5,125 research outputs found

    Evaluation of using Swarm intelligence to produce facility layout solutions.

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    The facility layout problem is a combinatorial optimization problem that involves determining the location and shape of various departments within a facility based on inter-department volume and distance measures. An optimal solution to the problem will yield the most efficient layout based on the measures. The application of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was recently proposed as an approach to solving the facility layout problem. With PSO, potential solutions are produced by dividing departments into swarms of Self-Organizing Tiles (SOT). By following a set of simple behavioral rules based on social information gathered from the environment, the tiles cooperate to produce solutions in a very short amount of time. Initial results provided improvements over CRAFT, one of the primary methods currently used for facility layout. The main contribution of this thesis work entails evaluating the use of swarm intelligence to produce optimal facility layouts as well as the use of shape measures to assess the quality of produced layouts. The major achievement of this thesis is the design and implementation of a tool that could produce facility layout solutions using Self- Organizing Tiles (SOT). This thesis advances the swarm paradigm by introducing alternative pathways for achieving contiguity of departments. This thesis utilizes the tool to examine the convergence of SOT on an enumerated optimum for a layout dataset, which requires the exhaustive evaluation of all permutations of a grid layout. The tool was also used to examine the effect of granularity on the ability of SOT to converge on facility layout solutions. A shape metric was utilized as a means of evaluating the quality of produced solutions based on the regularity of the shape of departments, and found that SOT produces fairly regular layouts when granularized to nine tiles per department. Finally, SOT was compared with other algorithms the experimental results revealed that SOT provided minor improvements over currently used methods

    Orbiting quarantine facility. The Antaeus report

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    A mission plan for the Orbiting Quarantine Facility (OQF) is presented. Coverage includes system overview, quarantine and protocol, the laboratory, support systems, cost analysis and possible additional uses of the OQF

    Campuses, Cities and Innovation:

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    The locations of technology campuses determine where innovation takes place. In a knowledge-based economy, the future of cities increasingly depends on the presence of universities, their industry partners, talent and (start-up) businesses. The relationship between (technology) campuses and cities was a central theme in Flavia Curvelo Magdaniel’s doctoral research, which was defended and published in September 2016. During her PhD study, she collected data of thirty-nine technology campuses, which we – as her promotor and co-promotor – considered worth a spin-off publication. This publication “Campuses, cities and innovation” contains descriptions of 39 international cases that accommodate tech-based research activities. These case descriptions (in part B) are introduced with background information about concepts and methods (in part A) and reflected upon in conclusions and recommendations (in part C). Based on our experience - after more than twenty years of campus research at TU Delft – we identified a demand for case study references to support decision making at both universities and municipalities. TU Delft’s campus research team aims at generating management information on all campus levels: from the changing academic workplace and new concepts for university buildings to the sustainable campus and the knowledge city. This book is part of a book series that combines insights from theory with references from practice, to contribute to smarter campus management. With a large number of facts, figures and maps this book “Campuses, cities and innovation” is relevant for board members and (campus) management staff at universities as well as policymakers at municipalities and regional authorities. Additionally, decision-makers of industry partners, (start-up) businesses and (other) members of the campus community could be interested in comparing their campuses with worldwide examples. “Innovation is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” was one of the propositions that Flavia Curvelo Magdaniel defended in September 2016. With this book, we wanted to take the opportunity to support the preparation process and hope to stimulate innovation

    Space station group activities habitability module study

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    This study explores and analyzes architectural design approaches for the interior of the Space Station Habitability Module (originally defined as Habitability Module 1 in Space Station Reference Configuration Decription, JSC-19989, August 1984). In the Research Phase, architectural program and habitability design guidelines are specified. In the Schematic Design Phase, a range of alternative concepts is described and illustrated with drawings, scale-model photographs and design analysis evaluations. Recommendations are presented on the internal architectural, configuration of the Space Station Habitability Module for such functions as the wardroom, galley, exercise facility, library and station control work station. The models show full design configurations for on-orbit performance

    Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace-vehicle Design (IPAD) system. Volume 2: Characterization of the IPAD system, phase 1, task 1

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    The aircraft design process is discussed along with the degree of participation of the various engineering disciplines considered in this feasibility study

