39 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Performance of Parallel and Concurrent Applications Based on Asynchronous Many-Task Runtimes

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    Nowadays, High-performance Computing (HPC) scientific applications often face per- formance challenges when running on heterogeneous supercomputers, so do scalability, portability, and efficiency issues. For years, supercomputer architectures have been rapidly changing and becoming more complex, and this challenge will become even more com- plicated as we enter the exascale era, where computers will exceed one quintillion cal- culations per second. Software adaption and optimization are needed to address these challenges. Asynchronous many-task (AMT) systems show promise against the exascale challenge as they combine advantages of multi-core architectures with light-weight threads, asynchronous executions, smart scheduling, and portability across diverse architectures. In this research, we optimize the performance of a highly scalable scientific application using HPX, an AMT runtime system, and address its performance bottlenecks on super- computers. We use DCA++ (Dynamical Cluster Approximation) as a research vehicle for studying the performance bottlenecks in parallel and concurrent applications. DCA++ is a high-performance research software application that provides a modern C++ imple- mentation to solve quantum many-body problems with a Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) kernel. QMC solver applications are widely used and are mission-critical across the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) application landscape. Throughout the research, we implement several optimization techniques. Firstly, we add HPX threading backend support to DCA++ and achieve significant performance speedup. Secondly, we solve a memory-bound challenge in DCA++ and develop ring- based communication algorithms using GPU RDMA technology that allow much larger scientific simulation cases. Thirdly, we explore a methodology for using LLVM-based tools to tune the DCA++ that targets the new ARM A64Fx processor. We profile all imple- mentations in-depth and observe significant performance improvement throughout all the implementations

    Parallel programming systems for scalable scientific computing

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    High-performance computing (HPC) systems are more powerful than ever before. However, this rise in performance brings with it greater complexity, presenting significant challenges for researchers who wish to use these systems for their scientific work. This dissertation explores the development of scalable programming solutions for scientific computing. These solutions aim to be effective across a diverse range of computing platforms, from personal desktops to advanced supercomputers.To better understand HPC systems, this dissertation begins with a literature review on exascale supercomputers, massive systems capable of performing 10¹⁸ floating-point operations per second. This review combines both manual and data-driven analyses, revealing that while traditional challenges of exascale computing have largely been addressed, issues like software complexity and data volume remain. Additionally, the dissertation introduces the open-source software tool (called LitStudy) developed for this research.Next, this dissertation introduces two novel programming systems. The first system (called Rocket) is designed to scale all-versus-all algorithms to massive datasets. It features a multi-level software-based cache, a divide-and-conquer approach, hierarchical work-stealing, and asynchronous processing to maximize data reuse, exploit data locality, dynamically balance workloads, and optimize resource utilization. The second system (called Lightning) aims to scale existing single-GPU kernel functions across multiple GPUs, even on different nodes, with minimal code adjustments. Results across eight benchmarks on up to 32 GPUs show excellent scalability.The dissertation concludes by proposing a set of design principles for developing parallel programming systems for scalable scientific computing. These principles, based on lessons from this PhD research, represent significant steps forward in enabling researchers to efficiently utilize HPC systems

