8 research outputs found

    Existence of APAV(q,k) with q a prime power ≡5(mod8) and k≡1(mod4)

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    AbstractStinson introduced authentication perpendicular arrays APAλ(t,k,v), as a special kind of perpendicular arrays, to construct authentication and secrecy codes. Ge and Zhu introduced APAV(q,k) to study APA1(2,k,v) for k=5, 7. Chen and Zhu determined the existence of APAV(q,k) with q a prime power ≡3(mod4) and odd k>1. In this article, we show that for any prime power q≡5(mod8) and any k≡1(mod4) there exists an APAV(q,k) whenever q>((E+E2+4F)/2)2, where E=[(7k−23)m+3]25m−3, F=m(2m+1)(k−3)25m and m=(k−1)/4

    Part I:

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    B Stars with and without emission lines, parts 1 and 2

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    The spectra for B stars for which emission lines occur not on the main sequence, but only among the supergiants, and those B stars for which the presence of emission in H ahlpa is considered to be a significant factor in delineating atmospheric structure are examined. The development of models that are compatible with all known facts about a star and with the laws of physics is also discussed

    Winona Daily News

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    Fourth NASA Inter-Center Control Systems Conference

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    Space vehicle control applications are discussed, along with aircraft guidance, control, and handling qualities. System simulation and identification, engine control, advanced propulsion techniques, and advanced control techniques are also included

    Abordagem funcional na determinação da capacidade financeira e testamentária: linhas orientadoras e desenvolvimento de instrumentos de avaliação

