226 research outputs found

    Acceleration of Spiking Neural Networks on Multicore Architectures

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    The human cortex is the seat of learning and cognition. Biological scale implementations of cortical models have the potential to provide significantly more power problem solving capabilities than traditional computing algorithms. The large scale implementation and design of these models has attracted significant attention recently. High performance implementations of the models are needed to enable such large scale designs. This thesis examines the acceleration of the spiking neural network class of cortical models on several modern multicore processors. These include the Izhikevich, Wilson, Morris-Lecar, and Hodgkin-Huxley models. The architectures examined are the STI Cell, Sun UltraSPARC T2+, and Intel Xeon E5345. Results indicate that these modern multicore processors can provide significant speed-ups and thus are useful in developing large scale cortical models. The models are then implemented on a 50 TeraFLOPS 336 node PlayStation 3 cluster. Results indicate that the models scale well on this cluster and can emulate 108 neurons and 1010 synapses. These numbers are comparable to the large scale cortical model implementation studies performed by IBM using the Blue Gene/L supercomputer. This study indicates that a cluster of PlayStation 3s can provide an economical, yet powerful, platform for simulating large scale biological models


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    There have been considerable developments in the quest for intelligent machines since the beginning of the cybernetics revolution and the advent of computers. In the last two decades with the onset of the internet the developments have been extensive. This quest for building intelligent machines have led into research on the working of human brain, which has in turn led to the development of pattern recognition models which take inspiration in their structure and performance from biological neural networks. Research in creating intelligent systems poses two main problems. The first one is to develop algorithms which can generalize and predict accurately based on previous examples. The second one is to make these algorithms run fast enough to be able to do real time tasks. The aim of this thesis is to study and compare the accuracy and multi-core performance of some of the best learning algorithms to the task of handwritten character recognition. Seven algorithms are compared for their accuracy on the MNIST database, and the test set accuracy (generalization) for the different algorithms are compared. The second task is to implement and compare the performance of two of the hierarchical Bayesian based cortical algorithms, Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) and Hierarchical Expectation Refinement Algorithm (HERA) on multi-core architectures. The results indicate that the HTM and HERA algorithms can make use of the parallelism in multi-core architectures

    Effective data parallel computing on multicore processors

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    The rise of chip multiprocessing or the integration of multiple general purpose processing cores on a single chip (multicores), has impacted all computing platforms including high performance, servers, desktops, mobile, and embedded processors. Programmers can no longer expect continued increases in software performance without developing parallel, memory hierarchy friendly software that can effectively exploit the chip level multiprocessing paradigm of multicores. The goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate a design process for data parallel problems that starts with a sequential algorithm and ends with a high performance implementation on a multicore platform. Our design process combines theoretical algorithm analysis with practical optimization techniques. Our target multicores are quad-core processors from Intel and the eight-SPE IBM Cell B.E. Target applications include Matrix Multiplications (MM), Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), LU Decomposition (LUD), and Power Flow Solver based on Gauss-Seidel (PFS-GS) algorithms. These applications are popular computation methods in science and engineering problems and are characterized by unit-stride (MM, LUD, and PFS-GS) or 2-point stencil (FDTD) memory access pattern. The main contributions of this dissertation include a cache- and space-efficient algorithm model, integrated data pre-fetching and caching strategies, and in-core optimization techniques. Our multicore efficient implementations of the above described applications outperform nai¨ve parallel implementations by at least 2x and scales well with problem size and with the number of processing cores

