12 research outputs found

    MAC design for WiFi infrastructure networks: a game-theoretic approach

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    In WiFi networks, mobile nodes compete for accessing a shared channel by means of a random access protocol called Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). Although this protocol is in principle fair, since all the stations have the same probability to transmit on the channel, it has been shown that unfair behaviors may emerge in actual networking scenarios because of non-standard configurations of the nodes. Due to the proliferation of open source drivers and programmable cards, enabling an easy customization of the channel access policies, we propose a game-theoretic analysis of random access schemes. Assuming that each node is rational and implements a best response strategy, we show that efficient equilibria conditions can be reached when stations are interested in both uploading and downloading traffic. More interesting, these equilibria are reached when all the stations play the same strategy, thus guaranteeing a fair resource sharing. When stations are interested in upload traffic only, we also propose a mechanism design, based on an artificial dropping of layer-2 acknowledgments, to force desired equilibria. Finally, we propose and evaluate some simple DCF extensions for practically implementing our theoretical findings.Comment: under review on IEEE Transaction on wireless communication

    Cross-layer H.264 scalable video downstream delivery over WLANs

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    Thanks to its in-network drop-based adaptation capabilities, H.264 Scalable Video Coding is perceived as an effective approach for delivering video over networks characterized by sudden large bandwidth fluctuations, such as Wireless LANs. Performance may be boosted by the adoption of application-aware/cross-layer schedulers devised to intelligently drop video data units (NALUs), so that i) decoding dependencies are preserved, and ii) the quality perceived by the end users is maximized. In this paper, we provide a theoretical formulation of a QoE utility-optimal cross-layer scheduling problem for H.264 SVC downlink delivery over WLANs. We show that, because of the unique characteristics of the WLAN MAC operation, this problem significantly differs from related approaches proposed for scheduled wireless technologies, especially when the WLAN carries background traffic in the uplink direction. From these theoretical insights, we derive, design, implement and experimentally assess a simple practical scheduling algorithm, whose performance is very close to the optimal solution

    WiFo: A diagnostic tool for IEEE 802.11 MAC

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    WLANs are constantly undergoing extensive research and development, and scientists keep coming up with new methods to improve existing protocols and amend standards. Experimental assessment has been an important part of 802.11 research, however measuring the detailed behaviour of the medium and hardware has been challenging. In this paper we design a diagnostic tool, WiFo, for IEEE 802.11-based WLANs. This tool helps developers and researchers monitor and analyze the wireless signals and details such as backoff distribution in a user-friendly environment. Our solution is much cheaper and easier to use than existing tools, and provides more flexibility by allowing users to add functionality. We then use WiFo to study several aspects of some off-the-shelf hardware and their corresponding software drivers, and show some interesting results regarding how they apply standard specifications

    Model validation through experimental testbed: the fluid flow behavior example

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    This testbed practice paper presents our efforts to validate an analytical model for fluid flow behavior in wireless mesh networks with an experimental evaluation. We have developed a fluid model for multihop communication in wireless mesh networks and analyzed it with simulations. Now, we describe our efforts to reproduce the modeled and simulated network with an indoorWiFi mesh network and to measure flow parameters that allow us to verify that the underlying assumptions and the flow behavior can be matched in real networks. Our experiences emphasize the need to gap the bridge between simulations and experimental validation as well as the lack of tools to efficiently validate results. These findings are particularly true in wireless mesh networks where interference is beyond the control of the experiment and where nodes are distributed such that an easy coordination and monitoring of the nodes is not possible

    Experimental assessment of the backoff behavior of commercial IEEE 802.11b network cards

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    It has been observed that different IEEE 802.11 commercial cards produced by different vendors experience different performance, either when accessing alone the channel, as well as when competing against each other. These differences persist also when thorough measurement methodologies (such as RF shielding, laptop rotation, etc) are applied, and alignment of the environmental factors (same laptop models, traffic generators, etc) is carried out. This paper provides an extensive experimental characterization of the backoff operation of six commercial NIC cards. It suggests a relevant methodological approach, namely a repeatable, well defined, set of experiments, for such a characterization. Low level backoff distribution measurements are taken through a custom equipment developed in our laboratory. Our work allows to detect both a non-standard backoff behavior of some commercial cards (in terms of minimum contention window size and neglection of EIFS times), as well as potential implementation limits (in either the card hardware/firmware and/or the software driver) which appear to severely alter the card performance in challenging conditions

