9 research outputs found

    Are we ready for mobile payment? / Seuk Wai Phoong ā€¦ [et al.]

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    This study aims to identify the factors influencing the readiness and acceptance of mobile payment applications. The study is performed using the survey method. Quantitative data analysis are used to measure the relationship between the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security on the readiness of Malaysian in using mobile payment applications. The results shown that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security have a positive and significance relationship with the usage of mobile payment applications. Moreover, perceived ease of use is reported as the strongest factor towards usage of mobile payment applications, following by perceived security and perceived usefulness. This study is able to provide information on the current stage of use on mobile payment in Malaysia and it is also beneficial to the mobile payment facilities provider into find out strategies that could improve the acceptance and use of mobile payment application

    Factors Influencing User Preferences and Perceived Benefits of Using Digital Payments in West Sumatra

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    ABSTRACT This research is descriptive exploratory research that aims to explore the factors that influence the preferences and benefits perceived by users in using digital payments in West Sumatra. Based on the literature review, there are 15 identified factors affecting user preferences in using digital payments. In addition, there are 12 benefits that will be explored based on the results of previous collaborative theories and understanding and observing user experience. Data collection of this study was carried out for 2 weeks using snowball sampling as a sampling method. With this method, there are 242 respondents who can be processed in this study. The results are processed and presented descriptively following previous studies by Kaynak, Tatoglu, & Kula, (2005); Rahayu & Day (2017); Zhao & Kurnia (2014). The results showed that the factors that influence user preferences in using digital payments are transaction efficiency, convenience, compatibility, perceived benefits, ease of use, attractive discounts, social influences, and trust. Of all these factors, transaction efficiency was found to have the strongest influence. In addition, the benefits felt by users are also traced and found that the highest benefit value received by users is to reduce refunds in non-monetary forms, such as candy. Another benefit felt by most users is "reducing waiting time in transactions", "no need to take cash before making transactions", "the right amount of transactions", and "faster transaction processing". Keywords: exploration, factors influencing, perceived benefits, digital payment

    The Factors of Consumer Intension of Using Mobile Payment in Vietnam

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    Purpose: Within the context of emerging mobile technologies, Mobile payment or M-payment has been introduced as the new trend for payment methods bringing more value and convenience to consumers. However, the development of M-payment services is still quite timid in some Southeast Asia countries including Vietnam. This is also the reason and motivation for the author to do this research. Ā  Theoretical framework: The goal of this study is to spot some factors that affect the use behavior (UB) of M-payment consumers in five major metropolises that were most influential on the economy in Vietnam. Ā  Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative questionnaire was used to measure the responses of participants and Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was employed to analyze the collection data as well as test all hypotheses. Ā  Findings: The results indicated that SI has been the important factor leading to the BI to use M-payment followed by SV and SC issues and BI also had a strong influence on the UB of consumers. Since M-payment is still in the infancy stage and is one of the most exciting mobile applications for the next few years in Vietnam, the identification of important factors concerning M-payments. Ā  Research, Practical & Social Implications: To investigate the factors affecting UB of Vietnamese M-payment consumers, the researcher proposed a research model which analyzes the impact of various variables extracted from system quality (ST), service quality (SV), security (SC), social influence (SI) on behavioral intention (BI) to use and BI on M-payment UB. Ā  Originality/value: This study will assist merchants and software developers to design and improve the systems and services to ensure the full acceptance and continuous use of the systems. Finally, a set of suggestions for the subsequent research works also was listed at the end of this study

    The Use Of M-Payment Services In South Africa: A Value Based Perceptions Approach

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    Business is transforming at an exponential rate and mobile technology is considered to be a key driver in this economic revolution. Despite the efforts of many businesses in making extensive investments in resources to enhance service experience, long-term post-adoption of mobile payment services by consumers still remains an elusive dream. In particular, researches that align South African customersā€™ value perceptions of M-payment usage are scarce. It appears then, that if service providers cannot retain users and facilitate continuance usage along M-payment platforms; they might fail to recover the initial development costs and eradicate the valuable gains derived from turning the M-payment story into a winning success. Therefore, since M-payment post-adoption has not been as rapid or widespread as expected, this study aimed to examine consumersā€™ perceptions of M-payment value and the corresponding influence on e-service trust, user satisfaction and continuance intention to use M-Payment platforms. The study followed a quantitative survey approach in which data were collected from a sample of 269 M-payment users in South Africa. Structural Equation Modelling software Smart PLS was applied to ascertain the model fit. The results of this study found strong support for positive and significant relationships between value, trust, satisfaction and continuance intentions. Service providers are challenged to utilise value and trust-formation elements as the central differentiation factors which unsurprisingly impact on satisfaction evaluations and ultimately, the usersā€™ willingness to continue enjoying the M-payment service experience into the future. Thus, the confluence between financial institutions, mobile network operators as well as businesses is compelled to give prominence toward creating holistic value-based user experiences along the mobile platform.

