2,532 research outputs found

    Robust H∞ filtering for markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation: The finite-horizon case

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    This article is posted with the permission of IEEE - Copyright @ 2011 IEEEThis paper addresses the robust H∞ filtering problem for a class of discrete time-varying Markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation. Two kinds of transition probability matrices for the Markovian process are considered, namely, the one with polytopic uncertainties and the one with partially unknown entries. The nonlinear disturbances are assumed to occur randomly according to stochastic variables satisfying the Bernoulli distributions. The main purpose of this paper is to design a robust filter, over a given finite-horizon, such that the H∞ disturbance attenuation level is guaranteed for the time-varying Markovian jump systems in the presence of both the randomly occurring nonlinearities and the sensor saturation. Sufficient conditions are established for the existence of the desired filter satisfying the H∞ performance constraint in terms of a set of recursive linear matrix inequalities. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed filter design scheme.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008, 60825303, and 61004067, National 973 Project under Grant 2009CB320600, the Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation for the Process Industry (Northeastern University) from the Ministry of Education of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K., under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Robust fault detection for networked systems with communication delay and data missing

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    n this paper, the robust fault detection problem is investigated for a class of discrete-time networked systems with unknown input and multiple state delays. A novel measurement model is utilized to represent both the random measurement delays and the stochastic data missing phenomenon, which typically result from the limited capacity of the communication networks. The network status is assumed to vary in a Markovian fashion and its transition probability matrix is uncertain but resides in a known convex set of a polytopic type. The main purpose of this paper is to design a robust fault detection filter such that, for all unknown inputs, possible parameter uncertainties and incomplete measurements, the error between the residual signal and the fault signal is made as small as possible. By casting the addressed robust fault detection problem into an auxiliary robust H∞ filtering problem of a certain Markovian jumping system, a sufficient condition for the existence of the desired robust fault detection filter is established in terms of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed technique

    Adaptive Backstepping Controller Design for Stochastic Jump Systems

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    In this technical note, we improve the results in a paper by Shi et al., in which problems of stochastic stability and sliding mode control for a class of linear continuous-time systems with stochastic jumps were considered. However, the system considered is switching stochastically between different subsystems, the dynamics of the jump system can not stay on each sliding surface of subsystems forever, therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the closed-loop system is stochastically stable. In this technical note, the backstepping techniques are adopted to overcome the problem in a paper by Shi et al.. The resulting closed-loop system is bounded in probability. It has been shown that the adaptive control problem for the Markovian jump systems is solvable if a set of coupled linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) have solutions. A numerical example is given to show the potential of the proposed techniques

    On design of quantized fault detection filters with randomly occurring nonlinearities and mixed time-delays

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    This paper is concerned with the fault detection problem for a class of discrete-time systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities, mixed stochastic time-delays as well as measurement quantizations. The nonlinearities are assumed to occur in a random way. The mixed time-delays comprise both the multiple discrete time-delays and the infinite distributed delays that occur in a random way as well. A sequence of stochastic variables is introduced to govern the random occurrences of the nonlinearities, discrete time-delays and distributed time-delays, where all the stochastic variables are mutually independent but obey the Bernoulli distribution. The main purpose of this paper is to design a fault detection filter such that, in the presence of measurement quantization, the overall fault detection dynamics is exponentially stable in the mean square and, at the same time, the error between the residual signal and the fault signal is made as small as possible. Sufficient conditions are first established via intensive stochastic analysis for the existence of the desired fault detection filters, and then the explicit expression of the desired filter gains is derived by means of the feasibility of certain matrix inequalities. Also, the optimal performance index for the addressed fault detection problem can be obtained by solving an auxiliary convex optimization problem. A practical example is provided to show the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed design method

    A Survey on Multisensor Fusion and Consensus Filtering for Sensor Networks

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    Multisensor fusion and consensus filtering are two fascinating subjects in the research of sensor networks. In this survey, we will cover both classic results and recent advances developed in these two topics. First, we recall some important results in the development ofmultisensor fusion technology. Particularly, we pay great attention to the fusion with unknown correlations, which ubiquitously exist in most of distributed filtering problems. Next, we give a systematic review on several widely used consensus filtering approaches. Furthermore, some latest progress on multisensor fusion and consensus filtering is also presented. Finally, conclusions are drawn and several potential future research directions are outlined.the Royal Society of the UK, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61374039, 61304010, 11301118, and 61573246, the Hujiang Foundation of China under Grants C14002 and D15009, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany, and the Innovation Fund Project for Graduate Student of Shanghai under Grant JWCXSL140

    Event-Based H∞ filter design for a class of nonlinear time-varying systems with fading channels and multiplicative noises

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    In this paper, a general event-triggered framework is developed to deal with the finite-horizon H∞ filtering problem for discrete time-varying systems with fading channels, randomly occurring nonlinearities and multiplicative noises. An event indicator variable is constructed and the corresponding event-triggered scheme is proposed. Such a scheme is based on the relative error with respect to the measurement signal in order to determine whether the measurement output should be transmitted to the filter or not. The fading channels are described by modified stochastic Rice fading models. Some uncorrelated random variables are introduced, respectively, to govern the phenomena of state-multiplicative noises, randomly occurring nonlinearities as well as fading measurements. The purpose of the addressed problem is to design a set of time-varying filter such that the influence from the exogenous disturbances onto the filtering errors is attenuated at the given level quantified by a H∞ norm in the mean-square sense. By utilizing stochastic analysis techniques, sufficient conditions are established to ensure that the dynamic system under consideration satisfies the H∞ filtering performance constraint, and then a recursive linear matrix inequality (RLMI) approach is employed to design the desired filter gains. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed filter design scheme

    Weight Try-Once-Discard Protocol-Based L_2 L_infinity State Estimation for Markovian Jumping Neural Networks with Partially Known Transition Probabilities

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    It was the L_2 L_infinity performance index that for the first time is initiated into the discussion on state estimation of delayed MJNNs with with partially known transition probabilities, which provides a more general promotion for the estimation error.The WTOD protocol is adopted to dispatch the sensor nodes so as to effectively alleviate the updating frequency of output signals. The hybrid effects of the time delays, Markov chain, and protocol parameters are apparently reflected in the co-designed estimator which can be solved by a combination of comprehensive matrix inequalities