13 research outputs found

    Evolved Representation and Computational Creativity

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    Advances in science and technology have influenced designing activity in architecture throughout its history. Observing the fundamental changes to architectural designing due to the substantial influences of the advent of the computing era, we now witness our design environment gradually changing from conventional pencil and paper to digital multi-media. Although designing is considered to be a unique human activity, there has always been a great dependency on design aid tools. One of the greatest aids to architectural design, amongst the many conventional and widely accepted computational tools, is the computer-aided object modeling and rendering tool, commonly known as a CAD package. But even though conventional modeling tools have provided designers with fast and precise object handling capabilities that were not available in the pencil-and-paper age, they normally show weaknesses and limitations in covering the whole design process.In any kind of design activity, the design worked on has to be represented in some way. For a human designer, designs are for example represented using models, drawings, or verbal descriptions. If a computer is used for design work, designs are usually represented by groups of pixels (paintbrush programs), lines and shapes (general-purpose CAD programs) or higher-level objects like ‘walls’ and ‘rooms’ (purpose-specific CAD programs).A human designer usually has a large number of representations available, and can use the representation most suitable for what he or she is working on. Humans can also introduce new representations and thereby represent objects that are not part of the world they experience with their sensory organs, for example vector representations of four and five dimensional objects. In design computing on the other hand, the representation or representations used have to be explicitly defined. Many different representations have been suggested, often optimized for specific design domains or design methods, but each individual computational design system has only one or very few different representations available.Whatever the choice of the representation, it is likely to influence the outcome of the design process. In any representation, some designs may be more difficult to represent than others, and some designs may not be representable at all.The same applies if the design process is implemented in a computer program. If a design cannot be represented with a given representation, it cannot be the outcome of a design process using this representation. As is the case for human designers, it is also possible that the representation influences a computational design process such that it is easier for the program to find some designs than others. Depending on the design process used, this might make those designs a more likely outcome of the design process. This is for example the case with stochastic optimization processes, like evolutionary systems and simulated annealing. In these cases, the representation is likely to introduce a bias into the design process.The selection of the representation is therefore of high importance in the development of a computational design system. Obviously, while choosing the representation the programmer has to ensure that all or as many as possible potentially ‘interesting’ designs can be represented. But it is also generally desirable to minimize the bias introduced by the representation. In contrast to the user-provided design criteria, the bias caused by the representation influences the outcome of the design process in an implicit way which is not obvious to the user, and is difficult to predict and control.The idea developed in this research is that it is possible to turn the bias caused by the representation into a virtue, by deliberately choosing or modifying the representation to influence the design process in a certain desired way. The resulting ‘focusing’ of the search process is connected to the idea of ‘expansion of search spaces’, a notion used in some definitions of computational creativity. Both ‘focusing’ and ‘expansion of search space’ will be explored in this research

    Social Synthesis: A psycho-social perspective of the construction project team

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    This paper presents a framework resulting from systematic investigation within the field of social psychology, from which to derive new narratives, concepts, and relationships for collaborative design in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). A systematic literature review generated a series of themes that had potential for relevance to interdisciplinary built environment project teams. These were then explored, drawing on qualitative research conducted using focus groups drawn from three AEC organisations and observation of a live case-study industry project. The social psychology anchor themes of (1) motivation and reward; (2) risk attitudes; and (3) social climate were then recontextualised using the qualitative data, to derive construction-specific social and psychological factors that influence the collaborative design process. The resultant psycho-social framework applies psychology theory to describe a multiplicity in the role agency of project team members, as actors in industry, discipline, company, and individual contexts. Role agency and domain-specific themes are combined within the collective to influence normative and adaptive responses within the team interaction space, where collective systems of meaning are synthesised and design outcomes produced


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    ABSTRACT The popularity of sheet metal in modern engineering artifacts is due to the fact that it is both inexpensive as a raw material and inexpensive to form into components. In comparison to forging or machining components, sheet metal can produce lightweight and inexpensive design solutions. The main shortcomings of sheet metal are that resulting components have a limited rigidity and the feasibility of the parts is constrained by the inherent two-dimensionality of the initial sheet. Furthermore, design and manufacturing engineers are challenged by finding a shape that satisfies all spatial constraints and by deciding the optimal sequence of operations for making this product that minimizes both time and associated manufacturing costs. In the past two years, we have been working towards an automated tool that creates candidate sheet metal topologies and optimizes them for spatial constraints as well as time and cost objectives. While we have yet to complete this goal, we have to date developed a representation capable of creating a wide variety of sheet metal topologies (see DETC2002/DAC-34087) and have recently created a thorough evaluation method which is presented in this paper along with some preliminary results

