15 research outputs found

    A Review on GPU Based Parallel Computing for NP Problems

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    Now a days there are different number of optimization problems are present. Which are NP problems to solve this problems parallel metaheuristic algorithm are required. Graph theories are most commonly studied combinational problems. In this paper providing the new move towards solve this combinational problem with GPU based parallel computing using CUDA architecture. Comparing those problem with relevant to the transfer rate, effective memory utilization and speedup etc. to acquire the paramount possible solution. By applying the different algorithms on the optimization problem to catch the efficient memory exploitation, synchronized execution, saving time and increasing speedup of execution. Due to this the speedup factor is enhance and get the best optimal solution

    MP-STREAM: A Memory Performance Benchmark for Design Space Exploration on Heterogeneous HPC Devices

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    Sustained memory throughput is a key determinant of performance in HPC devices. Having an accurate estimate of this parameter is essential for manual or automated design space exploration for any HPC device. While there are benchmarks for measuring the sustained memory bandwidth for CPUs and GPUs, such a benchmark for FPGAs has been missing. We present MP-STREAM, an OpenCL-based synthetic micro-benchmark for measuring sustained memory bandwidth, optimized for FPGAs, but which can be used on multiple platforms. Our main contribution is the introduction of various generic as well as device-specific parameters that can be tuned to measure their effect on memory bandwidth. We present results of running our benchmark on a CPU, a GPU and two FPGA targets, and discuss our observations. The experiments underline the utility of our benchmark for optimizing HPC applications for FPGAs, and provide valuable optimization hints for FPGA programmers

    Optimizing Apple Lossless Audio Codec Algorithm using NVIDIA CUDA Architecture

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    As majority of the compression algorithms are implementations for CPU architecture, the primary focus of our work was to exploit the opportunities of GPU parallelism in audio compression. This paper presents an implementation of Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) algorithm by using NVIDIA GPUs Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) Framework. The core idea was to identify the areas where data parallelism could be applied and parallel programming model CUDA could be used to execute the identified parallel components on Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT) model of CUDA. The dataset was retrieved from European Broadcasting Union, Sound Quality Assessment Material (SQAM). Faster execution of the algorithm led to execution time reduction when applied to audio coding for large audios. This paper also presents the reduction of power usage due to running the parallel components on GPU. Experimental results reveal that we achieve about 80-90% speedup through CUDA on the identified components over its CPU implementation while saving CPU power consumption

    Get Out of the Valley: Power-Efficient Address Mapping for GPUs

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    GPU memory systems adopt a multi-dimensional hardware structure to provide the bandwidth necessary to support 100s to 1000s of concurrent threads. On the software side, GPU-compute workloads also use multi-dimensional structures to organize the threads. We observe that these structures can combine unfavorably and create significant resource imbalance in the memory subsystem causing low performance and poor power-efficiency. The key issue is that it is highly application-dependent which memory address bits exhibit high variability. To solve this problem, we first provide an entropy analysis approach tailored for the highly concurrent memory request behavior in GPU-compute workloads. Our window-based entropy metric captures the information content of each address bit of the memory requests that are likely to co-exist in the memory system at runtime. Using this metric, we find that GPU-compute workloads exhibit entropy valleys distributed throughout the lower order address bits. This indicates that efficient GPU-address mapping schemes need to harvest entropy from broad address-bit ranges and concentrate the entropy into the bits used for channel and bank selection in the memory subsystem. This insight leads us to propose the Page Address Entropy (PAE) mapping scheme which concentrates the entropy of the row, channel and bank bits of the input address into the bank and channel bits of the output address. PAE maps straightforwardly to hardware and can be implemented with a tree of XOR-gates. PAE improves performance by 1.31 x and power-efficiency by 1.25 x compared to state-of-the-art permutation-based address mapping

    Power Management for GPU-CPU Heterogeneous Systems

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    In recent years, GPU-CPU heterogeneous architectures have been increasingly adopted in high performance computing, because of their capabilities of providing high computational throughput. However, current research focuses mainly on the performance aspects of GPU-CPU architectures, while improving the energy efficiency of such systems receives much less attention. There are few existing efforts that try to lower the energy consumption of GPU-CPU architectures, but they address either GPU or CPU in an isolated manner and thus cannot achieve maximized energy savings. In this paper, we propose GreenGPU, a holistic energy management framework for GPU-CPU heterogeneous architectures. Our solution features a two-tier design. In the first tier, GreenGPU dynamically splits and distributes workloads to GPU and CPU based on the workload characteristics, such that both sides can finish approximately at the same time. As a result, the energy wasted on staying idle and waiting for the slower side to finish is minimized. In the second tier, GreenGPU dynamically throttles the frequencies of GPU cores and memory in a coordinated manner, based on their utilization, for maximized energy savings with only marginal performance degradation. Likewise, the frequency and voltage of the CPU are scaled similarly. We implement GreenGPU using the CUDA framework on a real physical testbed with Nvidia GeForce GPUs and AMD Phenom II CPUs. Experiment results with standard Rodinia benchmarks show that GreenGPU achieves 21.04% average energy savings and outperform several well-designed baselines