151 research outputs found

    Start Project Management from Scratch in an ICT Department of a Public Higher Education Organization: how to manage change?

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    The 7th edition of the PMBOK extols stakeholder involvement and acceptance of change as crucial management principles to ensure good project outcomes, as engaged people produce more and better, become more open and flexible to embrace the changes inherent in the project context. From a single case study, the initiation of project management functions in a public organization in the education sector is discussed. The value of this article lies in the connection between theory and practice, as it brings Anderson and Kotter\u27s guidelines applied during an actual project, revealing the benefits and difficulties faced in leveraging and maintaining stakeholder engagement. As a result, it affirms the importance of context analysis to design and conduct changes in the environment where the project takes place, and of breaking the forces of inertia to foster experimentation and gradual improvements in the teams\u27 work dynamics

    Tailoring: A case study on the application of the seventh principle of PMBOK 7 in a public institution

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    In the 7th edition of PMBOK the Tailoring process is legitimized as an essential ally in project management, since it makes several adjustments throughout the project's life cycle to provide the best possible environment to achieve the deliverables and the value added to the organization. Tailoring as a principle further highlights the unique nature of each project and the need to carry out this process continuously. Based on a unique case study, the beginning of the management functions in a sector of a public organization is discussed, as well as the adaptations made to optimize the workflow and productivity in the deliverables. From this investigation results the proposal of a framework adapted to the needs of the institution, as a starting point for the professionalization of project management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementering av Agile Prosjektledelsesmetoder i et Brønnintervensjons-selskap

