46 research outputs found

    Relay path selection approaches in peer-to-peer VoIp systems

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    Multipath overlay routing technologies are seen as alternative solutions for VoIP because they inherit path diversity from peer-to-peer overlay networks. We discuss and compare the performances of two relay path selection approaches proposed for VoIP overlay systems through extensive simulations. We propose a new method for relay path computation that takes into account both path disjointness and other network quality factors (such as packet delay or loss). We further apply our method in different overlay network scenarios by varying the supernode distribution. It is found that there is a considerable improvement of path performance when relaying traffic through highly connected ASs using the new method

    Strategies for internet route control: past, present and future

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    Uno de los problemas más complejos en redes de computadores es el de proporcionar garantías de calidad y confiabilidad a las comunicaciones de datos entre entidades que se encuentran en dominios distintos. Esto se debe a un amplio conjunto de razones -- las cuales serán analizadas en detalle en esta tesis -- pero de manera muy breve podemos destacar: i) la limitada flexibilidad que presenta el modelo actual de encaminamiento inter-dominio en materia de ingeniería de tráfico; ii) la naturaleza distribuida y potencialmente antagónica de las políticas de encaminamiento, las cuales son administradas individualmente y sin coordinación por cada dominio en Internet; y iii) las carencias del protocolo de encaminamiento inter-dominio utilizado en Internet, denominado BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).El objetivo de esta tesis, es precisamente el estudio y propuesta de soluciones que permitan mejorar drásticamente la calidad y confiabilidad de las comunicaciones de datos en redes conformadas por múltiples dominios.Una de las principales herramientas para lograr este fin, es tomar el control de las decisiones de encaminamiento y las posibles acciones de ingeniería de tráfico llevadas a cabo en cada dominio. Por este motivo, esta tesis explora distintas estrategias de como controlar en forma precisa y eficiente, tanto el encaminamiento como las decisiones de ingeniería de tráfico en Internet. En la actualidad este control reside principalmente en BGP, el cual como indicamos anteriormente, es uno de los principales responsables de las limitantes existentes. El paso natural sería reemplazar a BGP, pero su despliegue actual y su reconocida operatividad en muchos otros aspectos, resultan claros indicadores de que su sustitución (ó su posible evolución) será probablemente gradual. En este escenario, esta tesis propone analizar y contribuir con nuevas estrategias en materia de control de encaminamiento e ingeniería de tráfico inter-dominio en tres marcos temporales distintos: i) en la actualidad en redes IP; ii) en un futuro cercano en redes IP/MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching); y iii) a largo plazo en redes ópticas, modelando así una evolución progresiva y realista, facilitando el reemplazo gradual de BGP.Más concretamente, este trabajo analiza y contribuye mediante: - La propuesta de estrategias incrementales basadas en el Control Inteligente de Rutas (Intelligent Route Control, IRC) para redes IP en la actualidad. Las estrategias propuestas en este caso son de carácter incremental en el sentido de que interaccionan con BGP, solucionando varias de las carencias que éste presenta sin llegar a proponer aún su reemplazo. - La propuesta de estrategias concurrentes basadas en extender el concepto del PCE (Path Computation Element) proveniente del IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) para redes IP/MPLS en un futuro cercano. Las estrategias propuestas en este caso son de carácter concurrente en el sentido de que no interaccionan con BGP y pueden ser desplegadas en forma paralela. En este caso, BGP continúa controlando el encaminamiento y las acciones de ingeniería de tráfico inter-dominio del tráfico IP, pero el control del tráfico IP/MPLS se efectúa en forma independiente de BGP mediante los PCEs.- La propuesta de estrategias que reemplazan completamente a BGP basadas en la incorporación de un nuevo agente de control, al cual denominamos IDRA (Inter-Domain Routing Agent). Estos agentes proporcionan un plano de control dedicado, físicamente independiente del plano de datos, y con gran capacidad computacional para las futuras redes ópticas multi-dominio.Los resultados expuestos aquí validan la efectividad de las estrategias propuestas, las cuales mejoran significativamente tanto la concepción como la performance de las actuales soluciones en el área de Control Inteligente de Rutas, del esperado PCE en un futuro cercano, y de las propuestas existentes para extender BGP al área de redes ópticas.One of the most complex problems in computer networks is how to provide guaranteed performance and reliability to the communications carried out between nodes located in different domains. This is due to several reasons -- which will be analyzed in detail in this thesis -- but in brief, this is mostly due to: i) the limited capabilities of the current inter-domain routing model in terms of Traffic Engineering (TE); ii) the distributed and potentially conflicting nature of policy-based routing, where routing policies are managed independently and without coordination among domains; and iii) the clear limitations of the inter-domain routing protocol, namely, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The goal of this thesis is precisely to study and propose solutions allowing to drastically improve the performance and reliability of inter-domain communications. One of the most important tools to achieve this goal, is to control the routing and TE decisions performed by routing domains. Therefore, this thesis explores different strategies on how to control such decisions in a highly efficient and accurate way. At present, this control mostly resides in BGP, but as mentioned above, BGP is in fact one of the main causes of the existing limitations. The natural next-step would be to replace BGP, but the large installed base at present together with its recognized effectiveness in other aspects, are clear indicators that its replacement (or its possible evolution) will probably be gradually put into practice.In this framework, this thesis proposes to to study and contribute with novel strategies to control the routing and TE decisions of domains in three different time frames: i) at present in IP multi-domain networks; ii) in the near-future in IP/MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching) multi- domain networks; and iii) in the future optical Internet, modeling in this way a realistic and progressive evolution, facilitating the gradual replacement of BGP.More specifically, the contributions in this thesis can be summarized as follows. - We start by proposing incremental strategies based on Intelligent Route Control (IRC) solutions for IP networks. The strategies proposed in this case are incremental in the sense that they interact with BGP, and tackle several of its well-known limitations. - Then, we propose a set of concurrent route control strategies for MPLS networks, based on broadening the concept of the Path Computation Element (PCE) coming from the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Our strategies are concurrent in the sense that they do not interact directly with BGP, and they can be deployed in parallel. In this case, BGP still controlls the routing and TE actions concerning regular IP-based traffic, but not how IP/MPLS paths are routed and controlled. These are handled independently by the PCEs.- We end with the proposal of a set of route control strategies for multi-domain optical networks, where BGP has been completely replaced. These strategies are supported by the introduction of a new route control element, which we named Inter-Domain Routing Agent (IDRA). These IDRAs provide a dedicated control plane, i.e., physically independent from the data plane, and with high computational capacity for future optical networks.The results obtained validate the effectiveness of the strategies proposed here, and confirm that our proposals significantly improve both the conception and performance of the current IRC solutions, the expected PCE in the near-future, as well as the existing proposals about the optical extension of BGP.Postprint (published version

