26 research outputs found

    View: a 3D virtual learning environment for introduction to multimedia subjects using cooperative learning approach

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    Rapid advancement of technology can simplify and speed up communication processes. The development of information and communication technology (ICT) for instance, has allowed various learning activities to be conducted virtually. Some of the activities that have extensively exploited such a technology are cooperative and collaborative learning, in which ICT can strongly support the vital elements of the learning activities. The elements of these activities are interaction and communication between students, which are often carried out in a two-dimensional virtual learning environment (2-D VLE) by utilizing Web 2.0 applications such as chat rooms, online discussion forums, social networking sites, and blogs. Despite being extraordinarily capable of supporting online learning activities, ICT has several drawbacks. The technology is limited to text-based communication; it provides less support in the use of nonverbal communication to convey messages; and it provides users with limited tools to collaborate. These limitations make the applications inferior in supporting communication and interaction hence the learning activities performed in a VLE are considered very limited and not realistic since they are executed merely through text conversations or discussions without any other forms of interactions. Several problems have emerged from these limitations, particularly on students’ interaction, participation, motivation, satisfaction dan sense of presence. Therefore recently, a threedimensional virtual learning environment (3-D VLE) or a virtual world has been utilized as a platform of online learning as it possesses potentials in supporting online and virtual learning. However, 3-D VLE is still new in Malaysia, especially at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), although it is very beneficial for online learning and especially for distance Statistical analysis showed that there are significant performance improvements between students' scores in pre and post test. While interaction and communication of the students were evaluated by analyzing the recorded video of the learning activities using the content analysis technique based on a coding scheme which is related to cooperative learning. The results of this analysis indicate that the frequencies of seeking input and contributing about the tasks and also technical matters among the students were high. Therefore it shows that majority of the students were active during the learning process and none of them was a sleeping partner. In terms of satisfaction and sense of presence, it was assessed through questionnaires that were distributed to the students upon completion of all learning activities. Based on statistical analysis that has been carried out, the findings showed that scores of social presence, place presence and co-presence were high, thus showing that the students can feel that they were really in the virtual world along with their friends. From the interview conducted with several selected students, they were satisfied with the cooperative learning in ViEW. They feel that learning in 3-D VLE was enjoyable and has great potential to be further implemented in all subjects

    The Teaching of Switched Mode Power Supplies - Design, Simulation and Practical Implementation for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

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    © 2018 IEEE. The teaching of switched mode power supplies can be very challenging. For example, do we just teach the operation of the power supplies? Is teaching a topology enough to produce a graduate capable of designing power supplies for the highest specifications? Should we consider other details like EMI, thermal effects and packaging in the design? What will happen if we ignore them? Should these details be considered at the simulation stage, or only when it comes to manufacturing phase? This paper covers all the steps required for the design procedure of switched mode power supplies. The paper can be used in developing practical/simulation courses in power electronics for teaching the design of switched mode power supplies

    Advancements in using a machine design project for teaching introductory electrical engineering

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    Project-based learning is commonly used in teaching electrical/electronic engineering content. This paper analyses a proposed course that used a Rube Goldberg machine design project for introductory electrical engineering teaching. To facilitate students' learning, two main enhancements of the original course development are described: i) a refurnished project vehicle and new curriculum-framing questions have been proposed to assist students achieving the course's learning outcomes, and ii) tools for idea cultivation, design progress monitoring and design/learning collaboration technologies have been proposed to assist students to direct their learning. © 2013 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Teaching introductory electrical engineering: project-based learning experience

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    Conference Theme: Fostering Innovation and Excellence in Engineering EducationSession H1BThis paper presents an integration of a loosely defined design project in an introductory electrical engineering course. The proposed project aims to introduce first-year engineering students to the world of electrical engineering and develop their general engineering skills. Because of its innovative and unconventional nature, a Rube Goldberg machine has been used as the project vehicle. In the project, students have been asked to design the machine with electrical sensors and actuators. Connected learning and assessment activities have been designed to engage students in deep understanding. Students thought the project was challenging, and could develop their technical skills and creativity.published_or_final_versio

    Exploring the role of large-scale immersive computing environments in collaboration between engineering and design students

