1,401 research outputs found

    Smart PV Inverter Control for Distribution Systems

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    PV solar systems employ inverters to transform dc power from solar panels into ac power for injecting into the power grids. Inverters that perform multiple functions in addition to real power production are known as “smart inverters”. This thesis presents a novel control of PV inverter as a dynamic reactive power compensator – STATCOM. This “smart PV inverter” control enables a PV solar inverter to operate in three modes – i) Full PV, ii) Partial STATCOM, and iii) Full STATCOM, depending upon system needs. The novel control is developed and demonstrated for the objectives of a) symmetrical voltage regulation, b) temporary overvoltage reduction, c) power factor correction, and d) reactive power control. In Full PV mode, the inverter performs only real power production based on solar radiation. In Partial STATCOM mode, the controller uses the remaining capacity of the inverter for voltage control, power factor correction and reactive power control. The Full STATCOM mode is invoked in emergency scenarios, such as faults, or severe voltage fluctuations. In this mode, the real power production is shut down temporarily and the entire inverter capacity is utilized for voltage regulation or TOV curtailment for providing critical support to the power system. This thesis presents a comprehensive design of the proposed smart inverter controller with all its associated system components. The performance of the smart inverter is simulated using the electromagnetic transients software PSCAD/EMTDC. It is further validated through Real Time Digital Simulation and Control Hardware in the Loop (CHIL) simulation. Finally the successful performance of the smart inverter controller is demonstrated on a 10 kW inverter in the laboratory on a simulated feeder of Bluewater Power, Sarnia, where this smart inverter is proposed to be installed. The smart PV inverter control is further shown to enhance the connectivity of PV solar farms in a realistic 44 kV Hydro One distribution feeder. It is demonstrated that if such a novel control is implemented on a 10 MW solar farm, the need for the actually installed STATCOM for voltage regulation and TOV control can be either minimized or altogether eliminated, bringing a significant savings for the utility PV solar systems employ inverters to transform dc power from solar panels into ac power for injecting into the power grids. Inverters that perform multiple functions in addition to real power production are known as “smart inverters”. This thesis presents a novel control of PV inverter as a dynamic reactive power compensator – STATCOM. This “smart PV inverter” control enables a PV solar inverter to operate in three modes – i) Full PV, ii) Partial STATCOM, and iii) Full STATCOM, depending upon system needs. The novel control is developed and demonstrated for the objectives of a) symmetrical voltage regulation, b) temporary overvoltage reduction, c) power factor correction, and d) reactive power control. In Full PV mode, the inverter performs only real power production based on solar radiation. In Partial STATCOM mode, the controller uses the remaining capacity of the inverter for voltage control, power factor correction and reactive power control. The Full STATCOM mode is invoked in emergency scenarios, such as faults, or severe voltage fluctuations. In this mode, the real power production is shut down temporarily and the entire inverter capacity is utilized for voltage regulation or TOV curtailment for providing critical support to the power system. This thesis presents a comprehensive design of the proposed smart inverter controller with all its associated system components. The performance of the smart inverter is simulated using the electromagnetic transients software PSCAD/EMTDC. It is further validated through Real Time Digital Simulation and Control Hardware in the Loop (CHIL) simulation. Finally the successful performance of the smart inverter controller is demonstrated on a 10 kW inverter in the laboratory on a simulated feeder of Bluewater Power, Sarnia, where this smart inverter is proposed to be installed. The smart PV inverter control is further shown to enhance the connectivity of PV solar farms in a realistic 44 kV Hydro One distribution feeder. It is demonstrated that if such a novel control is implemented on a 10 MW solar farm, the need for the actually installed STATCOM for voltage regulation and TOV control can be either minimized or altogether eliminated, bringing a significant savings for the utilit

    Frequency support characteristics of grid-interactive power converters based on the synchronous power controller