    Thread assignment in multicore/multithreaded processors: A statistical approach

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The introduction of multicore/multithreaded processors, comprised of a large number of hardware contexts (virtual CPUs) that share resources at multiple levels, has made process scheduling, in particular assignment of running threads to available hardware contexts, an important aspect of system performance. Nevertheless, thread assignment of applications running on state-of-the art processors is an NP-complete problem. Over the years, numerous studies have proposed heuristic-based algorithms for thread assignment. Since the thread assignment problem is intractable, it is in general impossible to know the performance of the optimal assignment, so the room for improvement of a given algorithm is also unknown. It is therefore hard to decide whether to invest more effort and time to improve an algorithm that may already be close to optimal. In this paper, we present a statistical approach to the thread assignment problem. First, we present a method that predicts the performance of the optimal thread assignment, based on the observed performance of each thread assignment in a random sample. The method is based on Extreme Value Theory (EVT), a branch of statistics that analyses extreme deviations from the population mean. We also propose sample pruning, a method that significantly reduces the time required to apply the statistical method by reducing the number of candidate solutions that need to be measured. Finally, we show that, if no suitable heuristic-based algorithm is available, a sample of several thousand random thread assignments is enough to obtain, with high confidence, an assignment with performance close to optimal. The presented approach is architecture and application independent, and it can be used to address the thread assignment problem in various domains. It is especially well suited for systems in which the workload seldom changes. An example is network systems, which typically provide a constant set of services that are known in advance, with network applications performing a similar processing algorithm for each packet in the system. In this paper, we validate our methods with an industrial case study for a set of multithreaded network applications on an UltraSPARC T2 processor. This article is an extension of our previous work [ 44], which was published in Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS-2012).This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2012-34557, the HiPEAC Network of Excellence, and by the European Research Council under the European Union’s 7th FP, ERC Grant Agreement number 321253. Miquel Moreto has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluating Multicore Algorithms on the Unified Memory Model

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    One of the challenges to achieving good performance on multicore architectures is the effective utilization of the underlying memory hierarchy. While this is an issue for single-core architectures, it is a critical problem for multicore chips. In this paper, we formulate the unified multicore model (UMM) to help understand the fundamental limits on cache performance on these architectures. The UMM seamlessly handles different types of multiple-core processors with varying degrees of cache sharing at different levels. We demonstrate that our model can be used to study a variety of multicore architectures on a variety of applications. In particular, we use it to analyze an option pricing problem using the trinomial model and develop an algorithm for it that has near-optimal memory traffic between cache levels. We have implemented the algorithm on a two Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5310 1.6 GHz processors (8 cores). It achieves a peak performance of 19.5 GFLOPs, which is 38% of the theoretical peak of the multicore system. We demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms compiler-optimized and auto-parallelized code by a factor of up to 7.5

    Summary of multi-core hardware and programming model investigations

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    This report summarizes our investigations into multi-core processors and programming models for parallel scientific applications. The motivation for this study was to better understand the landscape of multi-core hardware, future trends, and the implications on system software for capability supercomputers. The results of this study are being used as input into the design of a new open-source light-weight kernel operating system being targeted at future capability supercomputers made up of multi-core processors. A goal of this effort is to create an agile system that is able to adapt to and efficiently support whatever multi-core hardware and programming models gain acceptance by the community

    Evaluating Multicore Algorithms on the Unified Memory Model

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    One of the challenges to achieving good performance on multicore architectures is the effective utilization of the underlying memory hierarchy. While this is an issue for single-core architectures, it is a critical problem for multicore chips. In this paper, we formulate the unified multicore model (UMM) to help understand the fundamental limits on cache performance on these architectures. The UMM seamlessly handles different types of multiple-core processors with varying degrees of cache sharing at different levels. We demonstrate that our model can be used to study a variety of multicore architectures on a variety of applications. In particular, we use it to analyze an option pricing problem using the trinomial model and develop an algorithm for it that has near-optimal memory traffic between cache levels. We have implemented the algorithm on a two Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5310 1.6 GHz processors (8 cores). It achieves a peak performance of 19.5 GFLOPs, which is 38% of the theoretical peak of the multicore system. We demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms compiler-optimized and auto-parallelized code by a factor of up to 7.5

    On the design of architecture-aware algorithms for emerging applications

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    This dissertation maps various kernels and applications to a spectrum of programming models and architectures and also presents architecture-aware algorithms for different systems. The kernels and applications discussed in this dissertation have widely varying computational characteristics. For example, we consider both dense numerical computations and sparse graph algorithms. This dissertation also covers emerging applications from image processing, complex network analysis, and computational biology. We map these problems to diverse multicore processors and manycore accelerators. We also use new programming models (such as Transactional Memory, MapReduce, and Intel TBB) to address the performance and productivity challenges in the problems. Our experiences highlight the importance of mapping applications to appropriate programming models and architectures. We also find several limitations of current system software and architectures and directions to improve those. The discussion focuses on system software and architectural support for nested irregular parallelism, Transactional Memory, and hybrid data transfer mechanisms. We believe that the complexity of parallel programming can be significantly reduced via collaborative efforts among researchers and practitioners from different domains. This dissertation participates in the efforts by providing benchmarks and suggestions to improve system software and architectures.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Bader, David; Committee Member: Hong, Bo; Committee Member: Riley, George; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richard; Committee Member: Wills, Scot
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