11 research outputs found

    Identifying the Determents of Government E-Service Quality In the UAE

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    Globally, government entities are facilitating ever more over-the-internet transactional services. In the Middle Eastern context, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is at the forefront. Although the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the UAE has adopted appropriate e-service quality (ESQ) assessment tools in-house, these tools are designed only for back-end developers, not for gauging end-user satisfaction levels. In light of this, we developed a conceptual framework for the holistic measuring of such citizen opinions. The study incorporated a survey instrument on a sample population (n = 2,197) for investigating the ESQ of the UAE Ministry of Interior transactional e-services. Key findings indicate that most ESQ content factors (excepting reliability) and all ESQ delivery factors, along with Trust in government positively impacted the ESQ user perceptions measured in terms of reuse intentions and overall satisfaction levels. However, familiarity with information and communication technology (ICT familiarity) was found to be insignificant. Responsiveness has the largest impact on ESQ perceptions. Interestingly, no differences between the genders were observed, but age, education and nationality all led to statistically significant differences. This research study adds an in-depth case to the relevant literature on public sector e-service provision in the Middle East and also to the one that considers ESQ assessment. The dissertation furnishes some suggestions about the wider and more systematic deployment of the analytical framework in future studies

    Stakeholder Management in Maritime Logistics Ecosystems: How tackling the main challenges of the industry

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    This PhD thesis deals with stakeholder management theoretical constructs and empirical practices within maritime logistics ecosystems. The rationale of the study grounds on the recent shift of the academic literature\u2019s focus on maritime logistics from the single organisation to the whole business ecosystem. In this perspective, formal and informal relationships with business partners and related parties have been demonstrated to become fundamental for the survival and success of firms and organisations belonging to maritime logistics ecosystems. The constant dialogue and coordination of strategic and operational activities between the heterogeneous actors constitute the preconditions to build wider and more resilient networks as well as to generate benefits for all parties and stakeholders involved. In this context, stakeholder management theoretical constructs can provide maritime logistics firms and organisations with useful managerial practices and best practices for identifying and exploiting unprecedented opportunities to handle relationships and interactions with both business parties and different categories of stakeholders. The variety of actors belonging to maritime logistics ecosystems as well as the array of related stakeholders, that unveils heterogeneous needs and interests, urge further empirical research to disentangle multiple practices of stakeholder management that have not all been investigated yet. In this vein, collaborative and responsible behaviours from maritime logistics firms and other involved organizations may support key actors with facing the new environmental, social, and technological challenges shaping the industry. In this perspective, this PhD thesis examines the main theoretical constructs of stakeholder management by performing an extensive literature review to comprehend the foundations and managerial benefits of stakeholder relationship management and corporate social responsibility. Then, it provides four empirical research to disentangle both strategies and behaviours of different maritime logistics actors, stressing the business benefits and managerial opportunities emerging from the adoption of well-defined and planned stakeholder management practices. Each empirical research addresses multiple challenges (i.e., environmental, social, and technological challenges) and assumes the perspective of one of the key actors of the maritime logistics ecosystem (i.e., once port managing bodies, once shipping companies, and twice terminal operators). The thesis investigates specific dimensions related to the strategic objectives, behaviours, and managerial options of these actors for effectively managing the relationships with their salient stakeholders. The outcomes of empirical research provide four valuable exploratory and qualitative studies grounding on stakeholder management literature. Managerial implications for private, public and hybrid actors of maritime logistics are extensively debated to pave the way for future studies on stakeholder management within this business ecosystem. In this perspective, this PhD thesis would take a step forward in the research on new managerial practices to effectively manage stakeholder relationships in the maritime logistics ecosystem

    Proceedings of the 4th Central European PhD Workshop on Technological Change and Development

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    The Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014 University of Brighton

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    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021

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    This open access book is the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 28th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER21@yourplace virtual conference January 19–22, 2021. This book advances the current knowledge base of information and communication technologies and tourism in the areas of social media and sharing economy, technology including AI-driven technologies, research related to destination management and innovations, COVID-19 repercussions, and others. Readers will find a wealth of state-of-the-art insights, ideas, and case studies on how information and communication technologies can be applied in travel and tourism as we encounter new opportunities and challenges in an unpredictable world

    Escaping the commoditization trap by going downstream : how does a manufacturer manage its capabilities to create wealth from solutions?

