610,018 research outputs found

    Analysis of Financial Aspects of Feasibility and Strategy for the Development of Reyog Craftsmen after the Construction of the Industrial Center in Ponorogo Regency

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    Reyog handicraft industry is one of the leading SMEs in Ponorogo Regency. In early 2020, the Government of Ponorogo Regency established a new building as a production and promotion center for SMEs actors, namely the Industrial Center. This research aims to analyze the feasibility of business financial aspects and development strategies of reyog craftsmen after the construction of industrial centers. Research method using quantitative descriptive approach, informant selected using purposive sampling technique as many as 9 craftsmen. The method of data retrieval through interviews combined with a list of open questionnaires and field observations. Feasibility analysis uses NPV, PBP, IRR and B/C Ratio calculations, while development strategies are analyzed with SWOT. The results of the financial feasibility analysis of 3 types of handicrafts, namely barongan head, bujangganong mask and kelonosewandono mask indicate that the development of reyog handicraft business is feasible and continued. Swot analysis results related to the development strategy used by craftsmen consists of market penetration, product development and market development, including expanding market share by utilizing social media, maintaining the quality of raw materials used production, prioritizing the production of goods that have a faster turnover, have a stock of raw materials production for several months and maintain the prevailing price standards in the market

    An Actualization of Hifdz Al-Nafs Theory In Sentencing: A Philosophical Review Of Prisoner’s Rights To Healthcare At The Class IIB Detention Center In North Sinjai

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    The fulfillment of convicts’ rights in various aspects, particularly in terms of healthcare services, is still not optimal. This article aimed to identify the actualization of hifdz al-Nafdz's theories in granting prisoner’s rights to healthcare through an approach to the philosophical values of Islamic punishment and national law. Field research is research that raises data and problems in the field (research location). The sources of data obtained were primary and secondary data. This study employed qualitative research using a normative approach. The results of the study showed that textually, the implementation aligned with the hifdz al-Nafdz' mission in Maqashid Sharia. However, empirically, the implementation of hifdz al-Nafdz' in terms of health services has not shown perfect evidence. Islam placed great importance on the benefit aspect. Currently, the detention center accommodates 222 occupants, exceeding its maximum capacity of 100 occupants. Thus, the government should consider expanding the land area of detention centers and establishing polyclinics with additional healthcare personnel. Furthermore, appropriate treatment for detainees is necessary. Regarding law enforcement, the government has implemented regulations to ensure a balanced legal process and prevent any imbalances


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    The competitiveness of local agri-food needs through various marketing strategies. An essential part of the company's marketing strategy and tactics is recognizing product brand equity in the market. This study aims to identify brand entities, brand communication, and process to build Brand Equity toward local SMEs' competitiveness. A case study approach did at one of the SMEs in Bandar Lampung on the "FUDIA-Center of Agri-Food Polinela," that produce FUDIA cake & bakery.  The research has conducted from April to July 2020. Data analysis used a qualitative descriptive approach using SWOT analysis and a brand development model for SMEs. The analysis results concluded that FUDIA's brand recognition is the initial stage.  Development of the Fudia brand equity must take into account an existing market and expanding market share.  Enhancement market share could trough sales force distribution. Develop more product variants of Fudia Cake & Bakery based on the local source. Strengthen brand equity and develop a remarkable brand image program. Design and setting promotions systematic & massively is a priority

    Baking Bytes into Bibliographic Brownies: Collect, Curate, Communicate, Repeat

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    Purpose: This ongoing project enables a more comprehensive response to the changing nature of inquiry by integrating disparate sources of virtual and physical information into a flexible and dynamic institutional knowledge base. Setting/Participants/Resources: The John G. Wolbach Library serves the Cambridge-based Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and its approximately 450 Ph.D. scientists. Its collaborative relationship with the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), and a beta application of the Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) provide us with a unique opportunity to try a new approach. Brief Description: The Wolbach Library uses a variety of in-house and vendor supplied databases to collect, curate, and manage its ever-expanding storehouse of information. This poster project describes how we are integrating existing e-resources with emerging technologies and tools in order to help us support our institutional mission. We have recently introduced a data rich Mendeley backbone to our community, which, combined with our internally curated bibliography, will allow us to provide a more comprehensive view of our research community. Results/Outcome: Approximately 18% of our users are now using Mendeley Institutional Edition accounts. Additional participation and further MIE customization will enhance the information available for administrative use

    Challenges and Opportunities of MICE Tourism Development in Arsi Zone Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia

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    MICE tourism is the highest revenue generator segment of tourism industry in many countries around the world as well in Ethiopia. Arsi Zone has good potential for MICE tourism development. But the area is not appropriately used the existing potentials. Thus, as to look into the problems and achieve the objective of the study used descriptive research design with mixed research approach. The data was collected through questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, and field observation. So as to collect data and information the study used both primary and secondary sources. The collected data were coded, processed and analyzed with the help of SPSS. The findings of this study show that athletics sporting events, Irreecha Ritual practices, Epiphany & Meskel events, Meetings of regional and zonal level and local Exhibitions were the major types of MICE tourism in the area. Also the finding shows MICE Tourism provides an opportunity for shared experience, expanding cultural perspective, building community pride, social cohesion, attracts tourists to the area, job creation and boosts local economy, and increase the interaction between locals and tourists. The finding also shows the challenges of MICE tourism development; that includes lack of attention to this segment of tourism, lack of infrastructure, crime, and inflated prices during the time of celebrating events. To promote MICE tourism development; encourage private sectors and sponsors participation in event tourism development activities, create awareness for the local community towards the importance of event tourism development in the area. Keywords: Tourism, MICE Tourism, Challenges, Opportunities Abbreviations/Acronyms AIDS:-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome CEIR: - Center For Exhibition Industry Research FGD; - Focus Group Discussion MICE: - Meeting, Incentives, Conventions/Conferences, and Exhibitions UN; - United Nations UNWTO: - United Nations World Tourism Organization US; - United States WTO: - World Tourism Organization DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/51-03 Publication date:October 31st 202


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    Reyog handicraft industry is one of the leading SMEs in Ponorogo Regency. In early 2020, the Government of Ponorogo Regency established a new building as a production and promotion center for SMEs actors, namely the Industrial Center. This research aims to analyze the feasibility of business financial aspects and development strategies of reyog craftsmen after the construction of industrial centers. Research method using quantitative descriptive approach, informant selected using purposive sampling technique as many as 9 craftsmen. The method of data retrieval through interviews combined with a list of open questionnaires and field observations. Feasibility analysis uses NPV, PBP, IRR and B/C Ratio calculations, while development strategies are analyzed with SWOT. The results of the financial feasibility analysis of 3 types of handicrafts, namely barongan head, bujangganong mask and kelonosewandono mask indicate that the development of reyog handicraft business is feasible and continued. Swot analysis results related to the development strategy used by craftsmen consists of market penetration, product development and market development, including expanding market share by utilizing social media, maintaining the quality of raw materials used production, prioritizing the production of goods that have a faster turnover, have a stock of raw materials production for several months and maintain the prevailing price standards in the market

    Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment on Bio-Fuel and Electric Powered Automobiles

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    As alternatives to the classic gasoline and diesel powered vehicles become more popular for people looking to reduce their carbon footprint, it is important to take a holistic approach in determining what is truly the best option for the environment. An environmentally extended Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used to evaluate two categories of alternative fuels, electric-powered and bio-fuels. Electric-powered engines are an increasing percentage of vehicles on the road, the U.S. market share of plug-in electric passenger cars now sits at 2.2% of cars that take the road. (Coren) Three different classes of electric engines were analyzed in this study: single, dual, and tri-motor. Biofuel research is rapidly expanding and being implemented, as 10% of U.S. vehicle fuel consumption (by volume) was ethanol and over 98% of U.S. gasoline contained ethanol in 2018. (University of Michigan) This study analyzed the three main biofuels of compressed natural gas, ethanol, and biodiesel. A hybrid method of LCA allows for specific process data to be used when available, with general industry data to fill in the gaps, in order to get the most complete picture possible. ReferencesCoren, Michael J. “Automakers May Have Completely Overestimated How Many People Want Electric Cars.” Quartz, Quartz, 6 Jan. 2020, qz.com/1533976/automakers-may-overproduce-14-million-electric-cars-by-2030/.Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2019. Biofuels Factsheet. Pub. No. CSS08-09.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/stander_posters/3025/thumbnail.jp

    Upaya Puskesmas Dalam Meningkatkan Kesehatan Maternal Di Puskesmas Ch M Tiahahu Kota Ambon