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    Grid-interactive converters with primary frequency control and inertia emulation have emerged and are promising for future renewable generation plants because of the contribution in power system stabilization. This paper gives a synchronous active power control solution for gridinteractive converters , as a way to emulate synchronous generators for inerita characteristics and load sharing. As design considerations, the virtual angle stability and transient response are both analyzed, and the detailed implementation structure is also given without entailing any difficulty in practice. The analytical and experimental validation of frequency support characteristics differentiates the work from other publications on generator emulation control. The 10 kW simulation and experimental frequency sweep tests on a regenerative source test bed present good performance of the proposed control in showing inertia and droop characteristics, as well as the controllable transient response.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    State-Space Modeling Techniques of Emerging Grid-Connected Converters

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    In modern power electronics-based power systems, accurate modeling is necessary in order to analyze stability and the interaction between the different elements, which are connected to it. State space modeling seems a valid approach to study the modes of a certain system and their correlation with its states. Unfortunately, this approach may require complicated calculations and it is difficult to model advanced or emerging control techniques for grid-tied converters, such as cascaded controllers (e.g., voltage and current) and virtual synchronous generators (VSGs). Moreover, this approach does not allow an easy reconfiguration of the modeled system by adding, removing of modifying certain elements. To solve such problems, this paper presents a step-by-step approach to the converter modeling based on the Component Connection Method (CCM). The CCM is explained in detail and a practical example is given, by modeling one exemplary VSG model available in the literature. The obtained model is finally validated experimentally to demonstrate the practical accuracy of such approach. View Full-Tex

    Nonlinear Modeling of Power Electronics-based Power Systems for Control Design and Harmonic Studies

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    The massive integration of power electronics devices in the modern electric grid marked a turning point in the concept of stability, power quality and control in power systems. The evolution of the grid toward a converter-dominated network motivates a deep renovation of the classical power system theory developed for machine-dominated networks. The high degree of controllability of power electronics converters, furthermore, paves the way to the investigation of advanced control strategies to enhance the grid stability, resiliency and sustainability. This doctoral dissertation explores four cardinal topics in the field of power electronics-based power systems: dynamic modeling, stability analysis, converters control, and power quality with particular focus on harmonic distortion. In all four research areas, a particular attention is given to the implications of the nonlinearity of the converter models on the power system

    Intelligent transition control between grid-connected and standalone modes of three-phase grid-integrated distributed generation systems

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    This paper proposes an intelligent seamless transition controller for smooth transition between grid-connected (GC) and standalone modes of distributed generation (DG) units in the grid. The development of this seamless controller contributes to two main processes in the transition modes: the synchronization process and an islanding process. For the synchronization process, the stationary reference frame phase-locked loop (SRF-PLL) associated with the voltage source inverter (VSI) is modified using the frequency, voltage deviation, and phase angle information. Furthermore, the islanding process is classified as intentional and unintentional islanding scenarios for achieving efficient transition control. Here, the intentional islanding process is achieved with the information that is available in the system due to the planned disconnection. For the unintentional islanding process, a fuzzy inference system (FIS) is used to modify the conventional droop control using the information of change in active power, voltage, and frequency. To identify the action of the proposed approach during the transition process, numerical simulations are conducted with the hardware-in-loop (HIL) simulator by developing a 10kWp three-phase grid-connected DG system. The results identified the efficient control of the VSI for both islanding and grid connection processes. In the islanding conditions, the proposed controller provides advantage with less detection and disconnection time, and during synchronization, it instantly minimizes the phase-angle deviation to achieve efficient control

    Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Microgrid in Island and Grid Connected Modes with a Fuel Cell Power Source

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    The ability to connect a microgrid to the grid is an important step in the development and evolution of the modern power system. The principle objectives of this research are (1) to simulate a simple microgrid consisting of a PEM hydrogen fuel cell, load and connection to the grid and (2) to evaluate the resulting microgrid control system on a corresponding experimental microgrid. The microgrid simulation demonstrated that the control algorithms can operate the microgrid in both islanded (VSC with voltage and frequency regulation) and grid connected (VSC with current control for power transfer). The experimental laboratory microgrid was constructed and operated in real-time performing its black start and managed transitions between island and grid connected modes of operation. The synchronization method adjusted the island microgrid to become in phase with the grid and tracked well under steady state and load changing conditions. The synchronization process brought the island in phase with the grid within 400 ms. Passive island detection was demonstrated with the restoration to grid operation. The grid connected voltage and current THD were under 1%

