310 research outputs found

    Open event extraction from online text using a generative adversarial network

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    To extract the structured representations of open-domain events, Bayesian graphical models have made some progress. However, these approaches typically assume that all words in a document are generated from a single event. While this may be true for short text such as tweets, such an assumption does not generally hold for long text such as news articles. Moreover, Bayesian graphical models often rely on Gibbs sampling for parameter inference which may take long time to converge. To address these limitations, we propose an event extraction model based on Generative Adversarial Nets, called Adversarial-neural Event Model (AEM). AEM models an event with a Dirichlet prior and uses a generator network to capture the patterns underlying latent events. A discriminator is used to distinguish documents reconstructed from the latent events and the original documents. A byproduct of the discriminator is that the features generated by the learned discriminator network allow the visualization of the extracted events. Our model has been evaluated on two Twitter datasets and a news article dataset. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the baseline approaches on all the datasets, with more significant improvements observed on the news article dataset where an increase of 15\% is observed in F-measure

    A Topical Approach to Capturing Customer Insight In Social Media

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    The age of social media has opened new opportunities for businesses. This flourishing wealth of information is outside traditional channels and frameworks of classical marketing research, including that of Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM). Textual data, in particular, poses many challenges that data analysis practitioners must tackle. Social media constitute massive, heterogeneous, and noisy document sources. Industrial data acquisition processes include some amount of ETL. However, the variability of noise in the data and the heterogeneity induced by different sources create the need for ad-hoc tools. Put otherwise, customer insight extraction in fully unsupervised, noisy contexts is an arduous task. This research addresses the challenge of fully unsupervised topic extraction in noisy, Big Data contexts. We present three approaches we built on the Variational Autoencoder framework: the Embedded Dirichlet Process, the Embedded Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, and the time-aware Dynamic Embedded Dirichlet Process. These nonparametric approaches concerning topics present the particularity of determining word embeddings and topic embeddings. These embeddings do not require transfer learning, but knowledge transfer remains possible. We test these approaches on benchmark and automotive industry-related datasets from a real-world use case. We show that our models achieve equal to better performance than state-of-the-art methods and that the field of topic modeling would benefit from improved evaluation metrics

    The Democratization of News - Analysis and Behavior Modeling of Users in the Context of Online News Consumption

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    Die Erfindung des Internets ebnete den Weg für die Demokratisierung von Information. Die Tatsache, dass Nachrichten für die breite Öffentlichkeit zugänglicher wurden, barg wichtige politische Versprechen, wie zum Beispiel das Erreichen von zuvor uninformierten und daher oft inaktiven Bürgern. Diese konnten sich nun dank des Internets tagesaktuell über das politische Geschehen informieren und selbst politisch engagieren. Während viele Politiker und Journalisten ein Jahrzehnt lang mit dieser Entwicklung zufrieden waren, änderte sich die Situation mit dem Aufkommen der sozialen Online-Netzwerke (OSN). Diese OSNs sind heute nahezu allgegenwärtig – so beziehen inzwischen 67%67\% der Amerikaner zumindest einen Teil ihrer Nachrichten über die sozialen Medien. Dieser Trend hat die Kosten für die Veröffentlichung von Inhalten weiter gesenkt. Dies sah zunächst nach einer positiven Entwicklung aus, stellt inzwischen jedoch ein ernsthaftes Problem für Demokratien dar. Anstatt dass eine schier unendliche Menge an leicht zugänglichen Informationen uns klüger machen, wird die Menge an Inhalten zu einer Belastung. Eine ausgewogene Nachrichtenauswahl muss einer Flut an Beiträgen und Themen weichen, die durch das digitale soziale Umfeld des Nutzers gefiltert werden. Dies fördert die politische Polarisierung und ideologische Segregation. Mehr als die Hälfte der OSN-Nutzer trauen zudem den Nachrichten, die sie lesen, nicht mehr (54%54\% machen sich Sorgen wegen Falschnachrichten). In dieses Bild passt, dass Studien berichten, dass Nutzer von OSNs dem Populismus extrem linker und rechter politischer Akteure stärker ausgesetzt sind, als Personen ohne Zugang zu sozialen Medien. Um die negativen Effekt dieser Entwicklung abzumildern, trägt meine Arbeit zum einen zum Verständnis des Problems bei und befasst sich mit Grundlagenforschung im Bereich der Verhaltensmodellierung. Abschließend beschäftigen wir uns mit der Gefahr der Beeinflussung der Internetnutzer durch soziale Bots und präsentieren eine auf Verhaltensmodellierung basierende Lösung. Zum besseren Verständnis des Nachrichtenkonsums deutschsprachiger Nutzer in OSNs, haben wir deren Verhalten auf Twitter analysiert und die Reaktionen auf kontroverse - teils verfassungsfeindliche - und nicht kontroverse Inhalte verglichen. Zusätzlich untersuchten wir die Existenz von Echokammern und ähnlichen Phänomenen. Hinsichtlich des Nutzerverhaltens haben wir uns auf Netzwerke konzentriert, die ein komplexeres Nutzerverhalten zulassen. Wir entwickelten probabilistische Verhaltensmodellierungslösungen für das Clustering und die Segmentierung von Zeitserien. Neben den Beiträgen zum Verständnis des Problems haben wir Lösungen zur Erkennung automatisierter Konten entwickelt. Diese Bots nehmen eine wichtige Rolle in der frühen Phase der Verbreitung von Fake News ein. Unser Expertenmodell - basierend auf aktuellen Deep-Learning-Lösungen - identifiziert, z. B., automatisierte Accounts anhand ihres Verhaltens. Meine Arbeit sensibilisiert für diese negative Entwicklung und befasst sich mit der Grundlagenforschung im Bereich der Verhaltensmodellierung. Auch wird auf die Gefahr der Beeinflussung durch soziale Bots eingegangen und eine auf Verhaltensmodellierung basierende Lösung präsentiert

