131 research outputs found

    Evolutionary multi-objective optimisation with preferences for multivariable PI controller tuning

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    Multi-objective optimisation design procedures have shown to be a valuable tool for control engineers. They enable the designer having a close embedment of the tuning process for a wide variety of applica- tions. In such procedures, evolutionary multi-objective optimisation has been extensively used for PI and PID controller tuning; one reason for this is due to their flexibility to include mechanisms in order to en- hance convergence and diversity. Although its usability, when dealing with multi-variable processes, the resulting Pareto front approximation might not be useful, due to the number of design objectives stated. That is, a vast region of the objective space might be impractical or useless a priori, due to the strong degradation in some of the design objectives. In this paper preference handling techniques are incorpo- rated into the optimisation process, seeking to improve the pertinency of the approximated Pareto front for multi-variable PI controller tuning. That is, the inclusion of preferences into the optimisation process, in order to seek actively for a pertinent Pareto front approximation. With such approach, it is possible to tune a multi-variable PI controller, fulfilling several design objectives, using previous knowledge from the designer on the expected trade-off performance. This is validated with a well-known benchmark exam- ple in multi-variable control. Control tests show the usefulness of the proposed approach when compared with other tuning techniques.This work was partially supported by the fellowship BJT-304804/2014-2 from the National Council of Scientific and Technologic Development of Brazil (CNPq) and by EVO-CONTROL project (ref. PROMETEO/2012/028, Generalitat Valenciana - Spain).Reynoso Meza, G.; Sanchís Saez, J.; Blasco, X.; Freire, RZ. (2016). Evolutionary multi-objective optimisation with preferences for multivariable PI controller tuning. Expert Systems with Applications. 51:120-133. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.11.028S1201335

    A classification of techniques for the compensation of time delayed processes. Part 2: Structurally optimised controllers

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    Following on from Part 1, Part 2 of the paper considers the use of structurally optimised controllers to compensate time delayed processes

    Inferential active disturbance rejection control of distillation columns

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    PhD ThesisThe distillation column is an important processing unit in the chemical and oil refining industry. Distillation is the most widely employed separation method in the world’s oil plants, chemical and petrochemical industrial facilities. The main drawback of the technique is high energy consumption, which leads to high production costs. Therefore, distillation columns are required to be controlled close to the desired steady state conditions because of economic incentives. Most industrial distillation columns are currently controlled by conventional multi-loop controllers such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, which have several shortcomings such as difficulty coping with sudden set-point jumps, complications due to the integral term (I), and performance degradation due to the effect of noise on the derivative term (D). The control of ill-conditioned and strongly non-linear plants such as high purity distillation needs advanced control schemes for high control performance. This thesis investigates the use of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) for product composition control in distillation columns. To the author’s knowledge, there are few reported applications of ADRC in the chemical industry. Most ADRC applications are in electrical, robotics and others. Therefore, this research will be the first to apply the ADRC scheme in a common chemical processing unit, and can be considered as a first contribution of this research. Initially, both PI and ADRC schemes are developed and implemented on the Wood–Berry distillation column transfer function model, on a simulated binary distillation column based on a detailed mechanistic model, and on a simulated heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) based on a detailed mechanistic model. Process reaction curve method and system identification tools are used to obtain the 2×2 multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transfer function of both binary and HIDiC for the purpose of PI tuning where the biggest log-modulus tuning (BLT) method is used. Then, the control performance of ADRC is compared to that of the traditional PI control in terms of set-point tracking and disturbance rejection. The simulation result clearly indicates that the ADRC gives better control performance than PI control in all three case studies. The long time delay associated with product composition analysers in distillation columns such as gas chromatography deteriorates the overall control performance of the ADRC scheme. v To overcome this issue an inferential ADRC scheme is proposed and can be considered as a second contribution of this research. The tray temperatures of distillation columns are used to estimate both the top and bottom product compositions that are difficult to measure on-line without a time delay. Due to the strong correlation that exists in the tray temperature data, principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) are used to build the soft sensors, which are then integrated into the ADRC. In order to overcome control offsets caused by the discrepancy between soft sensor estimation and actual compositions measurement, an intermittent mean updating technique is used to correct both the PCR and PLS model predictions. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed from the simulation results in the prediction errors reported by both PCR and PLS. The proposed inferential ADRC scheme shows effective and promising results in dealing with non-linear systems with a large measurement delay, where the ADRC has the ability to accommodate both internal uncertainties and external disturbances by treating the impact from both factors as total disturbances that will then be estimated using the extended state observer (ESO) and cancelled out by the control law. The inferential ADRC control scheme provides tighter product composition control that will lead to reduced energy consumption and hence increase the distillation profitability. A binary distillation column for separating a methanol–water mixture and an HIDiC for separating a benzene–toluene mixture are used to verify the developed inferential ADRC control scheme.Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO) for their generous support and scholarshi


