197 research outputs found

    Benefits and Incentives for ADS-B Equipage in the National Airspace System

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    Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) is a technology that can replace secondary surveillance radars and enhance cockpit situational awareness. It also has the potential to enable procedures not possible with current surveillance technology that would increase the capacity of the National Airspace System (NAS) in the US. Certain forms of ADS-B also have the bandwidth to upload weather and airspace information into the cockpit. However, prior to achieving the benefits of ADS-B, operators must equip with the technology. In order to voluntarily equip, owners and operators must receive benefits from the technology that outweigh the cost or receive other incentives. Through an online survey of stakeholders, applications of ADS-B with the strongest benefits to users are identified. In-cockpit data link offerings are explored in detail, along with a detailed analysis of ADS-B benefits for Hawaiian helicopter operators. The conclusions of this study are that ADS-B should be implemented in non-radar airspace along with busy terminal areas first to gain the most benefits from non-radar separation applications and traffic awareness applications. Also, the basis for the US dual ADS-B link decision is questioned, with a single 1090-ES based link augmented with satellite data link weather recommended.The authors would like to thank all of interview and survey participants. Without their time and insights, this thesis would not be possible. Also, thanks to the FAA’s Surveillance and Broadcast Services program office for their support of this research under contract DTFA01-C-00030

    Use of Data Comm by Flight Crew to Conduct Interval Management Operations to Parallel Dependent Runways

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    The Interval Management (IM) concept is being developed as a method to maintain or increase high traffic density airport arrival throughput while allowing aircraft to conduct near idle thrust descents. The Interval Management with Spacing to Parallel Dependent Runways (IMSPiDR1) experiment at NASA Langley Research Center used 24 commercial pilots to examine IM procedures to conduct parallel dependent runway arrival operations while maintaining safe but efficient intervals behind the preceding aircraft. The use of IM procedures during these operations requires a lengthy and complex clearance from Air Traffic Control (ATC) to the participating aircraft, thereby making the use of Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) highly desirable as the communication method. The use of CPDLC reduces the need for voice transmissions between controllers and flight crew, and enables automated transfer of IM clearance elements into flight management systems or other aircraft avionics. The result is reduced crew workload and an increase in the efficiency of crew procedures. This paper focuses on the subset of data collected related to the use of CPDLC for IM operations into a busy airport. Overall, the experiment and results were very successful, with the mean time under 43 seconds for the flight crew to load the clearance into the IM spacing tool, review the calculated speed, and respond to ATC. An overall mean rating of Moderately Agree was given when the crews were asked if the use of CPDLC was operationally acceptable as simulated in this experiment. Approximately half of the flight crew reported the use of CPDLC below 10,000 for IM operations was unacceptable, with 83% reporting below 5000 was unacceptable. Also described are proposed modifications to the IM operations that may reduce CPDLC Respond time to less than 30 seconds and should significantly reduce the complexity of crew procedures, as well as follow-on research issues for operational use of CPDLC during IM operations

    Well Clear: General Aviation and Commercial Pilots\u27 Perception of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the National Airspace System

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    The purpose of this research was to determine how different pilot types perceived the subjective concept of the Well Clear Boundary (WCB) and to observe if that boundary changed when dealing with manned versus unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) as well as the effects of other variables. Pilots\u27 perceptions of the WCB were collected objectively through simulator recordings and subjectively through questionnaires. Together, these metrics provided quantitative and qualitative data about pilot WCB perception. The objective results of this study showed significant differences in WCB perception between two different pilot types, as well as WCB significant differences when comparing two different intruder types (manned versus unmanned aircraft). These differences were dependent on other manipulated variables, including intruder approach angle, ownship speed, and background traffic levels. Subjectively, there were evident differences in WCB perception across pilot types; general aviation (GA) pilots appeared to trust UAS aircraft slightly more than did the more experienced Airline Transport Pilots (ATPs). Overall, it is concluded that pilots\u27 mental models of the WCB are more easily perceived as time-based boundaries in front of ownship, while being more easily perceived as distance-based boundaries to the rear of ownship

    UAS in the NAS: Survey Responses by ATC, Manned Aircraft Pilots, and UAS Pilots

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    NASA currently is working with industry and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish future requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) flying in the National Airspace System (NAS). To work these issues NASA has established a multi-center "UAS Integration in the NAS" project. In order to establish Ground Control Station requirements for UAS, the perspective of each of the major players in NAS operations was desired. Three on-line surveys were administered that focused on Air Traffic Controllers (ATC), pilots of manned aircraft, and pilots of UAS. Follow-up telephone interviews were conducted with some survey respondents. The survey questions addressed UAS control, navigation, and communications from the perspective of small and large unmanned aircraft. Questions also addressed issues of UAS equipage, especially with regard to sense and avoid capabilities. From the civilian ATC and military ATC perspectives, of particular interest are how mixed operations (manned / UAS) have worked in the past and the role of aircraft equipage. Knowledge gained from this information is expected to assist the NASA UAS Integration in the NAS project in directing research foci thus assisting the FAA in the development of rules, regulations, and policies related to UAS in the NAS

    Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Data-Link Communications for NextGen 4DT and Equivalent Visual Surface Operations

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    By 2025, U.S. air traffic is predicted to increase 3-fold and may strain the current air traffic management system, which may not be able to accommodate this growth. In response to this challenge, a revolutionary new concept has been proposed for U.S. aviation operations, termed the Next Generation Air Transportation System or NextGen. Many key capabilities are being identified to enable NextGen, including the use of data-link communications. Because NextGen represents a radically different approach to air traffic management and requires a dramatic shift in the tasks, roles, and responsibilities for the flight deck, there are numerous research issues and challenges that must be overcome to ensure a safe, sustainable air transportation system. Flight deck display and crew-vehicle interaction concepts are being developed that proactively investigate and overcome potential technology and safety barriers that might otherwise constrain the full realization of NextGen. The paper describes simulation research examining data-link communications during 4DT and equivalent visual surface operations

    Data-Link and Surface Map Traffic Intent Displays for NextGen 4DT and Equivalent Visual Surface Operations

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    By 2025, U.S. air traffic is predicted to increase 3-fold and may strain the current air traffic management system, which may not be able to accommodate this growth. In response to this challenge, a consortium of industry, academia and government agencies have proposed a revolutionary new concept for U.S. aviation operations, termed the Next Generation Air Transportation System or "NextGen". Many key capabilities are being identified to enable NextGen, including the concept of "net-centric" operations whereby each aircraft and air services provider shares information to allow real-time adaptability to ever-changing factors such as weather, traffic, flight trajectories, and security. Data-link is likely to be the primary source of communication in NextGen. Because NextGen represents a radically different approach to air traffic management and requires a dramatic shift in the tasks, roles, and responsibilities for the flight deck, there are numerous research issues and challenges that must be overcome to ensure a safe, sustainable air transportation system. Flight deck display and crew-vehicle interaction concepts are being developed that proactively investigate and overcome potential technology and safety barriers that might otherwise constrain the full realization of NextGen

    Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration-1 Concept of Operations (ATD-1 ConOps), Version 3.0

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    This document describes the goals, benefits, technologies, and procedures of the Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the Air Traffic Management (ATM) Technology Demonstration #1 (ATD-1), and provides an update to the previous versions of the document [ref 1 and ref 2]

    A comparison of Pseudo 3-Dimensional Collision Avoidance-Predictor Displays for Free Flight

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    This study was the second of two studies to evaluate the use of a pseudo threedimensional display to present information about future possible conflicts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate variations of a cockpit screen display that transfers relevant data to the pilot in a manner which is easy to interpret and to facilitate the possible stressful situations that may be encountered due to the proposed free flight environment. In the first phase, three display concepts, using three different screen designs were compared. In this study, three different displays, all of which used using the space-time predictor concept developed in the previous study, were compared for utility and acceptability. Eighteen pilots were tested. The results support the Pilot\u27s perspective display (from the previous study) as the most effective display for conflict avoidance. The results also highlighted some areas of concern that are discussed

    Identification and experimental validation of the impact of "party line" information on situational awareness in air carrier operations/

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1992.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 61).by Alan H. Midkiff.M.S

    Pseudolite Architecture and Performance Analysis for the FAA\u27s NextGen Airspace

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    By 2025 the FAA plans to have fully implemented its NextGen Airspace design. NextGen takes advantage of modern positioning technologies as well as automation, data sharing, and display technologies that will allow more efficient use of our ever busier National Airspace (NAS). A key element of NextGen is the transition from surveillance RADAR providing aircraft separation and navigation to the use of the GPS and Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B). ADS-B couples the precision of the GPS with networked ground and airborne receivers to provide precise situational awareness to pilots and controllers. The result is increased safety, capacity, and access with reduced reliance on an outdated and costly existing infrastructure. Reliance on the vulnerable GPS requires a backup system with higher positioning accuracy than those that are in place today. The USAF 746th Test Squadron at Holloman AFB, in partnership with Locata Corp., has demonstrated an Ultra High Accuracy Reference System (UHARS) over the Holloman Range composed of pseudolites (ground based satellites) transmitting GPS like signals. This study evaluates the suitability of the UHARS when applied on a national scale to meet Alternate Precision Navigation and Timing (APNT) requirements. From a systems architecture perspective UHARS is evaluated against APNT CONOPs stated Operational Improvements and Scenarios. From a signal architecture perspective the UHARS is evaluated against frequency and bandwidth constraints, service volume requirements and positioning accuracy determined by NextGen Airspace aircraft separation criteria
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