    Network-provider-independent overlays for resilience and quality of service.

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    PhDOverlay networks are viewed as one of the solutions addressing the inefficiency and slow evolution of the Internet and have been the subject of significant research. Most existing overlays providing resilience and/or Quality of Service (QoS) need cooperation among different network providers, but an inter-trust issue arises and cannot be easily solved. In this thesis, we mainly focus on network-provider-independent overlays and investigate their performance in providing two different types of service. Specifically, this thesis addresses the following problems: Provider-independent overlay architecture: A provider-independent overlay framework named Resilient Overlay for Mission-Critical Applications (ROMCA) is proposed. We elaborate its structure including component composition and functions and also provide several operational examples. Overlay topology construction for providing resilience service: We investigate the topology design problem of provider-independent overlays aiming to provide resilience service. To be more specific, based on the ROMCA framework, we formulate this problem mathematically and prove its NP-hardness. Three heuristics are proposed and extensive simulations are carried out to verify their effectiveness. Application mapping with resilience and QoS guarantees: Assuming application mapping is the targeted service for ROMCA, we formulate this problem as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). Moreover, a simple but effective heuristic is proposed to address this issue in a time-efficient manner. Simulations with both synthetic and real networks prove the superiority of both solutions over existing ones. Substrate topology information availability and the impact of its accuracy on overlay performance: Based on our survey that summarizes the methodologies available for inferring the selective substrate topology formed among a group of nodes through active probing, we find that such information is usually inaccurate and additional mechanisms are needed to secure a better inferred topology. Therefore, we examine the impact of inferred substrate topology accuracy on overlay performance given only inferred substrate topology information