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    The purpose of this book is to offer readers important topics on the modeling, simulation, and optimization of distillation processes. The book is divided into four main sections: the first section is introduction to the topic, the second presents work related to distillation process modeling, the third deals with the modeling of phase equilibrium, one of the most important steps of distillation process modeling, and the the fourth looks at the reactive distillation process, a process that has been applied successfully to a number of applications and has been revealed as a promising strategy for a number of recent challenges

    Identification of nonlinear processes based on Wiener-Hammerstein models and heuristic optimization.

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    [ES] En muchos campos de la ingeniería los modelos matemáticos son utilizados para describir el comportamiento de los sistemas, procesos o fenómenos. Hoy en día, existen varias técnicas o métodos que pueden ser usadas para obtener estos modelos. Debido a su versatilidad y simplicidad, a menudo se prefieren los métodos de identificación de sistemas. Por lo general, estos métodos requieren la definición de una estructura y la estimación computacional de los parámetros que la componen utilizando un conjunto de procedimientos y mediciones de las señales de entrada y salida del sistema. En el contexto de la identificación de sistemas no lineales, un desafío importante es la selección de la estructura. En el caso de que el sistema a identificar presente una no linealidad de tipo estático, los modelos orientados a bloques, pueden ser útiles para definir adecuadamente una estructura. Sin embargo, el diseñador puede enfrentarse a cierto grado de incertidumbre al seleccionar el modelo orientado a bloques adecuado en concordancia con el sistema real. Además de este inconveniente, se debe tener en cuenta que la estimación de algunos modelos orientados a bloques no es sencilla, como es el caso de los modelos de Wiener-Hammerstein que consisten en un bloque NL en medio de dos subsistemas LTI. La presencia de dos subsistemas LTI en los modelos de Wiener-Hammerstein es lo que principalmente dificulta su estimación. Generalmente, el procedimiento de identificación comienza con la estimación de la dinámica lineal, y el principal desafío es dividir esta dinámica entre los dos bloques LTI. Por lo general, esto implica una alta interacción del usuario para desarrollar varios procedimientos, y el modelo final estimado depende principalmente de estas etapas previas. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la identificación de los modelos de Wiener-Hammerstein. Esta contribución se basa en la presentación de dos nuevos algoritmos para atender aspectos específicos que no han sido abordados en la identificación de este tipo de modelos. El primer algoritmo, denominado WH-EA, permite estimar todos los parámetros de un modelo de Wiener-Hammerstein con un solo procedimiento a partir de un modelo dinámico lineal. Con WH-EA, una buena estimación no depende de procedimientos intermedios ya que el algoritmo evolutivo simultáneamente busca la mejor distribución de la dinámica, ajusta con precisión la ubicación de los polos y los ceros y captura la no linealidad estática. Otra ventaja importante de este algoritmo es que bajo consideraciones específicas y utilizando una señal de excitación adecuada, es posible crear un enfoque unificado que permite también la identificación de los modelos de Wiener y Hammerstein, que son casos particulares del modelo de Wiener-Hammerstein cuando uno de sus bloques LTI carece de dinámica. Lo interesante de este enfoque unificado es que con un mismo algoritmo es posible identificar los modelos de Wiener, Hammerstein y Wiener-Hammerstein sin que el usuario especifique de antemano el tipo de estructura a identificar. El segundo algoritmo llamado WH-MOEA, permite abordar el problema de identificación como un Problema de Optimización Multiobjetivo (MOOP). Sobre la base de este algoritmo se presenta un nuevo enfoque para la identificación de los modelos de Wiener-Hammerstein considerando un compromiso entre la precisión alcanzada y la complejidad del modelo. Con este enfoque es posible comparar varios modelos con diferentes prestaciones incluyendo como un objetivo de identificación el número de parámetros que puede tener el modelo estimado. El aporte de este enfoque se sustenta en el hecho de que en muchos problemas de ingeniería los requisitos de diseño y las preferencias del usuario no siempre apuntan a la precisión del modelo como un único objetivo, sino que muchas veces la complejidad es también un factor predominante en la toma de decisiones.[CA] En molts camps de l'enginyeria els models matemàtics són utilitzats per a descriure el comportament dels sistemes, processos o fenòmens. Hui dia, existeixen diverses tècniques o mètodes que poden ser usades per a obtindre aquests models. A causa de la seua versatilitat i simplicitat, sovint es prefereixen els mètodes d'identificació de sistemes. En general, aquests mètodes requereixen la definició d'una estructura i l'estimació computacional dels paràmetres que la componen utilitzant un conjunt de procediments i mesuraments dels senyals d'entrada i eixida del sistema. En el context de la identificació de sistemes no lineals, un desafiament important és la selecció de l'estructura. En el cas que el sistema a identificar presente una no linealitat de tipus estàtic, els models orientats a blocs, poden ser útils per a definir adequadament una estructura. No obstant això, el dissenyador pot enfrontar-se a cert grau d'incertesa en seleccionar el model orientat a blocs adequat en concordança amb el sistema real. A més d'aquest inconvenient, s'ha de tindre en compte que l'estimació d'alguns models orientats a blocs no és senzilla, com és el cas dels models de Wiener-Hammerstein que consisteixen en un bloc NL enmig de dos subsistemes LTI. La presència de dos subsistemes LTI en els models de Wiener-Hammerstein és el que principalment dificulta la seua estimació. Generalment, el procediment d'identificació comença amb l'estimació de la dinàmica lineal, i el principal desafiament és dividir aquesta dinàmica entre els dos blocs LTI. En general, això implica una alta interacció de l'usuari per a desenvolupar diversos procediments, i el model final estimat depén principalment d'aquestes etapes prèvies. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a la identificació dels models de Wiener-Hammerstein. Aquesta contribució es basa en la presentació de dos nous algorismes per a atendre aspectes específics que no han sigut adreçats en la identificació d'aquesta mena de models. El primer algorisme, denominat WH-EA (Algorisme Evolutiu per a la identificació de sistemes de Wiener-Hammerstein), permet estimar tots els paràmetres d'un model de Wiener-Hammerstein amb un sol procediment a partir d'un model dinàmic lineal. Amb WH-EA, una bona estimació no depén de procediments intermedis ja que l'algorisme evolutiu simultàniament busca la millor distribució de la dinàmica, afina la ubicació dels pols i els zeros i captura la no linealitat estàtica. Un altre avantatge important d'aquest algorisme és que sota consideracions específiques i utilitzant un senyal d'excitació adequada, és possible crear un enfocament unificat que permet també la identificació dels models de Wiener i Hammerstein, que són casos particulars del model de Wiener-Hammerstein quan un dels seus blocs LTI manca de dinàmica. L'interessant d'aquest enfocament unificat és que amb un mateix algorisme és possible identificar els models de Wiener, Hammerstein i Wiener-Hammerstein sense que l'usuari especifique per endavant el tipus d'estructura a identificar. El segon algorisme anomenat WH-MOEA (Algorisme evolutiu multi-objectiu per a la identificació de models de Wiener-Hammerstein), permet abordar el problema d'identificació com un Problema d'Optimització Multiobjectiu (MOOP). Sobre la base d'aquest algorisme es presenta un nou enfocament per a la identificació dels models de Wiener-Hammerstein considerant un compromís entre la precisió aconseguida i la complexitat del model. Amb aquest enfocament és possible comparar diversos models amb diferents prestacions incloent com un objectiu d'identificació el nombre de paràmetres que pot tindre el model estimat. L'aportació d'aquest enfocament se sustenta en el fet que en molts problemes d'enginyeria els requisits de disseny i les preferències de l'usuari no sempre apunten a la precisió del model com un únic objectiu, sinó que moltes vegades la complexitat és també un factor predominant en la presa de decisions.[EN] In several engineering fields, mathematical models are used to describe the behaviour of systems, processes or phenomena. Nowadays, there are several techniques or methods for obtaining mathematical models. Because of their versatility and simplicity, system identification methods are often preferred. Generally, systems identification methods require defining a structure and estimating computationally the parameters that make it up, using a set of procedures y measurements of the system's input and output signals. In the context of nonlinear system identification, a significant challenge is the structure selection. In the case that the system to be identified presents a static type of nonlinearity, block-oriented models can be useful to define a suitable structure. However, the designer may face a certain degree of uncertainty when selecting the block-oriented model in accordance with the real system. In addition to this inconvenience, the estimation of some block-oriented models is not an easy task, as is the case with the Wiener-Hammerstein models consisting of a NL block in the middle of two LTI subsystems. The presence of two LTI subsystems in the Wiener-Hammerstein models is what mainly makes their estimation difficult. Generally, the identification procedure begins with the estimation of the linear dynamics, and the main challenge is to split this dynamic between the two LTI block. Usually, this implies a high user interaction to develop several procedures, and the final model estimated mostly depends on these previous stages. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the identification of the Wiener-Hammerstein models. This contribution is based on the presentation of two new algorithms to address specific aspects that have not been addressed in the identification of this type of model. The first algorithm, called WH-EA (An Evolutionary Algorithm for Wiener-Hammerstein System Identification), allows estimating all the parameters of a Wiener-Hammerstein model with a single procedure from a linear dynamic model. With WH-EA, a good estimate does not depend on intermediate procedures since the evolutionary algorithm looks for the best dynamic division, while the locations of the poles and zeros are fine-tuned, and nonlinearity is captured simultaneously. Another significant advantage of this algorithm is that under specific considerations and using a suitable excitation signal; it is possible to create a unified approach that also allows the identification of Wiener and Hammerstein models which are particular cases of the Wiener-Hammerstein model when one of its LTI blocks lacks dynamics. What is interesting about this unified approach is that with the same algorithm, it is possible to identify Wiener, Hammerstein, and Wiener-Hammerstein models without the user specifying in advance the type of structure to be identified. The second algorithm called WH-MOEA (Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Wiener-Hammerstein identification), allows to address the identification problem as a Multi-Objective Optimisation Problem (MOOP). Based on this algorithm, a new approach for the identification of Wiener-Hammerstein models is presented considering a compromise between the accuracy achieved and the model complexity. With this approach, it is possible to compare several models with different performances, including as an identification target the number of parameters that the estimated model may have. The contribution of this approach is based on the fact that in many engineering problems the design requirements and user's preferences do not always point to the accuracy of the model as a single objective, but many times the complexity is also a predominant factor in decision-making.Zambrano Abad, JC. (2021). Identification of nonlinear processes based on Wiener-Hammerstein models and heuristic optimization [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171739TESI

