406 research outputs found

    Binary domain generalization for sparsifying binary neural networks

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    Binary neural networks (BNNs) are an attractive solution for developing and deploying deep neural network (DNN)-based applications in resource constrained devices. Despite their success, BNNs still suffer from a fixed and limited compression factor that may be explained by the fact that existing pruning methods for full-precision DNNs cannot be directly applied to BNNs. In fact, weight pruning of BNNs leads to performance degradation, which suggests that the standard binarization domain of BNNs is not well adapted for the task. This work proposes a novel more general binary domain that extends the standard binary one that is more robust to pruning techniques, thus guaranteeing improved compression and avoiding severe performance losses. We demonstrate a closed-form solution for quantizing the weights of a full-precision network into the proposed binary domain. Finally, we show the flexibility of our method, which can be combined with other pruning strategies. Experiments over CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 demonstrate that the novel approach is able to generate efficient sparse networks with reduced memory usage and run-time latency, while maintaining performance.Comment: Accepted as conference paper at ECML PKDD 202

    Sparsity in deep learning: Pruning and growth for efficient inference and training in neural networks

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    The growing energy and performance costs of deep learning have driven the community to reduce the size of neural networks by selectively pruning components. Similarly to their biological counterparts, sparse networks generalize just as well, sometimes even better than, the original dense networks. Sparsity promises to reduce the memory footprint of regular networks to fit mobile devices, as well as shorten training time for ever growing networks. In this paper, we survey prior work on sparsity in deep learning and provide an extensive tutorial of sparsification for both inference and training. We describe approaches to remove and add elements of neural networks, different training strategies to achieve model sparsity, and mechanisms to exploit sparsity in practice. Our work distills ideas from more than 300 research papers and provides guidance to practitioners who wish to utilize sparsity today, as well as to researchers whose goal is to push the frontier forward. We include the necessary background on mathematical methods in sparsification, describe phenomena such as early structure adaptation, the intricate relations between sparsity and the training process, and show techniques for achieving acceleration on real hardware. We also define a metric of pruned parameter efficiency that could serve as a baseline for comparison of different sparse networks. We close by speculating on how sparsity can improve future workloads and outline major open problems in the field

    Recommender Systems Based on Deep Learning Techniques

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020O atual aumento do número de opções disponíveis aquando a tomada de uma decisão, faz com que vários indivíduos se sintam sobrecarregados, o que origina experiências de utilização frustrantes e demoradas. Sistemas de Recomendação são ferramentas fundamentais para a mitigação deste acontecimento, ao remover certas alternativas que provavelmente serão irrelevantes para cada indivíduo. Desenvolver estes sistemas apresenta vários desafios, tornando-se assim uma tarefa de difícil realização. Para tal, vários sistemas (frameworks) para facilitar estes desenvolvimentos foram propostos, ajudando assim a reduzir os custos de desenvolvimento, através da oferta de ferramentas reutilizáveis, tal como implementações de estratégias comuns e modelos populares. Contudo, ainda é difícil encontrar um sistema (framework) que também ofereça uma abstração completa na conversão de conjuntos de dados, suporte para abordagens baseadas em aprendizagem profunda, modelos extensíveis, e avaliações reproduzíveis. Este trabalho introduz o DRecPy, um novo sistema (framework) que oferece vários módulos para evitar trabalho de desenvolvimento repetitivo, mas também para auxiliar os praticantes nos desafios mencionados anteriormente. O DRecPy contém módulos para lidar com: tarefas de carregar e converter conjuntos de dados; divisão de conjuntos de dados para treino, validação e teste de modelos; amostragem de pontos de dados através de estratégias distintas; criação de sistemas de recomendação complexos e extensíveis, ao seguir uma estrutura de modelo definida mas flexível; juntamente com vários processos de avaliação que originam resultados determinísticos por padrão. Para avaliar este novo sistema (framework), a sua consistência é analisada através da comparação dos resultados produzidos, com os resultados publicados na literatura. Para mostrar que o DRecPy pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para a comunidade de sistemas de recomendação, várias características são também avaliadas e comparadas com ferramentas existentes, tais como extensibilidade, reutilização e reprodutibilidade.The current increase in available options makes individuals feel overwhelmed whenever facing a decision, resulting in a frustrating and time-consuming user experience. Recommender systems are a fundamental tool to solve this issue, filtering out the options that are most likely to be irrelevant for each person. Developing these systems presents us with a vast number of challenges, making it a difficult task to accomplish. To this end, various frameworks to aid their development have been proposed, helping reducing development costs by offering reusable tools, as well as implementations of common strategies and popular models. However, it is still hard to find a framework that also provides full abstraction over data set conversion, support for deep learning-based approaches, extensible models, and reproducible evaluations. This work introduces DRecPy, a novel framework that not only provides several modules to avoid repetitive development work, but also to assist practitioners with the above challenges. DRecPy contains modules to deal with: data set import and conversion tasks; splitting data sets for model training, validation, and testing; sampling data points using distinct strategies; creating extensible and complex recommenders, by following a defined but flexible model structure; together with many evaluation procedures that provide deterministic results by default. To evaluate this new framework, its consistency is analyzed by comparing the results generated by DRecPy against the results published by others using the same algorithms. Also, to show that DRecPy can be a valuable tool for the recommender systems’ community, several framework characteristics are evaluated and compared against existing tools, such as extensibility, reusability, and reproducibility