    Non-minimal adaptive routing for efficient interconnection networks

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    RESUMEN: La red de interconexión es un concepto clave de los sistemas de computación paralelos. El primer aspecto que define una red de interconexión es su topología. Habitualmente, las redes escalables y eficientes en términos de coste y consumo energético tienen bajo diámetro y se basan en topologías que encaran el límite de Moore y en las que no hay diversidad de caminos mínimos. Una vez definida la topología, quedando implícitamente definidos los límites de rendimiento de la red, es necesario diseñar un algoritmo de enrutamiento que se acerque lo máximo posible a esos límites y debido a la ausencia de caminos mínimos, este además debe explotar los caminos no mínimos cuando el tráfico es adverso. Estos algoritmos de enrutamiento habitualmente seleccionan entre rutas mínimas y no mínimas en base a las condiciones de la red. Las rutas no mínimas habitualmente se basan en el algoritmo de balanceo de carga propuesto por Valiant, esto implica que doblan la longitud de las rutas mínimas y por lo tanto, la latencia soportada por los paquetes se incrementa. En cuanto a la tecnología, desde su introducción en entornos HPC a principios de los años 2000, Ethernet ha sido usado en un porcentaje representativo de los sistemas. Esta tesis introduce una implementación realista y competitiva de una red escalable y sin pérdidas basada en dispositivos de red Ethernet commodity, considerando topologías de bajo diámetro y bajo consumo energético y logrando un ahorro energético de hasta un 54%. Además, propone un enrutamiento sobre la citada arquitectura, en adelante QCN-Switch, el cual selecciona entre rutas mínimas y no mínimas basado en notificaciones de congestión explícitas. Una vez implementada la decisión de enrutar siguiendo rutas no mínimas, se introduce un enrutamiento adaptativo en fuente capaz de adaptar el número de saltos en las rutas no mínimas. Este enrutamiento, en adelante ACOR, es agnóstico de la topología y mejora la latencia en hasta un 28%. Finalmente, se introduce un enrutamiento dependiente de la topología, en adelante LIAN, que optimiza el número de saltos de las rutas no mínimas basado en las condiciones de la red. Los resultados de su evaluación muestran que obtiene una latencia cuasi óptima y mejora el rendimiento de algoritmos de enrutamiento actuales reduciendo la latencia en hasta un 30% y obteniendo un rendimiento estable y equitativo.ABSTRACT: Interconnection network is a key concept of any parallel computing system. The first aspect to define an interconnection network is its topology. Typically, power and cost-efficient scalable networks with low diameter rely on topologies that approach the Moore bound in which there is no minimal path diversity. Once the topology is defined, the performance bounds of the network are determined consequently, so a suitable routing algorithm should be designed to accomplish as much as possible of those limits and, due to the lack of minimal path diversity, it must exploit non-minimal paths when the traffic pattern is adversarial. These routing algorithms usually select between minimal and non-minimal paths based on the network conditions, where the non-minimal paths are built according to Valiant load-balancing algorithm. This implies that these paths double the length of minimal ones and then the latency supported by packets increases. Regarding the technology, from its introduction in HPC systems in the early 2000s, Ethernet has been used in a significant fraction of the systems. This dissertation introduces a realistic and competitive implementation of a scalable lossless Ethernet network for HPC environments considering low-diameter and low-power topologies. This allows for up to 54% power savings. Furthermore, it proposes a routing upon the cited architecture, hereon QCN-Switch, which selects between minimal and non-minimal paths per packet based on explicit congestion notifications instead of credits. Once the miss-routing decision is implemented, it introduces two mechanisms regarding the selection of the intermediate switch to develop a source adaptive routing algorithm capable of adapting the number of hops in the non-minimal paths. This routing, hereon ACOR, is topology-agnostic and improves average latency in all cases up to 28%. Finally, a topology-dependent routing, hereon LIAN, is introduced to optimize the number of hops in the non-minimal paths based on the network live conditions. Evaluations show that LIAN obtains almost-optimal latency and outperforms state-of-the-art adaptive routing algorithms, reducing latency by up to 30.0% and providing stable throughput and fairness.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under grant FPU14/02253, the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under contracts TIN2010-21291-C02-02, TIN2013-46957-C2-2-P, and TIN2013-46957-C2-2-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), the Spanish Research Agency under contract PID2019-105660RBC22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the European Union under agreements FP7-ICT-2011- 7-288777 (Mont-Blanc 1) and FP7-ICT-2013-10-610402 (Mont-Blanc 2), the University of Cantabria under project PAR.30.P072.64004, and by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence through an internship grant supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. H2020-ICT-2015-687689

    2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy

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    This document is an update (new photos used) of the PDF version of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy that will be available to download on the OCT Public Website. The updated 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, or "technology dictionary", uses a technology discipline based approach that realigns like-technologies independent of their application within the NASA mission portfolio. This tool is meant to serve as a common technology discipline-based communication tool across the agency and with its partners in other government agencies, academia, industry, and across the world