    Fuzzy model predictive control. Complexity reduction by functional principal component analysis

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    En el Control Predictivo basado en Modelo, el controlador ejecuta una optimización en tiempo real para obtener la mejor solución para la acción de control. Un problema de optimización se resuelve para identificar la mejor acción de control que minimiza una función de coste relacionada con las predicciones de proceso. Debido a la carga computacional de los algoritmos, el control predictivo sujeto a restricciones, no es adecuado para funcionar en cualquier plataforma de hardware. Las técnicas de control predictivo son bien conocidos en la industria de proceso durante décadas. Es cada vez más atractiva la aplicación de técnicas de control avanzadas basadas en modelos a otros muchos campos tales como la automatización de edificios, los teléfonos inteligentes, redes de sensores inalámbricos, etc., donde las plataformas de hardware nunca se han conocido por tener una elevada potencia de cálculo. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es establecer una metodología para reducir la complejidad de cálculo al aplicar control predictivo basado en modelos no lineales sujetos a restricciones, utilizando como plataforma, sistemas de hardware de baja potencia de cálculo, permitiendo una implementación basado en estándares de la industria. La metodología se basa en la aplicación del análisis de componentes principales funcionales, proporcionando un enfoque matemáticamente elegante para reducir la complejidad de los sistemas basados en reglas, como los sistemas borrosos y los sistemas lineales a trozos. Lo que permite reducir la carga computacional en el control predictivo basado en modelos, sujetos o no a restricciones. La idea de utilizar sistemas de inferencia borrosos, además de permitir el modelado de sistemas no lineales o complejos, dota de una estructura formal que permite la implementación de la técnica de reducción de la complejidad mencionada anteriormente. En esta tesis, además de las contribuciones teóricas, se describe el trabajo realizado con plantas reales en los que se han llevado a cabo tareas de modelado y control borroso. Uno de los objetivos a cubrir en el período de la investigación y el desarrollo de la tesis ha sido la experimentación con sistemas borrosos, su simplificación y aplicación a sistemas industriales. La tesis proporciona un marco de conocimiento práctico, basado en la experiencia.In Model-based Predictive Control, the controller runs a real-time optimisation to obtain the best solution for the control action. An optimisation problem is solved to identify the best control action that minimises a cost function related to the process predictions. Due to the computational load of the algorithms, predictive control subject to restric- tions is not suitable to run on any hardware platform. Predictive control techniques have been well known in the process industry for decades. The application of advanced control techniques based on models is becoming increasingly attractive in other fields such as building automation, smart phones, wireless sensor networks, etc., as the hardware platforms have never been known to have high computing power. The main purpose of this thesis is to establish a methodology to reduce the computational complexity of applying nonlinear model based predictive control systems subject to constraints, using as a platform hardware systems with low computational power, allowing a realistic implementation based on industry standards. The methodology is based on applying the functional principal component analysis, providing a mathematically elegant approach to reduce the complexity of rule-based systems, like fuzzy and piece wise affine systems, allowing the reduction of the computational load on modelbased predictive control systems, subject or not subject to constraints. The idea of using fuzzy inference systems, in addition to allowing nonlinear or complex systems modelling, endows a formal structure which enables implementation of the aforementioned complexity reduction technique. This thesis, in addition to theoretical contributions, describes the work done with real plants on which tasks of modeling and fuzzy control have been carried out. One of the objectives to be covered for the period of research and development of the thesis has been training with fuzzy systems and their simplification and application to industrial systems. The thesis provides a practical knowledge framework, based on experience

