1,909 research outputs found

    Cyber-Physical Power System Layers: Classification, Characterization, and Interactions

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    This paper provides a strategy to identify layers and sub-layers of cyber-physical power systems (CPPS) and characterize their inter- and intra-actions. The physical layer usually consists of the power grid and protection devices whereas the cyber layer consists of communication, and computation and control components. Combining components of the cyber layer in one layer complicates the process of modeling intra-actions because each component has different failure modes. On the other hand, dividing the cyber layers into a large number of sub-layers may unnecessarily increase the number of system states and increase the computational burden. In this paper, we classify system layers based on their common, coupled, and shared functions. Also, interactions between the classified layers are identified, characterized, and clustered based on their impact on the system. Furthermore, based on the overall function of each layer and types of its components, intra-actions within layers are characterized. The strategies developed in this paper for comprehensive classification of system layers and characterization of their inter- and intra-actions contribute toward the goal of accurate and detailed modeling of state transition and failure and attack propagation in CPPS, which can be used for various reliability assessment studies.Comment: Accepted in Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) 202

    Design and control of harbour area smart grids with application of battery energy storage system

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    Global trade occurs mostly on seaborne vessels, and harbours exist as the most significant part for enabling the economic development of any country. However, the amount of fossil fuels used by conventional diesel-engine powered vessels produce a great number of types of toxic emissions, such as air pollution particles at harbours, which create a threat to human health that can contribute to higher morbidity and mortality rates among humans. Therefore, the International maritime organisation and the European Directives recommend that ships implement methods that limit toxic gas emissions and air pollution, such as using onshore power supply and fuel with low-sulphur content for on-board power generation in vessels while remaining at harbours. This research presents cutting-edge methods and tools for contributing to the development of future marine solutions and analyses of modern vessel technological requirements as well as harbour grids, and it proposes novel models of harbour area smart grids for facilitating the support of onshore power supply and charging of batteries for those vessels that require it. This research explores the usage of multiple battery-charging configurations with either slow- or fast-charging systems for electric or hybrid vessels, and it analyses the technical challenges that could inhibit or prevent the practicality of their implementation. The suitable size and allocation of battery energy storage systems for real-world case power systems of Åland Islands harbour grid are also investigated to enhance power capacity of harbour grids. Moreover, a control algorithm for the battery energy storage controller was first developed in MATLAB/Simulink for the Vaasa harbour grid, and then its performance was tested in the OPAL-RT real-time simulator by conducting a controller hardware-in-the-loop test to maintain the power balance inside the harbour grid. The proposed harbour grid models can reduce the degree of pollution that degrades the environment while providing onshore power supply and battery-charging stations for hybrid or electric vessels. Moreover, this dissertation acts as a foundation for developing future business strategies for ship owners, port administrators, and local authorities to solve similar problems as technology develops and environmental degradation continues to be a problem of every country in the world.Maailmanlaajuinen kauppa tapahtuu pääasiassa merialuksilla, ja satamista on tulossa merkittävin osa minkä tahansa maan talouskehitystä. Perinteisten dieselmoottorialusten käyttämä fossiilinen polttoaine aiheuttaa kuitenkin satamissa monenlaisia myrkyllisiä päästöjä ja ilmansaasteita, jotka ovat uhka ihmisten terveydelle ja aiheuttavat monenlaisia vaarallisia sairauksia. Tästä syystä Kansainvälinen merenkulkujärjestö IMO ja EU-direktiivit suosittelevat, että alukset käyttävät satamissa ollessaan maalta tulevaa sähkönsyöttöä tai vähärikkistä polttoainetta myrkyllisten kaasupäästöjen ja ilmansaasteiden rajoittamiseksi. Tämä tutkimus esittelee uusimpia ja tulevaisuuden merenkulun ratkaisuja, analysoi nykyaikaisten alusten teknisiä vaatimuksia sekä satamaverkkoja ja esittelee uusia malleja satama-alueen älykkäille sähköverkoille, joilla tuetaan maasähkön käyttöä ja akkujen lataamista vaativia aluksia. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin useita akkuenergiavarastojen latauskonfiguraatioita sekä hitailla että nopeilla latausjärjestelmillä sähkö-/hybridialuksille ja analysoitiin niiden käytännön toteutukseen liittyviä teknisiä haasteita. Akkuenergiavarastojen sopivaa kokoa ja sijoittelua satamaverkkojen tehokapasiteetin parantamiseksi selvitettiin todelliseen verkkoon perustuvassa tapaustutkimuksessa, jossa parannettiin Ahvenanmaan verkon satamien tehokapasiteettia. Lisäksi kehitettiin akkuenergiavarastojen ohjausalgoritmi tehotasapainon ylläpitämiseksi Vaasan satamaverkossa ensin MATLAB/Simulink-mallina, jonka jälkeen sen suorituskykyä testattiin OPAL-RT reaaliaika-simulaattorilla suorittamalla ns. laitesilmukkasimulaatioita. Ehdotetuilla satamaverkkomalleilla voidaan vastata ilmansaasteista aiheutuviin ympäristöongelmiin sekä mahdollistaa maasähkönsyöttö ja akkujen latausasemat tuleville hybridi- ja sähköaluksille. Lisäksi tämä väitöskirja voi toimia pohjana uusien liiketoimintastrategioiden kehittämiselle alusten omistajien, satamajohtajien ja paikallisviranomaisten tarpeisiin.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    From Radio to In-Pipe Acoustic Communication for Smart Water Networks in Urban Environments: Design Challenges and Future Trends

