776,663 research outputs found

    Expert system application education project

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology, and in particular expert systems, has shown potential applicability in many areas of operation at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). In an era of limited resources, the early identification of good expert system applications, and their segregation from inappropriate ones can result in a more efficient use of available NASA resources. On the other hand, the education of students in a highly technical area such as AI requires an extensive hands-on effort. The nature of expert systems is such that proper sample applications for the educational process are difficult to find. A pilot project between NASA-KSC and the University of Central Florida which was designed to simultaneously address the needs of both institutions at a minimum cost. This project, referred to as Expert Systems Prototype Training Project (ESPTP), provided NASA with relatively inexpensive development of initial prototype versions of certain applications. University students likewise benefit by having expertise on a non-trivial problem accessible to them at no cost. Such expertise is indispensible in a hands-on training approach to developing expert systems

    Making mentoring work: The need for rewiring epistemology

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    To help produce expert coaches at both participation and performance levels, a number of governing bodies have established coach mentoring systems. In light of the limited literature on coach mentoring, as well as the risks of superficial treatment by coach education systems, this paper therefore critically discusses the role of the mentor in coach development, the nature of the mentor-mentee relationship and, most specifically, how expertise in the mentee may best be developed. If mentors are to be effective in developing expert coaches then we consequently argue that a focus on personal epistemology is required. On this basis, we present a framework that conceptualizes mentee development on this level through a step by step progression, rather than unrealistic and unachievable leap toward expertise. Finally, we consider the resulting implications for practice and research with respect to one-on-one mentoring, communities of practice, and formal coach education

    Artificial Education: Expert systems used to assist and support 21st century education.

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    This paper offers a new concept called in education called Artificial Education. Though the term artificial education might disturb many educators, parents and students, it is important to understand what it is and the potential it has for the educational success of all learners. Artificial education refers to using artificially intelligent systems, also known as expert systems, to educate students and teachers. This is a short introductory article on what artificial education refers to, and how intelligent or expert systems can assist students and teachers at the elementary level

    Application of Expert System for Quality Evaluation in Higher Educational Institutes

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    The study examined impact of expert system as a tool for efficient teaching and learning process in educational system in Nigeria, using University of Port Harcourt in Rivers State, Nigeria as a case study. The specific objectives of the study include to: Identify types of expert systems available to the teaching and learning process in the study area; Identify expert systems used in the education sector in the study area; Identify human systems used in the study area; determine the extent to which expert systems influenced performance of students in the study area; determine the extent to which human expert system influenced performance of students in the study area; determine perception/satisfaction of teachers and students on application of expert systems in the teaching and learning process

    Impact of Expert System as a Tool for Efficient Teaching and Learning Process in Educational System in Nigeria – Final Step

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    The study examined impact of expert system as a tool for efficient teaching and learning process in educational system in Nigeria, using University of Port Harcourt in Rivers State, Nigeria as a case study. The specific objectives of the study include to: Identify types of expert systems available to the teaching and learning process in the study area; Identify expert systems used in the education sector in the study area; Identify human systems used in the study area; determine the extent to which expert systems influenced performance of students in the study area; determine the extent to which human expert system influenced performance of students in the study area; determine perception/satisfaction of teachers and students on application of expert systems in the teaching and learning process

    Экспертные обучающие системы как современный этап компьютеризации профессионального образования

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    The report examines characteristics of expert training systems at the present stage of vocational education development, and first experience in creating expert training system for discrete mathematics studying.В докладе рассматриваются особенности экспертных обучающих систем на современном этапе развития профессионального образования, а также опыт первого этапа создания экспертной обучающей системы для изучения дискретной математики


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    The paper discusses the areas of implementing information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of training ecology students and the effect that they have on the fulfillment of innovative teaching functions with regard to the training of ecological professionals. The most efficacious information and communication technologies are pointed out. The distinguished general software tools included Internet resources, multimedia software packages, office software packages and educational software. The category of specialized software embraced geographic information systems (GIS) for various purposes, statistical software packages, software tools for analysis and forecasting of ecological processes, expert systems, information and reference systems. It was concluded that the combination of a large number of images, sound, graphic, video and animated materials by using educational e-resources is of a special importance for training ecology experts. Key words: innovative education technologies, information and communication technologies, ecological education, training of ecological experts, expert systems.

    Expert System as Tools for Efficient Teaching and Learning Process in Educational System in Nigeria, First Step

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    In educational field, many of the expert systems application are embedded inside the Intelligent Tuttoring System (ITS) by using techniques from adaptive hypertext and hypermedia. Most of the systems usually will assist student in their learning by using adaptation techniques to personalize with the environment, prior of student and students ability to learn in terms of technology, expert system in education has expanded very consistently from micro computer to web based (Woodin, 2001) and agent based expert system, it can provide an excellent alternative to private tutoring at anytime from any place (Markham, 2001) where internet is provided. Also agent based expert system surely will help users by finding materials from the web based on users profile. Supposedly, agent expert system should have capability to diagnose the users and giving the results according to the problems. Besides the use of expert system in technology, it also had tremendous changes in the applying of methods and techniques. Starting from a simple rule based system, currently expert system techniques had adapted a fuzzy logic (Starek, Tomer, Bhaskar, and Garcia, 2001) and hybrid based technique (Pretzas, Hatzilygeroudis, and Koutsojannis, 2001)

    Sistem Pakar Untuk Pertolongan Pertama Gangguan Kesehatan Pada Anak

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    The expert system is an attempt to create a system that can perform such a task and as good as an expert. Expert systems can be implemented in various fields such as health, economy, education, olaharaga, even pro-gaming field. In this research, expert systems implemented to diagnose health problems in children. Expert system for health disorders first aid in children can be accessed anywhere and anytime using smartphone users without requiring a data connection. This is certainly very easy for users to perform early diagnosis of the health problems experienced by children. This expert system is designed using Android Studio 1.4 by forward chaining algorithm. Forward chaining algorithm is a tracking methods or facts searching methods started from the left (first IF). In other words, reasoning starts from the facts first to test the truth of the hypothesis. Implementation of this algorithm is copy how a doctor working, that first task is asking the patients about the symptom. Results from this study is a smartphone application that can diagnose health problems in children. This application has been tested and runs well in response to the user's system