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    Angka kesehatan ibu di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah di Negara ini. Beberapa program yang didirikan oleh Departemen Kesehatan untuk mengurangi masalah adalah Safe Motherhood Initiative, Gerakan Sayang Ibu, Making Pregnancy Safer, dan Expanding Maternal and Antenatal Survival (EMAS), Poskedes, Program perencanaan persalinan dan pencegahan komplikasi (P4K). Sementara itu, peran puskesmas sangat penting dalam kaitanya dengan hal tersebut diatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi upaya Puskesmasdalam meningkatkan kesehatan ibu di Puskesmas Ch M Tiahahu di Kota Ambon. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan melakukan pedekatan studi kasus,. Teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan wawancara kepada tenaga kesehatan terkait dengan upaya – upaya yang sudah dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kesehatan maternal serta melakukan observasi dalam pelaksanaan upaya – upaya yang dilakukan Puskesmas. Analisa data yang dipakai adalah jenis interaktif dengan mengumpulkan hasil wawancara, memilih data, penyajian data, terahkir mengambil kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dua tema yaitu Puskesmas sebagai pelaksana program yang menjadi mandate dari dinas kesehatan dan tantanganserta upaya dalam meningkatkan kualitas layanan kesehatan ibu. Sebagai kesimpulan upaya yang telah dilakukan Puskesmas dalam meningkatkan kesehatan ibu melalui 4 program kesehatan dengan melaksanakan Program kesehatan ibu dan anak (KIA), Layanan perawatan antenatal (ANC)10T, Perencanaan kehamilan dan pencegahan komplikasi, Program pemberian makanan tambahan. Upaya dilakukan untuk mencapai keberhasilan program dengan menjalankan pekerjaan lintas sector dan lintas program, mengunjungi rumah –rumah, dan menerapkan Program Indonesia sehat (PIS-PK). Namun, upaya tersebut tidak mencapai target yang ditetapkan oleh dinas kesehatan setiap tahun 558 ibu karena dua factor yang mempengaruhinya yaitu mobilitas kota lebih tinggi dan persepsi pemilihan layanan kesehatan.Kata Kunci : Kesehatan Ibu, Upaya, Puskesmas Maternal health issue in Indonesia are still a problem   in this country. Some program that established by Ministry of Health to reduce the problem are Safe Motherhood Initiative, Mother’s Love Movement, Making Pregnancy Safer, and Expanding Maternal and Antenatal survival (EMAS), Poskedes, Program planning for delivery and prevention of complications (P4K). Meanwhile role of community health center is vital in relation with mentioned above. This study ais to identify the efforts of Community Health Center in improving maternal health statue in the Ch M Tiahahu health center in Ambon City. A qualitative methodis applied and approach hed with case studies research. Data collection is done through interviews with healthworkers and also do observations among them. Data is analysed with interactive type by gathering the results of interviews, selecting data, presenting data, finally drawing conclusions. The results showed two themes that are Community Health Center as the primary service program implementer is a mandate from the health department and the challenges and efforts of Community Health Center in improving quality maternal health services. In Conclusion efforts that have been carried out by the Puskesmas in improving Maternal Helath through 4 health program by carrying out the Mother and Child Health Programs(MCH), Antenatal care services (ANC) 10T, Maternity Planning and Prevention of Complications (P4K) programs, supplementary feeding. Efforts were made to achieve the success of the program by running cross-sector and cross-program work, visiting home’s, and implementing a healthy Indonesia program (PIS-PK). However, the efforts did not reach the targets set by health annually 558 mother’s because, of two factors that influence high mobility and the perception of health service choice.Keywords : Maternal Health, Efforts, Community Health Cente


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    The revitalization of Pasar Lama Masbagik is a strategic policy of the Government of East Lombok Regency Local Government in 2015 funded by a loan to the Government Investment Center. By relocating traders from the Old Market to Modern Market, as well as expanding and renovating the Old Market for potential new investors, the government hopes to optimize the local assets with supporting  transaction convenience for the buyer. However, the policy is considered to be detrimental economically by target groups that are in fact local people, followed by a series of rejections.  The policy began to be implemented in 2016. The models and approaches in public policy analysis in academic field have been using a common methodology. The availability of applied literature has not been generated in academic research. The study of the policy implementation, using a social auditing approach that gives reference to how the 'black box' implementation runs in the path as well as with a bias (diversion and transformation). Data collection was performed by purposive method and snowball sampling to stakeholders. Document tracking  supported in informants determination being the way of triangulating data in addition to observation.  The revitalization of the old traditional Masbagik market involves the action of relocating traders to Pasar Masbagik Baru and residents who live around the market area toward new residence. The process of policy implementation precisely run on the target of time. Meanwhile, the allocation of material resources such as lapak, kiosk, land and financial compensation for the sufferer groups who are traders and residents met some biases (diversion and transformation). Biases caused some target groups to be suffered or being unexpected beneficiaries by relocation
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