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    The smart management of water resources is an increasingly important topic in today’s society. In this context, the paradigm of Smart Water Grids (SWGs) aims at a constant monitoring through a network of smart nodes deployed over the water distribution infrastructure. This facilitates a continuous assessment of water quality and the state of health of the pipeline infrastructure, enabling early detection of leaks and water contamination. Acoustic-wave-based technology has arisen as a viable communication technique among the nodes of the network. Such technology can be suitable for replacing traditional wireless networks in SWGs, as the acoustic channel is intrinsically embedded in the water supply network. However, the fluid-filled pipe is one of the most challenging media for data communication. Existing works proposing in-pipe acoustic communication systems are romising, but a comparison between the different implementations and their performance has not yet been reported. This paper reviews existing works dealing with acoustic-based ommunication networks in real large-scale urban water supply networks. For this purpose, an overview of the characteristics, trends and design challenges of existing works is provided in he present work as a guideline for future research

    Enhancement of Controllability in Distribution Grid by Means of Power Electronics Components based Distributed and Centralized Solutions

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    The contemporary distribution grid is undergoing evolutions for the increased penetration of distributed generation and new types loads. Innovative operation schemes and components should be adopted to cope with the emerging grid issues. Exploiting power electronics (PE) components, operation approaches can address the issues. In this thesis, fast charging station (FCS), energy storage static synchronous compensator (ES-STATCOM), and smart transformer (ST), have been analyzed in the development of solutions to enhance grid controllability. A load-leveling approach has been proposed, using reactive power from the spare capacity of the FCSs, to regulate the grid voltage, eventually to shape the power demand of voltage-sensitive loads, tracking the demand forecast, reducing the mismatch, and keeping a satisfactory charging. This approach is a distributed solution since it coordinates the actuators spread geographically in the grid. A PE based approach employing voltage-correlation coefficients has been proposed to cope with voltage violation. For PE components such as ES-STATCOM and ST, the applied correlation coefficients must be adapted accordingly. Corresponding voltage regulation schemes have been developed. The analysis has illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed schemes and distinguished some significant differences between ES-STATCOMs and STs. The meshed grid configuration can offer more flexibility respecting the radial grid configuration. This work has proposed an ST based meshed grid operation approach as a centralized solution. An operation scheme has been developed, employing a multi-objective operation algorithm to address the emerging issues. Besides, a power quality conditioning scheme has been developed to condition the harmonics in current

    Resistive Solid State Protective Device

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    Abstract: This thesis describes and explains different fault to characterize fault specifically for DC distribution systems and DC Microgrids fed by synchronous generators. This will result in a testbed for static and intermittent line-to-line faults, and in future work, various types of ground faults. Automaton allows for repeated testing at various voltage levels and precise control over intermittent fault generation. The fault generator is implemented with an IGBT H-bridge topology. Its physical implementation and benefits are described. Experimental results are shown for static line-to-line fault. This testbed will be used to help develop closed-form expressions. Once fault currents are characterized and closed-form expressions are made, adequate protection systems can be designed. finally, this paper will include the simulation and experimental results of line-to-line fault characterization with a DC smoothing capacitor, and intermittent faults of various times