    Nonterrestrial utilization of materials: Automated space manufacturing facility

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    Four areas related to the nonterrestrial use of materials are included: (1) material resources needed for feedstock in an orbital manufacturing facility, (2) required initial components of a nonterrestrial manufacturing facility, (3) growth and productive capability of such a facility, and (4) automation and robotics requirements of the facility

    Applications of Virtual Reality

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    Information Technology is growing rapidly. With the birth of high-resolution graphics, high-speed computing and user interaction devices Virtual Reality has emerged as a major new technology in the mid 90es, last century. Virtual Reality technology is currently used in a broad range of applications. The best known are games, movies, simulations, therapy. From a manufacturing standpoint, there are some attractive applications including training, education, collaborative work and learning. This book provides an up-to-date discussion of the current research in Virtual Reality and its applications. It describes the current Virtual Reality state-of-the-art and points out many areas where there is still work to be done. We have chosen certain areas to cover in this book, which we believe will have potential significant impact on Virtual Reality and its applications. This book provides a definitive resource for wide variety of people including academicians, designers, developers, educators, engineers, practitioners, researchers, and graduate students

    Üretim Mimarisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma: İmalathanelerden Makine Bölgelerine

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    Anthropocene is the present geological epoch in which human-built infrastructures dominate the resources of the world and highest levels of human intrusion to the ecosystems have been accumulated since the Industrial Revolution. Utilisation of the steam engine initiated change in energy sources and extraction of raw materials that altered the existent means of production and led to the hegemony of industrial activities. The spread and growth of industry prevailed onto the practice of architecture to construct rapidly developing bases of production, storage, and distribution. Therefrom, physical embodiments of these bases as an overall system enable to relate energy, labour, and technology as fundamental elements of industry with the discourse of architecture. Hence, this thesis studies three determined architectural typologies -mills, daylight factories, machine landscapes- for the evolution of production by a historical literature survey and comparative analysis of multiple cases with the compiled architectural documentation including photographs, drawings, and diagrams. Chronologically organised cases from different industrial periods reflect the altering nature of energy, labour, and technology regarding means of production, construction techniques, and materials. Acting as design parameters through the spatial transformation from mills to daylight factories, and now to machine landscapes, these relations indicate the interdependency between architecture and industry, and allow to formulate further spatial entities for production.Antroposen, insan yapımı altyapıların Dünya kaynaklarına hâkim olduğu ve Sanayi Devrimi'nden bu yana ekosistemlere en yüksek düzeyde insan müdahalesinin biriktiği mevcut jeolojik çağdır. Buhar makinesinin kullanımıyla başlayan enerji kaynaklarında ve hammaddelerin çıkartılmasındaki değişim, mevcut üretim araçlarının farklılaşmasına ve endüstriyel faaliyetlerin hegemonyasına yol açtı. Endüstrinin yayılımı ve büyümesi, hızla gelişen üretim, depolama ve dağıtım temellerini inşa etmek için endüstriyi mimarlığın uygulanma aşamasına yönlendirdi. Bu noktadan yola çıkarak, genel bir sistem halinde bu temellerin somutlaştırılmış düzenlemeleri, endüstrinin temel unsurları olan enerji, emek ve teknolojiyi mimarlık söylemiyle ilişkilendirmeyi mümkün kılar. Bu nedenle, bu tez, üretimin evrimi için belirlenmiş üç mimari tipolojiyi -imalathaneler, gün ışığı fabrikaları, makine bölgeleri- tarihsel bir literatür taraması ve birçok örneğin mimari belgesi olan fotoğrafları, çizimleri ve diyagramları aracılığıyla karşılaştırmalı analizi üstünden çalışır. Farklı endüstriyel dönemlerden seçilmiş ve kronolojik olarak organize edilmiş bu örnekler, enerji, emek ve üretim araçları, inşaat teknikleri ve malzemelerle ilgili olarak teknolojinin değişen doğasını yansıtır. Tasarım parametreleri olarak imalathanelerden gün ışığı fabrikalarına ve güncel olarak da makine bölgelerine doğru mekânsal dönüşümü sağlayan bu ilişkiler, mimari ve endüstri arasındaki karşılıklı bağlılığı gösterir ve üretim için daha fazla mekânsal varlıkları formüle etmeye izin verir.M.Arch. - Master of Architectur