9 research outputs found

    Buyback Problem - Approximate matroid intersection with cancellation costs

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    In the buyback problem, an algorithm observes a sequence of bids and must decide whether to accept each bid at the moment it arrives, subject to some constraints on the set of accepted bids. Decisions to reject bids are irrevocable, whereas decisions to accept bids may be canceled at a cost that is a fixed fraction of the bid value. Previous to our work, deterministic and randomized algorithms were known when the constraint is a matroid constraint. We extend this and give a deterministic algorithm for the case when the constraint is an intersection of kk matroid constraints. We further prove a matching lower bound on the competitive ratio for this problem and extend our results to arbitrary downward closed set systems. This problem has applications to banner advertisement, semi-streaming, routing, load balancing and other problems where preemption or cancellation of previous allocations is allowed

    Rigorous Runtime Analysis of MOEA/D for Solving Multi-Objective Minimum Weight Base Problems

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    We study the multi-objective minimum weight base problem, an abstraction of classical NP-hard combinatorial problems such as the multi-objective minimum spanning tree problem. We prove some important properties of the convex hull of the non-dominated front, such as its approximation quality and an upper bound on the number of extreme points. Using these properties, we give the first run-time analysis of the MOEA/D algorithm for this problem, an evolutionary algorithm that effectively optimizes by decomposing the objectives into single-objective components. We show that the MOEA/D, given an appropriate decomposition setting, finds all extreme points within expected fixed-parameter polynomial time in the oracle model, the parameter being the number of objectives. Experiments are conducted on random bi-objective minimum spanning tree instances, and the results agree with our theoretical findings. Furthermore, compared with a previously studied evolutionary algorithm for the problem GSEMO, MOEA/D finds all extreme points much faster across all instances.Comment: 12 page

    Towards a Runtime Comparison of Natural and Artificial Evolution

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) form a popular optimisation paradigm inspired by natural evolution. In recent years the field of evolutionary computation has developed a rigorous analytical theory to analyse the runtimes of EAs on many illustrative problems. Here we apply this theory to a simple model of natural evolution. In the Strong Selection Weak Mutation (SSWM) evolutionary regime the time between occurrences of new mutations is much longer than the time it takes for a mutated genotype to take over the population. In this situation, the population only contains copies of one genotype and evolution can be modelled as a stochastic process evolving one genotype by means of mutation and selection between the resident and the mutated genotype. The probability of accepting the mutated genotype then depends on the change in fitness. We study this process, SSWM, from an algorithmic perspective, quantifying its expected optimisation time for various parameters and investigating differences to a similar evolutionary algorithm, the well-known (1+1) EA. We show that SSWM can have a moderate advantage over the (1+1) EA at crossing fitness valleys and study an example where SSWM outperforms the (1+1) EA by taking advantage of information on the fitness gradient

    Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics

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    This chapter compiles a number of results that apply the theory of parameterized algorithmics to the running-time analysis of randomized search heuristics such as evolutionary algorithms. The parameterized approach articulates the running time of algorithms solving combinatorial problems in finer detail than traditional approaches from classical complexity theory. We outline the main results and proof techniques for a collection of randomized search heuristics tasked to solve NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems such as finding a minimum vertex cover in a graph, finding a maximum leaf spanning tree in a graph, and the traveling salesperson problem.Comment: This is a preliminary version of a chapter in the book "Theory of Evolutionary Computation: Recent Developments in Discrete Optimization", edited by Benjamin Doerr and Frank Neumann, published by Springe

