1,062 research outputs found

    A metadata-enhanced framework for high performance visual effects

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    This thesis is devoted to reducing the interactive latency of image processing computations in visual effects. Film and television graphic artists depend upon low-latency feedback to receive a visual response to changes in effect parameters. We tackle latency with a domain-specific optimising compiler which leverages high-level program metadata to guide key computational and memory hierarchy optimisations. This metadata encodes static and dynamic information about data dependence and patterns of memory access in the algorithms constituting a visual effect – features that are typically difficult to extract through program analysis – and presents it to the compiler in an explicit form. By using domain-specific information as a substitute for program analysis, our compiler is able to target a set of complex source-level optimisations that a vendor compiler does not attempt, before passing the optimised source to the vendor compiler for lower-level optimisation. Three key metadata-supported optimisations are presented. The first is an adaptation of space and schedule optimisation – based upon well-known compositions of the loop fusion and array contraction transformations – to the dynamic working sets and schedules of a runtimeparameterised visual effect. This adaptation sidesteps the costly solution of runtime code generation by specialising static parameters in an offline process and exploiting dynamic metadata to adapt the schedule and contracted working sets at runtime to user-tunable parameters. The second optimisation comprises a set of transformations to generate SIMD ISA-augmented source code. Our approach differs from autovectorisation by using static metadata to identify parallelism, in place of data dependence analysis, and runtime metadata to tune the data layout to user-tunable parameters for optimal aligned memory access. The third optimisation comprises a related set of transformations to generate code for SIMT architectures, such as GPUs. Static dependence metadata is exploited to guide large-scale parallelisation for tens of thousands of in-flight threads. Optimal use of the alignment-sensitive, explicitly managed memory hierarchy is achieved by identifying inter-thread and intra-core data sharing opportunities in memory access metadata. A detailed performance analysis of these optimisations is presented for two industrially developed visual effects. In our evaluation we demonstrate up to 8.1x speed-ups on Intel and AMD multicore CPUs and up to 6.6x speed-ups on NVIDIA GPUs over our best hand-written implementations of these two effects. Programmability is enhanced by automating the generation of SIMD and SIMT implementations from a single programmer-managed scalar representation

    Automatic scheduling of image processing pipelines

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    Automatic scheduling of image processing pipelines

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    Decoupling algorithms from schedules for easy optimization of image processing pipelines

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    Using existing programming tools, writing high-performance image processing code requires sacrificing readability, portability, and modularity. We argue that this is a consequence of conflating what computations define the algorithm, with decisions about storage and the order of computation. We refer to these latter two concerns as the schedule, including choices of tiling, fusion, recomputation vs. storage, vectorization, and parallelism. We propose a representation for feed-forward imaging pipelines that separates the algorithm from its schedule, enabling high-performance without sacrificing code clarity. This decoupling simplifies the algorithm specification: images and intermediate buffers become functions over an infinite integer domain, with no explicit storage or boundary conditions. Imaging pipelines are compositions of functions. Programmers separately specify scheduling strategies for the various functions composing the algorithm, which allows them to efficiently explore different optimizations without changing the algorithmic code. We demonstrate the power of this representation by expressing a range of recent image processing applications in an embedded domain specific language called Halide, and compiling them for ARM, x86, and GPUs. Our compiler targets SIMD units, multiple cores, and complex memory hierarchies. We demonstrate that it can handle algorithms such as a camera raw pipeline, the bilateral grid, fast local Laplacian filtering, and image segmentation. The algorithms expressed in our language are both shorter and faster than state-of-the-art implementations.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964004)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964218)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0832997)United States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-SC0005288)Cognex CorporationAdobe System

    Indexed dependence metadata and its applications in software performance optimisation

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    To achieve continued performance improvements, modern microprocessor design is tending to concentrate an increasing proportion of hardware on computation units with less automatic management of data movement and extraction of parallelism. As a result, architectures increasingly include multiple computation cores and complicated, software-managed memory hierarchies. Compilers have difficulty characterizing the behaviour of a kernel in a general enough manner to enable automatic generation of efficient code in any but the most straightforward of cases. We propose the concept of indexed dependence metadata to improve application development and mapping onto such architectures. The metadata represent both the iteration space of a kernel and the mapping of that iteration space from a given index to the set of data elements that iteration might use: thus the dependence metadata is indexed by the kernel’s iteration space. This explicit mapping allows the compiler or runtime to optimise the program more efficiently, and improves the program structure for the developer. We argue that this form of explicit interface specification reduces the need for premature, architecture-specific optimisation. It improves program portability, supports intercomponent optimisation and enables generation of efficient data movement code. We offer the following contributions: an introduction to the concept of indexed dependence metadata as a generalisation of stream programming, a demonstration of its advantages in a component programming system, the decoupled access/execute model for C++ programs, and how indexed dependence metadata might be used to improve the programming model for GPU-based designs. Our experimental results with prototype implementations show that indexed dependence metadata supports automatic synthesis of double-buffered data movement for the Cell processor and enables aggressive loop fusion optimisations in image processing, linear algebra and multigrid application case studies

    Heterogeneous parallel virtual machine: A portable program representation and compiler for performance and energy optimizations on heterogeneous parallel systems