    Consumerā€™s perception towards mobile wallet adoption in Malaysia

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    This paper attempts to delve upon mobile wallet adoption under consumersā€™ perception in Malaysia context. Technology Acceptance Model has been recruited as base in exploring the relationship of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm towards the behavioural intention in adopting mobile wallets. A quantitative approach has been used to gather the data via questionnaire. With snowball sampling technique, the data were being accumulated from 168 respondents with varying background and analysed by SPSS. The result proclaimed perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm to have significant positive effect on intention. The output of present study has contributed to fill the potential knowledge gap vastly remain undiscovered, refreshed the existing intention on adoption literature which benefits to mobile payment industry and lift up the awareness of various consumers on mobile wallet existence in such developing nation

    An extended information system success model for mobile learning usage in Saudi Arabia universities

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    The emergence of 4G networks allows m-learning to be attractive for educational systems. Mobile devices have the potential to enhance accessibility and efficiency distribution of educational materials and information. Developing countries, especially in the Middle East, lag behind as they face difficulties in the adoption and use of m-learning. Previous researches stated that the studies in the success of m-learning are still insufficient in developing countries, particularly in Saudi Arabia where the number of students involved in m-learning also constitutes low percentages. Nine factors that influence the success of m-learning are incorporated and evaluated into a research model. A quantitative approach was used, where questionnaires were sent to three universities in KSA. The contributing factors and the relationships between them were evaluated using a Structural Equation Modelling technique. The research revealed that information quality, user satisfaction (US), trust in technology, attitude, organisation support, trust in organisation, and the net benefits of m-learning positively influence m-learning usage. In addition, the results confirmed that user satisfaction is positively affected by system quality (SEQ), service quality (SQ), and net benefits (NB) of using (U) the system. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between NB and US for m-learning technology. This study extends the previous research by providing a conceptual model for the successful execution of m-learning services in universities. This mediating effect of US explains the impact of independent variables (IQ, SEQ, SQ) on U. It also examined the mediating effect of U in explaining the influence of US on the NB using m-learning services. The findings of this study are valuable as input for the Ministry of Higher Education and practitioners concerned with successful m-learning services. This study constructed a new model to enhance the mobile learning usage among students in universities

    Security Risk Tolerance in Mobile Payment: A Trade-off Framework

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    Security is identified as a major barrier for consumers in adopting mobile payment. Although existing literature has incorporated security into the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Acceptance, and the Use of Technology (UTAUT) and it has investigated the way in which security affects consumersā€™ acceptance of mobile payment, security is a factor only in diverse research models. Studies of mobile payment that focus on security are not available. Additionally, previous studies of mobile payment are based on Direct Carrier Billing- (DCB)-based mobile payment or Near Field Communication- (NFC)-based mobile payment. The results regarding security might not be applicable to Quick Response (QR) code-based mobile payment, the format that has become prevalent in recent years. As such, this study focuses on security of using mobile payment and develops a benefit-cost appraisal and a trade-off framework by integrating the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), and the Rational Choice Theory (RCT). Particularly, this study introduces security risk tolerance into mobile payment study and sets it as the dependent variable. This study proposes that consumersā€™ security risk tolerance is shaped by their benefit-cost appraisal and their tradeoff process, regarding the use of mobile payment. Based on an online survey that collected data from 324 respondents in China, this study empirically tests and validates the research model. The ļ¬ndings suggest that consumersā€™ perceived benefit in using mobile payment is positively related to their security risk tolerance, whereas their perceived cost of using mobile payment is negatively related to their security risk tolerance. Convenience, safety, and savings positively affect consumersā€™ perceived benefit. The security threat positively affects consumersā€™ perceived cost. Payment tradition moderates consumersā€™ benefit-cost appraisal and trade-off process, but normative beliefs do not have a significant moderating effect. Self-efficacy only moderates the relationship between consumersā€™ perceived cost and their security risk tolerance. This study finds that males and females complete their benefit-cost appraisal and their trade-off process regarding security of using mobile payment very similarly. Gender differences only exist in the relationship between savings and consumersā€™ perceived benefit of using mobile payment

    Determinants of continuous mobile banking usage in Malaysian police force

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    Mobile banking has the potential to improve both people's lives and bank efficiency. The long-term success of mobile banking is dependent on its consistent use. This study aims to investigate determinants of continuous mobile banking usage in the Malaysian police force. Police officers are one of the essential services among government servants in Malaysia. Work patterns and internal work time challenges among police officers. Mobile banking services allow police officers to conduct banking transactions without going to the bank. The main elements influencing police officers' continuous usage intention of mobile banking services are technology acceptance, quality dimension, and protection motivation. Underpinned by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Delone Mclean IS model and Protection Motivation Theory. The partial least squares technique was used to analyse empirical data from 562 Malaysian police officers who had prior experience with mobile banking. Results show a positive relationship between technology acceptance, perceived service quality, perceived system quality positively affect continuous usage intention. Hence, perceived information quality and protection motivation do not have significant effects on continuous usage Intention. Technology acceptance and protection motivation positively have significant effects on continuous usage behaviour. Moreover, continuous usage intention positively significant effects mediate the relationship between technology acceptance and continuous usage behaviour. Instead, continuous usage intention positively not significant effects mediates the relationship between protection motivation and continuous usage behaviour. In addition, mobile banking usage intention positively affects continuous usage behaviour. As a result, banks should prioritise these factors in their decision-making to increase the perceived benefits of mobile banking


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    With the development of the integration between mobile communication and Internet technology, China is expected to have a large number of M-payment users due to its population size with a large number of mobile users. However, the number of M-payment users in China is still low and currently there are limited in-depth studies exploring the adoption of M-payment in China. This study aims to explore reasons for individuals to use M-payment in China through a qualitative study. The research results indicated that M-payment adoption was influenced by various reasons related to system quality, service quality, usefulness, social influence, trust, among others. The study findings indicate that the influence of system quality and service quality on individualā€™s decision to use in China appear to be the most important. A particular individual lifestyle, need and promotion offered by service providers have also been identified as important reasons for using M-payment in China. The outcomes of this study enhance the current knowledge about the M-payment adoption particularly in China. They can also be used by service providers to devise appropriate strategies to encourage wider adoption of M-payment