6 research outputs found

    Development of Indonesian Geographical Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Distribution Visualization Systems to Support the Improvement of People's Economy

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    The contribution of UMKM plays an important role in boosting manufacturing and economic growth in the country. The Ministry of Industry noted, for example, in 2013, 3.43 million UMKM rose to 3.52 million UMKM in 2014. UMKM are also able to absorb the most labor compared to other sectors. Absorption of labor in this sector in early 2016 reached 97.22 percent. In 2016. Bondowoso Regency is an area rich in natural products and handicrafts. There  are  38  thousand  UMKM  that  have  been  established  until  2016.  The  number  has exceeded the target of the Regent Amin Said Husni. But currently there is no system that can accommodate the existing UMKM and new UMKM that will emerge. Overcoming the distribution of UMKM covering one Regency, a system that is able to visualize the distribution properly is needed. This research aims to develop the Indonesian Geographical Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Distribution Visualization Systems to Support the Improvement of People's Economy. From the test results show the system has been successfully developed, with a reference to the percentage of unit testing results is 100%, while the average value of system quality (4.54), information quality (4.51) and user satisfaction (4.52)

    Urban area function zoning based on user relationships in location-based social networks

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from IEEE via the DOI in this recordWith advanced development of Internet communication and ubiquitous computing, Social Networks are providing an important information channel for smart city construction. Therefore, analyzing Location-based Social Network is a very valuable work in achieving reasonable urban zoning. In Social Networks, a main purpose of prestige assessment is to extract influential users who are regarded as the key nodes for community detection from Onine Social Networks (OSNs). However, social relationships of users are rarely used to evaluate the popularity of physical locations and zone physical locations. In order to achieve urban area function zoning by evaluating the prestige of geographic regions based on user relationships in Location based Social Networks (LBSNs), this paper proposes a Prestige Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise algorithm (P-DBSCAN) by improving the existing DBSCAN algorithm. Specifically, the algorithm first calculates the centrality of users in the social network, and then converts the centrality of users into the location-centrality through the users' check-in data. After the centrality of each location is obtained, the discrete locations are clustered according to four constraints of the given radius. After clustering, the result of urban area function zoning can be achieved. Extensive experiments are conducted for demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in this paper. In addition, the visualization results reveal the correctness of our proposed approach.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaEuropean Union Horizon 2020Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of ChinaFund Program for the Scientific Activities of Selected Returned Overseas Professionals in Shaanxi ProvinceMinistry of Science and ICT (MSIT), South KoreaNational Research Foundation of Kore

    Examining the factors inhibiting Smart Cities implementation in Jordan

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    The study focuses on the emergence of smart cities as a transformative concept, connecting various aspects of daily life. While most existing literature on smart cities is based on experiences in developed countries, this research examines the factors influencing the implementation of smart city projects in Jordan, a developing nation. The factors considered encompass governmental, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental aspects. The findings, derived from interviews with experts from different sectors in Jordan, highlight key barriers to smart city transformation. These include a lack of cooperation and coordination, unclear vision, and limited private-public participation in the governmental sector. Additionally, economic factors such as the need for flexible funding legislation, social factors like community involvement, technological challenges related to data availability and system integration, legal issues concerning open data access and regulatory norms, and environmental concerns tied to population growth were identified. The study also pinpoints specific Jordanian factors crucial to the context, such as physical infrastructure, land ownership, sponsorship management, approvals, fees and taxes, trust in e-government products, and security. The research provides valuable insights for government officials and policymakers and concludes with recommendations and suggestions for future research directions