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    Prosjekter blir gradvis mer komplekse med et høyere antall oppgaver og kompleks gjensidig avhengighet. Feltet prosjektledelse må håndtere en økende grad av endring, noe som gjør den tradisjonelle tilnærmingen til prosjektledelse mindre og mindre egnet for dagens prosjekter. Agile metoder fra software samfunnet tilbyr en ny måte å tenke på og er spesielt designet for å omfavne kompleksitet og endring. Følgende har bruken av Scrum eskalert det siste tiåret og har begynt å spre seg til andre bransjer. Denne oppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med et brønntjenesteselskap i norsk olje- og gassindustri. Til tross for positive resultater fra tidlige piloter, har tunge næringsindustrier som olje- og gassindustrien i stor grad holdt tilbake fra den agile revolusjonen. Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å skape et teoretisk overblikk over Scrum og dens rammeverk, samt undersøke hvordan Scrum er implementert i bransjer utenfor softwareutvikling. Deretter kartlegges selskapets nåværende praksis gjennom møter og intervjuer, og utfordringer identifiseres. Intervjuene, Scrum-rammeverket og forskningen fra tidligere implementeringer brukes sammen med funnene om dagens praksis til å foreslå en måte å implementere Scrum i selskapet. Til slutt diskuteres det hvordan Scrum kan forbedre den nåværende prosessen med planlegging og gjennomføring av brønnintervensjonstjenester. Resultatene fra oppgaven har funnet at selskapet står overfor utfordringer knyttet til omfangsendring, gjensidig avhengighet mellom prosjekter og organisasjon. En tradisjonell tilnærming kan ikke håndtere endringer og gjensidig avhengighet i den grad selskapet står overfor. Operations Supervisorene beskriver at en betydelig del av arbeidet som er gjort i forbindelse med planlegging og oppfølging av en operasjon, håndterer endringer. I tillegg inkluderer ikke modellen selskapet bruker for planlegging og gjennomføring en tilfredsstillende mulighet til å forbedre arbeidsprosessene. Imidlertid har den tradisjonelle tilnærmingen noen fordeler som passer selskapet i form av standardisering og linearitet. Den foreslåtte løsningen for implementering av Scrum er å beholde den tradisjonelle modellen som brukes i dag og implementere Scrum i den operasjonelle prosessen for å levere tjenester. Ved å starte med et pilotteam tilpasses rammeverket til selskapet før man vurderer en storskala implementering. Det er ikke behov for store tilpasninger fra dagens praksis med denne løsningen. Teamet vil jobbe som før, men Sprint med tilhørende hendelser vil bli innlemmet som et tillegg. Det er noen utfordringer med den nåværende løsningen når det gjelder klientengasjement og teamsammensetning, for å nevne noen få. Scrum-rammeverket gir en mulighet for empirisk læring som forbedrer planleggings- og gjennomføringsprosessen kontinuerlig. Dette fører til en langsom og jevn fjerning av hindringer som øker produktiviteten. Implementering av et tverrfunksjonelt Scrum-team kan føre til et høyere fokus og mindre distraksjoner når det gjelder bytte mellom prosjekter. Siloer fjernes, og å fullføre oppgavene knyttet til en operasjon er nå en teaminnsats. Ukentlige Sprints får laget til å planlegge den kommende uken, som skal strukturere arbeidsuken. Hver Sprint vil gi empirisk læring og historisk datainnsamling. Denne læringen kan føre til en mer forutsigbar arbeidsuke, reduksjon i omfangsendring og gjensidig avhengighet, samt forbedring av interne utfordringer knyttet til organisasjonen.Projects are progressively becoming more complex with a higher number of tasks and complex interrelations.The field of project management must manage an increasing degree of change, which makes the traditional approach to project management less and less suitable to the projects of today. Agile methodologies from the software community offers a new way of thinking and is specifically designed to embrace complexity and change. Following, the use of Scrum has escalated in the last decade and has begun to spread to other industries. This study is written in collaboration with a well service company in the Norwegian Oil & Gas industry. Despite great promise from early pilots, heavy-asset industries such as the Oil & Gas industry have to a great extent held back from the agile revolution. The purpose of this thesis is to create a theoretical overview over Scrum and its framework and research how Scrum has been implemented in domains outside software development. Then, the company’s current practice is mapped out through meetings and interviews, and challenges are identified. The interviews, Scrum framework and the research on previous implementations are used together with the findings on today’s practice to propose a way to implement Scrum in the company. Ultimately, it is discussed how Scrum can improve the current process of planning and execution of well intervention services. The results of the study have found that the company faces challenges related to scope change, interdependence between projects and organisation. A traditional approach cannot handle changes and interdependencies to the degree that the company is facing. Operations Supervisors describe that a significant part of the work done in relation to planning and following up an operation is handling changes. In addition, the model the company uses for planning and execution does not include a satisfactory opportunity to improve work processes. However, the traditional approach has some benefits that suits the company in form of standardisation and linearity. The suggested solution for implementation of Scrum is to keep the traditional model used today and implement Scrum to the operational process for delivering services. By starting with a pilot team, the framework is adjusted to the company before considering a large-scale implementation. There is no need for large adaptations from the current practice with this solution. The team will work as before, but the Sprint with its events will be incorporated as an addition. There are some challenges with the current solution in terms of client involvement and team composition to mention a few. The Scrum framework provides an opportunity for empirical learning which improves the planning and execution process continuously. This leads to a slow and steady removal of impediments which increases productivity. Implementing a cross-functional Scrum team can lead to higher focus and less distractions in terms of switching between projects. Silos are removed, and completing the tasks related to an operation is now a team effort. Weekly Sprints makes the team plan their upcoming week, which will structure the work week. Each Sprint will provide empirical learning and historical data-gathering. This learning can lead to a more predictable work week, a reduction in scope change and interdependence, as well as improving internal challenges related to the organisation

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2022, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in June 2022. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends.  XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. This year’s conference was held with the theme “Agile in the Era of Hybrid Work”. The 13 full papers and 1 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: agile practices; agile processes; and agile in the large

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2021, which was held virtually during June 14-18, 2021. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends.  XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. This year’s conference was held with the theme “Agile Turns Twenty While the World Goes Online”. The 11 full and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: agile practices; process assessment; large-scale agile; and short contributions