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    Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia Forense, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraO envelhecimento da população, decorrente dos avanços médicos e do aumento da esperança média de vida, comportam incontornáveis exigências económicas, sociais, familiares e de saúde. Uma das consequências expetáveis do curso natural do envelhecimento e/ou das condições médicas que lhe surgem associadas, diz respeito à incapacidade funcional na realização de atividades de vida diária, incluindo as financeiras. A perda de capacidade implica considerações legais importantes, tendo sido uma área de debate e investigação nos últimos anos por várias disciplinas do saber (Direito, Psicologia, Medicina). A Constituição da República Portuguesa define o direito à capacidade civil, entendida no Direito Civil Português como poder de autodeterminação e condição básica da personalidade jurídica de todos os indivíduos. No entanto, em casos de comprovada incapacidade, a necessidade de proteção e segurança da pessoa incapaz ou com capacidade diminuída pode implicar processos de Interdição e Inabilitação. Nos processos legais com vista à determinação da capacidade, a necessidade de perícia implica/deve implicar vários profissionais, de entre os quais os psicólogos. Apesar da reconhecida importância atribuída ao processo de avaliação psicológica nestes âmbitos legais, em termos internacionais, em Portugal o cenário tem sido diferente. O ato pericial passa pelo envolvimento quase exclusivo do perito médico (psiquiatra) e apenas em raras exceções os psicólogos são chamados a intervir. No entanto, as alterações concetuais acerca da Incapacidade, bem como a mudança de uma abordagem médica/diagnóstica para uma abordagem funcional, colocam exigências adicionais. É neste âmbito que ressalvamos as vantagens de um processo de avaliação (neuro)psicológica, centrado em testes psicométricos e fortemente estandardizado, que inclua o recurso: (i) aos testes clássicos de funções cognitivas, emocionais, sócio afetivas e personalísticas; (ii) ao exame estandardizado das aptidões funcionais, desde as mais básicas às mais complexas e considerando múltiplas fontes de informação; (iii) aos instrumentos estandardizados, específicos da avaliação forense, que providenciam informação diretamente relevante para as questões colocadas pelo sistema legal. É neste enquadramento que surge o projeto apresentado nesta Dissertação de Doutoramento, desenvolvido em duas linhas principais de investigação. Em primeiro lugar, e considerando as guidelines já existentes internacionalmente, procurámos definir diretrizes para a atuação dos psicólogos nos processos judiciais que envolvem as questões de natureza financeira (Interdição/Inabilitação, Disposição do Património). Foram considerados todos os procedimentos e instrumentos de avaliação passíveis de utilização nos processos legais de determinação da capacidade, bem como as questões éticas que devem orientar os padrões de atuação dos psicólogos nestes contextos. O exposto nesta dissertação constitui uma primeira perspetiva acerca das futuras guidelines Portuguesas para o envolvimento dos psicólogos nos processos legais de determinação da capacidade. Este projeto de investigação focou-se, igualmente, no desenvolvimento de instrumentos de avaliação passíveis de providenciar informação útil e relevante ao sistema legal Português neste tipo de processos. Nos últimos anos foram observados avanços importantes no nosso país no âmbito da Avaliação Psicológica (incluindo a adaptação e validação de instrumentos de avaliação cognitivos, emocionais, sócio afetivos, de personalidade e qualidade de vida). No entanto, são igualmente essenciais instrumentos específicos de avaliação funcional e forense. Dada a ausência de investigação sistemática em Portugal nestes domínios, este projeto de investigação compreendeu o desenvolvimento de um instrumento para o exame funcional geral (o Inventário de Avaliação Funcional de Adultos e Idosos) e de um teste forense, específico para a avaliação das aptidões financeiras (o Instrumento de Avaliação da Capacidade Financeira). Os processos de revisão bibliográfica, o envolvimento de peritos, os estudos qualitativos e quantitativos permitiram o desenvolvimento destes instrumentos com preocupações especiais de validade ecológica e de conteúdo, passíveis de utilização pelos psicólogos envolvidos em processos legais relativos às Interdições/Inabilitações e/ou Disposição do Património (pelo Testamento ou Doação). O processo de avaliação psicológica, alicerçado em instrumentos de avaliação psicométricos tradicionais, conjugado com o recurso adicional a estes dois instrumentos, permitirá ao psicólogo obter informação abrangente dos perfis de funcionamento individuais e, além disso, proporcionará informação diretamente relevante para o sistema legal Português. The aging population, due to the medical advances and the increase in life expectancy, has been associated to significant economic, social, familiar, and health consequences. One of the consequences of the natural course of the aging process and/or the medical conditions that appear in the aging process is the functional incapacity in daily living activities, including those related to financial questions. The loss of functional capacity involves important legal consequences, and has been an area of debate and investigation in the last years by Law, Psychology, and Medicine. The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic defines the right to the civil capacity. This is defined by the Portuguese Civil Law as the power of self-determination, and it is a basic condition of the juridical personality of all individuals. Despite this, facing the incapacity conditions, the need to protect and ensure the security of these individuals through Interdiction and Inhabilitation appear. The legal processes for the capacity determinations implies an expertise process by several professionals, including psychologists. Despite the international well-known importance of the psychological assessment procedures in these legal arenas, in Portugal the expertise processes is done by a psyquiatrist, and the psychologists are not always called. Facing the conceptual models about incapacity, and the change from a diagnostic to a functional approach, some additional requirements occur. There are several advantages of the psychological assessment procedures through psychometric and standardizes instruments, that must include: (i) classical tests