    Razvoj sustava za sintezu koncepcijskih rjeơenja pomoću gramatike proizvoda

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    Ovaj rad bavi se teoretskim i praktičnim mogućnostima primjene formalne gramatike i formalnog jezika u razvoju proizvoda. Tako su temeljne postavke rada sadrĆŸane u definiciji formalne gramatike i jezika. Gramatika oblika i gramatika proizvoda ukratko su objaĆĄnjene u radu i potječu iz teorije formalnih jezika. Cilj rada je implementirati nasljednika metode gramatike oblika – metodu gramatike proizvoda u proces razvoja proizvoda, točnije primijeniti metodu u svrhu generiranja koncepata proizvoda na nivou komponenti proizvoda. Na primjeru konkretnog (zadanog) proizvoda – bicikla predloĆŸen je način formaliziranja znanja o proizvodu na razini komponenata. Za potrebe rada razvijen je računalni program koji pomoću raspoloĆŸive baze komponenata i poznate funkcijske strukture automatski zapisuje pravila gramatike. U radu je obavljena funkcionalna analiza i funkcionalna dekompozicija zadanog proizvoda unutar područja oblikovanja i razvoja proizvoda, te su koriĆĄtene definicije tehničkog sustava i tehničkog procesa. Proces razvoja gramatike bicikla detaljno je opisan i predstavljen na nizu grafova i slika. U radu je ilustriran rad u programu i način na koji se generiraju konceptualne ili topoloĆĄke varijante oblika proizvoda

    Automatic evolution of conceptual building architectures

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    This thesis describes research in which genetic programming is used to automatically evolve shape grammars that construct three dimensional models of possible external building architectures. A completely automated fitness function is used, which evaluates the three dimensional building models according to different geometric properties such as surface normals, height, building footprint, and more. In order to evaluate the buildings on the different criteria, a multi-objective fitness function is used. The results obtained from the automated system were successful in satisfying the multiple objective criteria as well as creating interesting and unique designs that a human-aided system might not discover. In this study of evolutionary design, the architectures created are not meant to be fully functional and structurally sound blueprints for constructing a building, but are meant to be inspirational ideas for possible architectural designs. The evolved models are applicable for today's architectural industries as well as in the video game and movie industries. Many new avenues for future work have also been discovered and highlighted

    Evaluation of computer aided software as a space analysis tool for outfit unit design and planning

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    Evolutionary design assistants for architecture

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    In its parallel pursuit of an increased competitivity for design offices and more pleasurable and easier workflows for designers, artificial design intelligence is a technical, intellectual, and political challenge. While human-machine cooperation has become commonplace through Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, a more improved collaboration and better support appear possible only through an endeavor into a kind of artificial design intelligence, which is more sensitive to the human perception of affairs. Considered as part of the broader Computational Design studies, the research program of this quest can be called Artificial / Autonomous / Automated Design (AD). The current available level of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for design is limited and a viable aim for current AD would be to develop design assistants that are capable of producing drafts for various design tasks. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis is the development of approaches, techniques, and tools towards artificial design assistants that offer a capability for generating drafts for sub-tasks within design processes. The main technology explored for this aim is Evolutionary Computation (EC), and the target design domain is architecture. The two connected research questions of the study concern, first, the investigation of the ways to develop an architectural design assistant, and secondly, the utilization of EC for the development of such assistants. While developing approaches, techniques, and computational tools for such an assistant, the study also carries out a broad theoretical investigation into the main problems, challenges, and requirements towards such assistants on a rather overall level. Therefore, the research is shaped as a parallel investigation of three main threads interwoven along several levels, moving from a more general level to specific applications. The three research threads comprise, first, theoretical discussions and speculations with regard to both existing literature and the proposals and applications of the thesis; secondly, proposals for descriptive and prescriptive models, mappings, summary illustrations, task structures, decomposition schemes, and integratory frameworks; and finally, experimental applications of these proposals. This tripartite progression allows an evaluation of each proposal both conceptually and practically; thereby, enabling a progressive improvement of the understanding regarding the research question, while producing concrete outputs on the way. Besides theoretical and interpretative examinations, the thesis investigates its subject through a set of practical and speculative proposals, which function as both research instruments and the outputs of the study. The first main output of the study is the “design_proxy” approach (d_p), which is an integrated approach for draft making design assistants. It is an outcome of both theoretical examinations and experimental applications, and proposes an integration of, (1) flexible and relaxed task definitions and representations (instead of strict formalisms), (2) intuitive interfaces that make use of usual design media, (3) evaluation of solution proposals through their similarity to given examples, and (4) a dynamic evolutionary approach for solution generation. The design_proxy approach may be useful for AD researchers that aim at developing practical design assistants, as has been examined and demonstrated with the two applications, i.e., design_proxy.graphics and design_proxy.layout. The second main output, the “Interleaved Evolutionary Algorithm” (IEA, or Interleaved EA) is a novel evolutionary algorithm proposed and used as the underlying generative mechanism of design_proxybased design assistants. The Interleaved EA is a dynamic, adaptive, and multi-objective EA, in which one of the objectives leads the evolution until its fitness progression stagnates; in the sense that the settings and fitness values of this objective is used for most evolutionary decisions. In this way, the Interleaved EA enables the use of different settings and operators for each of the objectives within an overall task, which would be the same for all objectives in a regular multi-objective EA. This property gives the algorithm a modular structure, which offers an improvable method for the utilization of domain-specific knowledge for each sub-task, i.e., objective. The Interleaved EA can be used by Evolutionary Computation (EC) researchers and by practitioners who employ EC for their tasks. As a third main output, the “Architectural Stem Cells Framework” is a conceptual framework for architectural design assistants. It proposes a dynamic and multi-layered method for combining a set of design assistants for larger tasks in architectural design. The first component of the framework is a layer-based, parallel task decomposition approach, which aims at obtaining a dynamic parallelization of sub-tasks within a more complicated problem. The second component of the framework is a conception for the development mechanisms for building drafts, i.e., Architectural Stem Cells (ASC). An ASC can be conceived as a semantically marked geometric structure, which contains the information that specifies the possibilities and constraints for how an abstract building may develop from an undetailed stage to a fully developed building draft. ASCs are required for re-integrating the separated task layers of an architectural problem through solution-based development. The ASC Framework brings together many of the ideas of this thesis for a practical research agenda and it is presented to the AD researchers in architecture. Finally, the “design_proxy.layout” (d_p.layout) is an architectural layout design assistant based on the design_proxy approach and the IEA. The system uses a relaxed problem definition (producing draft layouts) and a flexible layout representation that permits the overlapping of design units and boundaries. User interaction with the system is carried out through intuitive 2D graphics and the functional evaluations are performed by measuring the similarity of a proposal to existing layouts. Functioning in an integrated manner, these properties make the system a practicable and enjoying design assistant, which was demonstrated through two workshop cases. The d_p.layout is a versatile and robust layout design assistant that can be used by architects in their design processes

