31 research outputs found

    Using Board Games as Subject Matter for Developing Expertise in Model-Based Systems Engineering

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    As more organizations transition from traditional document-centric systems engineering to a model-based approach, many are challenged to train their staff in new languages, tools, and methodologies, while managing the expectations of stakeholders and their expected model outcomes. In particular, challenges associated with learning a new modeling language and developing skills in the 'art' of modeling present organizations with formidable obstacles to realizing this transition. This paper hypothesizes that systems engineers may more readily learn how to correctly model with SysML, and develop intuition about the art of modeling and using patterns, if their learning references a commonly and thoroughly-understood subject, such as a board game. This paper presents a case for the use of board games as subject matter for new modelers. It demonstrates the concept with a sample model of Hasbro's popular board game, Monopoly, and discusses the limitations of this approach and potential adaptations that may broaden the applicability of the learned skills to projects. Finally, results from a small feasibility assessment and concepts for more formal study to evaluate the hypothesis are presented

    UML in practice

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    UML has been described by some as “the lingua franca of software engineering”. Evidence from industry does not necessarily support such endorsements. How exactly is UML being used in industry – if it is? This paper presents a corpus of interviews with 50 professional software engineers in 50 companies and identifies 5 patterns of UML use

    An Educational Case Study of Using SysML and TTool for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Design

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    The paper shares an experience in using the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) for the design and formal verification of UAVs. In particular, the paper shows how our approach helps detecting early design errors. A UAV in charge of taking pictures serves as educational and running example throughout the paper. The SysML model of the UAV is simulated and formally verified using the free and open-source tool named TTool. This educational case study gives the authors of the paper an opportunity to draw lessons from teaching SysML

    Early Detection of Design Errors in the Life Cycle of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A SysML Approach

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    The widespread of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in various application domains has questioned the design methods used by UAV manufacturers. Migration from document centric approaches to Model-Based ones has stimulated research work on modeling languages and tools that reduce cost development and time to market. Among the various benefits one may expect from using a Model-Based System Engineering approach, the paper essentially considers a model as a reference for early detection of design errors in the life cycle of UAVs. The paper proposes designers to model the UAV in SysML and to use the free software TTool for safety analysis. TTool includes a SysML model editor, a model simulator and formal verification modules that rely safety analysis on mathematics rather than chance. The method associated with SysML and TTool is applied to a UAV in charge of taking pictures

    MBSE-Ansatz fĂĽr eine Vernetzte Stoffstrommodellierung zur Verbesserung der Partnersuche in der Kreislaufwirtschaft

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    Globale Krisen, Rohstoffengpässe oder Preisschwankungen stellen die globalisierten Lieferkettensysteme der westlichen Produzenten vor große Herausforderungen. Das Konzept der Kreislaufwirtschaft ist eine Möglichkeit, sich angesichts dieser Herausforderungen robuster zu positionieren, um weniger abhängig von äußeren Einflüssen zu sein. Die größte Hürde bei dem Aufbau von Netzwerken für Kreislaufwirtschaftsprozesse ist die Identifikation von potentiellen Partnern auf Basis von Stoffstrommodellen. Ein erfolgreiches Mapping ist von vielen Faktoren abhängig. Aktuell existiert kein Ansatz, um die Stoffströme so zu modellieren, dass die Darstellung und Berechnung für eine Partnersuche in der Kreislaufwirtschaft geeignet ist. Um der Komplexität, sowohl der Stoffstrommodellierung, als auch der Partnersuche gerecht zu werden, wird hier ein MBSE-Ansatz gewählt - ein überlegener Modellierungsansatz im Detaillierungsgrad und der Adaptionsfähigkeit. Das Modell verknüpft die 3 Hauptelemente der Wertstromanalyse (Produktionsprozess, Materialfluss und Geschäftsprozess) und ermöglicht dadurch neuartige Kennzahlen zu ermitteln. Diese Kennzahlen und die detaillierte Modellierung schaffen eine verbesserte Informationslage, auf Basis derer die Effektivität der Partnersuche in der Kreislaufwirtschaft signifikant gesteigert wird. Nach einer theoretischen Herleitung der Modellierungslogik und der Erweiterung des bestehenden Ansatzes der nachhaltigen Wertstromanalyse (engl. Sustainable Value Stream Mapping – Sus-VSM) wird anhand eines Beispiels das MBSE-Modell implementiert und validiert. Dieser MBSE-Ansatz besitzt das Potential, die Beschreibung industrieller Produktions- und Herstellungsprozesse erheblich zu verfeinern und dadurch Analysen und Berechnungen zu optimieren, was zu einer besseren Vernetzung der Industrie führt. Die dadurch identifizierten industriellen Symbiosen fördern die Kreislaufwirtschaft maßgeblich und helfen Ressourcen nachhaltiger zu nutzen

    Development Of A Cognitive Work Analysis Framework Tutorial Using Systems Modeling Language

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    At the present time, most systems engineers do not have access to cognitive work analysis information or training in terms they can understand. This may lead to a disregard of the cognitive aspect of system design. The impact of this issue is system requirements that do not account for the cognitive strengths and limitations of users. Systems engineers cannot design effective decision support systems without defining cognitive work requirements. In order to improve system requirements, integration of cognitive work requirements into the systems engineering process has to be improved. One option to address this gap is the development of a Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) framework using Systems Modeling Language (SysML). The study had two phases. The first involved aligning the CWA terminology with the SysML to produce a CWA framework using SysML. The second was the creation of an instruction using SysML to inform systems engineers of the process of integrating cognitive work requirements into the systems engineering process. This methodology provides a structured framework to define, manage, organize, and model cognitive work requirements. Additionally, it provides a tool for systems engineers to use in system design which supports a user’s cognitive functions, such as situational awareness, problem solving, and decision making

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2012

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