceptual difficulty, a human-in-the-loop is needed to bias autonomous-planning towards recovery conditions that resume the task and avoid similar errors. In this work, we explore interactive techniques allowing non-technical users to model task behaviors and perceive cooperatively with a service robot under robot-centric collaboration. We evaluate stylus and touch modalities that users can intuitively and effectively convey natural abstractions of high-level tasks, semantic revisions, and geometries about the world. Experiments are conducted with \u27pick-and-place\u27 tasks in an ideal \u27Blocks World\u27 environment using a Kinova JACO six degree-of-freedom manipulator. Possibilities for the architecture and interface are demonstrated with the following features; (1) Semantic \u27Object\u27 and \u27Location\u27 grounding that describe function and ambiguous geometries (2) Task specification with an unordered list of goal predicates, and (3) Guiding task recovery with implied scene geometries and trajectory via symmetry cues and configuration space abstraction. Empirical results from four user studies show our interface was much preferred than the control condition, demonstrating high learnability and ease-of-use that enable our non-technical participants to model complex tasks, provide effective recovery assistance, and teleoperative control

    Asynchronous Visualization of Spatiotemporal Information for Multiple Moving Targets

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    In the modern information age, the quantity and complexity of spatiotemporal data is increasing both rapidly and continuously. Sensor systems with multiple feeds that gather multidimensional spatiotemporal data will result in information clusters and overload, as well as a high cognitive load for users of these systems. To meet future safety-critical situations and enhance time-critical decision-making missions in dynamic environments, and to support the easy and effective managing, browsing, and searching of spatiotemporal data in a dynamic environment, we propose an asynchronous, scalable, and comprehensive spatiotemporal data organization, display, and interaction method that allows operators to navigate through spatiotemporal information rather than through the environments being examined, and to maintain all necessary global and local situation awareness. To empirically prove the viability of our approach, we developed the Event-Lens system, which generates asynchronous prioritized images to provide the operator with a manageable, comprehensive view of the information that is collected by multiple sensors. The user study and interaction mode experiments were designed and conducted. The Event-Lens system was discovered to have a consistent advantage in multiple moving-target marking-task performance measures. It was also found that participants’ attentional control, spatial ability, and action video gaming experience affected their overall performance

    Evaluation of gaming environments for mixed reality interfaces and human supervisory control in telerobotics

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    Telerobotics refers to a branch of technology that deals with controlling a robot from a distance. It is commonly used to access difficult environments, reduce operating costs, and to improve comfort and safety. However, difficulties have emerged in telerobotics development. Effective telerobotics requires maximising operator performance and previous research has identified issues which reduce operator performance, such as operator attention being divided across the numerous custom built interfaces and continuous operator involvement in a high workload situation potentially causing exhaustion and subsequent operator error. This thesis evaluates mixed reality and human supervisory control concepts in a gaming engine environment for telerobotics. This concept is proposed in order to improve the effectiveness of current technology in telerobotic interfaces. Four experiments are reported in this thesis which covers virtual gaming environments, mixed reality interfaces, and human supervisory control and aims to advance telerobotics technology. This thesis argues that gaming environments are useful for building telerobotic interfaces and examines the properties required for telerobotics. A useful feature provided by gaming environments is that of overlying video on virtual objects to support mixed reality interfaces. Experiments in this thesis show that mixed reality interfaces provide useful information without distracting the operator from the task. This thesis introduces two response models based on the planning process of human supervisory control: Adaptation and Queue response models. The experimental results show superior user performance under these two response models compared to direct/manual control. In the final experiment a large number of novice users, with a diversity of backgrounds, used a robot arm to push blocks into a hole by using these two response models. Further analyses on evaluating the user performance on the interfaces with two response models were found to be well fitted by a Weibull distribution. Operators preferred the interface with the Queue response model over the interface with the Adaptation response model, and human supervisory control over direct/manual control. It is expected that the increased sophistication of control commands in a production system will usually be greater than those that were tested in this thesis, where limited time was available for automation development. Where that is the case the increases in human productivity using human supervisory control found in this experiment can be expected to be greater. The research conducted here has shown that mixed reality in gaming environments, when combined with human supervisory control, offers a good route for overcoming limitations in current telerobotics technology. Practical applications would benefit by the application of these methods, making it possible for the operator to have the necessary information available in a convenient and non-distracting form, considerably improving productivity

