458,293 research outputs found

    Evolution of Theories of Mind

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    This paper studies the evolution of peoples' models of how other people think -- their theories of mind. First, this is formalized within the level-k model, which postulates a hierarchy of types, such that type k plays a k times iterated best response to the uniform distribution. It is found that, under plausible conditions, lower types co-exist with higher types. The results are extended to a model of learning, in which type k plays a k times iterated best response the average of past play. The results are also extended to the cognitive hierarchy model, and to the introduction of a type that plays a Nash equilibrium.Theory of Mind; Evolution; Learning; Level-k; Fictitious Play; Cognitive Hierarchy

    Hayek's Theory of Cultural Evolution Revisited: Rules, Morality, and the Sensory Order

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    One of the most controversial parts of F. A. Hayek's work is his theory of cultural evolution. By starting with current discussions on biological and cultural selection theories we bring individual, kin and group selection aspects together and shed some light on Hayek's thoughts on the Theory of Mind. We find that these thoughts traced out from his work on the "Sensory Order", need to be combined with his thoughts on cultural evolution. Both works can be backed by kin selection arguments and extended by a theory of cultural learning in which individual selection plays an important role. In doing so, we offer a more integrated view on Hayek's theory of cultural selection with respect to moral rules and collective choice processes in societies.Cultural Evolution, Morality, Theory of Mind, Learning, Kin selection

    Mental evolution: a review of Daniel Dennett’s From Bacteria to Bach and Back

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    From Bacteria To Bach and Back is an ambitious book that attempts to integrate a theory about the evolution of the human mind with another theory about the evolution of human culture. It is advertised as a defense of memes, but conceptualizes memes more liberally than has been done before. It is also advertised as a defense of the proposal that natural selection operates on culture, but conceptualizes natural selection as a process in which nearly all interesting parameters are free to vary. This liberal conception of key concepts creates space for philosophical innovation, but occasionally makes the empirical content of the theory difficult to pin down. Nevertheless, the book is full of scientific insight, wit, and humor. It will undoubtedly become a cause of both controversy and inspiration for those interested in naturalistic theories of human culture

    Evolutionary psychology: the emperor’s new paradigm

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    For some evolutionary psychology is merely a field of inquiry, but for others it is a robust paradigm involving specific theories about the nature and evolution of the human mind. Proponents of this paradigm claim to have made several important discoveries regarding the evolved architecture of the mind. Highly publicized discoveries include a cheater-detection module, a psychological sex difference in jealousy, and motivational mechanisms underlying parental love and its lapses, which purportedly result in child maltreatment. In this article, I argue that the empirical evidence for these ‘discoveries’ is inconclusive, at best. I suggest that, as the reigning paradigm in evolutionary psychology has produced questionable results, the evolutionary study of human psychology is still in need of a guiding paradigm

    Plausible Mechanisms for Brain Structural and Size Changes in Human Evolution

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    Encephalization has many contexts and implications. On one hand, it is concerned with the transformation of eating habits, social relationships and communication, cognitive skills and the mind. Along with the increase in brain size on the other hand, encephalization is connected with the creation of more complex brain structures, namely in the cerebral cortex. It is imperative to inquire into the mechanisms which are linked with brain growth and to find out which of these mechanisms allow it and determine it. There exist a number of theories for understanding human brain evolution which originate from neurological sciences. These theories are the concept of radial units, minicolumns, mirror neurons, and neurocognitive networks. Over the course of evolution, it is evident that a whole range of changes have taken place in regards to heredity. These changes include new mutations of genes in the microcephalin complex, gene duplications, gene co-expression, and genomic imprinting. This complex study of the growth and reorganization of the brain and the functioning of hereditary factors and their external influences creates an opportunity to consider the implications of cultural evolution and cognitive faculties

    The Evolving Mind of the Universe. How habit makes the evolution possible in Charles Peirce’s philosophy

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    The main question put on for research in the present paper is “How the evolution of the mind takes place”. Some conceptions of Charles Peirce (1839-1914) are examined in answering the question above. These include: his theories of habit; the habit-taking tendency; categories and evolutionary cosmology. The research is focused on the essence of habit, considered as an important part of Peirce’s vision of the universe evolution. Habit is threaten as a stable knot of meaning where knowledge is stored. It saves mental energy in the everyday life which makes the evolution of the mind possible. The paper also provides my author’s Nine-grade model of evolution upon Peirce’s philosophy: a model to ‘draw’ a clearer picture of the mind development

    National sovereignty and economic globalization: An analysis of the role of the Imf in the changing world

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    Chapter 1 outlines empirical and normative theories of national sovereignty. A comprehensive analysis of the origins and evolution of sovereignty is offered. We suggest that the notion of absolute sovereignty is antiquated and needs scientific reassessment; Chapter 2 discusses theories of the nation-state , while keeping in mind that the conceptualization of the nation-state is intertwined with that of sovereignty; Chapter 3 gives a comprehensive overview of contending theories of globalization ion and definitional confusion associated with the concept. We conceptualize globalization in general and economic globalization in particular; Chapter 4 takes the International Monetary Fund as a case study and as one of the manifestations of globalization. We describe the principles and the rationale behind the creation of the IMF, its achievements and failures since its founding in 1945; Chapter 5 (Conclusion) discusses recent developments which point at the erosion of state-centered Realism, a theoretical construct, that views states as the dominant and unitary actors on the international level. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Social diversity in the United States: from melting pot and multiculturalism to the new mestiza

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    This work focuses on the cultural diversity of the United States, in particular on the three main theories that have been developed on this issue: the Melting Pot, Multiculturalism, and the New Mestiza. The objective of this study is to explore in detail the evolution of these social theories or conceptions and the differences among them. In order to achieve this objective, the methodology used consists on the compilation and organization of data from different sources, especially from two detailed studies: The Opening of the American Mind, by Lawrence W. Levine, and Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza, by Gloria Anzaldúa. The results show that these theories originated in the social diversity present in the United States, and that the evolution from one theory to another resulted from the need to complement or replace the previous ideals, and that they present many differences.Este trabajo se ha centrado en la diversidad cultural de los Estados Unidos, particularmente en las tres teorías más importantes que se han desarrollado en torno a este asunto: el Melting Por, el Multiculturalismo, y la New Mestiza. El objetivo del estudio ha sido profundizar en la evolución de estas teorías o concepciones sociales y las diferencias que presentan entre ellas. Para ello se ha usado una metodología de compilación de datos de diferentes fuentes, principalmente de dos libros: The Opening of the American Mind, de Lawrence W. Levine, y Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza, de Gloria Anzaldúa. Los resultados han mostrado que el origen de estas teorías fue la diversidad social estadounidense, que la evolución de unas a otras se ha dado por la necesidad de complementar o sustituir los ideales anteriores, y que estas presentan muchas diferencias.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Santini ice creams: co-owning a tradition

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    The case studies the potential partnership between a small family business, rich in tradition, that sells ice cream in the Lisbon area and a recognized Portuguese family who runs a multinational business. The aim of this study is to address students to analyze the evolution of the small company by using the Agency and Resource-Based Theories and to outline a potentially successful co-ownership structure if the agreement were to take place. The particularity of the case regards considering and identifying the main Family Business issues to keep in mind when dealing with these types of firms