    Multi-layer traffic control for wireless networks

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    Le reti Wireless LAN, così come definite dallo standard IEEE 802.11, garantiscono connettività senza fili nei cosiddetti “hot-spot” (aeroporti, hotel, etc.), nei campus universitari, nelle intranet aziendali e nelle abitazioni. In tali scenari, le WLAN sono denotate come “ad infrastruttura” nel senso che la copertura della rete è basata sulla presenza di un “Access Point” che fornisce alle stazioni mobili l’accesso alla rete cablata. Esiste un ulteriore approccio (chiamato “ad-hoc”) in cui le stazioni mobili appartenenti alla WLAN comunicano tra di loro senza l’ausilio dell’Access Point. Le Wireless LAN tipicamente sono connesse alla rete di trasporto (che essa sia Internet o una Intranet aziendale) usando un’infrastruttura cablata. Le reti wireless Mesh ad infrastruttura (WIMN) rappresentano un’alternativa valida e meno costosa alla classica infrastruttura cablata. A testimonianza di quanto appena affermato vi è la comparsa e la crescita sul mercato di diverse aziende specializzate nella fornitura di infrastrutture di trasporto wireless e il lancio di varie attività di standardizzazione (tra cui spicca il gruppo 802.11s). La facilità di utilizzo, di messa in opera di una rete wireless e i costi veramente ridotti hanno rappresentato fattori critici per lo straordinario successo di tale tecnologia. Di conseguenza possiamo affermare che la tecnologia wireless ha modificato lo stile di vita degli utenti, il modo di lavorare, il modo di passare il tempo libero (video conferenze, scambio foto, condivisione di brani musicali, giochi in rete, messaggistica istantanea ecc.). D’altro canto, lo sforzo per garantire lo sviluppo di reti capaci di supportare servizi dati ubiqui a velocità di trasferimento elevate è strettamente legato a numerose sfide tecniche tra cui: il supporto per l’handover tra differenti tecnologie (WLAN/3G), la certezza di accesso e autenticazione sicure, la fatturazione e l’accounting unificati, la garanzia di QoS ecc. L’attività di ricerca svolta nell’arco del Dottorato si è focalizzata sulla definizione di meccanismi multi-layer per il controllo del traffico in reti wireless. In particolare, nuove soluzioni di controllo del traffico sono state realizzate a differenti livelli della pila protocollare (dallo strato data-link allo strato applicativo) in modo da fornire: funzionalità avanzate (autenticazione sicura, differenziazione di servizio, handover trasparente) e livelli soddisfacenti di Qualità del Servizio. La maggior parte delle soluzioni proposte in questo lavoro di tesi sono state implementate in test-bed reali. Questo lavoro riporta i risultati della mia attività di ricerca ed è organizzato nel seguente modo: ogni capitolo presenta, ad uno specifico strato della pila protocollare, un meccanismo di controllo del traffico con l’obiettivo di risolvere le problematiche presentate precedentemente. I Capitoli 1 e 2 fanno riferimento allo strato di Trasporto ed investigano il problema del mantenimento della fairness per le connessioni TCP. L’unfairness TCP conduce ad una significativa degradazione delle performance implicando livelli non soddisfacenti di QoS. Questi capitoli descrivono l’attività di ricerca in cui ho impiegato il maggior impegno durante gli studi del dottorato. Nel capitolo 1 viene presentato uno studio simulativo delle problematiche di unfairness TCP e vengono introdotti due possibili soluzioni basate su rate-control. Nel Capitolo 2 viene derivato un modello analitico per la fairness TCP e si propone uno strumento per la personalizzazione delle politiche di fairness. Il capitolo 3 si focalizza sullo strato Applicativo e riporta diverse soluzioni di controllo del traffico in grado di garantire autenticazione sicura in scenari di roaming tra provider wireless. Queste soluzioni rappresentano parte integrante del framework UniWireless, un testbed nazionale sviluppato nell’ambito del progetto TWELVE. Il capitolo 4 descrive, nuovamente a strato Applicativo, una soluzione (basata su SIP) per la gestione della mobilità degli utenti in scenari di rete eterogenei ovvero quando diverse tecnologie di accesso radio sono presenti (802.11/WiFi, Bluetooth, 2.5G/3G). Infine il Capitolo 5 fa riferimento allo strato Data-Link presentando uno studio preliminare di un approccio per il routing e il load-balancing in reti Mesh infrastrutturate.Wireless LANs, as they have been defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard, are shared media enabling connectivity in the so-called “hot-spots” (airports, hotel lounges, etc.), university campuses, enterprise intranets, as well as “in-home” for home internet access. With reference to the above scenarios, WLANs are commonly denoted as “infra-structured” in the sense that WLAN coverage is based on “Access Points” which provide the mobile stations with access to the wired network. In addition to this approach, there exists also an “ad-hoc” mode to organize WLANs where mobile stations talk to each other without the need of Access Points. Wireless LANs are typically connected to the wired backbones (Internet or corporate intranets) using a wired infrastructure. Wireless Infrastructure Mesh Networks (WIMN) may represent a viable and cost-effective alternative to this traditional wired approach. This is witnessed by the emergence and growth of many companies specialized in the provisioning of wireless infrastructure solutions, as well as the launch of standardization activities (such as 802.11s). The easiness of deploying and using a wireless network, and the low deployment costs have been critical factors in the extraordinary success of such technology. As a logical consequence, the wireless technology has allowed end users being connected everywhere – every time and it has changed several things in people’s lifestyle, such as the way people work, or how they live their leisure time (videoconferencing, instant photo or music sharing, network gaming, etc.). On the other side, the effort to develop networks capable of supporting ubiquitous data services with very high data rates in strategic locations is linked with many technical challenges including seamless vertical handovers across WLAN and 3G radio technologies, security, 3G-based authentication, unified accounting and billing, consistent QoS and service provisioning, etc. My PhD research activity have been focused on multi-layer traffic control for Wireless LANs. In particular, specific new traffic control solutions have been designed at different layers of the protocol stack (from the link layer to the application layer) in order to guarantee i) advanced features (secure authentication, service differentiation, seamless handover) and ii) satisfactory level of perceived QoS. Most of the proposed solutions have been also implemented in real testbeds. This dissertation presents the results of my research activity and is organized as follows: each Chapter presents, at a specific layer of the protocol stack, a traffic control mechanism in order to address the introduced above issues. Chapter 1 and Charter 2 refer to the Transport Layer, and they investigate the problem of maintaining fairness for TCP connections. TCP unfairness may result in significant degradation of performance leading to users perceiving unsatisfactory Quality of Service. These Chapters describe the research activity in which I spent the most significant effort. Chapter 1 proposes a simulative study of the TCP fairness issues and two different solutions based on Rate Control mechanism. Chapter 2 illustrates an analytical model of the TCP fairness and derives a framework allowing wireless network providers to customize fairness policies. Chapter 3 focuses on the Application Layer and it presents new traffic control solutions able to guarantee secure authentication in wireless inter-provider roaming scenarios. These solutions are an integral part of the UniWireless framework, a nationwide distributed Open Access testbed that has been jointly realized by different research units within the TWELVE national project. Chapter 4 describes again an Application Layer solution, based on Session Initiation Protocol to manage user mobility and provide seamless mobile multimedia services in a heterogeneous scenario where different radio access technologies are used (802.11/WiFi, Bluetooth, 2.5G/3G networks). Finally Chapter 5 refers to the Data Link Layer and presents a preliminary study of a general approach for routing and load balancing in Wireless Infrastructure Mesh Network. The key idea is to dynamically select routes among a set of slowly changing alternative network paths, where paths are created through the reuse of classical 802.1Q multiple spanning tree mechanisms