    A method and application of machine learning in design

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    This thesis addresses the issue of developing machine learning techniques for the acquisition and organization of design knowledge to be used in knowledge-based design systems. It presents a general method of developing machine learning tools in the design domain. An identification tree is introduced to distinguish different approaches and strategies of machine learning in design. Three existing approaches are identified: the knowledge-oriented, the learner-oriented, and the design-oriented approach. The learner-oriented approach is critical, which focuses on the development of new machine learning tools for design knowledge acquisition. Four strategies that are suitable for this approach are: specialization, generalization, integration and exploration. A general method, called MLDS (Machine Learning in Design with 5 steps), of developing machine learning techniques in the design domain is presented. It consists of the following steps: 1) identify source data and target knowledge; 2) determine source representation and target representation; 3) identify the background knowledge available; 4) identify the features of data, knowledge and domain; and 5) develop (specialize, generalize, integrate or explore) a machine learning tool. The method is elaborated step by step and the dependencies between the components are illustrated with a corresponding framework. To assist in characterising the data, knowledge and domain, a set of formal measures are introduced. They include density of dataset, size of description space, homogeneity of dataset, complexity of domain, difficulty of domain, stability of domain, and usage of knowledge. Design knowledge is partitioned into two main types: empirical and causal. Empirical knowledge is modelled as empirical associations in categories of design attributes or empirical mappings between these meaningful categories. Eight types of empirical mappings are distinguished. Among them the mappings from one multiple dimensional space to another are recognized as the most important for both knowledge-based design systems and machine learning in design. The MLDS method is applied to the preliminary design of a learning model for the integration of design cases and design prototypes. Both source and target representations use the framework of design prototypes. The function-behaviour-structure categorization of design prototypes is used as background knowledge to improve both supervised and unsupervised learning in this task. Many-to-many mappings and time- or order-dependent data are discovered as the most important characteristics of the design domain for machine learning. Multiple attribute prediction and the capture of design concept ‘drift’ are identified as challenging tasks for machine learning in design. After the possibilities and limitations of solving the problem by modifying existing learning methods (both supervised and unsupervised) are considered, a learning model is created by integrating several learning techniques. The basic scheme of this model is that of goal-driven concept formation, which consists of flexible categorization, extensive generalization, temporary suspension, and cognitively-based sequence prediction in design. The learning process is described as follows: each time one category of attributes is treated as the predictive feature set and the remaining as the predicted feature set; a conceptual hierarchy or decision tree is constructed incrementally according the predictive features of design cases (but statistical information is generalized with both feature sets); whenever the predictive or the predicted feature set of a node becomes homogeneous, the construction process at that branch will temporarily suspend until a new case arrives and breaks this homogeneity; frequency—based prediction at indeterminate nodes is replaced with a cognitively-based sequence prediction, which allows the more recent cases to have stronger influence on the determination of the default or predicted values. An advantage of this scheme is that with the single learning algorithm, all the types of empirical mappings between function, behaviour and structure or between design problem specification and design solution description can be generalized from design cases. To enrich the indexing facilities in a conceptual hierarchy and improve its case retrieval ability, extensive generalization based memory organizations are investigated as alternatives for concept formation. An integration of the above learning techniques reduces the memory requirement of some existing extensive generalization models to a level applicable to practical problems in the design domain. The MLD5 method is particularly useful in the preliminary design of a learning system for the identification of a learning problem and of suitable strategies for solving the problem in the domain. Although the MLDS method is developed and demonstrated in the context of design, it is independent of any particular design problems and is applicable to some other domains as well. The cognitive model of sequence-based prediction developed with this method can be integrated with general concept formation methods to improve their performance in those domains where concepts drift or knowledge changes quickly, and where the degree of indeterminacy is high