23 research outputs found

    Mobile Communication Networks and Digital Television Broadcasting Systems in the Same Frequency Bands – Advanced Co-Existence Scenarios

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    The increasing demand for wireless multimedia services provided by modern communication systems with stable services is a key feature of advanced markets. On the other hand, these systems can many times operate in a neighboring or in the same frequency bands. Therefore, numerous unwanted co-existence scenarios can occur. The aim of this paper is to summarize our results which were achieved during exploration and measurement of the co-existences between still used and upcoming mobile networks (from GSM to LTE) and digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DVB) systems. For all of these measurements and their evaluation universal measurement testbed has been proposed and used. Results presented in this paper are a significant part of our activities in work package WP5 in the ENIAC JU project “Agile RF Transceivers and Front-Ends for Future Smart Multi-Standard Communications Applications (ARTEMOS)”

    Utjecaj LTE sustava zasnovanog na kognitivnoj radio tehnologiji na DVB-T2 sustav zasnovan na metodi diverzifikacije

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    In recent years, the development of advanced wireless communication systems has been rapidly progressing. In Europe, the 2nd Generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) are the most promising techniques to provide multimedia services efficiently (in flexible quality and with high spectrum efficiency). The purpose of this work is to explore possible influences of the LTE {uplink services}, using cognitive radio (CR) technology, on the area which is covered by DVB-T2 services. In the case of DVB-T2, both single-input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input single-output (MISO) transmission techniques are considered. The defined coexistence scenarios are measured with an appropriate measurement testbed. The performance of the received TV signal is evaluated on its physical layer (PHY) level. The obtained results allow better understand the influence of LTE system on DVB-T2 which is using diversity technique in the same RF channel (co-channel coexistence). One of the main results is that there are the same requirements on the Forward Error Correction (FEC) decoding process in the DVB-T2 receiver, when power imbalances between TV transmitters (an both SISO and MISO modes) are considered at the interfering LTE signal. This finding was also proved by analysis of variance (ANOVA).U posljednje vrijeme se znatno ubrzao razvoj naprednih bežičnih komunikacijskih sustava. U Europi metode prijenosa signala zasnovane na DVB-T2 (eng. 2nd Generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting) i LTE (eng. Long-Term Evolution) metodama najviše obećavaju u području učinkovitog pružanja multimedijalnih usluga (s prilagodivom kvalitetom i s visokom učinkovitosti spektra). U ovom radu je razmotrena mogućnost korištenja LTE signala uzlazne veze, uz korištenje kognitivne radio tehnologije, u području pokrivenom DVB-T2 signalom. Razmotrene su metode prijenosa DVB-T2 signala s jednim ulazom i jednim izlazom (eng. Single-Input Single-Output, SISO) te više ulaza i jednim izlazom (eng. Multiple-Input Single-Output, MISO). Definirani su scenariji koegzistencije i isti su izmjereni korištenjem prikladnog mjernog ispitnog stola. Kvaliteta primljenog TV signala je evaluirana na fizičkom sloju. Prikupljeni rezultati omogućuju bolje razumijevanje utjecaja LTE sustava na DVB-T2 koji koristi metodu diverzifikacije u istom radio-frekvencijskom kanalu (koegzistencija susjednog kanala). Jedan od glavnih rezultata je postojanje istih zahtjeva na proces dekodiranja s ispravljanjem pogrešaka u prijemniku (eng. Forward Error Correction) DVB-T2 prijemnika kada se neravnoteža snaga između TV predajnika (MISO i SISO režimi rada) uzima u obzir na interferirajućem LTE signalu. Navedeni rezultat potvrđen je analizom varijance

    Interference Analysis Between Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and 4G LTE Mobile Networks in the Digital Dividend Bands

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    With the introduction of digital terrestrial television (DTT) and the analogue television switch-off, terrestrial broadcast spectrum in the UHF band is being released for mobile communications, in particular for fourth generation (4G) long term evolution (LTE) mobile services. This spectrum is known as digital dividend. An impending problem when deploying 4G LTE mobile networks in the digital dividend bands is that interferences may appear in the adjacent radio frequency channels used for DTT. In this paper, we analyze the adjacent coexistence of DTT and 4G LTE networks in the digital dividend bands at 700 MHz and 800 MHz. A generic framework is adopted such that results can be easily extrapolated to different scenarios and bands. Results are presented as a function of the guard band between technologies, for both LTE uplink and downlink adjacent to the DTT signals, and for fixed outdoor and portable indoor DTT reception. Also, the effect of using anti-LTE filters is studied.This work was supported by the Spectrum Regulator of Colombia ANE (Agencia Nacional del Espectro).Ribadeneira Ramírez, JA.; Martínez, G.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Cardona, N. (2016). Interference Analysis Between Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and 4G LTE Mobile Networks in the Digital Dividend Bands. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(1):24-34. doi:10.1109/TBC.2015.2492465S243462

    Coexistence Between DVB-T And LTE Services In a Shared Frequency Band And Their Measurement

