159 research outputs found

    Domain-Type-Guided Refinement Selection Based on Sliced Path Prefixes

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    Abstraction is a successful technique in software verification, and interpolation on infeasible error paths is a successful approach to automatically detect the right level of abstraction in counterexample-guided abstraction refinement. Because the interpolants have a significant influence on the quality of the abstraction, and thus, the effectiveness of the verification, an algorithm for deriving the best possible interpolants is desirable. We present an analysis-independent technique that makes it possible to extract several alternative sequences of interpolants from one given infeasible error path, if there are several reasons for infeasibility in the error path. We take as input the given infeasible error path and apply a slicing technique to obtain a set of error paths that are more abstract than the original error path but still infeasible, each for a different reason. The (more abstract) constraints of the new paths can be passed to a standard interpolation engine, in order to obtain a set of interpolant sequences, one for each new path. The analysis can then choose from this set of interpolant sequences and select the most appropriate, instead of being bound to the single interpolant sequence that the interpolation engine would normally return. For example, we can select based on domain types of variables in the interpolants, prefer to avoid loop counters, or compare with templates for potential loop invariants, and thus control what kind of information occurs in the abstraction of the program. We implemented the new algorithm in the open-source verification framework CPAchecker and show that our proof-technique-independent approach yields a significant improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the verification process.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, 4 algorithm

    A Preliminary Analysis on the Effect of Randomness in a CEGAR Framework

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    Formal verification techniques can check the correctness of systems in a mathematically precise way. Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) is an automatic algorithm that reduces the complexity of systems by constructing and refining abstractions. CEGAR is a generic approach, having many variants and strategies developed over the years. However, as the variants become more and more advanced, one may not be sure whether the performance of a strategy can be attributed to the strategy itself or to other, unintentional factors. In this paper we perform an experiment by evaluating the performance of different strategies while randomizing certain external factors such as the search strategy and variable naming. We show that randomization introduces a great variation in the output metrics, and that in several cases this might even influence whether the algorithm successfully terminates

    Software Model Checking via Large-Block Encoding

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    The construction and analysis of an abstract reachability tree (ART) are the basis for a successful method for software verification. The ART represents unwindings of the control-flow graph of the program. Traditionally, a transition of the ART represents a single block of the program, and therefore, we call this approach single-block encoding (SBE). SBE may result in a huge number of program paths to be explored, which constitutes a fundamental source of inefficiency. We propose a generalization of the approach, in which transitions of the ART represent larger portions of the program; we call this approach large-block encoding (LBE). LBE may reduce the number of paths to be explored up to exponentially. Within this framework, we also investigate symbolic representations: for representing abstract states, in addition to conjunctions as used in SBE, we investigate the use of arbitrary Boolean formulas; for computing abstract-successor states, in addition to Cartesian predicate abstraction as used in SBE, we investigate the use of Boolean predicate abstraction. The new encoding leverages the efficiency of state-of-the-art SMT solvers, which can symbolically compute abstract large-block successors. Our experiments on benchmark C programs show that the large-block encoding outperforms the single-block encoding.Comment: 13 pages (11 without cover), 4 figures, 5 table

    A simple abstraction of arrays and maps by program translation

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    We present an approach for the static analysis of programs handling arrays, with a Galois connection between the semantics of the array program and semantics of purely scalar operations. The simplest way to implement it is by automatic, syntactic transformation of the array program into a scalar program followed analysis of the scalar program with any static analysis technique (abstract interpretation, acceleration, predicate abstraction,.. .). The scalars invariants thus obtained are translated back onto the original program as universally quantified array invariants. We illustrate our approach on a variety of examples, leading to the " Dutch flag " algorithm

    Model Checker Execution Reports

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    Software model checking constitutes an undecidable problem and, as such, even an ideal tool will in some cases fail to give a conclusive answer. In practice, software model checkers fail often and usually do not provide any information on what was effectively checked. The purpose of this work is to provide a conceptual framing to extend software model checkers in a way that allows users to access information about incomplete checks. We characterize the information that model checkers themselves can provide, in terms of analyzed traces, i.e. sequences of statements, and safe cones, and present the notion of execution reports, which we also formalize. We instantiate these concepts for a family of techniques based on Abstract Reachability Trees and implement the approach using the software model checker CPAchecker. We evaluate our approach empirically and provide examples to illustrate the execution reports produced and the information that can be extracted

    Exploratory Analysis of the Performance of a Configurable CEGAR Framework

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    Formal verification techniques can check the correctness of systems in a mathematically precise way. However, their computational complexity often prevents their successful application. The counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) algorithm aims to overcome this problem by automatically building abstractions for the system to reduce its complexity. Previously, we developed a generic CEGAR framework, which incorporates many configurations of the algorithm. In this paper we focus on an exploratory analysis of our framework. We identify parameters of the systems and algorithm configurations, overview some possible analysis methods and present preliminary results. We show that different variants are more efficient for certain tasks and we also describe how the properties of the system and parameters of the algorithm affect the success of verification

    Abstraction-Based Model Checking of Linear Temporal Properties

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    Even though the expressiveness of linear temporal logic (LTL) supports engineering application, model checking of such properties is a computationally complex task and state space explosion often hinders successful verification. LTL model checking consists of constructing automata from the property and the system, generating the synchronous product of the two automata and checking its language emptiness. We propose a novel LTL model checking algorithm that uses abstraction to tackle the challenge of state space explosion. This algorithm combines the advantages of two commonly used model checking approaches, counterexample-guided abstraction refinement and automata theoretic LTL model checking. The main challenge in combining these is the refinement of "lasso"-shaped counterexamples, for which task we propose a novel refinement strategy based on interpolation