    Modeling and Recognition of Smart Grid Faults by a Combined Approach of Dissimilarity Learning and One-Class Classification

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    Detecting faults in electrical power grids is of paramount importance, either from the electricity operator and consumer viewpoints. Modern electric power grids (smart grids) are equipped with smart sensors that allow to gather real-time information regarding the physical status of all the component elements belonging to the whole infrastructure (e.g., cables and related insulation, transformers, breakers and so on). In real-world smart grid systems, usually, additional information that are related to the operational status of the grid itself are collected such as meteorological information. Designing a suitable recognition (discrimination) model of faults in a real-world smart grid system is hence a challenging task. This follows from the heterogeneity of the information that actually determine a typical fault condition. The second point is that, for synthesizing a recognition model, in practice only the conditions of observed faults are usually meaningful. Therefore, a suitable recognition model should be synthesized by making use of the observed fault conditions only. In this paper, we deal with the problem of modeling and recognizing faults in a real-world smart grid system, which supplies the entire city of Rome, Italy. Recognition of faults is addressed by following a combined approach of multiple dissimilarity measures customization and one-class classification techniques. We provide here an in-depth study related to the available data and to the models synthesized by the proposed one-class classifier. We offer also a comprehensive analysis of the fault recognition results by exploiting a fuzzy set based reliability decision rule

    07. Engineering

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    Multi-agent system based active distribution networks

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    This thesis gives a particular vision of the future power delivery system with its main requirements. An investigation of suitable concepts and technologies which creates a road map forward the smart grid has been carried out. They should meet the requirements on sustainability, efficiency, flexibility and intelligence. The so called Active Distribution Network (ADN) is introduced as an important element of the future power delivery system. With an open architecture, the ADN is designed to integrate various types of networks, i.e., MicroGrid or Autonomous Network, and different forms of operation, i.e., islanding or interconnection. By enabling an additional local control layer, these so called cells are able to reconfigure, manage local faults, support voltage regulation, or manage power flow. Furthermore, the Multi-Agent System (MAS) concept is regarded as a potential technology to cope with the anticipated challenges of future grid operation. Analysis of benefits and challenges of implementing MAS shows that it is a suitable technology for a complex and highly dynamic operation and open architecture as the ADN. By taking advantages of the MAS technology, the AND is expected to fully enable distributed monitoring and control functions. This MAS-based ADN focuses mainly on control strategies and communication topologies for the distribution systems. The transition to the proposed concept does not require an intensive physical change to the existing infrastructure. The main point is that inside the MAS-based ADN, loads and generators interact with each other and the outside world. This infrastructure can be built up of several cells (local areas) that are able to operate autonomously by an additional agent-based control layer. The ADN adapts a MAS hierarchical control structure in which each agent handles three functional layers of management, coordination, and execution. In the operational structure, the ADN addresses two main function parts: Distributed State Estimation (DSE) to analyze the network topology, compute the state estimation, and detect bad data; and Local Control Scheduling (LCS) to establish the control set points for voltage coordination and power flow management. Under the distributed context of the controls, an appropriate method for DSE is proposed. The method takes advantage of the MAS technology to compute iteratively the local state variables through neighbor data measurements. Although using the classical Weighted Least Square (WLS) as a core, the proposed algorithm based on an agent environment distributes drastically computation burden to subtasks of state estimation with only two interactive buses and an interconnection line in between. The accuracy and complexity of the proposed estimation are investigated through both off-line and on-line simulations. Distributed and parallel working of processors improves significantly the computation time. This estimation is also suitable for a meshed configuration of the ADN, which includes more than one interconnection between each pair of the cells. Depending on the availability of a communication infrastructure, it is able to work locally inside the cells or globally for the whole ADN. As a part of the LCS, the voltage control function is investigated in both steady-state and dynamic environments. The autonomous voltage control within each network area (cell) can be deployed by a combination of active and reactive power support of distributed generation (DG). The coordinated voltage control defines the optimal tap setting of the on-load tap changer (OLTC) while comparing amounts of control actions in each area. Based on the sensitivity factors, these negotiations are thoroughly supported in the distributed environment of the MAS platform. To verify the proposed method, both steady-state and dynamic simulations are developed. Simulation results show that the proposed function helps to integrate more DG while mitigating voltage violation effectively. The optimal solution can be reached within a small number of calculation iterations. It opens a possibility to apply the proposed method as an on-line application. Furthermore, a distributed approach for the power flow management function is developed. By converting the power network to a represented graph, the optimal power flow is understood as the well-known minimum cost flow problem. Two fundamental solutions for the minimum cost flow, i.e., the Successive Shortest Path (SSP) algorithm and the Cost-Scaling Push-Relabel (CS-PR) algorithm, are introduced. The SSP algorithm is augmenting the power flow along the shortest path until reaching the capacity of at least one edge. After updating the flow, it finds another shortest path and augments the flow again. The CS-PR algorithm approaches the problem in a different way which is scaling cost and pushing as much flow as possible at each active node. Simulations of both meshed and radial test networks are developed to compare their performances in various network conditions. Simulation results show that the two methods can allow both generation and power flow controller devices to operate optimally. In the radial test network, the CS-PR needs less computation effort represented by a number of exchanged messages among the MAS platform than the SSP. Their performances in the meshed network are, however, almost the same. Last but not least, this novel concept of MAS-based AND is verified under a laboratory environment. The lab set-up separates some local network areas by using a three-inverter system. The MAS platform is created on different computers and is able to retrieve data from and to hardware components, i.e., the three-inverter system. In this set-up, a configuration of the power router is established in a combination of the three-inverter system with the MAS platform. Three control functions of the inverters, AC voltage control, DC bus voltage control, and PQ control, are developed in a Simulink diagram. By assigning suitable operation modes for the inverters, the set-up successfully experiments on synchronizing and disconnecting a cell to the rest of the grid. In the MAS platform, an obvious power routing strategy is executed to optimally manage power flow in the lab set-up. The results show that the proposed concept of the ADN with the power router interface works well and can be used to manage electrical networks with distributed generation and controllable loads, leading to active networks

    Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility: special report, session 2

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    The scope of Session 2 (S2) has been defined as follows by the Session Advisory Group and the Technical Committee: Power Quality (PQ), with the more general concept of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and with some related safety problems in electricity distribution systems. Special focus is put on voltage continuity (supply reliability, problem of outages) and voltage quality (voltage level, flicker, unbalance, harmonics). This session will also look at electromagnetic compatibility (mains frequency to 150 kHz), electromagnetic interferences and electric and magnetic fields issues. Also addressed in this session are electrical safety and immunity concerns (lightning issues, step, touch and transferred voltages). The aim of this special report is to present a synthesis of the present concerns in PQ&EMC, based on all selected papers of session 2 and related papers from other sessions, (152 papers in total). The report is divided in the following 4 blocks: Block 1: Electric and Magnetic Fields, EMC, Earthing systems Block 2: Harmonics Block 3: Voltage Variation Block 4: Power Quality Monitoring Two Round Tables will be organised: - Power quality and EMC in the Future Grid (CIGRE/CIRED WG C4.24, RT 13) - Reliability Benchmarking - why we should do it? What should be done in future? (RT 15


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    The importance of having an optimal material for fabricating Optically Transparent Antennas (OTAs) is crucial for designing highly efficient antennas that can be integrated with photovoltaics. Transparent Conductor Oxides (TCOs) are promising for OTA fabrication due to their capability of being simultaneously transparent at optical frequencies and conductive within the radio frequency (RF) range. In this work, a new material was developed and optimized to be used for fabricating an optically transparent antenna on a solar cell. Aluminum and Zinc Oxide were co-sputtered onto Si and onto a polycrystalline photovoltaic cell and then annealed between 350°C and 450°C for 24 and 48 h in N2 ambient. The annealing process ensured the formation of the Aluminum Zinc Oxide (AZO) with a DC conductivity of 3.48×〖10〗^5 S⁄cm and a transparency of 86% for a thickness between 350 and 750 nm. This new AZO material was shown to be capable of yielding high levels of conductivity at RF frequencies and excellent transmittance at optical frequencies. The material was tested and validated by performing RF characterization, and by fabricating and testing different optically transparent antennas. The details of the fabrication process, its optimization process, the design of the optical antennas are presented in details and discussed. The material was tested and validated by performing RF characterization, and by fabricating and testing different OTA designs