6,137 research outputs found

    Die Rolle der ZielnĂ€he und der investierten Anstrengung fĂŒr den erwarteten Wert einer Handlung

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    In human neuroscientific research, there has been an increasing interest in how the brain computes the value of an anticipated outcome. However, evidence is still missing about which valuation related brain regions are modulated by the proximity to an expected goal and the previously invested effort to reach a goal. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the effects of goal proximity and invested effort on valuation related regions in the human brain. We addressed this question in two fMRI studies by integrating a commonly used reward anticipation task in differential versions of a Multitrial Reward Schedule Paradigm. In both experiments, subjects had to perform consecutive reward anticipation tasks under two different reward contingencies: in the delayed condition, participants received a monetary reward only after successful completion of multiple consecutive trials. In the immediate condition, money was earned after every successful trial. In the first study, we could demonstrate that the rostral cingulate zone of the posterior medial frontal cortex signals action value contingent to goal proximity, thereby replicating neurophysiological findings about goal proximity signals in a homologous region in non-human primates. The findings of the second study imply that brain regions associated with general cognitive control processes are modulated by previous effort investment. Furthermore, we found the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex to be involved in coding for the effort-based context of a situation. In sum, these results extend the role of the human rostral cingulate zone in outcome evaluation to the continuous updating of action values over a course of action steps based on the proximity to the expected reward. Furthermore, we tentatively suggest that previous effort investment invokes processes under the control of the executive system, and that posterior lateral prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex are involved in an effort-based context representation that can be used for outcome evaluation that is dependent on the characteristics of the current situation.Derzeit besteht im Bereich der Neurowissenschaften ein großes Interesse daran aufzuklĂ€ren, auf welche Weise verschiedene Variablen die Wertigkeit eines erwarteten Handlungsziels beeinflussen bzw. welche Hirnregionen an der ReprĂ€sentation der Wertigkeit eines Handlungsziels beteiligt sind. Die meisten Untersuchungen beziehen sich dabei auf EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen wie die erwartete Belohnungshöhe, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, mit der ein bestimmtes Ereignis eintritt, oder die Dauer bis zum Erhalt einer Belohnung. Bisher liegen jedoch kaum Untersuchungen vor bezĂŒglich zweier anderer Variablen, die ebenfalls den erwarteten Wert eines Handlungsergebnisses beeinflussen. Das sind (a) die NĂ€he zu dem erwarteten Ziel und (b) die bisher investierte Anstrengung, um ein Ziel zu erreichen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist zu untersuchen, wie die NĂ€he zum Ziel und die bisher investierte Anstrengung Gehirnregionen beeinflussen, die mit der ReprĂ€sentation von Wertigkeit im Zusammenhang stehen. Dazu fĂŒhrten wir zwei fMRT-Studien durch, in denen wir eine klassische Belohnungs-Antizipationsaufgabe in unterschiedliche Versionen eines „Multitrial Reward Schedule“ Paradigmas integriert haben. Das bedeutet, dass die Probanden Belohnungs-Antizipationsaufgaben unter zwei unterschiedlichen Belohnungskontingenzen bearbeiteten: In der verzögerten Bedingung erhielten die Probanden einen Geldbetrag nach der erfolgreichen Bearbeitung von mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden Aufgaben, in der direkten Bedingung dagegen nach jeder korrekt ausgefĂŒhrten Aufgabe. In der ersten Studie konnte eine sukzessiv ansteigende AktivitĂ€t in AbhĂ€ngigkeit zur ZielnĂ€he in der rostralen cingulĂ€ren Zone identifiziert werden. Das deutet darauf hin, dass dieses Areal den Wert einer Handlung in AbhĂ€ngigkeit zur NĂ€he zum Ziel kodiert. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie zeigten, dass die bisher investierte Anstrengung kortikale Regionen moduliert, die klassischerweise mit kognitiven Kontrollfunktionen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Außerdem reprĂ€sentierten der posteriore laterale prĂ€frontale Cortex und der orbitofrontale Cortex den motivationalen Kontext eines Trials anhand des Risikos des Verlustes von bisher investierter Anstrengung. Insgesamt weisen diese Befunde darauf hin, dass die rostrale cingulĂ€re Zone eine entscheidende Rolle spielt fĂŒr die Kontrolle sequenzieller Handlungsstufen, die auf eine verzögerte Belohnung ausgerichtet sind. Diese Kontrollfunktion scheint auf der kontinuierlichen Aktualisierung des Wertes einer Handlungsstufe zu basieren, der von der aktuellen ZielnĂ€he bestimmt wird. Die Befunde der zweiten Studie lassen darauf schließen, dass sich die bisher investierte Anstrengung zur Erreichung eines Handlungsziels auf die Bereitstellung von allgemeinen kognitiven Ressourcen auswirkt. Das Risiko des Verlustes von bisher investierter Anstrengung kann außerdem ein kontextuelles Merkmal der Situation darstellen, das als Bezugsrahmen fĂŒr die Evaluation des erwarteten Wertes dienen kann