    Exploring Robot Teleoperation in Virtual Reality

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    This thesis presents research on VR-based robot teleoperation with a focus on remote environment visualisation in virtual reality, the effects of remote environment reconstruction scale in virtual reality on the human-operator's ability to control the robot and human-operator's visual attention patterns when teleoperating a robot from virtual reality. A VR-based robot teleoperation framework was developed, it is compatible with various robotic systems and cameras, allowing for teleoperation and supervised control with any ROS-compatible robot and visualisation of the environment through any ROS-compatible RGB and RGBD cameras. The framework includes mapping, segmentation, tactile exploration, and non-physically demanding VR interface navigation and controls through any Unity-compatible VR headset and controllers or haptic devices. Point clouds are a common way to visualise remote environments in 3D, but they often have distortions and occlusions, making it difficult to accurately represent objects' textures. This can lead to poor decision-making during teleoperation if objects are inaccurately represented in the VR reconstruction. A study using an end-effector-mounted RGBD camera with OctoMap mapping of the remote environment was conducted to explore the remote environment with fewer point cloud distortions and occlusions while using a relatively small bandwidth. Additionally, a tactile exploration study proposed a novel method for visually presenting information about objects' materials in the VR interface, to improve the operator's decision-making and address the challenges of point cloud visualisation. Two studies have been conducted to understand the effect of virtual world dynamic scaling on teleoperation flow. The first study investigated the use of rate mode control with constant and variable mapping of the operator's joystick position to the speed (rate) of the robot's end-effector, depending on the virtual world scale. The results showed that variable mapping allowed participants to teleoperate the robot more effectively but at the cost of increased perceived workload. The second study compared how operators used a virtual world scale in supervised control, comparing the virtual world scale of participants at the beginning and end of a 3-day experiment. The results showed that as operators got better at the task they as a group used a different virtual world scale, and participants' prior video gaming experience also affected the virtual world scale chosen by operators. Similarly, the human-operator's visual attention study has investigated how their visual attention changes as they become better at teleoperating a robot using the framework. The results revealed the most important objects in the VR reconstructed remote environment as indicated by operators' visual attention patterns as well as their visual priorities shifts as they got better at teleoperating the robot. The study also demonstrated that operators’ prior video gaming experience affects their ability to teleoperate the robot and their visual attention behaviours

    Probabilistic Human-Robot Information Fusion

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    This thesis is concerned with combining the perceptual abilities of mobile robots and human operators to execute tasks cooperatively. It is generally agreed that a synergy of human and robotic skills offers an opportunity to enhance the capabilities of today’s robotic systems, while also increasing their robustness and reliability. Systems which incorporate both human and robotic information sources have the potential to build complex world models, essential for both automated and human decision making. In this work, humans and robots are regarded as equal team members who interact and communicate on a peer-to-peer basis. Human-robot communication is addressed using probabilistic representations common in robotics. While communication can in general be bidirectional, this work focuses primarily on human-to-robot information flow. More specifically, the approach advocated in this thesis is to let robots fuse their sensor observations with observations obtained from human operators. While robotic perception is well-suited for lower level world descriptions such as geometric properties, humans are able to contribute perceptual information on higher abstraction levels. Human input is translated into the machine representation via Human Sensor Models. A common mathematical framework for humans and robots reinforces the notion of true peer-to-peer interaction. Human-robot information fusion is demonstrated in two application domains: (1) scalable information gathering, and (2) cooperative decision making. Scalable information gathering is experimentally demonstrated on a system comprised of a ground vehicle, an unmanned air vehicle, and two human operators in a natural environment. Information from humans and robots was fused in a fully decentralised manner to build a shared environment representation on multiple abstraction levels. Results are presented in the form of information exchange patterns, qualitatively demonstrating the benefits of human-robot information fusion. The second application domain adds decision making to the human-robot task. Rational decisions are made based on the robots’ current beliefs which are generated by fusing human and robotic observations. Since humans are considered a valuable resource in this context, operators are only queried for input when the expected benefit of an observation exceeds the cost of obtaining it. The system can be seen as adjusting its autonomy at run-time based on the uncertainty in the robots’ beliefs. A navigation task is used to demonstrate the adjustable autonomy system experimentally. Results from two experiments are reported: a quantitative evaluation of human-robot team effectiveness, and a user study to compare the system to classical teleoperation. Results show the superiority of the system with respect to performance, operator workload, and usability

    Monitoring companion for industrial robotic processes

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    For system integrators, optimizing complex industrial robotic applications (e.g. robotised welding) is a difficult and time-consuming task. This procedure is rendered tedious and often very hard to achieve when the operator cannot access the robotic system once in operation, perhaps because the installation is far away or because of the operational environment. In these circumstances, as an alternative to physically visiting the installation site, the system integrator may rely on additional nearby sensors to remotely acquire the necessary process information. While it is hard to completely replace this trial and error approach, it is possible to provide a way to gather process information more effectively that can be used in several robotic installations.This thesis investigates the use of a "monitoring robot" in addition to the task robot(s) that belong to the industrial process to be optimized. The monitoring robot can be equipped with several different sensors and can be moved into close proximity of any installed task robot so that it can be used to collect information from that process during and/or after the operation without interfering. The thesis reviews related work in the industry and in the field of teleoperation to identify the most important challenges in remote monitoring and teleoperation. From the background investigation it is clear that two very important issues are: i) the nature of the teleoperator’s interface and; ii) the efficiency of the shared control between the human operator and the monitoring system. In order to investigate these two issues efficiently it was necessary to create experimental scenarios that operate independently from any application scenario, so an abstract problem domain is created. This way the monitoring system's control and interface can be evaluated in a context that presents challenges that are typical of a remote monitoring task but are not application domain specific. Therefore the validity of the proposed approach can be assessed from a generic and, therefore, more powerful and widely applicable perspective. The monitoring framework developed in this thesis is described, both in the shared control design choices based on virtual fixtures (VF) and the implementation in a 3D visualization environment. The monitoring system developed is evaluated with a usability study with user participants. The usability study aims at assessing the system's performance along with its acceptance and ease of use in a static monitoring task, accompanied by user\hyp{}filled TLX questionnaires. Since future work will apply this system in real robotic welding scenarios, this thesis finally reports some preliminary work in such an application

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 3

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research
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