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    Programming heterogeneous parallel systems, such as the SoCs (System-on-Chip) on mobile and edge devices is extremely difficult; the diverse parallel hardware they contain exposes vastly different hardware instruction sets, parallelism models and memory systems. Moreover, a wide range of diverse hardware and software approximation techniques are available for applications targeting heterogeneous SoCs, further exacerbating the programmability challenges. In this thesis, we alleviate the programmability challenges of such systems using flexible compiler intermediate representation solutions, in order to benefit from the performance and superior energy efficiency of heterogeneous systems. First, we develop Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine (HPVM), a parallel program representation for heterogeneous systems, designed to enable functional and performance portability across popular parallel hardware. HPVM is based on a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects. HPVM successfully supports three important capabilities for programming heterogeneous systems: a compiler intermediate representation (IR), a virtual instruction set (ISA), and a basis for runtime scheduling. We use the HPVM representation to implement an HPVM prototype, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) IR. Our results show comparable performance with optimized OpenCL kernels for the target hardware from a single HPVM representation using translators from HPVM virtual ISA to native code, IR optimizations operating directly on the HPVM representation, and the capability for supporting flexible runtime scheduling schemes from a single HPVM representation. We extend HPVM to ApproxHPVM, introducing hardware-independent approximation metrics in the IR to enable maintaining accuracy information at the IR level and mapping of application-level end-to-end quality metrics to system level "knobs". The approximation metrics quantify the acceptable accuracy loss for individual computations. Application programmers only need to specify high-level, and end-to-end, quality metrics, instead of detailed parameters for individual approximation methods. The ApproxHPVM system then automatically tunes the accuracy requirements of individual computations and maps them to approximate hardware when possible. ApproxHPVM results show significant performance and energy improvements for popular deep learning benchmarks. Finally, we extend to ApproxHPVM to ApproxTuner, a compiler and runtime system for approximation. ApproxTuner extends ApproxHPVM with a wide range of hardware and software approximation techniques. It uses a three step approximation tuning strategy, a combination of development-time, install-time, and dynamic tuning. Our strategy ensures software portability, even though approximations have highly hardware-dependent performance, and enables efficient dynamic approximation tuning despite the expensive offline steps. ApproxTuner results show significant performance and energy improvements across 7 Deep Neural Networks and 3 image processing benchmarks, and ensures that high-level end-to-end quality specifications are satisfied during adaptive approximation tuning

    Massively parallel lattice–Boltzmann codes on large GPU clusters

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    This paper describes a massively parallel code for a state-of-the art thermal lattice–Boltzmann method. Our code has been carefully optimized for performance on one GPU and to have a good scaling behavior extending to a large number of GPUs. Versions of this code have been already used for large-scale studies of convective turbulence. GPUs are becoming increasingly popular in HPC applications, as they are able to deliver higher performance than traditional processors. Writing efficient programs for large clusters is not an easy task as codes must adapt to increasingly parallel architectures, and the overheads of node-to-node communications must be properly handled. We describe the structure of our code, discussing several key design choices that were guided by theoretical models of performance and experimental benchmarks. We present an extensive set of performance measurements and identify the corresponding main bottlenecks; finally we compare the results of our GPU code with those measured on other currently available high performance processors. Our results are a production-grade code able to deliver a sustained performance of several tens of Tflops as well as a design and optimization methodology that can be used for the development of other high performance applications for computational physics

    Spectral-spatial classification of n-dimensional images in real-time based on segmentation and mathematical morphology on GPUs

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop efficient schemes for spectral-spatial n-dimensional image classification. By efficient schemes, we mean schemes that produce good classification results in terms of accuracy, as well as schemes that can be executed in real-time on low-cost computing infrastructures, such as the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) shipped in personal computers. The n-dimensional images include images with two and three dimensions, such as images coming from the medical domain, and also images ranging from ten to hundreds of dimensions, such as the multiand hyperspectral images acquired in remote sensing. In image analysis, classification is a regularly used method for information retrieval in areas such as medical diagnosis, surveillance, manufacturing and remote sensing, among others. In addition, as the hyperspectral images have been widely available in recent years owing to the reduction in the size and cost of the sensors, the number of applications at lab scale, such as food quality control, art forgery detection, disease diagnosis and forensics has also increased. Although there are many spectral-spatial classification schemes, most are computationally inefficient in terms of execution time. In addition, the need for efficient computation on low-cost computing infrastructures is increasing in line with the incorporation of technology into everyday applications. In this thesis we have proposed two spectral-spatial classification schemes: one based on segmentation and other based on wavelets and mathematical morphology. These schemes were designed with the aim of producing good classification results and they perform better than other schemes found in the literature based on segmentation and mathematical morphology in terms of accuracy. Additionally, it was necessary to develop techniques and strategies for efficient GPU computing, for example, a block–asynchronous strategy, resulting in an efficient implementation on GPU of the aforementioned spectral-spatial classification schemes. The optimal GPU parameters were analyzed and different data partitioning and thread block arrangements were studied to exploit the GPU resources. The results show that the GPU is an adequate computing platform for on-board processing of hyperspectral information

    Efficient multitemporal change detection techniques for hyperspectral images on GPU

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    Hyperspectral images contain hundreds of reflectance values for each pixel. Detecting regions of change in multiple hyperspectral images of the same scene taken at different times is of widespread interest for a large number of applications. For remote sensing, in particular, a very common application is land-cover analysis. The high dimensionality of the hyperspectral images makes the development of computationally efficient processing schemes critical. This thesis focuses on the development of change detection approaches at object level, based on supervised direct multidate classification, for hyperspectral datasets. The proposed approaches improve the accuracy of current state of the art algorithms and their projection onto Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) allows their execution in real-time scenarios
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