    Crowd simulation and visualization

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    Large-scale simulation and visualization are essential topics in areas as different as sociology, physics, urbanism, training, entertainment among others. This kind of systems requires a vast computational power and memory resources commonly available in High Performance Computing HPC platforms. Currently, the most potent clusters have heterogeneous architectures with hundreds of thousands and even millions of cores. The industry trends inferred that exascale clusters would have thousands of millions. The technical challenges for simulation and visualization process in the exascale era are intertwined with difficulties in other areas of research, including storage, communication, programming models and hardware. For this reason, it is necessary prototyping, testing, and deployment a variety of approaches to address the technical challenges identified and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution. The focus of this research is interactive large-scale crowd simulation and visualization. To exploit to the maximum the capacity of the current HPC infrastructure and be prepared to take advantage of the next generation. The project develops a new approach to scale crowd simulation and visualization on heterogeneous computing cluster using a task-based technique. Its main characteristic is hardware agnostic. It abstracts the difficulties that imply the use of heterogeneous architectures like memory management, scheduling, communications, and synchronization — facilitating development, maintenance, and scalability. With the goal of flexibility and take advantage of computing resources as best as possible, the project explores different configurations to connect the simulation with the visualization engine. This kind of system has an essential use in emergencies. Therefore, urban scenes were implemented as realistic as possible; in this way, users will be ready to face real events. Path planning for large-scale crowds is a challenge to solve, due to the inherent dynamism in the scenes and vast search space. A new path-finding algorithm was developed. It has a hierarchical approach which offers different advantages: it divides the search space reducing the problem complexity, it can obtain a partial path instead of wait for the complete one, which allows a character to start moving and compute the rest asynchronously. It can reprocess only a part if necessary with different levels of abstraction. A case study is presented for a crowd simulation in urban scenarios. Geolocated data are used, they were produced by mobile devices to predict individual and crowd behavior and detect abnormal situations in the presence of specific events. It was also address the challenge of combining all these individual’s location with a 3D rendering of the urban environment. The data processing and simulation approach are computationally expensive and time-critical, it relies thus on a hybrid Cloud-HPC architecture to produce an efficient solution. Within the project, new models of behavior based on data analytics were developed. It was developed the infrastructure to be able to consult various data sources such as social networks, government agencies or transport companies such as Uber. Every time there is more geolocation data available and better computation resources which allow performing analysis of greater depth, this lays the foundations to improve the simulation models of current crowds. The use of simulations and their visualization allows to observe and organize the crowds in real time. The analysis before, during and after daily mass events can reduce the risks and associated logistics costs.La simulación y visualización a gran escala son temas esenciales en áreas tan diferentes como la sociología, la física, el urbanismo, la capacitación, el entretenimiento, entre otros. Este tipo de sistemas requiere una gran capacidad de cómputo y recursos de memoria comúnmente disponibles en las plataformas de computo de alto rendimiento. Actualmente, los equipos más potentes tienen arquitecturas heterogéneas con cientos de miles e incluso millones de núcleos. Las tendencias de la industria infieren que los equipos en la era exascale tendran miles de millones. Los desafíos técnicos en el proceso de simulación y visualización en la era exascale se entrelazan con dificultades en otras áreas de investigación, incluidos almacenamiento, comunicación, modelos de programación y hardware. Por esta razón, es necesario crear prototipos, probar y desplegar una variedad de enfoques para abordar los desafíos técnicos identificados y evaluar las ventajas y desventajas de cada solución propuesta. El foco de esta investigación es la visualización y simulación interactiva de multitudes a gran escala. Aprovechar al máximo la capacidad de la infraestructura actual y estar preparado para aprovechar la próxima generación. El proyecto desarrolla un nuevo enfoque para escalar la simulación y visualización de multitudes en un clúster de computo heterogéneo utilizando una técnica basada en tareas. Su principal característica es que es hardware agnóstico. Abstrae las dificultades que implican el uso de arquitecturas heterogéneas como la administración de memoria, las comunicaciones y la sincronización, lo que facilita el desarrollo, el mantenimiento y la escalabilidad. Con el objetivo de flexibilizar y aprovechar los recursos informáticos lo mejor posible, el proyecto explora diferentes configuraciones para conectar la simulación con el motor de visualización. Este tipo de sistemas tienen un uso esencial en emergencias. Por lo tanto, se implementaron escenas urbanas lo más realistas posible, de esta manera los usuarios estarán listos para enfrentar eventos reales. La planificación de caminos para multitudes a gran escala es un desafío a resolver, debido al dinamismo inherente en las escenas y el vasto espacio de búsqueda. Se desarrolló un nuevo algoritmo de búsqueda de caminos. Tiene un enfoque jerárquico que ofrece diferentes ventajas: divide el espacio de búsqueda reduciendo la complejidad del problema, puede obtener una ruta parcial en lugar de esperar a la completa, lo que permite que un personaje comience a moverse y calcule el resto de forma asíncrona, puede reprocesar solo una parte si es necesario con diferentes niveles de abstracción. Se presenta un caso de estudio para una simulación de multitud en escenarios urbanos. Se utilizan datos geolocalizados producidos por dispositivos móviles para predecir el comportamiento individual y público y detectar situaciones anormales en presencia de eventos específicos. También se aborda el desafío de combinar la ubicación de todos estos individuos con una representación 3D del entorno urbano. Dentro del proyecto, se desarrollaron nuevos modelos de comportamiento basados ¿¿en el análisis de datos. Se creo la infraestructura para poder consultar varias fuentes de datos como redes sociales, agencias gubernamentales o empresas de transporte como Uber. Cada vez hay más datos de geolocalización disponibles y mejores recursos de cómputo que permiten realizar un análisis de mayor profundidad, esto sienta las bases para mejorar los modelos de simulación de las multitudes actuales. El uso de simulaciones y su visualización permite observar y organizar las multitudes en tiempo real. El análisis antes, durante y después de eventos multitudinarios diarios puede reducir los riesgos y los costos logísticos asociadosPostprint (published version

    Japan: Nuclearizing the Reclining Dragon?