of cognitive functions, emotional, socio-affective and personality; (ii) standardized exam of functional abilities (basic and more complex), considering several sources of information; (iii) standardized instruments specific for the forensic assessment, providing legally relevant information. This PhD project arise in these contexts and were developed in two main aspects. First, considering the international guidelines we also attempt to define some guidelines for the psychologists in those processes related to financial matters (Interdiction/Inhabilitation, Assets Disposition). The revision of the procedures and assessment instruments were done, considering also the important ethical questions that must be considered by the psychologists in these legal contexts. In this PhD thesis we intended to provide initial information for the development of the Portuguese guidelines concerning the involvement of the psychologists in legal determination of capacity. Additionally, this project also focus on the development of two instruments that will provide useful and relevant information to the Portuguese legal system. In the last years, important advances were made in Portugal about Psychological Assessment (adaptation and validation of several instruments regarding cognition, emotional aspects, personality, and quality of life). Despite this, the absence of functional and forensic instruments, as well as the absence of systematic investigation in Portugal about these questions led us to the development of two instruments – one for the general functional exam (Adults and Older Adults Functional Assessment Inventory, IAFAI), and one instrument for the assessment of specific financial abilities (Financial Capacity Assessment Instrument, IACFin). The development of these instruments were done through the bibliographic revisions, involvement of experts, qualitative and quantitative studies, ensuring their content and ecological validity. The IAFAI and the IACFin were useful instruments for the psychologists involved in legal processes (Interdiction/Inhabilitation, Assets Disposition by Will and Donation). In the psychological assessment process, the consideration of both traditional assessment tests, and these two specific instruments will provide comprehensive information about the individual profiles of functioning, and also legally relevant information for Portuguese legal system.The aging population, due to the medical advances and the increase in life expectancy, has been associated to significant economic, social, familiar, and health consequences. One of the consequences of the natural course of the aging process and/or the medical conditions that appear in the aging process is the functional incapacity in daily living activities, including those related to financial questions. The loss of functional capacity involves important legal consequences, and has been an area of debate and investigation in the last years by Law, Psychology, and Medicine. The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic defines the right to the civil capacity. This is defined by the Portuguese Civil Law as the power of self-determination, and it is a basic condition of the juridical personality of all individuals. Despite this, facing the incapacity conditions, the need to protect and ensure the security of these individuals through Interdiction and Inhabilitation appear. The legal processes for the capacity determinations implies an expertise process by several professionals, including psychologists. Despite the international well-known importance of the psychological assessment procedures in these legal arenas, in Portugal the expertise processes is done by a psyquiatrist, and the psychologists are not always called. Facing the conceptual models about incapacity, and the change from a diagnostic to a functional approach, some additional requirements occur. There are several advantages of the psychological assessment procedures through psychometric and standardizes instruments, that must include: (i) classical tests of cognitive functions, emotional, socio-affective and personality; (ii) standardized exam of functional abilities (basic and more complex), considering several sources of information; (iii) standardized instruments specific for the forensic assessment, providing legally relevant information. This PhD project arise in these contexts and were developed in two main aspects. First, considering the international guidelines we also attempt to define some guidelines for the psychologists in those processes related to financial matters (Interdiction/Inhabilitation, Assets Disposition). The revision of the procedures and assessment instruments were done, considering also the important ethical questions that must be considered by the psychologists in these legal contexts. In this PhD thesis we intended to provide initial information for the development of the Portuguese guidelines concerning the involvement of the psychologists in legal determination of capacity. Additionally, this project also focus on the development of two instruments that will provide useful and relevant information to the Portuguese legal system. In the last years, important advances were made in Portugal about Psychological Assessment (adaptation and validation of several instruments regarding cognition, emotional aspects, personality, and quality of life). Despite this, the absence of functional and forensic instruments, as well as the absence of systematic investigation in Portugal about these questions led us to the development of two instruments – one for the general functional exam (Adults and Older Adults Functional Assessment Inventory, IAFAI), and one instrument for the assessment of specific financial abilities (Financial Capacity Assessment Instrument, IACFin). The development of these instruments were done through the bibliographic revisions, involvement of experts, qualitative and quantitative studies, ensuring their content and ecological validity. The IAFAI and the IACFin were useful instruments for the psychologists involved in legal processes (Interdiction/Inhabilitation, Assets Disposition by Will and Donation). In the psychological assessment process, the consideration of both traditional assessment tests, and these two specific instruments will provide comprehensive information about the individual profiles of functioning, and also legally relevant information for Portuguese legal system.FCT - SFRH/BD/47677/200

    A lexicon to Pindar

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