19 research outputs found

    Solvability of fractional dynamic systems utilizing measure of noncompactness

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    Fractional dynamics is a scope of study in science considering the action of systems. These systems are designated by utilizing derivatives of arbitrary orders. In this effort, we discuss the sufficient conditions for the existence of the mild solution (m-solution) of a class of fractional dynamic systems (FDS). We deal with a new family of fractional m-solution in Rn for fractional dynamic systems. To accomplish it, we introduce first the concept of (F, ψ)-contraction based on the measure of noncompactness in some Banach spaces. Consequently, we establish requisite fixed point theorems (FPTs), which extend existing results following the Krasnoselskii FPT and coupled fixed point results as a outcomes of derived one. Finally, we give a numerical example to verify the considered FDS, and we solve it by iterative algorithm constructed by semianalytic method with high accuracy. The solution can be considered as bacterial growth system when the time interval is large.&nbsp


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    The aim of this work is to study a class of boundary value problem including a fractional order differential equation involving the Caputo-Hadamard fractional derivative. Suffcient conditions will be presented to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of solution of this fractional boundary value problem. The boundary conditions introduced in this work are of quite general nature and reduce to many special cases by fixing the parameters involved in the conditions

    The Effect of Malaysia General Election on Financial Network: An Evidence from Shariah-Compliant Stocks on Bursa Malaysia

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    Instead of focusing the volatility of the market, the market participants should consider on how the general election affects the correlation between the stocks during 14th general election Malaysia. The 14th general election of Malaysia was held on 9th May 2018. This event has a great impact towards the stocks listed on Bursa Malaysia. Thus, this study investigates the effect of 14th general election Malaysia towards the correlation between stock in Bursa Malaysia specifically the shariah-compliant stock. In addition, this paper examines the changes in terms of network topology for the duration, sixth months before and after the general election. The minimum spanning tree was used to visualize the correlation between the stocks. Also, the centrality measure, namely degree, closeness and betweenness were computed to identify if any changes of stocks that plays a crucial role in the network for the duration of before and after 14th general election Malaysia

    Operator inclusions and operator-differential inclusions

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    In Chapter 2, we first introduce a generalized inverse differentiability for set-valued mappings and consider some of its properties. Then, we use this differentiability, Ekeland's Variational Principle and some fixed point theorems to consider constrained implicit function and open mapping theorems and surjectivity problems of set-valued mappings. The mapping considered is of the form F(x, u) + G (x, u). The inverse derivative condition is only imposed on the mapping x F(x, u), and the mapping x G(x, u) is supposed to be Lipschitz. The constraint made to the variable x is a closed convex cone if x F(x, u) is only a closed mapping, and in case x F(x, u) is also Lipschitz, the constraint needs only to be a closed subset. We obtain some constrained implicit function theorems and open mapping theorems. Pseudo-Lipschitz property and surjectivity of the implicit functions are also obtained. As applications of the obtained results, we also consider both local constrained controllability of nonlinear systems and constrained global controllability of semilinear systems. The constraint made to the control is a time-dependent closed convex cone with possibly empty interior. Our results show that the controllability will be realized if some suitable associated linear systems are constrained controllable. In Chapter 3, without defining topological degree for set-valued mappings of monotone type, we consider the solvability of the operator inclusion y0 N1(x) + N2 (x) on bounded subsets in Banach spaces with N1 a demicontinuous set-valued mapping which is either of class (S+) or pseudo-monotone or quasi-monotone, and N2 is a set-valued quasi-monotone mapping. Conclusions similar to the invariance under admissible homotopy of topological degree are obtained. Some concrete existence results and applications to some boundary value problems, integral inclusions and controllability of a nonlinear system are also given. In Chapter 4, we will suppose u A (t,u) is a set-valued pseudo-monotone mapping and consider the evolution inclusions x' (t) + A(t,x((t)) f (t) a.e. and (d)/(dt) (Bx(t)) + A (t,x((t)) f(t) a.e. in an evolution triple (V,H,V*), as well as perturbation problems of those two inclusions

    Persistence of noncompact normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds in bounded geometry

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    We prove a persistence result for noncompact normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds in the setting of Riemannian manifolds of bounded geometry. Bounded geometry of the ambient manifold is a crucial assumption required to control the uniformity of all estimates throughout the proof. The Ck,αC^{k,\alpha}-smoothness result is optimal with respect to the spectral gap condition involved. The core of the persistence proof is based on the Perron method. In the process we derive new results on noncompact submanifolds in bounded geometry: a uniform tubular neighborhood theorem and uniform smooth approximation of a submanifold. The submanifolds considered are assumed to be uniformly CkC^k bounded in an appropriate sense.Comment: PhD thesis, 214 pages (B5 paper), 18 figures, final version; corrected Lemma 3.17, added preface and index and many smaller text improvement

    Harmonic mappings between Riemannian manifolds

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    These notes originated from a series of lectures I delivered at the Centre for Mathematical Analysis at Canberra. The purpose of the lectures was to introduce mathematicians familiar with the basic notions and results of linear elliptic partial differential equations and Riemannian geometry to the subject of harmonic mappings. I selected some topics to the presentation of which I felt I could contribute something, while on the other hand it was possible to provide complete and detailed proofs of them during these lectures. Thus, these notes are not meant to cover all that is known about harmonic maps, but nevertheless I believe that they give a good account of many of the interesting aspects of the subject and a fair idea of the variety of techniques used in the field

