30 research outputs found

    LTE and Wi-Fi Coexistence in Unlicensed Spectrum with Application to Smart Grid: A Review

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    Long Term Evolution (LTE) is expanding its utilization in unlicensed band by deploying LTE Unlicensed (LTEU) and Licensed Assisted Access LTE (LTE-LAA) technology. Smart Grid can take the advantages of unlicensed bands for achieving two-way communication between smart meters and utility data centers by using LTE-U/LTE-LAA. However, both schemes must co-exist with the incumbent Wi-Fi system. In this paper, several co-existence schemes of Wi-Fi and LTE technology is comprehensively reviewed. The challenges of deploying LTE and Wi-Fi in the same band are clearly addressed based on the papers reviewed. Solution procedures and techniques to resolve the challenging issues are discussed in a short manner. The performance of various network architectures such as listenbefore- talk (LBT) based LTE, carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based Wi-Fi is briefly compared. Finally, an attempt is made to implement these proposed LTEWi- Fi models in smart grid technology.Comment: submitted in 2018 IEEE PES T&

    Beyond Geometry : Towards Fully Realistic Wireless Models

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    Signal-strength models of wireless communications capture the gradual fading of signals and the additivity of interference. As such, they are closer to reality than other models. However, nearly all theoretic work in the SINR model depends on the assumption of smooth geometric decay, one that is true in free space but is far off in actual environments. The challenge is to model realistic environments, including walls, obstacles, reflections and anisotropic antennas, without making the models algorithmically impractical or analytically intractable. We present a simple solution that allows the modeling of arbitrary static situations by moving from geometry to arbitrary decay spaces. The complexity of a setting is captured by a metricity parameter Z that indicates how far the decay space is from satisfying the triangular inequality. All results that hold in the SINR model in general metrics carry over to decay spaces, with the resulting time complexity and approximation depending on Z in the same way that the original results depends on the path loss term alpha. For distributed algorithms, that to date have appeared to necessarily depend on the planarity, we indicate how they can be adapted to arbitrary decay spaces. Finally, we explore the dependence on Z in the approximability of core problems. In particular, we observe that the capacity maximization problem has exponential upper and lower bounds in terms of Z in general decay spaces. In Euclidean metrics and related growth-bounded decay spaces, the performance depends on the exact metricity definition, with a polynomial upper bound in terms of Z, but an exponential lower bound in terms of a variant parameter phi. On the plane, the upper bound result actually yields the first approximation of a capacity-type SINR problem that is subexponential in alpha

    Reliable Data Collection from Mobile Users for Real-Time Clinical Monitoring

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    Real-time patient monitoring is critical to early detection of clinical patient deterioration in general hospital wards. A key challenge in such applications is to reliably deliver sensor data from mobile patients. We present an empirical analysis on the reliability of data collection from wireless pulse oximeters attached to users. We observe that most packet loss occur from mobile users to their first-hop relays. Based on this insight we developed the Dynamic Relay Association Protocol (DRAP), a simple and effective mechanism for dynamically discovering the right relays for wireless sensors attached to mobile users. DRAP enables highly reliable data collection from mobile users without requiring any change to complex routing protocols. We have implemented DRAP on the TinyOS platform and a prototype clinical monitoring system. Empirical evaluation showed DRAP delivered at least 96% of pulse oximetry data from multiple users, while maintaining a radio duty cycle below 2.8% and reducing the RAM footprint by 65% when compared to CTP. Our results demonstrates the feasibility and efficacy of wireless sensor network technology for real-time clinical monitoring

    Not All Wireless Sensor Networks Are Created Equal: A Comparative Study On Tunnels

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are envisioned for a number of application scenarios. Nevertheless, the few in-the-field experiences typically focus on the features of a specific system, and rarely report about the characteristics of the target environment, especially w.r.t. the behavior and performance of low-power wireless communication. The TRITon project, funded by our local administration, aims to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs of road tunnels, using a WSN-based control infrastructure. The access to real tunnels within TRITon gives us the opportunity to experimentally assess the peculiarities of this environment, hitherto not investigated in the WSN field. We report about three deployments: i) an operational road tunnel, enabling us to assess the impact of vehicular traffic; ii) a non-operational tunnel, providing insights into analogous scenarios (e.g., underground mines) without vehicles; iii) a vineyard, serving as a baseline representative of the existing literature. Our setup, replicated in each deployment, uses mainstream WSN hardware, and popular MAC and routing protocols. We analyze and compare the deployments w.r.t. reliability, stability, and asymmetry of links, the accuracy of link quality estimators, and the impact of these aspects on MAC and routing layers. Our analysis shows that a number of criteria commonly used in the design of WSN protocols do not hold in tunnels. Therefore, our results are useful for designing networking solutions operating efficiently in similar environments

    An Analytical Model of Packet Collisions in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Networks

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    Numerous studies showed that concurrent transmissions can boost wireless network performance despite collisions. While these works provide empirical evidence that concurrent transmissions may be received reliably, existing signal capture models only partially explain the root causes of this phenomenon. We present a comprehensive mathematical model that reveals the reasons and provides insights on the key parameters affecting the performance of MSK-modulated transmissions. A major contribution is a closed-form derivation of the receiver bit decision variable for arbitrary numbers of colliding signals and constellations of power ratios, timing offsets, and carrier phase offsets. We systematically explore the root causes for successful packet delivery under concurrent transmissions across the whole parameter space of the model. We confirm the capture threshold behavior observed in previous studies but also reveal new insights relevant for the design of optimal protocols: We identify capture zones depending not only on the signal power ratio but also on time and phase offsets.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications under the title "On the Reception of Concurrent Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks.

    A Survey on Fault Tolerant Multipath Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consists of large number of energy constrained sensor nodes that are randomly deployed. Sensor nodes have the ability to sense and send data towards the base station (BS). Sensor nodes require large amount of energy for data transmission. So while transmission, some nodes die because of energy depletion. In this case, chance of data loss increases. In order to reduce the data loss fault tolerance technique are used. To provide fault tolerance some Multipath Routing Protocol (MRP) are proposed, which can be classified in two ways i.e. alternative path routing or retransmission and concurrent routing protocol or replication. In MRP, multiple paths are used to send data from source to destination, where if one node fails during data transmission, another node can be used to transmit the same data to the destination by following other optimal path. In this paper we survey various multipath routing protocols along with their fault tolerance schemes and compare each protocol with various parameters

    Reliable Patient Monitoring: A Clinical Study in a Step-down Hospital Unit

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    This paper presents the design, deployment, and empirical study of a wireless clinical monitoring system that collects pulse and oxygen saturation readings from patients. The primary contribution of this paper is an in-depth clinical trial that assesses the feasibility of wireless sensor networks for patient monitoring in general (non-ICU) hospital units. The trial involved 32 patients monitored in a step-down cardiology unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis. During a total of 31 days of monitoring, the network achieved high reliability (median 99.92%, range 95.21% - 100%). The overall reliability of the system was dominated by sensing reliability (median 80.55%, range 0.38% - 97.69%) of the pulse oximeters. Sensing failures usually occurred in short bursts, although long bursts were also present and were caused by the sensor disconnections. We show that the sensing reliability could be significantly improved through oversampling and by implementing a disconnection alarm system that incurs minimal intervention cost. Our results also indicate that the system provided sufficient resolution to support the detection of clinical deterioration in two patients who were transferred to the ICU. The results show the feasibility of using wireless sensor networks for patient monitoring and may guide future research. We also report lessons learned from the deployment in the clinical environments with patient users