    Modularity in artificial neural networks

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    Artificial neural networks are deep machine learning models that excel at complex artificial intelligence tasks by abstracting concepts through multiple layers of feature extraction. Modular neural networks are artificial neural networks that are composed of multiple subnetworks called modules. The study of modularity has a long history in the field of artificial neural networks and many of the actively studied models in the domain of artificial neural networks have modular aspects. In this work, we aim to formalize the study of modularity in artificial neural networks and outline how modularity can be used to enhance some neural network performance measures. We do an extensive review of the current practices of modularity in the literature. Based on that, we build a framework that captures the essential properties characterizing the modularization process. Using this modularization framework as an anchor, we investigate the use of modularity to solve three different problems in artificial neural networks: balancing latency and accuracy, reducing model complexity and increasing robustness to noise and adversarial attacks. Artificial neural networks are high-capacity models with high data and computational demands. This represents a serious problem for using these models in environments with limited computational resources. Using a differential architectural search technique, we guide the modularization of a fully-connected network into a modular multi-path network. By evaluating sampled architectures, we can establish a relation between latency and accuracy that can be used to meet a required soft balance between these conflicting measures. A related problem is reducing the complexity of neural network models while minimizing accuracy loss. CapsNet is a neural network architecture that builds on the ideas of convolutional neural networks. However, the original architecture is shallow and has wide layers that contribute significantly to its complexity. By replacing the early wide layers by parallel deep independent paths, we can significantly reduce the complexity of the model. Combining this modular architecture with max-pooling, DropCircuit regularization and a modified variant of the routing algorithm, we can achieve lower model latency with the same or better accuracy compared to the baseline. The last problem we address is the sensitivity of neural network models to random noise and to adversarial attacks, a highly disruptive form of engineered noise. Convolutional layers are the basis of state-of-the-art computer vision models and, much like other neural network layers, they suffer from sensitivity to noise and adversarial attacks. We introduce the weight map layer, a modular layer based on the convolutional layer, that can increase model robustness to noise and adversarial attacks. We conclude our work by a general discussion about the investigated relation between modularity and the addressed problems and potential future research directions

    Bayesian Learning in the Counterfactual World

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    Recent years have witnessed a surging interest towards the use of machine learning tools for causal inference. In contrast to the usual large data settings where the primary goal is prediction, many disciplines, such as health, economic and social sciences, are instead interested in causal questions. Learning individualized responses to an intervention is a crucial task in many applied fields (e.g., precision medicine, targeted advertising, precision agriculture, etc.) where the ultimate goal is to design optimal and highly-personalized policies based on individual features. In this work, I thus tackle the problem of estimating causal effects of an intervention that are heterogeneous across a population of interest and depend on an individual set of characteristics (e.g., a patient's clinical record, user's browsing history, etc..) in high-dimensional observational data settings. This is done by utilizing Bayesian Nonparametric or Probabilistic Machine Learning tools that are specifically adjusted for the causal setting and have desirable uncertainty quantification properties, with a focus on the issues of interpretability/explainability and inclusion of domain experts' prior knowledge. I begin by introducing terminology and concepts from causality and causal reasoning in the first chapter. Then I include a literature review of some of the state-of-the-art regression-based methods for heterogeneous treatment effects estimation, with an attempt to build a unifying taxonomy and lay down the finite-sample empirical properties of these models. The chapters forming the core of the dissertation instead present some novel methods addressing existing issues in individualized causal effects estimation: Chapter 3 develops both a Bayesian tree ensemble method and a deep learning architecture to tackle interpretability, uncertainty coverage and targeted regularization; Chapter 4 instead introduces a novel multi-task Deep Kernel Learning method particularly suited for multi-outcome | multi-action scenarios. The last chapter concludes with a discussion