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    Teknologiayritykset tarjoavat aikaisempaa enemmän palveluita asiakkailleen. Syinä tähän ovat taloudellinen epävarmuus, globalisaatio sekä valmistus- ja tuoteliiketoiminnan hyödykkeistyminen. Palveluiden avulla teknologiayritykset ovat pyrkineet saavuttamaan tasaisemman tulovirran, joka auttaa suhdannevaihteluiden yli. Teknologiayritykset ovat siten alkaneet muistuttaa palveluyrityksiä palveluiden muodostaessa merkittävän osan niiden kokonaisliikevaihdosta ja -tuloksesta. Tätä strategista siirtymää kuvataan palvelullistumisilmiöksi, jonka on nähty tuottavan erilaisia strategisia, taloudellisia ja markkinoinnillisia hyötyjä. Väitöskirja rakentuu resurssiperustaisen strategianäkemyksen ja palvelullistamiskirjallisuuden perustalle vastaten seuraavaan tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten teknologiayritys johtaa resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiään luodakseen arvoa asiakaskohtaisista palveluista ja ratkaisuista? Väitöskirja pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tutkimuskysymykseen neljän toisiinsa kytkeytyneen tutkimusartikkelin avulla. Väitöskirjan tutkimustapana on laadullinen vertaileva monitapaustutkimus. Sen kohteena ovat olleet palvelu- ja ratkaisuliiketoiminnan avulla kansainvälisesti menestyneet suomalaiset teknologiayritykset. Väitöskirja pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä resurssien johtamisen käytännöistä palvelullistamisen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan menestyneet palvelullistuneet teknologiayritykset kehittävät järjestelmällisesti kyvykkyyksiä, jotka mahdollistavat tiiviimmän yhteistyön heidän asiakkai-densa kanssa. Se on tapahtunut esimerkiksi kehittämällä konsultatiivista myyntikyvykkyyttä tai operoimalla asennettua laitekantaa älykkäämmin. Toiseksi, tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että menestyneet yritykset hyödyntävät aktiivisesti olemassa olevia kyvykkyyksiä uusilla toimialoilla ja tuote-palveluyhdistelmissä. Se on tapahtunut esimerkiksi laajentamalla palveluporftolion kehittämiseen liittyviä kyvykkyyksiä nykyisten asiakkaiden kanssa. Kolmanneksi, menestyneet valmistavat teknologiayritykset luopuivat järjestelmällisesti ydinliiketoimintaan kuulumattomista tai valmistustoimintaan liittyvistä kyvykkyyksistä keskittyäkseen uuden strategian mukaisten kyvykkyyksien kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan siirtymä tuotteista palveluihin ei tapahdu hetkessä, eikä se ole toimiva strategia kaikille valmistaville yrityksille. Tutkimusten tulosten valossa tämä strateginen siirtymä vaatii aikaa, näkemystä ja sitoutumista teknologiayrityksen ylimmältä johdolta sisäisten ja ulkoisten voimavarojen kehittämiseen ja uudelleensuuntaamiseen.Economic turmoil, globalization, and increased price pressure in product businesses, have prompted leading manufacturers to provide services/solutions to their customers to avoid the commoditization trap and generate more stable income. Manufacturers have thus started to resemble service companies as services account for a considerable share of their total revenues and profits. This strategic transition has been termed servitization and has been said to generate various strategic, financial, and marketing advantages for those exploiting successful service strategies. This dissertation builds on the intersection of the resource-based perspective and servitization literature to answer the following research question: How does a manufacturer manage its capabilities to create wealth from customer solutions? To address this question, four empirical research articles have been formulated to advance knowledge of resource management practices in servitization. By using a qualitative comparative multiple case study method, this dissertation scrutinizes those internationally operating Finnish manufacturers that have outperformed their rivals by establishing service strategies and capabilities. This dissertation attempts to advance both theoretical and managerial understanding of the resource management practices in servitization The results of the study indicate that highly performing manufacturers systematically build new capabilities required to manage better their customer relationships (e.g., consultative selling, or fleet management capabilities). Second, the results indicate that the solution providers leverage their extant capabilities to enter new industries and product-service markets (e.g., nurturing capabilities to expand their service portfolio with existing customers). Third, solution providers released their non-core and upstream resources to focus on developing downstream resources. This research highlights that entering the solution business may not be a viable strategy for every manufacturer. The strategic transitioning from goods to services does not happen overnight but requires managerial time, vision, attention, and commitment to develop and redirect internal and external resources.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Archaeology of Digital Environments: Tools, Methods, and Approaches

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    Digital archaeologists use digital tools for conducting archaeological work, but their potential also lies in applying archaeological thinking and methods to understanding digital built environments (i.e., software) as contemporary examples of human settlement, use, and abandonment. This thesis argues for digital spaces as archaeological artifacts, sites, and landscapes that can be investigated in both traditional and non-traditional ways. At the core of my research is the fundamental argument that human-occupied digital spaces can be studied archaeologically with existing and modified theory, tools, and methods to reveal that human occupation and use of synthetic worlds is similar to how people behave in the natural world. Working digitally adds new avenues of investigation into human behavior in relation to the things people make, modify, and inhabit. In order to investigate this argument, the thesis focuses on three video game case studies, each using different kinds of archaeology specifically chosen to help understand the software environments being researched: 1) epigraphy, stylometry, and text analysis for the code-artifact of Colossal Cave Adventure; 2) photogrammetry, 3D printing, GIS mapping, phenomenology, and landscape archaeology within the designed, digital heritage virtual reality game-site of Skyrim VR; 3) actual survey and excavation of 30 heritage sites for a community of displaced human players in the synthetic landscape of No Man’s Sky. My conclusions include a blended approach to conducting future archaeological fieldwork in digital built environments, one that modifies traditional approaches to archaeological sites and material in a post/transhuman landscape. As humanity continues trending towards constant digital engagement, archaeologists need to be prepared to study how digital places are settled, used, and abandoned. This thesis takes a step in that direction using the vernacular of games as a starting point