    Inferring hidden features in the Internet (PhD thesis)

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    The Internet is a large-scale decentralized system that is composed of thousands of independent networks. In this system, there are two main components, interdomain routing and traffic, that are vital inputs for many tasks such as traffic engineering, security, and business intelligence. However, due to the decentralized structure of the Internet, global knowledge of both interdomain routing and traffic is hard to come by. In this dissertation, we address a set of statistical inference problems with the goal of extending the knowledge of the interdomain-level Internet. In the first part of this dissertation we investigate the relationship between the interdomain topology and an individual network’s inference ability. We first frame the questions through abstract analysis of idealized topologies, and then use actual routing measurements and topologies to study the ability of real networks to infer traffic flows. In the second part, we study the ability of networks to identify which paths flow through their network. We first discuss that answering this question is surprisingly hard due to the design of interdomain routing systems where each network can learn only a limited set of routes. Therefore, network operators have to rely on observed traffic. However, observed traffic can only identify that a particular route passes through its network but not that a route does not pass through its network. In order to solve the routing inference problem, we propose a nonparametric inference technique that works quite accurately. The key idea behind our technique is measuring the distances between destinations. In order to accomplish that, we define a metric called Routing State Distance (RSD) to measure distances in terms of routing similarity. Finally, in the third part, we study our new metric, RSD in detail. Using RSD we address an important and difficult problem of characterizing the set of paths between networks. The collection of the paths across networks is a great source to understand important phenomena in the Internet as path selections are driven by the economic and performance considerations of the networks. We show that RSD has a number of appealing properties that can discover these hidden phenomena

    Portable mud remover

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    Basically, the only way to remove mud is by using shovel. The process of removing mud usually need us to shovel out the mud, put it into buckets and carry it outside and by using a garden sprayer or hose to wash away mud from hard surfaces [1]. This is because there are no specific tools or products to remove the mud in our industries. In that case, our group had come up with an idea to design a “Portable Mud Remover” which is inspired from a lawnmower and vacuum as shown in Figure 10.1. The idea of using concept of lawnmower is because to make is the product is portable and easy to handling. The smallest types of lawnmower are pushed by a human user and are suitable for small space. The problem occurs for the pool vacuum is that the product is not suitable to suck the mud because it is not designed for a heavy duty work

    IP and ATM integration: A New paradigm in multi-service internetworking

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    ATM is a widespread technology adopted by many to support advanced data communication, in particular efficient Internet services provision. The expected challenges of multimedia communication together with the increasing massive utilization of IP-based applications urgently require redesign of networking solutions in terms of both new functionalities and enhanced performance. However, the networking context is affected by so many changes, and to some extent chaotic growth, that any approach based on a structured and complex top-down architecture is unlikely to be applicable. Instead, an approach based on finding out the best match between realistic service requirements and the pragmatic, intelligent use of technical opportunities made available by the product market seems more appropriate. By following this approach, innovations and improvements can be introduced at different times, not necessarily complying with each other according to a coherent overall design. With the aim of pursuing feasible innovations in the different networking aspects, we look at both IP and ATM internetworking in order to investigating a few of the most crucial topics/ issues related to the IP and ATM integration perspective. This research would also address various means of internetworking the Internet Protocol (IP) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) with an objective of identifying the best possible means of delivering Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for multi-service applications, exploiting the meritorious features that IP and ATM have to offer. Although IP and ATM often have been viewed as competitors, their complementary strengths and limitations from a natural alliance that combines the best aspects of both the technologies. For instance, one limitation of ATM networks has been the relatively large gap between the speed of the network paths and the control operations needed to configure those data paths to meet changing user needs. IP\u27s greatest strength, on the other hand, is the inherent flexibility and its capacity to adapt rapidly to changing conditions. These complementary strengths and limitations make it natural to combine IP with ATM to obtain the best that each has to offer. Over time many models and architectures have evolved for IP/ATM internetworking and they have impacted the fundamental thinking in internetworking IP and ATM. These technologies, architectures, models and implementations will be reviewed in greater detail in addressing possible issues in integrating these architectures s in a multi-service, enterprise network. The objective being to make recommendations as to the best means of interworking the two in exploiting the salient features of one another to provide a faster, reliable, scalable, robust, QoS aware network in the most economical manner. How IP will be carried over ATM when a commercial worldwide ATM network is deployed is not addressed and the details of such a network still remain in a state of flux to specify anything concrete. Our research findings culminated with a strong recommendation that the best model to adopt, in light of the impending integrated service requirements of future multi-service environments, is an ATM core with IP at the edges to realize the best of both technologies in delivering QoS guarantees in a seamless manner to any node in the enterprise

