118 research outputs found

    Expander-based cryptography meets natural proofs

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    We introduce new forms of attack on expander-based cryptography, and in particular on Goldreich's pseudorandom generator and one-way function. Our attacks exploit low circuit complexity of the underlying expander's neighbor function and/or of the local predicate. Our two key conceptual contributions are: 1) We put forward the possibility that the choice of expander matters in expander-based cryptography. In particular, using expanders whose neighbour function has low circuit complexity might compromise the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF in certain settings. 2) We show that the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF is closely related to two other long-standing problems: Specifically, to the existence of unbalanced lossless expanders with low-complexity neighbor function, and to limitations on circuit lower bounds (i.e., natural proofs). In particular, our results further motivate the investigation of affine/local unbalanced lossless expanders and of average-case lower bounds against DNF-XOR circuits. We prove two types of technical results that support the above conceptual messages. First, we unconditionally break Goldreich's PRG when instantiated with a specific expander (whose existence we prove), for a class of predicates that match the parameters of the currently-best "hard" candidates, in the regime of quasi-polynomial stretch. Secondly, conditioned on the existence of expanders whose neighbor functions have extremely low circuit complexity, we present attacks on Goldreich's generator in the regime of polynomial stretch. As one corollary, conditioned on the existence of the foregoing expanders, we show that either the parameters of natural properties for several constant-depth circuit classes cannot be improved, even mildly; or Goldreich's generator is insecure in the regime of a large polynomial stretch, regardless of the predicate used

    Strong blocking sets and minimal codes from expander graphs

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    A strong blocking set in a finite projective space is a set of points that intersects each hyperplane in a spanning set. We provide a new graph theoretic construction of such sets: combining constant-degree expanders with asymptotically good codes, we explicitly construct strong blocking sets in the (k−1)(k-1)-dimensional projective space over Fq\mathbb{F}_q that have size O(qk)O( q k ). Since strong blocking sets have recently been shown to be equivalent to minimal linear codes, our construction gives the first explicit construction of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-linear minimal codes of length nn and dimension kk, for every prime power qq, for which n=O(qk)n = O (q k). This solves one of the main open problems on minimal codes.Comment: 20 page

    Quiet Planting in the Locked Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    We study the planted ensemble of locked constraint satisfaction problems. We describe the connection between the random and planted ensembles. The use of the cavity method is combined with arguments from reconstruction on trees and first and second moment considerations; in particular the connection with the reconstruction on trees appears to be crucial. Our main result is the location of the hard region in the planted ensemble. In a part of that hard region instances have with high probability a single satisfying assignment.Comment: 21 pages, revised versio

    Randomness Extraction in AC0 and with Small Locality

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    Randomness extractors, which extract high quality (almost-uniform) random bits from biased random sources, are important objects both in theory and in practice. While there have been significant progress in obtaining near optimal constructions of randomness extractors in various settings, the computational complexity of randomness extractors is still much less studied. In particular, it is not clear whether randomness extractors with good parameters can be computed in several interesting complexity classes that are much weaker than P. In this paper we study randomness extractors in the following two models of computation: (1) constant-depth circuits (AC0), and (2) the local computation model. Previous work in these models, such as [Vio05a], [GVW15] and [BG13], only achieve constructions with weak parameters. In this work we give explicit constructions of randomness extractors with much better parameters. As an application, we use our AC0 extractors to study pseudorandom generators in AC0, and show that we can construct both cryptographic pseudorandom generators (under reasonable computational assumptions) and unconditional pseudorandom generators for space bounded computation with very good parameters. Our constructions combine several previous techniques in randomness extractors, as well as introduce new techniques to reduce or preserve the complexity of extractors, which may be of independent interest. These include (1) a general way to reduce the error of strong seeded extractors while preserving the AC0 property and small locality, and (2) a seeded randomness condenser with small locality.Comment: 62 page

    Cryptography based on the Hardness of Decoding

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    This thesis provides progress in the fields of for lattice and coding based cryptography. The first contribution consists of constructions of IND-CCA2 secure public key cryptosystems from both the McEliece and the low noise learning parity with noise assumption. The second contribution is a novel instantiation of the lattice-based learning with errors problem which uses uniform errors

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    Subquadratic time encodable codes beating the Gilbert-Varshamov bound

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    We construct explicit algebraic geometry codes built from the Garcia-Stichtenoth function field tower beating the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for alphabet sizes at least 192. Messages are identied with functions in certain Riemann-Roch spaces associated with divisors supported on multiple places. Encoding amounts to evaluating these functions at degree one places. By exploiting algebraic structures particular to the Garcia-Stichtenoth tower, we devise an intricate deterministic \omega/2 < 1.19 runtime exponent encoding and 1+\omega/2 < 2.19 expected runtime exponent randomized (unique and list) decoding algorithms. Here \omega < 2.373 is the matrix multiplication exponent. If \omega = 2, as widely believed, the encoding and decoding runtimes are respectively nearly linear and nearly quadratic. Prior to this work, encoding (resp. decoding) time of code families beating the Gilbert-Varshamov bound were quadratic (resp. cubic) or worse
