59 research outputs found

    CAPRi technical workshop on Watershed Management Institutions: a summary paper

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    The System-wide Program for Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi) sponsored a workshop on Watershed Management Institutions, March 13-16, 1999 in Managua, Nicaragua. The workshop focused on methodologies for undertaking research on watersheds, particularly those issues and tools that enable a more thorough understanding of the complex interactions between the biophysical factors and socioeconomic institutions of watersheds. Both social and biophysical scientists from CGIAR and other research institutions were brought together to present research and participate in focused discussions on methodologies for addressing collective action and property rights, scale, participation, and impact assessment. The forum also provided an opportunity for participants to visit and learn from a watershed project being implemented by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), and to discuss one another's ongoing watershed research project experience and explore opportunities for collaboration.International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Impact assessment,

    Integration of GIS and DSS: a methodology to evaluate low carbon strategies in a smart urban metabolism context

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    An Urban Metabolism system can be examined by evaluating the incoming and outgoing energy flows of a city. Academics and researchers have utilized Urban Metabolism framework to analyze different urban areas and have begun to extend the framework beyond the city-region unit of analysis to inform related aspects of the Urban Metabolism: in this context UM framework is a tool that can be useful in the decision making process. This study aims to be an opportunity and an example of environmental analysis of UM, from the point of view of CO2eq emissions and absorptions. A multi-objective Decision Support System is developed with the aim of minimizing the environmental, social and economic impacts of the CO2eq emissions at the municipal level. The Decision Support System has been implemented and a few scenario analyses were developed: enhancement of energy efficiency of residential and industrial buildings, increase of green areas, production of electricity by means of photovoltaic installation on site, efficiency of the vehicle fleet and finally, proper recycling of waste. The municipality of Tavagnacco recognizes this approach as a new perspective of analysis for a future comparison project with other municipalities. From this comparison it is expected to get results that can accredit the most convenient method from the environmental, social and economic point of view, and can offer the basis for the improvement of energy efficiency. Results of this work can provide evidence in support of an increased awareness in issues related to the CO2eq reduction.Il metabolismo di un sistema urbano pu`o essere esaminato cercando di sviluppare e comprendere i flussi energetici in ingresso e in uscita dalla citt`a. Accademici e ricercatori hanno utilizzato questo approccio al fine di valutare diverse aree urbane e hanno recentemente esteso il quadro di indagine al di l`a dell\u2019unit`a di citt`a-regione al fine di utilizzare questo strumento nell\u2019ambito del processo decisionale di pianificazione del territorio. Questo percorso vuole definire una possibile metodologia e un esempio di approccio spaziale ad un\u2019analisi di bilancio comunale di CO2eq. E\u2019 stato sviluppato un Sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni multiobiettivo, con il fine di minimizzare l\u2019impatto ambientale oltre a quello sociale e quello economico delle emissioni di CO2eq su scala comunale. Il Sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni ha previsto l\u2019implementazione di alcuni scenari di analisi quali l\u2019incentivazione dell\u2019efficientamento energetico degli edi- fici residenziali ma anche industriali, l\u2019aumento delle aree a verde, la produzione di energia elettrica in loco mediante impianto fotovoltaico, l\u2019efficientamento del parco veicolare e infine una valida raccolta differenziata. Il comune di Tavagnacco conosce le sfide future in merito ai problemi ambientali e si impegna in un progetto pilota di valutazione delle emissioni di CO2eq. In un prossimo futuro si delinea un lavoro di confronto tra comuni che utilizzano metodi di abbattimento delle emissioni. Da questo confronto ci si aspetta di ottenere risultati che possano accreditare il metodo pi`u conveniente dal punto di vista ambientale, economico e sociale, e quindi offrire delle basi per una valutazione sull\u2019opportunit`a di miglioramento ed efficientamento energetico a livello comunale e sovracomunale. Si auspica che i risultati di questo lavoro possano offrire elementi convincenti a supporto di un atteggiamento sempre pi`u attento alle problematiche legate alla riduzione delle emissioni di CO2eq

    Drones and Geographical Information Technologies in Agroecology and Organic Farming

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    Although organic farming and agroecology are normally not associated with the use of new technologies, it’s rapid growth, new technologies are being adopted to mitigate environmental impacts of intensive production implemented with external material and energy inputs. GPS, satellite images, GIS, drones, help conventional farming in precision supply of water, pesticides, fertilizers. Prescription maps define the right place and moment for interventions of machinery fleets. Yield goal remains the key objective, integrating a more efficient use or resources toward an economic-environmental sustainability. Technological smart farming allows extractive agriculture entering the sustainability era. Societies that practice agroecology through the development of human-environmental co-evolutionary systems represent a solid model of sustainability. These systems are characterized by high-quality agroecosystems and landscapes, social inclusion, and viable economies. This book explores the challenges posed by the new geographic information technologies in agroecology and organic farming. It discusses the differences among technology-laden conventional farming systems and the role of technologies in strengthening the potential of agroecology. The first part reviews the new tools offered by geographic information technologies to farmers and people. The second part provides case studies of most promising application of technologies in organic farming and agroecology: the diffusion of hyperspectral imagery, the role of positioning systems, the integration of drones with satellite imagery. The third part of the book, explores the role of agroecology using a multiscale approach from the farm to the landscape level. This section explores the potential of Geodesign in promoting alliances between farmers and people, and strengthening food networks, whether through proximity urban farming or asserting land rights in remote areas in the spirit of agroecological transition. The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons 4.0 license

    Capacity-building activities related to climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment and economic valuation for Fiji

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    The Terms of Reference for this work specified three objectives to the Fiji component: Objective 1a: to provide a prototype FIJICLIM model (covered under PICCAP funding) Objective 1b: to provide training and transfer of FIJICLIM Objective 1c: to present and evaluate World Bank study findings and to identify future directions for development and use of FIJICLIM (2-day workshop) Proceedings of the training course and workshop were prepared by the Fiji Department of Environment. The summaries from these proceedings reflect a very high degree of success with the contracted activities