    Time Dependent Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks

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    Many wireless networks are subject to frequent changes in a combination of network topology, traffic demand, and link capacity, such that nonstationary/transient conditions always exist in packet-level network behavior. Although there are extensive studies on the steady-state performance of wireless networks, little work exists on the systematic study of their packet-level time varying behavior. However, it is increasingly noted that wireless networks must not only perform well in steady state, but must also have acceptable performance under nonstationary/transient conditions. Furthermore, numerous applications in today's wireless networks are very critical to the real-time performance of delay, packet delivery ratio, etc, such as safety applications in vehicular networks and military applications in mobile ad hoc networks. Thus, there exists a need for techniques to analyze the time dependent performance of wireless networks. In this dissertation, we develop a performance modeling framework incorporating queuing and stochastic modeling techniques to efficiently evaluate packet-level time dependent performance of vehicular networks (single-hop) and mobile ad hoc networks (multi-hop). For vehicular networks, we consider the dynamic behavior of IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol due to node mobility and model the network hearability as a time varying adjacency matrix. For mobile ad hoc networks, we focus on the dynamic behavior of network layer performance due to rerouting and model the network connectivity as a time varying adjacency matrix. In both types of networks, node queues are modeled by the same fluid flow technique, which follows flow conservation principle to construct differential equations from a pointwise mapping of the steady-state queueing relationships. Numerical results confirm that fluid-flow based performance models are able to respond to the ongoing nonstationary/transient conditions of wireless networks promptly and accurately. Moreover, compared to the computation time of standard discrete event simulator, fluid-flow based model is shown to be a more scalable evaluation tool. In general, our proposed performance model can be used to explore network design alternatives or to get a quick estimate on the performance variation in response to some dynamic changes in network conditions

    Contributions to QoS and energy efficiency in wi-fi networks

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    The Wi-Fi technology has been in the recent years fostering the proliferation of attractive mobile computing devices with broadband capabilities. Current Wi-Fi radios though severely impact the battery duration of these devices thus limiting their potential applications. In this thesis we present a set of contributions that address the challenge of increasing energy efficiency in Wi-Fi networks. In particular, we consider the problem of how to optimize the trade-off between performance and energy effciency in a wide variety of use cases and applications. In this context, we introduce novel energy effcient algorithms for real-time and data applications, for distributed and centralized Wi-Fi QoS and power saving protocols and for Wi-Fi stations and Access Points. In addition, the diÂżerent algorithms presented in this thesis adhere to the following design guidelines: i) they are implemented entirely at layer two, and can hence be easily re-used in any device with a Wi-Fi interface, ii) they do not require modiÂżcations to current 802.11 standards, and can hence be readily deployed in existing Wi-Fi devices, and iii) whenever possible they favor client side solutions, and hence mobile computing devices implementing them can benefit from an increased energy efficiency regardless of the Access Point they connect to. Each of our proposed algorithms is thoroughly evaluated by means of both theoretical analysis and packet level simulations. Thus, the contributions presented in this thesis provide a realistic set of tools to improve energy efficiency in current Wi-Fi networks