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    This work deals with exploring, measuring and evaluation of possible coexistence scenarios between Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) mobile services, which can occur in a shared radio frequency (RF) bands. There are considered two different coexistence scenarios: partial overlapping and full overlapping RF spectrum. For the measuring, monitoring and evaluation of these scenarios, an appropriate laboratory workplace is proposed and realized. Experimental results show that the performance of DVB-T system is differently influenced by the interfering LTE services in considered coexistence scenario

    Coexistence of DTT and Mobile Broadband: A Survey and Guidelines for Field Measurements

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    This article provides a survey and a general methodology for coexistence studies between digital terrestrial television (DTT) and mobile broadband (MBB) systems in the ultra high frequency (UHF) broadcasting band. The methodology includes characterization of relevant field measurement scenarios and gives a step-by-step guideline on how to obtain reliable field measurement results to be used in conjunction with link budget analyses, laboratory measurements, and simulations. A survey of potential European coexistence scenarios and regulatory status is given to determine feasible future use scenarios for the UHF television (TV) broadcasting band. The DTT reception system behavior and performance are also described as they greatly affect the amount of spectrum potentially available for MBB use and determine the relevant coexistence field measurement scenarios. Simulation methods used in determining broadcast protection criteria and in coexistence studies are briefly described to demonstrate how the information obtained from field measurements can be used to improve their accuracy. The presented field measurement guidelines can be applied to any DTT-MBB coexistence scenarios and to a wide range of spectrum sharing and cognitive radio system coexistence measurements.</p

    Coexistence of DTT and Mobile Broadband: A Survey and Guidelines for Field Measurements

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    This article provides a survey and a general methodology for coexistence studies between digital terrestrial television (DTT) and mobile broadband (MBB) systems in the ultra high frequency (UHF) broadcasting band. The methodology includes characterization of relevant field measurement scenarios and gives a step-by-step guideline on how to obtain reliable field measurement results to be used in conjunction with link budget analyses, laboratory measurements, and simulations. A survey of potential European coexistence scenarios and regulatory status is given to determine feasible future use scenarios for the UHF television (TV) broadcasting band. The DTT reception system behavior and performance are also described as they greatly affect the amount of spectrum potentially available for MBB use and determine the relevant coexistence field measurement scenarios. Simulation methods used in determining broadcast protection criteria and in coexistence studies are briefly described to demonstrate how the information obtained from field measurements can be used to improve their accuracy. The presented field measurement guidelines can be applied to any DTT-MBB coexistence scenarios and to a wide range of spectrum sharing and cognitive radio system coexistence measurements

    Co-existence of the still used and upcoming digital terrestrial television and mobile communication services

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá skúmaním, meraním a vyhodnotením možných koexistenčných scenárov, ktoré sa môžu vyskytnúť medzi terestriálnou digitálnou televíziou (DVB-T/T2) a mobilnými bezdrôtovými službami, poskytovaný štandardom LTE. Štandardy DVB-T/T2 a LTE sú stručne popísané a sú definované rádiofrekvenčné pásma, kde sa ich služby vysielajú. Na základe jednotlivých frekvenčných pásiem sú definované možné koexistenčné scenáre. Pre meranie, monitorovanie a vyhodnotenie definovaných koexistenčných scenárov je navrhnuté a realizované vhodné laboratórne pracovisko. Výsledky z merania ukazujú rôzne ovplyvňovanie kvality a chybovosti DVB-T/T2 signálu v závislosti uvažovaného koexistenčného scenára.This work deals with exploring, measuring and evaluation of possible coexistence scenarios between terrestrial digital TV (DVB-T/HT2) and mobile wireless services (GSM, LTE), which can occur in a shared RF frequency bands The DVB-T, DVB-T2 and LTE standards are briefly described. RF band, where these systems are operated, are outlined too. . There are defined different coexistence scenarios. For the measuring, monitoring and evaluation of these scenarios, an appropriate laboratory workplace is proposed and realized. Results from the measurements show various influence of interfering mobile services on the interacted DVB-T/H system, depending on the considered coexistence scenario.

    WiFi and LTE Coexistence in the Unlicensed Spectrum

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    Today, smart-phones have revolutionized wireless communication industry towards an era of mobile data. To cater for the ever increasing data traffic demand, it is of utmost importance to have more spectrum resources whereby sharing under-utilized spectrum bands is an effective solution. In particular, the 4G broadband Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology and its foreseen 5G successor will benefit immensely if their operation can be extended to the under-utilized unlicensed spectrum. In this thesis, first we analyze WiFi 802.11n and LTE coexistence performance in the unlicensed spectrum considering multi-layer cell layouts through system level simulations. We consider a time division duplexing (TDD)-LTE system with an FTP traffic model for performance evaluation. Simulation results show that WiFi performance is more vulnerable to LTE interference, while LTE performance is degraded only slightly. Based on the initial findings, we propose a Q-Learning based dynamic duty cycle selection technique for configuring LTE transmission gaps, so that a satisfactory throughput is maintained both for LTE and WiFi systems. Simulation results show that the proposed approach can enhance the overall capacity performance by 19% and WiFi capacity performance by 77%, hence enabling effective coexistence of LTE and WiFi systems in the unlicensed band