719 research outputs found

    Recognizing deverbal events in context

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    Abstract. Event detection is a key task in order to access informa- tion through content. This paper focuses on events realized by deverbal nouns in Italian. Deverbal nouns obtained through transpositional suf- fixes (such as -zione; -mento, -tura and -aggio) are commonly known as nouns of action, i.e. nouns which denote the process/action described by the corresponding verbs. However, this class of nouns is also known for a specific polysemous alternation: they may denote the result of the process/action of the corresponding verb. This paper describes a sta- tistically based analysis that helps to develop a classifier for automatic identification of deverbal nouns denoting events in context by exploit- ing rules obtained from syntagmatic and collocational cues identified by linguists

    Gamification of sports media coverage: an infotainment approach to Olympics and Football World Cups

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    Sports media coverage of mega-events is partly oriented to gamification, the use of game elements and game design techniques in non-gaming contexts. This infotainment approach to events has been developed by media outlets as an original and effective way to capture wider audience attention and to place events in context before a competition starts. This article examines 28 gamified sports pieces developed by media outlets from seven countries during the last two Olympics (2016 Summer Olympics in Rio and 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang) and Football World Cups (2014 in Brazil and 2018 in Russia). This sample comprises two categories following Ferrer-Conill (2015): “gamified pieces” (game like elements that are part of a bigger interactive feature) and “newsgames” (more sophisticated pieces often included in complex graphics or multimedia content). The results show that, despite its entertaining formula, gamification serves mainly informational purposes and adds value to sports coverage. Especially in the Summer and Winter Olympics, gamified sports pieces tend to be explanatory and data-driven in order to inform the audience about nonmainstream sports

    Agroforestry in the UK

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    The Royal Forestry Society, the Woodland Trust and the Soil Association are hosting a one-day conference on ‘Agroforestry: Improving Productivity for Farmers and Foresters’ at Cranfield University, Bedfordshire on 22 June 2017. This will be followed by a one-day Farm Woodland Forum workshop, including a field visit to the apple and cereal agroforestry system of Stephen Briggs. To set these events in context, this article explains why UK agroforestry is important, topical, how it is being used to market food products, improve productivity, address climate-change and flood management, and how it depends on dynamic farmers and foresters

    Clustering Events Based On Common Subevents

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    The objective of this project is to create a methodology to find communities of similar events based on their context, which is represented by their subevents. The similarity is measured through a new metric we propose, which takes into account the similar subevents between events. The motivation behind clustering these events into larger labeled groups is to enrich the overall understanding of each individual event. The event and subevent relationships have been extracted using a weakly supervised event acquisition method and have been stored in a knowledge base. Using these pairs and the idea of hierarchical event representation, we cluster the events, which will provide insights on the similarities and differences between events in context

    Vigilantes, witches and vampires: how moral populism shapes social accountability in northern Uganda

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    Strange murders have occurred in northern Uganda. Blood is said to have been removed from the victims, and there are tales about child sacrifice and terrifying witchcraft. An ‘election’ was organised to select the culprit, known as ‘Mr Red’, and vigilante mobs have destroyed his property. This article places these events in context, and shows how understandings of the spirit world, religion, and wealth accumulation relate to local notions about egregious acts. No conventional evidence has been found to show that the man accused is responsible for any crimes, but he has been imprisoned, and has had threats on his life. The case illustrates widespread phenomena, which are too often ignored, and draws attention to the ways in which local elites draw on strategies of moral populism to establish and maintain their public authorit

    Action Stories for Counter Terrorism (extended abstract)

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    Due to the raised terrorist threat worldwide, there is an urgent need to research that assists security and police services to protect the public and key assets and to prevent attacks from taking place. Successful protection and prevention may require potential and known suspects to be monitored or arrested. These operations are high risk because inappropriate surveillance, interview or arrest may have damaging political, public relations and intelligence effects. In addition to better tracking information on which to base suspicions, the security and police services need to have confidence that operations will yield evidence that can demonstrate conclusively that a deceptive activity such as a terrorist attack was in the process of being planned or executed before an operation takes place

    The Journal of Rhetorical Pattern in Journalistic Language

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    This study deals with the analysis of the rhetorical pattern in journalistic language using the style of the inverted-pyramid, they are Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How. The purpose of this study was to find out the dominant rhetorical pattern that was used in a news. The method of this study was descriptive quantitative design. The data for this study were collected from fifteen selected articles about corruption in Indonesia in an English daily newspaper, The Jakarta Post. Fifteen articles were taken from The Jakarta Post in the year 2011, from August until December. This study concludes with findings and implication