    Neural Storyline Extraction Model for Storyline Generation from News Articles

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    Graph-based Event Extraction from Twitter

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    International audienceEvent detection on Twitter has become an attractive and challenging research field due to the popularity and the peculiarities of tweets. Detecting which tweets describe a specific event and clustering them is one of the main challenging tasks related to Social Media currently addressed in the NLP community. Existing approaches have mainly focused on detecting spikes in clusters around specific keywords or Named Entities (NE). However, one of the main drawbacks of such approaches is the difficulty in understanding when the same keywords describe different events. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that exploits NE mentions in tweets and their entity context to create a temporal event graph. Then, using simple graph theory techniques and a PageRank-like algorithm, we process the event graphs to detect clusters of tweets describing the same events. Experiments on two gold standard datasets show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results both in terms of evaluation performances and the quality of the detected events

    Analyzing Granger causality in climate data with time series classification methods

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    Attribution studies in climate science aim for scientifically ascertaining the influence of climatic variations on natural or anthropogenic factors. Many of those studies adopt the concept of Granger causality to infer statistical cause-effect relationships, while utilizing traditional autoregressive models. In this article, we investigate the potential of state-of-the-art time series classification techniques to enhance causal inference in climate science. We conduct a comparative experimental study of different types of algorithms on a large test suite that comprises a unique collection of datasets from the area of climate-vegetation dynamics. The results indicate that specialized time series classification methods are able to improve existing inference procedures. Substantial differences are observed among the methods that were tested

    Multi-dimensional mining of unstructured data with limited supervision

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    As one of the most important data forms, unstructured text data plays a crucial role in data-driven decision making in domains ranging from social networking and information retrieval to healthcare and scientific research. In many emerging applications, people's information needs from text data are becoming multi-dimensional---they demand useful insights for multiple aspects from the given text corpus. However, turning massive text data into multi-dimensional knowledge remains a challenge that cannot be readily addressed by existing data mining techniques. In this thesis, we propose algorithms that turn unstructured text data into multi-dimensional knowledge with limited supervision. We investigate two core questions: 1. How to identify task-relevant data with declarative queries in multiple dimensions? 2. How to distill knowledge from data in a multi-dimensional space? To address the above questions, we propose an integrated cube construction and exploitation framework. First, we develop a cube construction module that organizes unstructured data into a cube structure, by discovering latent multi-dimensional and multi-granular structure from the unstructured text corpus and allocating documents into the structure. Second, we develop a cube exploitation module that models multiple dimensions in the cube space, thereby distilling multi-dimensional knowledge from data to provide insights along multiple dimensions. Together, these two modules constitute an integrated pipeline: leveraging the cube structure, users can perform multi-dimensional, multi-granular data selection with declarative queries; and with cube exploitation algorithms, users can make accurate cross-dimension predictions or extract multi-dimensional patterns for decision making. The proposed framework has two distinctive advantages when turning text data into multi-dimensional knowledge: flexibility and label-efficiency. First, it enables acquiring multi-dimensional knowledge flexibly, as the cube structure allows users to easily identify task-relevant data along multiple dimensions at varied granularities and further distill multi-dimensional knowledge. Second, the algorithms for cube construction and exploitation require little supervision; this makes the framework appealing for many applications where labeled data are expensive to obtain
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