    Multipath inter-domain policy routing

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    Dissertação submetida para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresRouting can be abstracted to be a path nding problem in a graph that models the network. The problem can be modelled using an algebraic approach that describes the way routes are calculated and ranked. The shortest path problem is the most common form and consists in nding the path with the smallest cost. The inter-domain scenario introduces some new challenges to the routing problem: the routing is performed between independently con gured and managed networks; the ranking of the paths is not based on measurable metrics but on policies; and the forwarding is destination based hop-by-hop. In this thesis we departed from the Border gateway Protocol (BGP) identifying its main problems and elaborating on some ideal characteristics for a routing protocol suited for the inter-domain reality. The main areas and contributions of this work are the following: The current state of the art in algebraic modeling of routing problems is used to provide a list of possible alternative conditions for the correct operation of such protocols. For each condition the consequences in terms of optimality and network restrictions are presented. A routing architecture for the inter-domain scenario is presented. It is proven that it achieves a multipath routing solution in nite time without causing forwarding loops. We discuss its advantages and weaknesses. A tra c-engineering scheme is designed to take advantage of the proposed architecture. It works using only local information and cooperation of remote ASes to minimize congestion in the network with minimal signalling. Finally a general model of a routing protocol based on hierarchical policies is used to study how e cient is the protocol operation when the correctness conditions are met. This results in some conclusions on how the policies should be chosen and applied in order to achieve speci c goals.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation -(FCT/MCTES)grant SFRH/BD/44476/2008; CTS multi-annual funding project PEst OE/EEI/UI0066/2011; MPSat project PTDC/EEA TEL/099074/2008; OPPORTUNISTICCR project PTDC/EEA-TEL/115981/2009; Fentocells project PTDC/EEA TEL/120666/201

    Application of overlay techniques to network monitoring

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    Measurement and monitoring are important for correct and efficient operation of a network, since these activities provide reliable information and accurate analysis for characterizing and troubleshooting a network’s performance. The focus of network measurement is to measure the volume and types of traffic on a particular network and to record the raw measurement results. The focus of network monitoring is to initiate measurement tasks, collect raw measurement results, and report aggregated outcomes. Network systems are continuously evolving: besides incremental change to accommodate new devices, more drastic changes occur to accommodate new applications, such as overlay-based content delivery networks. As a consequence, a network can experience significant increases in size and significant levels of long-range, coordinated, distributed activity; furthermore, heterogeneous network technologies, services and applications coexist and interact. Reliance upon traditional, point-to-point, ad hoc measurements to manage such networks is becoming increasingly tenuous. In particular, correlated, simultaneous 1-way measurements are needed, as is the ability to access measurement information stored throughout the network of interest. To address these new challenges, this dissertation proposes OverMon, a new paradigm for edge-to-edge network monitoring systems through the application of overlay techniques. Of particular interest, the problem of significant network overheads caused by normal overlay network techniques has been addressed by constructing overlay networks with topology awareness - the network topology information is derived from interior gateway protocol (IGP) traffic, i.e. OSPF traffic, thus eliminating all overlay maintenance network overhead. Through a prototype that uses overlays to initiate measurement tasks and to retrieve measurement results, systematic evaluation has been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and functionality of OverMon. The measurement results show that OverMon achieves good performance in scalability, flexibility and extensibility, which are important in addressing the new challenges arising from network system evolution. This work, therefore, contributes an innovative approach of applying overly techniques to solve realistic network monitoring problems, and provides valuable first hand experience in building and evaluating such a distributed system