    Inter-Microgrid Operation: Power Sharing, Frequency Restoration, Seamless Reconnection and Stability Analysis

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    Electrification in the rural areas sometimes become very challenging due to area accessibility and economic concern. Standalone Microgrids (MGs) play a very crucial role in these kinds of a rural area where a large power grid is not available. The intermittent nature of distributed energy sources and the load uncertainties can create a power mismatch and can lead to frequency and voltage drop in rural isolated community MG. In order to avoid this, various intelligent load shedding techniques, installation of micro storage systems and coupling of neighbouring MGs can be adopted. Among these, the coupling of neighbouring MGs is the most feasible in the rural area where large grid power is not available. The interconnection of neighbouring MGs has raised concerns about the safety of operation, protection of critical infrastructure, the efficiency of power-sharing and most importantly, stable mode of operation. Many advanced control techniques have been proposed to enhance the load sharing and stability of the microgrid. Droop control is the most commonly used control technique for parallel operation of converters in order to share the load among the MGs. But most of them are in the presence of large grid power, where system voltage and frequency are controlled by the stiff grid. In a rural area, where grid power is not available, the frequency and voltage control become a fundamental issue to be addressed. Moreover, for accurate load sharing a high value of droop gain should be chosen as the R/X ratio of the rural network is very high, which makes the system unstable. Therefore, the choice of droop gains is often a trade-off between power-sharing and stability. In the context, the main focus of this PhD thesis is the fundamental investigations into control techniques of inverter-based standalone neighbouring microgrids for available power sharing. It aims to develop new and improved control techniques to enhance performance and power-sharing reliability of remote standalone Microgrids. In this thesis, a power management-based droop control is proposed for accurate power sharing according to the power availability in a particular MG. Inverters can have different power setpoints during the grid-connected mode, but in the standalone mode, they all need their power setpoints to be adjusted according to their power ratings. On the basis of this, a power management-based droop control strategy is developed to achieve the power-sharing among the neighbouring microgrids. The proposed method helps the MG inverters to share the power according to its ratings and availability, which does not restrict the inverters for equal power-sharing. The paralleled inverters in coupled MGs need to work in both interconnected mode and standalone mode and should be able to transfer between modes seamlessly. An enhanced droop control is proposed to maintain the frequency and voltage of the MGs to their nominal value, which also helps the neighbouring MGs for seamless (de)coupling. This thesis also presents a mathematical model of the interconnected neighbouring microgrid for stability and robustness analysis. Finally, a laboratory prototype model of two MGs is developed to test the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies

    Virtually synchronous power plant control

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    During the last century, the electrical energy infrastructures have been governed by synchronous generators, producing electrical energy to the vast majority of the population worldwide. However, power systems are no longer what they used to be. During the last two decades of this new millennium the classical, centralized and hierarchical networks have experienced an intense integration of renewable energy sources, mainly wind and solar, thanks also to the evolution and development of power conversion and power electronics industry. Although the current electrical system was designed to have a core of generation power plants, responsible of producing the necessary energy to supply end users and a clear power flow, divided mainly into transmission and distribution networks, as well as scalable consumers connected at different levels, this scenario has dramatically changed with the addition of renewable generation units. The massive installation of wind and solar farms, connected at medium voltage networks, as well as the proliferation of small distributed generators interfaced by power converters in low voltage systems is changing the paradigm of energy generation, distribution and consumption. Despite the feasibility of this integration in the existing electrical network, the addition of these distributed generators made grid operators face new challenges, especially considering the stochastic profile of such energy producers. Furthermore, the replacement of traditional generation units for renewable energy sources has harmed the stability and the reliable response during grid contingencies. In order to cope with the difficult task of operating the electrical network, transmission system operators have increased the requirements and modified the grid codes for the newly integrated devices. In an effort to enable a more natural behavior of the renewable systems into the electrical grid, advanced control strategies were presented in the literature to emulate the behavior of traditional synchronous generators. These approaches focused mainly on the power converter relying on their local measurement points to resemble the operation of a traditional generating unit. However, the integration of those units into bigger systems, such as power plants, is still not clear as the effect of accumulating hundreds or thousands of units has not been properly addressed. In this regard, the work of this thesis deals with the study of the so-called virtual synchronous machine (VSM) in three control layers. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis of the general structure used for the different virtual synchronous machine approaches is presented, which constitutes the base implementation tree for all existent strategies of virtual synchronous generation. In a first stage, the most inner control loop is studied and analyzed regarding the current control on the power converter. This internal regulator is in charge of the current injection and the tracking of all external power reference. Afterward, the synchronous control is oriented to the device, where the generating unit relies on its local measurements to emulate a synchronous machine in the power converter. In this regard, a sensorless approach to the virtual synchronous machine is introduced, increasing the stability of the power converter and reducing the voltage measurements used. Finally, the model of the synchronous control is extrapolated into a power plant control layer to be able to regulate multiple units in a coordinated manner, thus emulating the behavior of a unique synchronous machine. In this regard, the local measurements are not used for the emulation of the virtual machine, but they are switched to PCC measurements, allowing to set the desired dynamic response at the power plant level.Postprint (published version

    Novel Control and Harmonics Impact of PV Solar Farms

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    This thesis presents a novel application of Photovoltaic (PV) solar system inverter, both during night and day, as a dynamic reactive power compensator STATCOM. This technology, termed PV-STATCOM, is designed and developed for power factor correction in the networks of two utilities: Bluewater Power, Sarnia, and London Hydro. This thesis further describes for the first time, the harmonic impact studies on a utility distribution network in presence of the largest PV solar farm in Canada. This novel utilization of a PV-STATCOM for power factor correction of induction motor loads is demonstrated with (i) electromagnetic transient simulation in EMTDC/PSCAD software, (ii) real-time simulation studies in a Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS), and (iii) Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation studies of the PV-STATCOM controller implemented in a Digital Signal Processor based dSPACE system. Two different inverter control methods are employed - Hysteresis control and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control. The effectiveness of the PV-STATCOM controller is verified with different PV power outputs and at different loading conditions of the induction motor. The PV-STATCOM is able to improve the motor power factor to unity both during night and in the day even while generating real power. The harmonic impact studies of the 20 MW large scale PV solar farm and a 10 kW PV solar system are performed with the EMTDC/PSCAD model of two distribution feeders connecting to the solar farm in Bluewater Power, Sarnia. The models are validated with load flow results obtained from the CYME load flow software and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data available from the utility. The network resonance behaviors of the two feeders are analyzed using frequency scanning method in EMTDC/PSCAD. The measured harmonics data provided by Hydro One for three different power levels from the solar farm are utilized for harmonic impact studies. It is shown that even with worst case harmonics injection from both the large scale PV solar farm and a small PV solar system, the voltage harmonic distortion is within the limits specified by IEEE Standard 519

    Advanced Primary Controllers for Inverter Based Power Sources: Microgrids and Wind Power Plants

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present the research activity fulfilled during the Ph.D. studies. The research project of the candidate was focused on two main cores. The first core is centred in the microgrid area; in particular in islanded microgrid modelling and control. Firstly, the model was compared with experimental results collected in some facilities available at University of Genoa. Then traditional controllers for islanded microgrid are analysed and explored, proposing a new stability estimation procedure for droop controlled microgrid. Finally, a new control strategy based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) is proposed in order to collect many functionalities in just one control layer. MPC is widely used in MG environment, but just for power and energy management at tertiary level; instead here it is here proposed with an inedited use. Some experimental validations about this new methodology are obtained during a research period in Serbia and Denmark. The second core is related with synthetic inertia for wind turbine connected to the main grid, i.e. frequency support during under-frequency transients. This aspect is very important today because it represents a way to increase grid stability in low inertia power systems. The importance of this feature is shared by all the most important Transmitter System Operators (TSO) all over the world
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