69 research outputs found

    Non-Malleable Functions and Their Applications

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    We formally study ``non-malleable functions\u27\u27 (NMFs), a general cryptographic primitive which simplifies and relaxes ``non-malleable one-way/hash functions\u27\u27 (NMOWHFs) introduced by Boldyreva et al. (Asiacrypt 2009) and refined by Baecher et al. (CT-RSA 2010). NMFs focus on basic functions, rather than one-way/hash functions considered in the literature of NMOWHFs. We mainly follow Baecher et al. to formalize a game-based definition for NMFs. Roughly, a function ff is non-malleable if given an image yf(x)y^* \leftarrow f(x^*) for a randomly chosen xx^*, it is hard to output a mauled image yy with a transformation ϕ\phi from some prefixed transformation class s.t. y=f(ϕ(x))y = f(\phi(x^*)). A distinctive strengthening of our non-malleable notion is that ϕ\phi such that ϕ(x)=x\phi(x^*) = x^* is allowed. We also consider adaptive non-malleability, which stipulates that non-malleability holds even when an inversion oracle is available. We investigate the relations between non-malleability and one-wayness in depth. In non-adaptive setting, we show that for any achievable transformation class, non-malleability implies one-wayness for poly-to-one functions but not vise versa.In adaptive setting, we show that for most algebra-induced transformation class, adaptive non-malleability (ANM) is equivalent to adaptive one-wayness (AOW) for injective functions. These results establish theoretical connections between non-malleability and one-wayness for functions, which extend to trapdoor functions as well, and thus resolve the open problems left by Kiltz et al. (Eurocrypt 2010). We also study the relations between standard OW/NM and hinted OW/NM, where the latter notions are typically more useful in practice. Towards efficient realizations of NMFs, we give a deterministic construction from adaptive trapdoor functions and a randomized construction from all-but-one lossy functions and one-time signature. This partially solves an open problem posed by Boldyreva et al. (Asiacrypt 2009). Finally, we explore applications of NMFs in security against related-key attacks (RKA). We first show that the implication AOW \Rightarrow ANM provides key conceptual insight into addressing non-trivial copy attacks in RKA security. We then show that NMFs give rise to a generic construction of continuous non-malleable key derivation functions, which have proven to be very useful in achieving RKA security for numerous cryptographic primitives. Particularly, our construction simplifies and clarifies the construction by Qin et al. (PKC 2015)

    Another Step Towards Realizing Random Oracles: Non-Malleable Point Obfuscation

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    The random oracle paradigm allows us to analyze the security of protocols and constructions in an idealized model, where all parties have access to a truly random function. This is one of the most popular and well-studied models in cryptography. However, being such a strong idealized model, it is known to be susceptible to various weaknesses when implemented naively in ``real-life\u27\u27, as shown by Canetti, Goldreich and Halevi (J. ACM 2004). As a counter-measure, one could try to identify and implement only one or few of the properties a random oracle possesses that are needed for a specific setting. Such a systematic study was initiated by Canetti (CRYPTO 1997), who showed how to implement the property that the output of the function does not reveal anything regarding the input by constructing a point function obfucator. This property turned out to suffice in many follow-up works and applications. In this work, we tackle another natural property of random oracles and implement it in the standard model. The property we focus on is non-malleability, where it is required that the output on an input cannot be used to generate an output on any related point. We construct a point obfuscator that is both hiding (a la Canetti) and is non-malleable for a non-trivial class of mauling functions. Our construction does not use heavy cryptographic machinery (such as zero-knowledge proofs) and is comparable to that of Canetti in terms of time complexity and obfuscation size. The security of our construction relies on variants of the DDH and power-DDH assumptions. On the technical side, we introduce a new technique for proving security of a construction based on a DDH-like assumption. We call this technique ``double-exponentiation\u27\u27 and believe it will be useful in the future

    BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signatures

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    Modern digital signature schemes can provide more guarantees than the standard notion of(strong) unforgeability, such as offering security even in the presence of maliciously generated keys, or requiring to know a message to produce a signature for it. The use of signature schemes that lack these properties has previously enabled attacks on real-world protocols. In this work we revisit several of these notions beyond unforgeability, establish relations among them, provide the first formal definition of nonre-signability, and a transformation that can provide these properties for a given signature scheme in a provable and efficient way.Our results are not only relevant for established schemes: for example, the ongoing NIST PQC competition towards standardizing post-quantum signature schemes has six finalists in its third round. We perform an in-depth analysis of the candidates with respect to their security properties beyond unforgeability. We show that many of them do not yet offer these stronger guarantees, which implies that the security guarantees of these post-quantum schemes are not strictly stronger than, but instead incomparable to, classical signature schemes. We show how applying our transformation would efficiently solve this,paving the way for the standardized schemes to provide these additional guarantees and thereby making them harder to misuse

    On the (In)Security of the BUFF Transform

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    The BUFF transform is a generic transformation for digital signature schemes, with the purpose of obtaining additional security properties beyond standard unforgeability, e.g., exclusive ownership and non-resignability. In the call for additional post-quantum signatures, these were explicitly mentioned by the NIST as ``additional desirable security properties\u27\u27, and some of the submissions indeed refer to the BUFF transform with the purpose of achieving them, while some other submissions follow the design of the BUFF transform without mentioning it explicitly. In this work, we show the following negative results regarding the non-resignability property in general, and the BUFF transform in particular. In the plain model, we observe by means of a simple attack that any signature scheme for which the message has a high entropy given the signature does not satisfy the non-resignability property (while non-resignability is trivially not satisfied if the message can be efficiently computed from its signature). Given that the BUFF transform has high entropy in the message given the signature, it follows that the BUFF transform does not achieve non-resignability whenever the random oracle is instantiated with a hash function, no matter what hash function. When considering the random oracle model (ROM), the matter becomes slightly more delicate since prior works did not rigorously define the non-resignability property in the ROM. For the natural extension of the definition to the ROM, we observe that our impossibility result still holds, despite there having been positive claims about the non-resignability of the BUFF transform in the ROM. Indeed, prior claims of the non-resignability of the BUFF transform rely on faulty argumentation. On the positive side, we prove that a salted version of the BUFF transform satisfies a slightly weaker variant of non-resignability in the ROM, covering both classical and quantum attacks, if the entropy requirement in the (weakened) definition of non-resignability is statistical; for the computational variant, we show yet another negative result

    Toward RSA-OAEP without Random Oracles

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    We show new partial and full instantiation results under chosen-ciphertext security for the widely implemented and standardized RSA-OAEP encryption scheme of Bellare and Rogaway (EUROCRYPT 1994) and two variants. Prior work on such instantiations either showed negative results or settled for ``passive\u27\u27 security notions like IND-CPA. More precisely, recall that RSA-OAEP adds redundancy and randomness to a message before composing two rounds of an underlying Feistel transform, whose round functions are modeled as random oracles (ROs), with RSA. Our main results are: \begin{itemize} \item Either of the two oracles (while still modeling the other as a RO) can be instantiated in RSA-OAEP under IND-CCA2 using mild standard-model assumptions on the round functions and generalizations of algebraic properties of RSA shown by Barthe, Pointcheval, and Báguelin (CCS 2012). The algebraic properties are only shown to hold at practical parameters for small encryption exponent (e=3e=3), but we argue they have value for larger ee as well. \item Both oracles can be instantiated simultaneously for two variants of RSA-OAEP, called ``tt-clear\u27\u27 and ``ss-clear\u27\u27 RSA-OAEP. For this we use extractability-style assumptions in the sense of Canetti and Dakdouk (TCC 2010) on the round functions, as well as novel yet plausible ``XOR-type\u27\u27 assumptions on RSA. While admittedly strong, such assumptions may nevertheless be necessary at this point to make positive progress. \end{itemize} In particular, our full instantiations evade impossibility results of Shoup (J.~Cryptology 2002), Kiltz and Pietrzak (EUROCRYPT 2009), and Bitansky et al. (STOC 2014). Moreover, our results for ss-clear RSA-OAEP yield the most efficient RSA-based encryption scheme proven IND-CCA2 in the standard model (using bold assumptions on cryptographic hashing) to date