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 18th International Conference, XP 2017, Cologne, Germany, May 22-26, 2017, Proceedings

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    agile software development; lean development; scrum; project management; software developmen

    Design of location-enabled e-government services

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    This document provides guidance on the design of location enabled e-Government services. It is part of the European Union Location Framework (EULF) toolkit that helps Member States to improve the use of location information in the context of e-Government. The document explains what location enabled e-Government services are, and how they can support the many G2G, G2B and G2C process interactions. Examples are given for the different types of e-Government services: information, contact, transaction, participation and data transfer services (Bekkers, 2007a). The document also provides an approach to describe and document e-Government business processes as a starting point for identifying where location enabled e-Government services could add value to the process by using process modelling techniques and standards. Finally, the document explains in detail the organisational and technological aspects related to the design, implementation and evaluation of location enabled e-Government services. A series of recommendations are provided in the form of ‘to-do’s’ and ‘not-to-do’s’. Examples are given throughout the text to illustrate best practices. This document should be read in conjunction with the companion guidance document “EULF Improving the use of location information in e-government processes: methodology and use case”, which provides a methodology and worked example of improving an existing process.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Skilling up for CRM: qualifications for CRM professionals in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    The 4th industrial revolution (4IR) describes a series of innovations in artificial intelligence, ubiquitous internet connectivity, and robotics, along with the subsequent disruption to the means of production. The impact of 4IR on industry reveals a construct called Industry 4.0. Higher education, too, is called to transform to respond to the disruption of 4IR, to meet the needs of industry, and to maximize human flourishing. Education 4.0 describes 4IR’s impact or predicted impact or intended impact on higher education, including prescriptions for HE’s transformation to realize these challenges. Industry 4.0 requires a highly skilled workforce, and a 4IR world raises questions about skills portability, durability, and lifespan. Every vertical within industry will be impacted by 4IR and such impact will manifest in needs for diverse employees possessing distinct competencies. Customer relationship management (CRM) describes the use of information systems to implement a customer-centric strategy and to practice relationship marketing (RM). Salesforce, a market leading CRM vendor, proposes its products alone will generate 9 million new jobs and $1.6 trillion in new revenues for Salesforce customers by 2024. Despite the strong market for CRM skills, a recent paper in a prominent IS journal claims higher education is not preparing students for CRM careers. In order to supply the CRM domain with skilled workers, it is imperative that higher education develop curricula oriented toward the CRM professional. Assessing skills needed for specific industry roles has long been an important task in IS pedagogy, but we did not find a paper in our literature review that explored the Salesforce administrator role. In this paper, we report the background, methodology, and results of a content analysis of Salesforce Administrator job postings retrieved from popular job sites. We further report the results of semi-structured interviews with industry experts, which served to validate, revise, and extend the content analysis framework. Our resulting skills framework serves as a foundation for CRM curriculum development and our resulting analysis incorporates elements of Education 4.0 to provide a roadmap for educating students to be successful with CRM in a 4IR world

    Digital Innovation Units in Industrial-Age Contexts - Paradoxes, Ambidexterity and Symbiotic Collaboration

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    Aspiring to close capability gaps for digital innovation, industrial-age incumbents often decide to establish Digital Innovation Units (DIUs), which are separated from the main organization both geographically and with regard to their techniques, skills and working styles. This separation is problematic as digital innovation in these contexts is about the combination of digital and physical components. These components impose fundamentally different demands yet also belong together. To resolve this paradoxical situation, incumbents need to transcend mere separation. As prior research falls short in explaining how DIUs and main organizations can cooperate symbiotically, we conducted a Delphi survey involving 23 automotive experts to discover some answers. From the specific findings, we abstract three meta-patterns: maintaining structural autonomy, strategic boundary spanning and operational synchronizing. We synthesize these meta-patterns into a multi-layered organizing model and relate our findings to paradox and ambidexterity theory. We derive important implications for IS research and managerial practice