    Random combinatorial structures and randomized search heuristics

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    This thesis is concerned with the probabilistic analysis of random combinatorial structures and the runtime analysis of randomized search heuristics. On the subject of random structures, we investigate two classes of combinatorial objects. The first is the class of planar maps and the second is the class of generalized parking functions. We identify typical properties of these structures and show strong concentration results on the probabilities that these properties hold. To this end, we develop and apply techniques based on exact enumeration by generating functions. For several types of random planar maps, this culminates in concentration results for the degree sequence. For parking functions, we determine the distribution of the defect, the most characteristic parameter. On the subject of randomized search heuristics, we present, improve, and unify different probabilistic methods and their applications. In this, special focus is given to potential functions and the analysis of the drift of stochastic processes. We apply these techniques to investigate the runtimes of evolutionary algorithms. In particular, we show for several classical problems in combinatorial optimization how drift analysis can be used in a uniform way to give bounds on the expected runtimes of evolutionary algorithms.Diese Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit der wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischen Analyse von zufälligen kombinatorischen Strukturen und der Laufzeitanalyse randomisierter Suchheuristiken. Im Bereich der zufälligen Strukturen untersuchen wir zwei Klassen kombinatorischer Objekte. Dies sind zum einen die Klasse aller kombinatorischen Einbettungen planarer Graphen und zum anderen eine Klasse diskreter Funktionen mit bestimmten kombinatorischen Restriktionen (generalized parking functions). Für das Studium dieser Klassen entwickeln und verwenden wir zählkombinatorische Methoden die auf erzeugenden Funktionen basieren. Dies erlaubt uns, Konzentrationsresultate für die Gradsequenzen verschiedener Typen zufälliger kombinatorischer Einbettungen planarer Graphen zu erzielen. Darüber hinaus erhalten wir Konzentrationsresultate für den charakteristischen Parameter, den Defekt, zufälliger Instanzen der untersuchten diskreten Funktionen. Im Bereich der randomisierten Suchheuristiken präsentieren und erweitern wir verschiedene wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Methoden der Analyse. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Analyse der Drift stochastischer Prozesse. Wir wenden diese Methoden in der Laufzeitanalyse evolutionärer Algorithmen an. Insbesondere zeigen wir, wie mit Hilfe von Driftanalyse die erwarteten Laufzeiten evolutionärer Algorithmen auf verschiedenen klassischen Problemen der kombinatorischen Optimierung auf einheitliche Weise abgeschätzt werden können

    Matroids, Complexity and Computation

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    The node deletion problem on graphs is: given a graph and integer k, can we delete no more than k vertices to obtain a graph that satisfies some property π. Yannakakis showed that this problem is NP-complete for an infinite family of well- defined properties. The edge deletion problem and matroid deletion problem are similar problems where given a graph or matroid respectively, we are asked if we can delete no more than k edges/elements to obtain a graph/matroid that satisfies a property π. We show that these problems are NP-hard for similar well-defined infinite families of properties. In 1991 Vertigan showed that it is #P-complete to count the number of bases of a representable matroid over any fixed field. However no publication has been produced. We consider this problem and show that it is #P-complete to count the number of bases of matroids representable over any infinite fixed field or finite fields of a fixed characteristic. There are many different ways of describing a matroid. Not all of these are polynomially equivalent. That is, given one description of a matroid, we cannot create another description for the same matroid in time polynomial in the size of the first description. Due to this, the complexity of matroid problems can vary greatly depending on the method of description used. Given one description a problem might be in P while another description gives an NP-complete problem. Based on these interactions between descriptions, we create and study the hierarchy of all matroid descriptions and generalize this to all descriptions of countable objects

    Computational complexity of evolutionary algorithms, hybridizations, and swarm intelligence

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    Bio-inspired randomized search heuristics such as evolutionary algorithms, hybridizations with local search, and swarm intelligence are very popular among practitioners as they can be applied in case the problem is not well understood or when there is not enough knowledge, time, or expertise to design problem-specific algorithms. Evolutionary algorithms simulate the natural evolution of species by iteratively applying evolutionary operators such as mutation, recombination, and selection to a set of solutions for a given problem. A recent trend is to hybridize evolutionary algorithms with local search to refine newly constructed solutions by hill climbing. Swarm intelligence comprises ant colony optimization as well as particle swarm optimization. These modern search paradigms rely on the collective intelligence of many single agents to find good solutions for the problem at hand. Many empirical studies demonstrate the usefulness of these heuristics for a large variety of problems, but a thorough understanding is still far away. We regard these algorithms from the perspective of theoretical computer science and analyze the random time these heuristics need to optimize pseudo-Boolean problems. This is done in a mathematically rigorous sense, using tools known from the analysis of randomized algorithms, and it leads to asymptotic bounds on their computational complexity. This approach has been followed successfully for evolutionary algorithms, but the theory of hybrid algorithms and swarm intelligence is still in its very infancy. Our results shed light on the asymptotic performance of these heuristics, increase our understanding of their dynamic behavior, and contribute to a rigorous theoretical foundation of randomized search heuristics

    Evolutionary algorithms and matroid optimization problems

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    We analyze the performance of evolutionary algorithms on various matroid optimization problems that encompass a vast number of efficiently solvable as well as NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems (including many well-known examples such as minimum spanning tree and maximum bipartite matching). We obtain very promising bounds on the expected running time and quality of the computed solution. Our results establish a better theoretical understanding of why randomized search heuristics yield empirically good results for many real-world optimization problems