    Model-based approach for the plant-wide economic control of fluid catalytic cracking unit

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    Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is one of the most important processes in the petroleum refining industry for the conversion of heavy gasoil to gasoline and diesel. Furthermore, valuable gases such as ethylene, propylene and isobutylene are produced. The performance of the FCC units plays a major role on the overall economics of refinery plants. Any improvement in operation or control of FCC units will result in dramatic economic benefits. Present studies are concerned with the general behaviour of the industrial FCC plant, and have dealt with the modelling of the FCC units, which are very useful in elucidating the main characteristics of these systems for better design, operation, and control. Traditional control theory is no longer suitable for the increasingly sophisticated operating conditions and product specifications of the FCC unit. Due to the large economic benefits, these trends make the process control more challenging. There is now strong demand for advanced control strategies with higher quality to meet the challenges imposed by the growing technological and market competition. According to these highlights, the thesis objectives were to develop a new mathematical model for the FCC process, which was used to study the dynamic behaviour of the process and to demonstrate the benefits of the advanced control (particularly Model Predictive Control based on the nonlinear process model) for the FCC unit. The model describes the seven main sections of the entire FCC unit: (1) the feed and preheating system, (2) reactor, (3) regenerator, (4) air blower, (5) wet gas compressor, (6) catalyst circulation lines and (7) main fractionators. The novelty of the developed model consists in that besides the complex dynamics of the reactorregenerator system, it includes the dynamic model of the fractionator, as well as a new five lump kinetic model for the riser, which incorporates the temperature effect on the reaction kinetics; hence, it is able to predict the final production rate of the main products (gasoline and diesel), and can be used to analyze the effect of changing process conditions on the product distribution. The FCC unit model has been developed incorporating the temperature effect on reactor kinetics reference construction and operation data from an industrial unit. The resulting global model of the FCC unit is described by a complex system of partial-differential-equations, which was solved by discretising the kinetic models in the riser and regenerator on a fixed grid along the height of the units, using finite differences. The resulting model is a high order DAE, with 942 ODEs (142 from material and energy balances and 800 resulting from the discretisation of the kinetic models). The model offers the possibility of investigating the way that advanced control strategies can be implemented, while also ensuring that the operation of the unit is environmentally safe. All the investigated disturbances showed considerable influence on the products composition. Taking into account the very high volume production of an industrial FCC unit, these disturbances can have a significant economic impact. The fresh feed coke formation factor is one of the most important disturbances analysed. It shows significant effect on the process variables. The objective regarding the control of the unit has to consider not only to improve productivity by increasing the reaction temperature, but also to assure that the operation of the unit is environmentally safe, by keeping the concentration of CO in the stack gas below a certain limit. The model was used to investigate different control input-output pairing using classical controllability analysis based on relative gain array (RGA). Several multi-loop control schemes were first investigated by implementing advanced PID control using anti-windup. A tuning approach for the simultaneous tuning of multiple interacting PID controllers was proposed using a genetic algorithm based nonlinear optimisation approach. Linear model predictive control (LMPC) was investigated as a potential multi-variate control scheme applicable for the FCCU, using classical square as well as novel non-square control structures. The analysis of the LMPC control performance highlighted that although the multivariate nature of the MPC approach using manipulated and controlled outputs which satisfy controllability criteria based on RGA analysis can enhance the control performance, by decreasing the coupling between the individual low level control loops operated by the higher level MPC. However the limitations of using the linear model in the MPC scheme were also highlighted and hence a nonlinear model based predictive control scheme was developed and evaluated.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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