    On the foundations of proof-of-work based blockchain protocols

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    Proof-of-work (PoW) based blockchain protocols, are protocols that organize data into blocks, connected through the use of a hash function to form chains, and which make use of PoW to reach agreement, i.e., proofs that require spending some amount of computational power to be generated. This type of protocols rose into prominence with the advent of Bitcoin, the first protocol that provably implements a distributed transaction ledger against an adversary that controls less than half of the total computational power in the network, in a setting where protocol participants join and leave dynamically without the need for a registration service. Protocols in this class were also the first to be shown sufficient to solve consensus under similar conditions, a problem of fundamental importance in distributed computing. In this thesis, we explore foundational issues of PoW-based blockchain protocols that mainly have to do with the assumptions required to ensure their safe operation. We start by examining whether a common random string that is shared at the start of the protocol execution among the protocol participants is required to efficiently run such protocols. Bitcoin's security is based on the existence of such a string, called the genesis block. On the other hand, protocols found in previous works that do not assume such a setup are inefficient, in the sense that their round complexity strongly depends on the number of protocol participants. Our first contribution is the construction of efficient PoW-based blockchain protocols that provably implement a distributed ledger and consensus without such setup. Next, we turn our attention to the PoW primitive. All previous analyses model PoW using a random oracle. While satisfactory as a sanity check, the random oracle methodology has received significant criticism and shown not to be sound. We make progress by introducing a non-idealized security model and appropriate computational assumptions that are sufficient to implement a distributed ledger or consensus when combined with the right PoW-based protocol. Finally, we analyze GHOST, a recently proposed blockchain protocol, and prove its security against a byzantine adversary under similar assumptions as Bitcoin. Previous works only considered specific attacks

    Anonymous Point Collection - Improved Models and Security Definitions

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    This work is a comprehensive, formal treatment of anonymous point collection. The proposed definition does not only provide a strong notion of security and privacy, but also covers features which are important for practical use. An efficient realization is presented and proven to fulfill the proposed definition. The resulting building block is the first one that allows for anonymous two-way transactions, has semi-offline capabilities, yields constant storage size, and is provably secure

    Anonymous Point Collection - Improved Models and Security Definitions

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    This work is a comprehensive, formal treatment of anonymous point collection. The proposed definition does not only provide a strong notion of security and privacy, but also covers features which are important for practical use. An efficient realization is presented and proven to fulfill the proposed definition. The resulting building block is the first one that allows for anonymous two-way transactions, has semi-offline capabilities, yields constant storage size, and is provably secure

    Comparison of the vocabularies of the Gregg shorthand dictionary and Horn-Peterson's basic vocabulary of business letters

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    This study is a comparative analysis of the vocabularies of Horn and Peterson's The Basic Vocabulary of Business Letters1 and the Gregg Shorthand Dictionary.2 Both books purport to present a list of words most frequently encountered by stenographers and students of shorthand. The, Basic Vocabulary of Business Letters, published "in answer to repeated requests for data on the words appearing most frequently in business letters,"3 is a frequency list specific to business writing. Although the book carries the copyright date of 1943, the vocabulary was compiled much earlier. The listings constitute a part of the data used in the preparation of the 10,000 words making up the ranked frequency list compiled by Ernest Horn and staff and published in 1926 under the title of A Basic Writing Vocabulary: 10,000 Words Lost Commonly Used in Writing. The introduction to that publication gives credit to Miss Cora Crowder for the contribution of her Master's study at the University of Minnesota concerning words found in business writing. With additional data from supplementary sources, the complete listing represents twenty-six classes of business, as follows 1. Miscellaneous 2. Florists 3. Automobile manufacturers and sales companie