    Wide-angle reflection and refraction seismic profile from the outer part of the gulf of Cadiz: nearest-seis cruise.

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    We will explain the first interpretations from a marine refraction and wide-angle reflection seismic profile acquired in the outer part of the Gulf of Cadiz in November 2008, in the framework of the Nearest-Seis cruise.Peer Reviewe

    A Past Discharges Assimilation System for Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts over France - Part 1: Description and Validation of the Assimilation System

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    Two Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Systems (ESPSs) have been set up at Météo-France. They are based on the French SIM distributed hydrometeorological model. A deterministic analysis run of SIM is used to initialize the two ESPSs. In order to obtain a better initial state, a past discharges assimilation system has been implemented into this analysis SIM run, using the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE). Its role is to improve the model soil moisture by using streamflow observations in order to better simulate streamflow. The skills of the assimilation system were assessed for a 569-day period on six different configurations, including two different physics schemes of the model (the use of an exponential profile of hydraulic conductivity or not) and, for each one, three different ways of considering the model soil moisture in the BLUE state variables. Respect of the linearity hypothesis of the BLUE was verified by assessing of the impact of iterations of the BLUE. The configuration including the use of the exponential profile of hydraulic conductivity and the combination of the moisture of the two soil layers in the state variable showed a significant improvement of streamflow simulations. It led to a significantly better simulation than the reference one, and the lowest soil moisture corrections. These results were confirmed by the study of the impacts of the past discharge assimilation system on a set of 49 independent stations.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Inverse Statistical Physics of Protein Sequences: A Key Issues Review

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    In the course of evolution, proteins undergo important changes in their amino acid sequences, while their three-dimensional folded structure and their biological function remain remarkably conserved. Thanks to modern sequencing techniques, sequence data accumulate at unprecedented pace. This provides large sets of so-called homologous, i.e.~evolutionarily related protein sequences, to which methods of inverse statistical physics can be applied. Using sequence data as the basis for the inference of Boltzmann distributions from samples of microscopic configurations or observables, it is possible to extract information about evolutionary constraints and thus protein function and structure. Here we give an overview over some biologically important questions, and how statistical-mechanics inspired modeling approaches can help to answer them. Finally, we discuss some open questions, which we expect to be addressed over the next years.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Cavity induced vibration of flexible hydrofoils

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    The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of cavity-induced vibrations on the dynamic response and stability of a NACA66 hydrofoil at 8° angle of attack at Re=750 000 via combined experimental measurements and numerical simulations. The rectangular, cantilevered hydrofoil is assumed to be rigid in the chordwise direction, while the spanwise bending and twisting deformations are represented using a two-degrees-of-freedom structural model. The multiphase flow is modeled with an incompressible, unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes solver with the k–ω Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence closure model, while the phase evolutions are modeled with a mass-transport equation based cavitation model. The numerical predictions are compared with experimental measurements across a range of cavitation numbers for a rigid and a flexible hydrofoil with the same undeformed geometries. The results showed that foil flexibility can lead to: (1) focusing – locking – of the frequency content of the vibrations to the nearest sub-harmonics of the foilŚłs wetted natural frequencies, and (2) broadening of the frequency content of the vibrations in the unstable cavitation regime, where amplifications are observed in the sub-harmonics of the foil natural frequencies. Cavitation was also observed to cause frequency modulation, as the fluid density, and hence fluid induced (inertial, damping, and disturbing) forces fluctuated with unsteady cavitation.The authors gratefully acknowledge Ms. Kelly Cooper (program manager) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), for their financial support through Grant nos. N00014-11-1-0833 and N0014-12-C-0585, as well as ONR Global and Dr. Woei-Min Lin (program manager) through grant no. N62909-12-1-7076

    Trends and perspectives in augmented reality training

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