20 research outputs found

    Application of bat algorithm for the detection of hidden nodes in IEEE802.11ah networks

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    The occurrence of the hidden node problem in IEEE802.11ah has increases by 41% as compared to previous versions of IEEE802.11 standards. This makes IEEE802.11ah network to be prone to experience high collision and low throughput. Previous efforts to solve this problem has mainly not addressed the issue of locating potential hidden nodes in the network. As a result, the hidden node problem in IEEE802.11ah still remains an open issue. This paper proposes an algorithm that applies bat algorithm for detecting hidden nodes in IEEE802.11ah networks. Our results have shown the effectiveness of this algorithm in detecting hidden nodes. This algorithm can be used to properly manage communication in IEEE802.11ah

    Classified Medium Access Control Algorithm (CL-MAC) for Enhanced Operation of IEEE 802.11ah

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    We present in this apaper a high level framework of a proposed Medium Access Control Algorithm known as Classified Medium Access Control Algorithm for enhanced operation of IEEE 802.11ah.  IEEE 802.11ah is an amendment for the IEEE 802.11 standard known as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) or Wi-Fi network standard. This amendment was mainly established to increase the number of Wi-Fi stations managed by the single Access Point. As more and more number of heterogeneous network stations emerge to also utilize this network, some techniques have been employed to ensure better management of the network but this still remains an open issue that needs to be tackled. This paper presents a hybrid TDMA and CSMA/CA scheme for the channel access in lieu of the default Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) of the WLAN. When compared with the result of the EDCA, the proposed scheme provided a better throughput performance for the IEEE 802.11ah amendment

    A Feasibility Analysis of the Use of IEEE 802.11ah to extend 4G Network Coverage

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    The 4G LTE network has been launched in many countries including Indonesia, and all telecommunications operators are competing to expand their service coverage. Due to various reasons, there are a lot of areas that remains uncovered by the 4G LTE network. With the increase in cellular traffic, operators must continue to improve their service coverage. One of the scenarios to expand the service coverage is by offloading the traffic to a more cost-effective 802.11ah network in which one 802.11ah access point can serve thousands of mobile devices and support the Machine-to-Machine (M2M)/Internet of Things (IoT) communication. This study simulates the effect of the number of nodes on MCS performance evaluation of the 802.11ah protocol. The simulation is conducted by utilizing NS3 software to evaluate the throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and energy consumption. This study also simulates 802.11ah coverage prediction to expand the LTE networks by utilizing Atoll Radio Planning Software. The results show that the performance obtained by varying the number of nodes/users from 100 to 1000 nodes is technically acceptable. In addition, the service coverage of 802.11ah network can solve the problem of blank spot area

    Performance Analysis of User Speed Impact on IEEE 802.11ah Standard affected by Doppler Effect

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    Internet of Things (IOT) offers a new dimension of technology and information where connectivity is available anywhere, anytime, and for any purpose. IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network group is a standard that developed to answer the needs of wireless communication technology (WI-Fi). Recently, IEEE 802.11 working group released the 802.11ah technology or Wi-Fi HaLow as a Wi-fi standard. This standard works on the 1 GHz frequency band with a broader coverage area, massive device and the energy efficiency issues. This research addresses, the influence of Doppler Effect using Random Waypoint mobility model on 802.11ah with different user speed are analyzed. The design of the simulation system is done by changing user speed and MCS. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the overall performance of the network with all of the parameter scenarios is decreasing along with the increasing user speed, RAW group, and bandwidth. In the user speed scenario, the MCS 5 with RAW group = 2 and bandwidth = 2 MHz in v = 10 km/h scenario has the worst performance with an average delay which is about 0.065463 s, throughput is about 0.328120 Mbps, and PDR is about 99.8901%. Keywords: Restricted Access Window (RAW), IEEE 802.11ah, Random Waypoint, Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS), Network Simulator 3

    Analisis Performansi Perubahan RAW Slot Pada Standar IEEE 802.11ah

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    Meningkaatnya kebutuhan dan permintaan layanan yang beragam oleh user untuk dapat bertukar dan mendapatkan informasi secara real time, reliable, dan fleksibel menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh teknologi komunikasi yang ada saat ini. WLAN pada standar IEEE 802.11 merupakan salah satu teknologi wireless yang dapat menjadi solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Memiliki cakupan area komunikasi yang tidak terlalu luas, yaitu antara 20-70 meter saja, hanya mampu melayani hingga 2007 stasiun, dan memiliki konsumsi energi yang cukup besar, menyebabkan beberapa sistem yang terdapat pada WLAN pada standar IEEE 802.11 kurang bekerja secara maksimal. Dengan beberapa kekurangan tersebut, maka WLAN pada standar IEEE 802.11 mengenalkan task group baru yang disebut IEEE 802.11ah. IEEE 802.11ah adalah standar WLAN baru yang bekerja pada spektrum frekuensi 900 MHz, cakupan area komunikasi yang mencapai 1 kilometer, mampu melayani 8192 stasiun dengan hierarki AID yang baru, memiliki konsumsi energi yang lebih rendah dan mampu meningkatkan nilai throughput dengan mekanisme RAW. Penelitian ini melakukan perubahan jumlah RAW slot pada IEEE 802.11ah untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap performansi jaringan. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa perubahan jumlah RAW slot berpengaruh terhadap performansi jaringan, dalam hal ini adalah throughput, average delay, packet delivery ratio, dan energy consumption.The increasing needs and demands of diverse services by the users to be able to exchange and obtain information in real time, reliable, and flexible to be one of the problems faced by existing communication technology. WLAN on the IEEE 802.11 standard is one of the wireless technologies that can be the solution to the problem. It has a relatively small area of communication that is between 20-70 meters only, only able to serve up to 2007 stations, and has considerable energy consumption, causing some systems contained in the WLAN in IEEE 802.11 standard less work maximally. With these shortcomings, the WLAN on the IEEE 802.11 standard introduces a new task group called IEEE 802.11ah. IEEE 802.11ah is a new WLAN standard working on the 900 MHz frequency spectrum, a 1 kilometer communications coverage area, capable of serving 8192 stations with new AID hierarchies, has lower energy consumption, and can increase throughput value by the RAW mechanism. This study will make changes to the number of RAW slots in the IEEE 802.11ah to see how they affect the network performance. In this research, it is found that the change of RAW slot number influence to network performance, in this case, is throughput, average delay, packet delivery ratio, and energy consumptio

    Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Protokol Routing DSDV dan OLSR Untuk Perubahan Kecepatan Mobilitas pada Standar IEEE 802.11ah

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    Dewasa ini, teknologi informasi yang praktis dan efisien sangatlah dibutuhkan. Jaringan ad hoc merupakan teknologi wireless LAN (WLAN) yang tidak membutuhkan suatu infrastruktur seperti base station pada jaringannya. Akan tetapi, teknologi wireless sering kali memiliki keterbatasan resource. Standar IEEE 802.11ah didesain untuk bekerja pada frekuensi sub – 1 GHz, jangkauan transmisinya mencapai 1 Km, konsumsi daya yang rendah, serta dapat melayani ribuan station untuk sebuah access point. Pada penelitian ini telah membandingkan protokol routing DSDV dan OLSR pada standar IEEE 802.11ah dengan menggunakan NS 3. Sedangkan parameter perbandingan yang digunakan adalah throughput, packet delivery ratio, rata – rata delay, dan konsumsi energi. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat, protokol routing OLSR memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan protokol routing DSDV pada skenario perubahan kecepatan. Nilai rata – rata throughput untuk OLSR adalah 28400 Bps sedangkan untuk DSDV adalah 2934 Bps. Nilai rata – rata PDR untuk OLSR adalah 14,582 % sedangkan untuk DSDV adalah 2,7 %. Nilai rata – rata delay untuk OLSR adalah 0,04453994 s sedangkan untuk DSDV adalah 0,6261986 s. Sedangkan rasio perbandingan untuk konsumsi energi antara protokol routing OLSR dan DSDV adalah 1,48 % untuk skenario perubahan kecepatan.Dewasa ini, teknologi informasi yang praktis dan efisien sangatlah dibutuhkan. Jaringan ad hoc merupakan teknologi wireless LAN (WLAN) yang tidak membutuhkan suatu infrastruktur seperti base station pada jaringannya. Akan tetapi, teknologi wireless sering kali memiliki keterbatasan resource. Standar IEEE 802.11ah didesain untuk bekerja pada frekuensi sub – 1 GHz, jangkauan transmisinya mencapai 1 Km, konsumsi daya yang rendah, serta dapat melayani ribuan station untuk sebuah access point. Pada penelitian ini telah membandingkan protokol routing DSDV dan OLSR pada standar IEEE 802.11ah dengan menggunakan NS 3. Sedangkan parameter perbandingan yang digunakan adalah throughput, packet delivery ratio, rata – rata delay, dan konsumsi energi. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat, protokol routing OLSR memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan protokol routing DSDV pada skenario perubahan kecepatan. Nilai rata – rata throughput untuk OLSR adalah 28400 Bps sedangkan untuk DSDV adalah 2934 Bps. Nilai rata – rata PDR untuk OLSR adalah 14,582 % sedangkan untuk DSDV adalah 2,7 %. Nilai rata – rata delay untuk OLSR adalah 0,04453994 s sedangkan untuk DSDV adalah 0,6261986 s. Sedangkan rasio perbandingan untuk konsumsi energi antara protokol routing OLSR dan DSDV adalah 1,48 % untuk skenario perubahan kecepatan

    Performance Analysis of the Differences Restricted Access Window (RAW) on IEEE 802.11ah Standard with Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA)

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    IEEE 802.11 standard is a WLAN (Wireless LAN) standard that has been used in all over the world. IEEE 802.11ah is the newer technology that designed to supports Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-machine Communication (M2M). IEEE 802.11ah has a feature called Restricted Access Window (RAW) that capable to reduce power usage and have satisfying Quality of Service (QoS). In this research, Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) is also applied. Same as RAW, EDCA also be able to affect QoS by modified the MAC Layer in 802.11 standard. This research used 3 different scenarios for RAW parameters: Modifying the number of RAW Group, Modifying the number of RAW Slot, and Comparing 2 Datamode. The EDCA Parameters that used in this research were: Contention Window and Arbitrary inter-frame Spacing Number. The values that expected to be the output in this research are: Delay, Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, Availability, and Reliability. After the research has been simulated, the results are: First, the lowest of average delay was Ngroup = 1, the highest of PDR was Ngroup = Nsta/2, and the highest of Throughput was Ngroup = Nsta/2. Second, the lowest of average delay was RAW Slot = 6, the highest of PDR were RAW Slot = 3 and 4, and the highest of Throughput was RAW Slot = 4. Third, the lowest of average delay was Datamode 3,9 Mbps BW 2 MHz, the highest of PDR was Dat mode 3,9 Mbps BW 2 MHz, and the highest of Throughput was Datamode 3,9 Mbps BW 2 MHz. Reliability, Availability, and Energy Consumption also can be affected by modifying RAW parameters, in 802.11ah Energy Consumption can be reduced by increasing the number of RAW Stations and RAW Groups