    Nó sensor reconfigurável para redes LoRa

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    Nos últimos vinte anos, as Smart Cities têm vindo a evoluir e a ganhar cada vez mais adeptos. Essa evolução centra-se essencialmente em IoT (Internet of Things) que usa frequentemente redes de baixo consumo e longo alcance (LPWAN). Estas redes são normalmente constituídas por End Nodes, Gateways, Network Server e Application Server. A sua comunicação flui na or dem apresentada caso os End Nodes sejam sensores, ou na ordem inversa caso os End Nodes sejam atuadores. Esta dissertação foca-se nos End Nodes, mais especificamente em Sensor Nodes (Nós Sensores) que comunicam através de LoRa (Long Range). Apesar de estes dispo sitivos terem diversas aplicações, o seu uso não é generalizado. A ideia proposta nesta disser tação visa ampliar a sua utilização através do desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura de um nó sensor LoRa que seja reconfigurável e adaptável a diversas situações e que seja ainda de fácil manuseamento para um utilizador comum. Desta forma poderá ser possível configurar e utilizar o nó sensor proposto, quer seja para utilizá-lo de forma temporária, por exemplo num trabalho de construção civil numa via pública, para obter e transmitir dados sobre a mesma, quer seja para criar um protótipo e testar a viabilidade de ter um nó sensor permanente num determinado sítio antes de desenvolver ou adquirir um especificamente para essa finalidade. Para analisar a viabilidade do sistema apresentado foi criado e testado um protótipo utilizando um Arduino como plataforma de implementação, uma antena LoRa RYLR896 e diversos sensores.In the last twenty years, Smart Cities have been evolving and subsequently having an increase in the number of fans. This evolution is essentially focused on IoT (Internet of Things) which frequently uses low power and wide area networks (LPWAN). These networks are usually com posed by End Nodes, Gateways, Network Server and Application Server. Their communication flows in the presented order if the End Nodes are sensors, or in the reverse order if the End Nodes are actuators. This document focuses on End Nodes, more specifically on Sensor Nodes that communicate through LoRa (Long Range). Although these devices have several applications, their use is not widespread. The idea proposed in this work aims to extend its use by the devel opment of an architecture of a LoRa sensor node that is reconfigurable and adaptable to more than one situation and easy to handle for a common user. In this way, it may be possible to configure and use the proposed sensor node, whether to use it temporarily, for example in civil construction work on a public road, to obtain and transmit data about it, or to create a prototype and test the feasibility of having a permanent sensor node at a certain place before developing or purchasing one specifically for that purpose. To analyse the feasibility of the presented system, a prototype was created and tested using an Arduino as the implementation platform, a LoRa RYLR896 antenna and several sensors

    Projeto de uma rede de sensores sem fio para monitoramento ambiental em cidades inteligentes

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    This work presents the implementation of a wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring in smart cities. To do so, initially, the premises that define a smart city and the technological tools that enable remote communication between machines are conceptualized. Besides that, the microcontroller used to perform the monitoring, the ESP32, and the IT infrastructure needed to keep the system running are presented. This infrastructure, in turn, has tools like StrongSwan for VPN, Bacula for backup, IPTables as firewall, Docker for deploying and GitLab as repository manager and runner for the pipelines CI/CD. Then, through the definition of clean architecture, it is explained how it is possible to build a flexible system, even at the hardware level. As result, the work shows the applications and APIs made in .NET 5 to access the monitoring data stored in a SQL Server 2019. Subsequently, the tests are detailed, which met the expectations, and, in addition, topics about efficiency, scalability, reliability, resilience and security of the presented prototype are discussed. Finally, there is also a section dedicated to suggesting future work.O presente trabalho apresenta o projeto de uma rede de sensores sem fio para monitoramento ambiental em cidades inteligentes. Para tal, inicialmente, são conceituadas tanto as premissas que definem uma cidade inteligente quanto as ferramentas tecnológicas que possibilitam a comunicação remota entre máquinas. Adiante, são apresentados o microcontrolador usado para realizar o monitoramento, que é o ESP32, e a infraestrutura de TI necessária para manter o sistema funcionando. Essa infraestutura, por sua vez, conta com ferramentas como StrongSwan para VPN, Bacula para backup, IPTables como firewall, Docker para publicação e GitLab como gerenciador de repositórios e executor das pipelines CI/CD. Logo em seguida, através da conceituação da arquitetura limpa, é explicado como é possível construir um sistema flexível, mesmo em nível de hardware. Como resultados, o trabalho mostra as aplicações e APIs feitas em .NET 5 para acessar os dados de monitoramento armazenados em um SQL Server 2019. Posteriormente são detalhados os testes, os quais atenderam às expectativas, e, além disso, são discutidos tópicos sobre eficiência, escalabilidade, confiabilidade, resiliência e segurança do protótipo apresentado. Para finalizar, há ainda uma seção dedicada à sugestão de trabalhos futuros