    Deep Learning for Decision Making and Autonomous Complex Systems

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    Deep learning consists of various machine learning algorithms that aim to learn multiple levels of abstraction from data in a hierarchical manner. It is a tool to construct models using the data that mimics a real world process without an exceedingly tedious modelling of the actual process. We show that deep learning is a viable solution to decision making in mechanical engineering problems and complex physical systems. In this work, we demonstrated the application of this data-driven method in the design of microfluidic devices to serve as a map between the user-defined cross-sectional shape of the flow and the corresponding arrangement of micropillars in the flow channel that contributed to the flow deformation. We also present how deep learning can be used in the early detection of combustion instability for prognostics and health monitoring of a combustion engine, such that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent detrimental effects as a result of unstable combustion. One of the applications in complex systems concerns robotic path planning via the systematic learning of policies and associated rewards. In this context, a deep architecture is implemented to infer the expected value of information gained by performing an action based on the states of the environment. We also applied deep learning-based methods to enhance natural low-light images in the context of a surveillance framework and autonomous robots. Further, we looked at how machine learning methods can be used to perform root-cause analysis in cyber-physical systems subjected to a wide variety of operation anomalies. In all studies, the proposed frameworks have been shown to demonstrate promising feasibility and provided credible results for large-scale implementation in the industry

    Modularity in artificial neural networks

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    Artificial neural networks are deep machine learning models that excel at complex artificial intelligence tasks by abstracting concepts through multiple layers of feature extraction. Modular neural networks are artificial neural networks that are composed of multiple subnetworks called modules. The study of modularity has a long history in the field of artificial neural networks and many of the actively studied models in the domain of artificial neural networks have modular aspects. In this work, we aim to formalize the study of modularity in artificial neural networks and outline how modularity can be used to enhance some neural network performance measures. We do an extensive review of the current practices of modularity in the literature. Based on that, we build a framework that captures the essential properties characterizing the modularization process. Using this modularization framework as an anchor, we investigate the use of modularity to solve three different problems in artificial neural networks: balancing latency and accuracy, reducing model complexity and increasing robustness to noise and adversarial attacks. Artificial neural networks are high-capacity models with high data and computational demands. This represents a serious problem for using these models in environments with limited computational resources. Using a differential architectural search technique, we guide the modularization of a fully-connected network into a modular multi-path network. By evaluating sampled architectures, we can establish a relation between latency and accuracy that can be used to meet a required soft balance between these conflicting measures. A related problem is reducing the complexity of neural network models while minimizing accuracy loss. CapsNet is a neural network architecture that builds on the ideas of convolutional neural networks. However, the original architecture is shallow and has wide layers that contribute significantly to its complexity. By replacing the early wide layers by parallel deep independent paths, we can significantly reduce the complexity of the model. Combining this modular architecture with max-pooling, DropCircuit regularization and a modified variant of the routing algorithm, we can achieve lower model latency with the same or better accuracy compared to the baseline. The last problem we address is the sensitivity of neural network models to random noise and to adversarial attacks, a highly disruptive form of engineered noise. Convolutional layers are the basis of state-of-the-art computer vision models and, much like other neural network layers, they suffer from sensitivity to noise and adversarial attacks. We introduce the weight map layer, a modular layer based on the convolutional layer, that can increase model robustness to noise and adversarial attacks. We conclude our work by a general discussion about the investigated relation between modularity and the addressed problems and potential future research directions

    A variational autoencoder application for real-time anomaly detection at CMS

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    Despite providing invaluable data in the field of High Energy Physics, towards higher luminosity runs the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will face challenges in discovering interesting results through conventional methods used in previous run periods. Among the proposed approaches, the one we focus on in this thesis work – in collaboration with CERN teams, involves the use of a joint variational autoencoder (JointVAE) machine learning model, trained on known physics processes to identify anomalous events that correspond to previously unidentified physics signatures. By doing so, this method does not rely on any specific new physics signatures and can detect anomalous events in an unsupervised manner, complementing the traditional LHC search tactics that rely on model-dependent hypothesis testing. The algorithm produces a list of anomalous events, which experimental collaborations will examine and eventually confirm as new physics phenomena. Furthermore, repetitive event topologies in the dataset can inspire new physics model building and experimental searches. Implementing this algorithm in the trigger system of LHC experiments can detect previously unnoticed anomalous events, thus broadening the discovery potential of the LHC. This thesis presents a method for implementing the JointVAE model, for real-time anomaly detection in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. Among the challenges of implementing machine learning models in fast applications, such as the trigger system of the LHC experiments, low latency and reduced resource consumption are essential. Therefore, the JointVAE model has been studied for its implementation feasibility in Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), utilizing a tool based on High-Level Synthesis (HLS) named HLS4ML. The tool, combined with the quantization of neural networks, will reduce the model size, latency, and energy consumption