    Summing the Instantons: Quantum Cohomology and Mirror Symmetry in Toric Varieties

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    We use the gauged linear sigma model introduced by Witten to calculate instanton expansions for correlation functions in topological sigma models with target space a toric variety VV or a Calabi--Yau hypersurface MVM \subset V. In the linear model the instanton moduli spaces are relatively simple objects and the correlators are explicitly computable; moreover, the instantons can be summed, leading to explicit solutions for both kinds of models. In the case of smooth VV, our results reproduce and clarify an algebraic solution of the VV model due to Batyrev. In addition, we find an algebraic relation determining the solution for MM in terms of that for VV. Finally, we propose a modification of the linear model which computes instanton expansions about any limiting point in the moduli space. In the smooth case this leads to a (second) algebraic solution of the MM model. We use this description to prove some conjectures about mirror symmetry, including the previously conjectured ``monomial-divisor mirror map'' of Aspinwall, Greene, and Morrison.Comment: 91 pages and 3 figures, harvmac with epsf (Changes in this version: one minor correction, one clarification, one new reference

    Matematiske aspekter ved lokalisert aktivitet i nevrofeltmodeller

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    Neural field models assume the form of integral and integro-differential equations, and describe non-linear interactions between neuron populations. Such models reduce the dimensionality and complexity of the microscopic neural-network dynamics and allow for mathematical treatment, efficient simulation and intuitive understanding. Since the seminal studies byWilson and Cowan (1973) and Amari (1977) neural field models have been used to describe phenomena like persistent neuronal activity, waves and pattern formation in the cortex. In the present thesis we focus on mathematical aspects of localized activity which is described by stationary solutions of a neural field model, so called bumps. While neural field models represent a considerable simplification of the neural dynamics in a large network, they are often studied under further simplifying assumptions, e.g., approximating the firing-rate function with a unit step function. In some cases these assumptions may not change essential features of the model, but in other cases they may cause some properties of the model to vary significantly or even break down. The work presented in the thesis aims at studying properties of bump solutions in one- and two-population models relaxing on the common simplifications. Numerical approaches used in mathematical neuroscience sometimes lack mathematical justification. This may lead to numerical instabilities, ill-conditioning or even divergence. Moreover, there are some methods which have not been used in neuroscience community but might be beneficial. We have initiated a work in this direction by studying advantages and disadvantages of a wavelet-Galerkin algorithm applied to a simplified framework of a one-population neural field model. We also focus on rigorous justification of iteration methods for constructing bumps. We use the theory of monotone operators in ordered Banach spaces, the theory of Sobolev spaces in unbounded domains, degree theory, and other functional analytical methods, which are still not very well developed in neuroscience, for analysis of the models.Nevrofeltmodeller formuleres som integral og integro-differensiallikninger. De beskriver ikke-lineære vekselvirkninger mellom populasjoner av nevroner. Slike modeller reduserer dimensjonalitet og kompleksitet til den mikroskopiske nevrale nettverksdynamikken og tillater matematisk behandling, effektiv simulering og intuitiv forståelse. Siden pionerarbeidene til Wilson og Cowan (1973) og Amari (1977), har nevrofeltmodeller blitt brukt til å beskrive fenomener som vedvarende nevroaktivitet, bølger og mønsterdannelse i hjernebarken. I denne avhandlingen vil vi fokusere på matematiske aspekter ved lokalisert aktivitet som beskrives ved stasjonære løsninger til nevrofeltmodeller, såkalte bumps. Mens nevrofeltmodeller innebærer en betydelig forenkling av den nevrale dynamikken i et større nettverk, så blir de ofte studert ved å gjøre forenklende tilleggsantakelser, som for eksempel å approksimere fyringratefunksjonen med en Heaviside-funksjon. I noen tilfeller vil disse forenklingene ikke endre vesentlige trekk ved modellen, mens i andre tilfeller kan de forårsake at modellegenskapene endres betydelig eller at de bryter sammen. Arbeidene presentert i denne avhandlingen har som mål å studere egenskapene til bump-løsninger i en- og to-populasjonsmodeller når en lemper på de vanlige antakelsene. Numeriske teknikker som brukes i matematisk nevrovitenskap mangler i noen tilfeller matematisk begrunnelse. Dette kan lede til numeriske instabiliteter, dårlig kondisjonering, og til og med divergens. I tillegg finnes det metoder som ikke er blitt brukt i nevrovitenskap, men som kunne være fordelaktige å bruke. Vi har startet et arbeid i denne retningen ved å studere fordeler og ulemper ved en wavelet-Galerkin algoritme anvendt på et forenklet rammeverk for en en-populasjons nevrofelt modell. Vi fokuserer også på rigorøs begrunnelse for iterasjonsmetoder for konstruksjon av bumps. Vi bruker teorien for monotone operatorer i ordnede Banachrom, teorien for Sobolevrom for ubegrensede domener, gradteori, og andre funksjonalanalytiske metoder, som for tiden ikke er vel utviklet i nevrovitenskap, for analyse av modellene