30 research outputs found

    Menjana pemodulatan lebar denyut (PWM) penyongsang tiga fasa menggunakan pemproses isyarat digital (DSP)

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    Baru-baru ini, penyongsang digunakan secara meluas dalam aplikasi industri. Walaubagaimanapun, teknik Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut (PWM) diperlukan untuk mengawal voltan keluaran dan frekuensi penyongsang. Dalam tesis ini, untuk Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut Sinus Unipolar (SPWM) penyongsang tiga fasa adalah dicadang menggunakan Pemproses Isyarat Digital (DSP). Satu model simulasi menggunakan MATLAB Simulink dibangunkan untuk menentukan program Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut Sinus Unipolar (SPWM) Program ini kemudian dibangunkan dalam Pemproses Isyarat Digital (DSP) TMS320f28335. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa voltan keluaran penyongsang tiga fasa boleh dikendalikan

    Learning to Play Othello with N-Tuple Systems

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    This paper investigates the use of n-tuple systems as position value functions for the game of Othello. The architecture is described, and then evaluated for use with temporal difference learning. Performance is compared with previously de-veloped weighted piece counters and multi-layer perceptrons. The n-tuple system is able to defeat the best performing of these after just five hundred games of self-play learning. The conclusion is that n-tuple networks learn faster and better than the other more conventional approaches

    Temporal difference learning with interpolated table value functions

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    This paper introduces a novel function approximation architecture especially well suited to temporal difference learning. The architecture is based on using sets of interpolated table look-up functions. These offer rapid and stable learning, and are efficient when the number of inputs is small. An empirical investigation is conducted to test their performance on a supervised learning task, and on themountain car problem, a standard reinforcement learning benchmark. In each case, the interpolated table functions offer competitive performance. ©2009 IEEE

    Investigating learning rates for evolution and temporal difference learning

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    Evidently, any learning algorithm can only learn on the basis of the information given to it. This paper presents a first attempt to place an upper bound on the information rates attainable with standard co-evolution and with TDL. The upper bound for TDL is shown to be much higher than for coevolution. Under commonly used settings for learning to play Othello for example, TDL may have an upper bound that is hundreds or even thousands of times higher than that of coevolution. To test how well these bounds correlate with actual learning rates, a simple two-player game called Treasure Hunt. is developed. While the upper bounds cannot be used to predict the number of games required to learn the optimal policy, they do correctly predict the rank order of the number of games required by each algorithm. © 2008 IEEE

    Combining Evolving Neural Network Classifiers Using Bagging

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    The performance of the neural network classifier significantly depends on its architecture and generalization. It is usual to find the proper architecture by trial and error. This is time consuming and may not always find the optimal network. For this reason, we apply genetic algorithms to the automatic generation of neural networks. Many researchers have provided that combining multiple classifiers improves generalization. One of the most effective combining methods is bagging. In bagging, training sets are selected by resampling from the original training set and classifiers trained with these sets are combined by voting. We implement the bagging technique into the training of evolving neural network classifiers to improve generalization

    Playing Tic-Tac-Toe Using Genetic Neural Network with Double Transfer functions

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    Computational intelligence is a powerful tool for game development. In this paper, an algorithm of playing the game Tic-Tac-Toe with computational intelligence is developed. This algorithm is learned by a Neural Network with Double Transfer functions (NNDTF), which is trained by genetic algorithm (GA). In the NNDTF, the neuron has two transfer functions and exhibits a node-to-node relationship in the hidden layer that enhances the learning ability of the network. A Tic-Tac-Toe game is used to show that the NNDTF provide a better performance than the traditional neural network does

    Using Genetic Learning in Weight-Based Game AI

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    Human beings have been playing games for centuries, and over time, mankind has learned how to excel at these fun competitions. With the ever-growing interest in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), developers have been finding ways to let the game compete against the player much like another human would. While there are many approaches to humanlike learning in machines, this article will focus on using Evolutionary Optimization as a method to develop different levels of pseudo-thinking inan AI used for ato effectively play the Connect Four game

    Evolving Players for an Ancient Game: Hnefatafl

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    Hnefatafl is an ancient Norse game - an ancestor of chess. In this paper, we report on the development of computer players for this game. In the spirit of Blondie24, we evolve neural networks as board evaluation functions for different versions of the game. An unusual aspect of this game is that there is no general agreement on the rules: it is no longer much played, and game historians attempt to infer the rules from scraps of historical texts, with ambiguities often resolved on gut feeling as to what the rules must have been in order to achieve a balanced game. We offer the evolutionary method as a means by which to judge the merits of alternative rule set