18 research outputs found

    Лингвистические и металингвистические представления в интеллектуальных многоязычных системах

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    В данной работе предложен функционально-семантический подход, который обеспечивает синергетическое сочетание статистических методов и логико-лингвистических правил. В процессе грамматического разбора используются значения вероятности каждого узла разбора предложения. Взаимодействие функциональных блоков и подсистем интеллектуальной многоязычной системы между собой, а также взаимодействие ее с пользователем организуется с помощью метаданных управления и связи. Были изучены структуры когнитивного переноса в рамках поля функционального переноса первичной и вторичной предикации для русско-французской языковой пары по аналогии с русско-английской языковой парой. Материалом анализа послужили параллельные тексты, статьи из научной периодики.У даній роботі запропоновано функціонально-семантичний підхід, який забезпечує синергетичне сполучення статистичних методів і логіко-лінгвістичних правил. У процесі граматичного розбору використовуються значення ймовірності кожного вузла розбору речення. Взаємодія функціональних блоків і підсистем інтелектуальної багатомовної системи між собою, а також взаємодія її з користувачем організується за допомогою метаданих керування і зв’язку. Були вивчені структури когнітивного переносу у межах поля функціонального переносу первинної і вторинної предикації для російсько-французької мовної пари за аналогією з російсько-англійською мовною парою. Матеріалом аналізу послужили паралельні тексти, статті з наукової періодики.The approach, which integrates linguistic means of different language levels (syntactic, lexical, derivational and inflectional) on the basis of their functional semantic characteristics and ensures the synergetic combination of statistical methods and logical linguistic rules, is proposed in this work. In the process of grammatical analysis the values of probability are used. Interaction of functional blocks and subsystems of the intellectual multilingual system between themselves, and also its interaction with the user is organized with the aid of metadata of control and connection. The authors studied the structures of cognitive transfer within the framework of the functional transfer field of primary and secondary predication for the Russian-French language pair by analogy with the Russian-English language pair. The material for analysis was taken from the parallel texts of scientific periodicals

    Combining semantic and syntactic generalization in example-based machine translation

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    In this paper, we report our experiments in combining two EBMT systems that rely on generalized templates, Marclator and CMU-EBMT, on an English–German translation task. Our goal was to see whether a statistically significant improvement could be achieved over the individual performances of these two systems. We observed that this was not the case. However, our system consistently outperformed a lexical EBMT baseline system

    Решение задачи автоматического перевода научно-технических текстов с английского языка на белорусский

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    Yu.B. Krapivin, D. V. Stepanova. SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO BELARUSIANСтатья посвящена проблеме совершенствования качества машинного перевода научно-технических текстов. Рассматривается применение нейросетевого и статистического подходов с контролем по созданным автоматическим терминологическим словарям для разработки системы автоматического перевода английских научно-технических текстов по информационным технологиям на белорусский язык. Разработанная автоматизированная информационная система «Англо-белорусский словарь» обеспечивает автоматический лингвистический анализ входного текста и автоматический перевод текста выбранной предметной области с английского языка на белорусский с учетом информации, содержащейся в разработанных терминологических словарях лингвистической базы данных. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при создании систем автоматического перевода терминологической лексики различных предметных областей, а также в разработках по совершенствованию существующих систем машинного перевода текстов

    Ordering translation templates by assigning confidence factors

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    TTL (Translation Template Learner) algorithm learns lexical level correspondences between two translation examples by using analogical reasoning. The sentences used as translation examples have similar and different parts in the source language which must correspond to the similar and different parts in the target language. Therefore these correspondences are learned as translation templates. The learned translation templates are used in the translation of other sentences. However, we need to assign confidence factors to these translation templates to order translation results with respect to previously assigned confidence factors. This paper proposes a method for assigning confidence factors to translation templates learned by the TTL algorithm. Training data is used for collecting statistical information that will be used in confidence factor assignment process. In this process, each template is assigned a confidence factor according to the statistical information obtained from training data. Furthermore, some template combinations are also assigned confidence factors in order to eliminate certain combinations resulting bad translation. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998

    Statistical Machine Translation from Slovenian to English

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    In this paper, we analyse three statistical models for the machine translation of Slovenian into English. All of them are based on the IBM Model~4, but differ in the type of linguistic knowledge they use. Model 4a uses only basic linguistic units of the text, i.e., words and sentences. In Model 4b, lemmatisation is used as a preprocessing step of the translation task. Lemmatisation also makes it possible to add a Slovenian-English dictionary as an additional knowledge source. Model 4c takes advantage of the morpho-syntactic descriptions (MSD) of words. In Model 4c, MSD codes replace the automatic word classes used in Models 4a and 4b. The models are experimentally evaluated using the IJS-ELAN parallel corpus

    Uma arquitetura genérica para tradução automática text-to-gloss baseada em regras

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    Deaf people have di culties in communication and information acquisition, because in both cases what is prevalent is the use of oral languages, but the deaf have sign language as natural language, having oral language as a secondary language. Several areas are seeking solutions to combat this barrier with the deaf community. In the area of technology, e orts are focused on the accessibility of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). One of the main strategies is the construction of automatic translators that translate oral language information into sign language. As an aid to this area of research, this paper aims to present a exible architecture proposal for the construction of automatic rules-based translators for translations between oral and sign language, based on the automatic translator used in the Su te VLibras, a consolidated system that allows the accessibility of audio, text and video in Portuguese for users of LIBRAS.As proof of concept of the proposed architecture, an automatic translator for the translation of English text for ASL gloss was created. Automatic translation tests were applied on this translator and the results were evaluated with the BLEU and WER metrics.As pessoas surdas possuem difi culdades em comunicação e aquisição de informação, pois em ambos os casos o que prevalece é a utilização de línguas orais, mas os surdos possuem como língua natural a língua de sinais, tendo a língua oral como uma língua secundaria. Varias áreas buscam soluções para combater essa barreira com a comunidade surda. Na área da tecnologia os esforços são voltados para a acessibilidade das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs). Uma das principais estrategias implementadas é a construção de tradutores automáticos que traduzem a informação de língua oral para língua de sinais. Como auxilio a essa área de pesquisa, esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de arquitetura flexível para a construção de tradutores automáticos baseados em regras para traduções entre língua oral e língua de sinais, tendo como base o tradutor automático utilizado na Suite VLibras, um sistema consolidado e que permite a acessibilidade de áudio, texto e vídeo em português para usuários de LIBRAS. Como prova de conceito da arquitetura proposta, foi criado, a partir dela, um tradutor automático para a tradução de texto em inglês para glosa ASL. Foram aplicados testes automáticos de tradução sobre esse tradutor e os resultados foram avaliados com as métricas BLEU e WER

    Bridging the gap between different cultures and languages with common-sense computing

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-106).The need for more effective communication across different countries has increased as the interactions between them have been growing. Communication is often difficult because of both language differences and cultural differences. Although there have been many attempts to meet the communication need on the level of language with machine translators and dictionaries, many problems related to cultural and conceptual differences still remain. To improve traditional machine translators and cross-cultural communication aids, it is necessary to develop automated mechanisms to analyze cultural differences and similarities. This thesis approaches the problems with automatic computation of cultural differences and similarities. This thesis, GlobalMind, provides common-sense databases of various countries and languages and two inference modules to analyze and compute the cultural differences and similarities from the databases. I describe the design of GlobalMind databases, the implementation of its inference modules, the results of an evaluation of GlobalMind, and available applications.by Hyemin Chung.S.M