62 research outputs found

    A Survey of Processing Systems for Phylogenetics and Population Genetics

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    The COVID-19 pandemic brought Bioinformatics into the spotlight, revealing that several existing methods, algorithms, and tools were not well prepared to handle large amounts of genomic data efficiently. This led to prohibitively long execution times and the need to reduce the extent of analyses to obtain results in a reasonable amount of time. In this survey, we review available high-performance computing and hardware-accelerated systems based on FPGA and GPU technology. Optimized and hardware-accelerated systems can conduct more thorough analyses considerably faster than pure software implementations, allowing to reach important conclusions in a timely manner to drive scientific discoveries. We discuss the reasons that are currently hindering high-performance solutions from being widely deployed in real-world biological analyses and describe a research direction that can pave the way to enable this

    Accelerating Phylogenetics Using FPGAs in the Cloud

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    Phylogenetics study the evolutionary history of organisms using an iterative process of creating and evaluating phylogenetic trees. This process is very computationally intensive; constructing a large phylogenetic tree requires hundreds to thousands of CPU hours. In this article, we describe an FPGA-based system that can be deployed on AWS EC2 F1 cloud instances to accelerate phylogenetic analyses by boosting performance of the phylogenetic likelihood function, i.e., a widely employed tree-evaluation function that accounts for up to 95% of the overall analysis time. We exploit domain-specific knowledge to reduce the amount of transferred data that limits overall system performance. Our proof-of-concept implementation reveals that the effective accelerator throughput nearly quadruples with optimized data movement, reaching up to 75% of its theoretical peak and nearly 10× faster processing than a CPU using AVX2 extensions

    FPGA acceleration of the phylogenetic likelihood function for Bayesian MCMC inference methods

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    Background Likelihood (ML)-based phylogenetic inference has become a popular method for estimating the evolutionary relationships among species based on genomic sequence data. This method is used in applications such as RAxML, GARLI, MrBayes, PAML, and PAUP. The Phylogenetic Likelihood Function (PLF) is an important kernel computation for this method. The PLF consists of a loop with no conditional behavior or dependencies between iterations. As such it contains a high potential for exploiting parallelism using micro-architectural techniques. In this paper, we describe a technique for mapping the PLF and supporting logic onto a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based co-processor. By leveraging the FPGA\u27s on-chip DSP modules and the high-bandwidth local memory attached to the FPGA, the resultant co-processor can accelerate ML-based methods and outperform state-of-the-art multi-core processors. Results We use the MrBayes 3 tool as a framework for designing our co-processor. For large datasets, we estimate that our accelerated MrBayes, if run on a current-generation FPGA, achieves a 10× speedup relative to software running on a state-of-the-art server-class microprocessor. The FPGA-based implementation achieves its performance by deeply pipelining the likelihood computations, performing multiple floating-point operations in parallel, and through a natural log approximation that is chosen specifically to leverage a deeply pipelined custom architecture. Conclusions Heterogeneous computing, which combines general-purpose processors with special-purpose co-processors such as FPGAs and GPUs, is a promising approach for high-performance phylogeny inference as shown by the growing body of literature in this field. FPGAs in particular are well-suited for this task because of their low power consumption as compared to many-core processors and Graphics Processor Units (GPUs)

    Algorithms and architectures for MCMC acceleration in FPGAs

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    Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a family of stochastic algorithms which are used to draw random samples from arbitrary probability distributions. This task is necessary to solve a variety of problems in Bayesian modelling, e.g. prediction and model comparison, making MCMC a fundamental tool in modern statistics. Nevertheless, due to the increasing complexity of Bayesian models, the explosion in the amount of data they need to handle and the computational intensity of many MCMC algorithms, performing MCMC-based inference is often impractical in real applications. This thesis tackles this computational problem by proposing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures for accelerating MCMC and by designing novel MCMC algorithms and optimization methodologies which are tailored for FPGA implementation. The contributions of this work include: 1) An FPGA architecture for the Population-based MCMC algorithm, along with two modified versions of the algorithm which use custom arithmetic precision in large parts of the implementation without introducing error in the output. Mapping the two modified versions to an FPGA allows for more parallel modules to be instantiated in the same chip area. 2) An FPGA architecture for the Particle MCMC algorithm, along with a novel algorithm which combines Particle MCMC and Population-based MCMC to tackle multi-modal distributions. A proposed FPGA architecture for the new algorithm achieves higher datapath utilization than the Particle MCMC architecture. 3) A generic method to optimize the arithmetic precision of any MCMC algorithm that is implemented on FPGAs. The method selects the minimum precision among a given set of precisions, while guaranteeing a user-defined bound on the output error. By applying the above techniques to large-scale Bayesian problems, it is shown that significant speedups (one or two orders of magnitude) are possible compared to state-of-the-art MCMC algorithms implemented on CPUs and GPUs, opening the way for handling complex statistical analyses in the era of ubiquitous, ever-increasing data.Open Acces
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