524 research outputs found

    Finite random coverings of one-complexes and the Euler characteristic

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    This article presents an algebraic topology perspective on the problem of finding a complete coverage probability of a one dimensional domain XX by a random covering, and develops techniques applicable to the problem beyond the one dimensional case. In particular we obtain a general formula for the chance that a collection of finitely many compact connected random sets placed on XX has a union equal to XX. The result is derived under certain topological assumptions on the shape of the covering sets (the covering ought to be {\em good}, which holds if the diameter of the covering elements does not exceed a certain size), but no a priori requirements on their distribution. An upper bound for the coverage probability is also obtained as a consequence of the concentration inequality. The techniques rely on a formulation of the coverage criteria in terms of the Euler characteristic of the nerve complex associated to the random covering.Comment: 25 pages,2 figures; final published versio

    Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Thresholds of Various dd-Dimensional Lattices

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    We show analytically that the [0,1][0,1], [1,1][1,1] and [2,1][2,1] Pad{\'e} approximants of the mean cluster number S(p)S(p) for site and bond percolation on general dd-dimensional lattices are upper bounds on this quantity in any Euclidean dimension dd, where pp is the occupation probability. These results lead to certain lower bounds on the percolation threshold pcp_c that become progressively tighter as dd increases and asymptotically exact as dd becomes large. These lower-bound estimates depend on the structure of the dd-dimensional lattice and whether site or bond percolation is being considered. We obtain explicit bounds on pcp_c for both site and bond percolation on five different lattices: dd-dimensional generalizations of the simple-cubic, body-centered-cubic and face-centered-cubic Bravais lattices as well as the dd-dimensional generalizations of the diamond and kagom{\'e} (or pyrochlore) non-Bravais lattices. These analytical estimates are used to assess available simulation results across dimensions (up through d=13d=13 in some cases). It is noteworthy that the tightest lower bound provides reasonable estimates of pcp_c in relatively low dimensions and becomes increasingly accurate as dd grows. We also derive high-dimensional asymptotic expansions for pcp_c for the ten percolation problems and compare them to the Bethe-lattice approximation. Finally, we remark on the radius of convergence of the series expansion of SS in powers of pp as the dimension grows.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figure

    Local Euler-Maclaurin formula for polytopes

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    We give a local Euler-Maclaurin formula for rational convex polytopes in a rational euclidean space . For every affine rational polyhedral cone C in a rational euclidean space W, we construct a differential operator of infinite order D(C) on W with constant rational coefficients, which is unchanged when C is translated by an integral vector. Then for every convex rational polytope P in a rational euclidean space V and every polynomial function f (x) on V, the sum of the values of f(x) at the integral points of P is equal to the sum, for all faces F of P, of the integral over F of the function D(N(F)).f, where we denote by N(F) the normal cone to P along F.Comment: Revised version (July 2006) has some changes of notation and references adde

    Symmetric measures via moments

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    Algebraic tools in statistics have recently been receiving special attention and a number of interactions between algebraic geometry and computational statistics have been rapidly developing. This paper presents another such connection, namely, one between probabilistic models invariant under a finite group of (non-singular) linear transformations and polynomials invariant under the same group. Two specific aspects of the connection are discussed: generalization of the (uniqueness part of the multivariate) problem of moments and log-linear, or toric, modeling by expansion of invariant terms. A distribution of minuscule subimages extracted from a large database of natural images is analyzed to illustrate the above concepts.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ6144 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Tridiagonalized GUE matrices are a matrix model for labeled mobiles

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    It is well-known that the number of planar maps with prescribed vertex degree distribution and suitable labeling can be represented as the leading coefficient of the 1N\frac{1}{N}-expansion of a joint cumulant of traces of powers of an NN-by-NN GUE matrix. Here we undertake the calculation of this leading coefficient in a different way. Firstly, we tridiagonalize the GUE matrix in the manner of Trotter and Dumitriu-Edelman and then alter it by conjugation to make the subdiagonal identically equal to 11. Secondly, we apply the cluster expansion technique (specifically, the Brydges-Kennedy-Abdesselam-Rivasseau formula) from rigorous statistical mechanics. Thirdly, by sorting through the terms of the expansion thus generated we arrive at an alternate interpretation for the leading coefficient related to factorizations of the long cycle (12n)Sn(12\cdots n)\in S_n. Finally, we reconcile the group-theoretical objects emerging from our calculation with the labeled mobiles of Bouttier-Di Francesco-Guitter.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX, 17 figures. The present paper completely supercedes arXiv1203.3185 in terms of methods but addresses a different proble

    Ping Pong Balayage and Convexity of Equilibrium Measures

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    In this presentation we prove that the equilibrium measure of a finite union of intervals on the real line or arcs on the unit circle has convex density. This is true for both, the classical logarithmic case, and the Riesz case. The electrostatic interpretation is the following: if we have a finite union of subintervals on the real line, or arcs on the unit circle, the electrostatic distribution of many “electrons” will have convex density on every subinterval. Applications to external field problems and constrained energy problems are presented