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    In order to solve the engineering challenges of today, multidisciplinary collaboration is essential. Unfortunately there are many obstacles to communication between disciplines, such as incongruent vocabularies and mismatched knowledge bases, which can make collaboration difficult. The silos separating disciplines, created through focused educational curriculum, are also a large barrier. During their education, designers and engineers are encouraged to employ specific methods unique to their discipline to share ideas with their peers. In many cases, however, these methods do not translate between disciplines, making it challenging for two groups to exchange ideas and perspectives effectively. There are, however, some tools that have emerged to help bridge the gap between designers and engineers. Currently, the most pervasive solution to these challenges is Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) software. This software is used by both engineers and designers, allowing both groups to design and evaluate models in a common medium. This makes it decidedly easier for these two groups to collaborate with each other. However, CAD has its own limitations. Navigating in a three-dimensional environment with two dimensional input devices is unnatural and imposes an additional physical and cognitive load on the user. Desktop screens also limit decision-making capabilities due to their small size and the potential to create distorted impressions of size and scale of models larger than the computer screen. Large-Scale Immersive Computing Environments (LSICEs) improve upon the benefits of CAD software. They provide users with the ability to not only visualize their designs three dimensionally, but also allow for natural interactions with 3D models and the ability to view a design as the designer had intended, in true scale. This can improve the ability of users to collaborate in a number of different ways. The natural interaction interface allows students to focus on sharing ideas with their collaborators. Additionally, the common medium makes it much easier for the two groups to communicate with each other, eliminating one of the main obstacles to interdisciplinary collaboration in education. This research seeks to gain a better understanding of how design and engineering design students use LSICEs to collaborate with peers, both within and outside of their discipline. Two studies were conducted. In the first study, two different classes of students used a LSICE as a tool during their design process. The first class was a design class that utilized the LSICE as a part of three design projects throughout the semester. The second class was a sophomore engineering design class. These students also used the LSICE as a part of their design process, however these students used the virtual environment over the course of a single semester-long design project. Students were given a short survey at the end of their experiences in the virtual environment. From this study, some interesting results emerged. Both groups of students indicated that the virtual environment was a benefit to their design process, regardless of background or time spent in the space. Statistical analysis of the students\u27 responses revealed no significant differences between the two groups of students. The final study brought engineering and design students together to complete a design review task within the LSICE. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the role that LSICEs play in facilitating collaboration between engineers and designers. Upon conclusion of the design review, students were given a survey to gather information of their perceptions of the virtual environment in visualizing designs, communicating with their peers and interacting with designs. From this study it became quite clear that students find LSICEs to be effective in facilitating communication between disciplines. Additionally, the majority of students commented on the positive effect that the natural interaction interface had on their ability to evaluate the design. Throughout each of these studies, common themes emerged between both groups. Student responses show many perceived benefits to LSICEs which have the potential to inspire student-driven interdisciplinary collaboration. Participants found that the environment improved their ability to communicate, whether it be with peers within their disciplines or when working in interdisciplinary groups. Students also found that interacting in the environment in a natural way improved their ability to make judgments about spatial relationships among components. The results from this research are quite promising. Providing students with collaboration tools that support natural human interaction with CAD models of real size has the potential for greatly improving a student\u27s educational experience. Manipulating full size CAD models encourages students to visualize the size and shape of the final design before it is built. Seeing the designs in full scale allows everyone on the team to experience the design and provide their input into the design discussions. This research continues an effort in academia to leverage cutting edge technology to improve student learning by providing unique opportunities to interact with peers in design teams, promoting graduates who are well equipped to work effectively across disciplines to address the challenges of today

    Proposal for didactic intervention for the learning of mathematics through a school garden

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    Propuesta de intervención didáctica para alumnos de 6º de Educación Primaria, utilizando un huerto escolar para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Así pues, con esta intervención didáctica se pretende dar una visión del huerto escolar como herramienta práctica para un aprendizaje global. En ella se aportan una serie de actividades relacionadas con las matemáticas que demuestran que se puede hacer un mejor uso educativo de un huerto escolar y a su vez poder extrapolar los contenidos matemáticos que han adquirido dentro del aula en un entorno real.Proposal of didactic intervention for pupils of 6th grade of Primary Education, using a school orchard for learning mathematics.And so, on this didactic intervention, we try to give a vision of the school orchard as a practical tool for global learning. We offer a series of activities related to the mathematics that demonstrate that, it is possible to make a better educational use of a school orchard. And, at the same time, it is shown that it is possible to extrapole mathematical contents that they have previously acquired inside the classroom in a real environment,as it is a school orchard

    Introducción a la Diagnosis de Fallos basada en Modelos mediante Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos

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    [ES] La diagnosis de fallos basada en modelos es hoy en día un campo maduro dentro de la ingeniería de control que empieza a formar parte de los planes de estudios de grado y postgrado. Sin embargo, la falta de buenos materiales pedagógicos dificulta el proceso de enseñanza / aprendizaje. En este trabajo se muestra cómo una metodología de aprendizaje basada en proyectos se ha utilizado en las sesiones de laboratorio del curso de Diagnosis y Control Tolerante a Fallos del Máster en Automática y Robótica de la UPC utilizando un sistema real de tres depótodos. Los métodos de detección de fallos basados en observadores y la utilización de residuos estructurados para el aislamiento de fallos son introducidos a los estudiantes desde un punto de vista práctico, por medio de un conjunto de ejercicios que se proponen para alcanzar un conjunto de objetivos de aprendizaje.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la ayudas del Ministerio de Educación de España a través de los proyectos CICYT ECOCIS (ref. DPI2013-48243-C2-1-R) y CICYT HARCRICS (ref. DPI2014-58104-R).Costa Castelló, R.; Puig, V.; Blesa, J. (2016). Introducción a la Diagnosis de Fallos basada en Modelos mediante Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 13(2):186-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2015.09.011OJS186195132Clark, R. N., Fosth, D., & Walton, V. (1975). Detecting Instrument Malfunctions in Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-11(4), 465-473. doi:10.1109/taes.1975.308108Dormido, R., Vargas, H., Duro, N., S�nchez, J., Dormido-Canto, S., Farias, G., … Dormido, S. (2008). Development of a Web-Based Control Laboratory for Automation Technicians: The Three-Tank System. IEEE Transactions on Education, 51(1), 35-44. doi:10.1109/te.2007.893356Frank, P. M. (1996). Analytical and Qualitative Model-based Fault Diagnosis – A Survey and Some New Results. European Journal of Control, 2(1), 6-28. doi:10.1016/s0947-3580(96)70024-9Frank, P. M., & Ding, X. (1997). Survey of robust residual generation and evaluation methods in observer-based fault detection systems. Journal of Process Control, 7(6), 403-424. doi:10.1016/s0959-1524(97)00016-4Isermann, R. (1993). Fault diagnosis of machines via parameter estimation and knowledge processing—Tutorial paper. Automatica, 29(4), 815-835. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(93)90088-bIsermann, R. (1997). Supervision, fault-detection and fault-diagnosis methods — An introduction. Control Engineering Practice, 5(5), 639-652. doi:10.1016/s0967-0661(97)00046-4Isermann, R. (2005). Model-based fault-detection and diagnosis – status and applications. Annual Reviews in Control, 29(1), 71-85. doi:10.1016/j.arcontrol.2004.12.002Johansson, K. H. (2000). The quadruple-tank process: a multivariable laboratory process with an adjustable zero. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 8(3), 456-465. doi:10.1109/87.845876Join, C., Sira-Ramírez, H., Fliess, M., 2005. Control of an Uncertain Three-Tank System Via On-Line Parameter Identification and Fault Detection.Kim, J. (2012). An Ill-Structured PBL-Based Microprocessor Course Without Formal Laboratory. IEEE Transactions on Education, 55(1), 145-153. doi:10.1109/te.2011.2156797Kumar, A., Fernando, S., & Panicker, R. C. (2013). Project-Based Learning in Embedded Systems Education Using an FPGA Platform. IEEE Transactions on Education, 56(4), 407-415. doi:10.1109/te.2013.2246568Lamar, D. G., Miaja, P. F., Arias, M., Rodriguez, A., Rodriguez, M., Vazquez, A., … Sebastian, J. (2012). Experiences in the Application of Project-Based Learning in a Switching-Mode Power Supplies Course. IEEE Transactions on Education, 55(1), 69-77. doi:10.1109/te.2011.2120612Pasamontes, M., Alvarez, J. D., Guzman, J. L., & Berenguel, M. (2012). Learning Switching Control: A Tank Level-Control Exercise. IEEE Transactions on Education, 55(2), 226-232. doi:10.1109/te.2011.2162239Roubal, J., Husek, P., & Stecha, J. (2010). Linearization: Students Forget the Operating Point. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53(3), 413-418. doi:10.1109/te.2009.2026427Venkatasubramanian, V., Rengaswamy, R., Yin, K., & Kavuri, S. N. (2003). A review of process fault detection and diagnosis. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 293-311. doi:10.1016/s0098-1354(02)00160-6Venkatasubramanian, V., Rengaswamy, R., & Kavuri, S. N. (2003). A review of process fault detection and diagnosis. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 313-326. doi:10.1016/s0098-1354(02)00161-8Venkatasubramanian, V., Rengaswamy, R., Kavuri, S. N., & Yin, K. (2003). A review of process fault detection and diagnosis. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 327-346. doi:10.1016/s0098-1354(02)00162-xVerde, C., Gentil, S., Morales-Menéndez, R., 2013. Monitoreo y Diagnóstico Automático de Fallas en Sistemas Dinámicos. Editorial Trillas, México

    Aprendizado baseado em projetos : aplicação no ensino de gestão de projetos de alunos da graduação

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2019.Este trabalho explorou as publicações relativas a metodologia de ensino de Aprendizado Baseado em Projeto (ABP) (Project-Based Learning), e analisou sua aplicação no ensino de Gestão de Projetos em uma instituição de ensino superior. Na primeira fase do estudo foi efetuada a pesquisa bibliográfica, que serviu de fundamento teórico para o entendimento da metodologia e a análise de sua aplicação. Ao longo do estudo, foram realizadas observações da abordagem em execução. O primeiro semestre de aplicação da abordagem funcionou como piloto para aplicações seguintes, que durante três semestres foram avaliadas por questionário, captando as percepções dos envolvidos no estudo. As médias das percepções foram analisadas por estatística descritiva e seus resultados foram apresentados a partir da tendência observadas entre os três semestres. As observações associadas aos resultados do questionário permitiram relatar a evolução do método de ensino e compor grupos semelhantes de alunos, por meio da análise de conglomerados. Dentre os resultados foi possível perceber a melhoria da disciplina, a evolução da percepção dos participantes, e perceber as principais características entre os grupos dos perfis elaborados