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    Japan may be about to cross the threshold of a slow march toward nuclearization. This thesis will highlight signals that Japan not only has the means to develop nuclear weapons but maybe approaching a culmination point where Japan will cross the nuclear threshold. This thesis relies on a range of open-source documents and previously classified documents of the United States and Japan in order to reveal some of these subtle indications. Japan relies on four main factors to maintain its non–nuclear status: its alliance with the United States, nuclear deterrence underwritten by the United States, regional stability, and the nuclear non–proliferation regime. As all of these factors are in a state of flux, Japan has felt the need to remilitarize and reduce its dependency on the United States. Japan and the United States\u27 national security interests are diverging: the United States is focused on retrenchment and remains trapped in Middle Eastern disputes. Since the end of the Cold War, the United States\u27 nuclear enterprise has deteriorated. Moreover, the United States has made critical choices that further raise concerns over the credibility of the United States as a nuclear guarantor. All the while, Japan has faced an increasingly unstable region: North Korea, China, and Russia all pose threats to Japan\u27s national security. These threats provide additional incentives for Japan to remilitarize and reinterpret Article 9 of its Constitution. These four factors are also incentivizing Japan to reconsider its latent nuclear weapons capabilities. If present geo-political conditions do not change, Japan\u27s non-proliferation stance will culminate and Japan will develop an indigenous nuclear weapons program

    China's absorptive State: research, innovation and the prospects for China-UK collaboration

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    China's innovation system is advancing so rapidly in multiple directions that the UK needs to develop a more ambitious and tailored strategy, able to maximise opportunities and minimise risks across the diversity of its innovation links to China. For the UK, the choice is not whether to engage more deeply with the Chinese system, but how. This report analyses the policies, prospects and dilemmas for Chinese research and innovation over the next decade. It is designed to inform a more strategic approach to supporting China-UK collaboration

    Solutions for the optimization of the software interface on an FPGA-based NIC

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    The theme of the research is the study of solutions for the optimization of the software interface on FPGA-based Network Interface Cards. The research activity was carried out in the APE group at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), which has been historically active in designing of high performance scalable networks for hybrid nodes (CPU/GPU) clusters. The result of the research is validated on two projects the APE group is currently working on, both allowing fast prototyping for solutions and hardware-software co-design: APEnet (a PCIe FPGA-based 3D torus network controller) and NaNet (FPGA-based family of NICs mainly dedicated to real-time, low-latency computing systems such as fast control systems or High Energy Physics Data Acquisition Systems). NaNet is also used to validate a GPU-controlled device driver to improve network perfomances, i.e. even lower latency of the communication, while used in combination with existing user-space software. This research is also gaining results in the "Horizon2020 FET-HPC ExaNeSt project", which aims to prototype and develop solutions for some of the crucial problems on the way towards production of Exascale-level Supercomputers, where the APE group is actively contribuiting to the development of the network / interconnection infrastructure

    Adjoint-Based Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis for Reactor Depletion Calculations

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    Depletion calculations for nuclear reactors model the dynamic coupling between the material composition and neutron flux and help predict reactor performance and safety characteristics. In order to be trusted as reliable predictive tools and inputs to licensing and operational decisions, the simulations must include an accurate and holistic quantification of errors and uncertainties in its outputs. Uncertainty quantification is a formidable challenge in large, realistic reactor models because of the large number of unknowns and myriad sources of uncertainty and error. We present a framework for performing efficient uncertainty quantification in depletion problems using an adjoint approach, with emphasis on high-fidelity calculations using advanced massively parallel computing architectures. This approach calls for a solution to two systems of equations: (a) the forward, engineering system that models the reactor, and (b) the adjoint system, which is mathematically related to but different from the forward system. We use the solutions of these systems to produce sensitivity and error estimates at a cost that does not grow rapidly with the number of uncertain inputs. We present the framework in a general fashion and apply it to both the source-driven and k-eigenvalue forms of the depletion equations. We describe the implementation and verification of solvers for the forward and ad- joint equations in the PDT code, and we test the algorithms on realistic reactor analysis problems. We demonstrate a new approach for reducing the memory and I/O demands on the host machine, which can be overwhelming for typical adjoint algorithms. Our conclusion is that adjoint depletion calculations using full transport solutions are not only computationally tractable, they are the most attractive option for performing uncertainty quantification on high-fidelity reactor analysis problems