64 research outputs found

    Visualización de procesos naturales aplicando granularidad temporal difusa rugosa a imágenes de speckle

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    Presentamos una metodología para visualizar procesos naturales aplicando granularidad temporal a imágenes de patrones de moteado laser dinámico. Esta metodología permite identificar niveles de actividad empleando pocas imágenes y además, visualizar como la actividad evoluciona en el tiempo en casos donde otras técnicas alternativas no lo detectan. Se muestran dos ejemplos, uno relativo a la detección de daño en manzanas y otro relativo al tiempo de secado de pintura, ambos de interés comercial e industrial.We present a methodology to visualize a natural process by applying computational granularity to dynamic laser speckle pattern images. This methodology not only allows to identify activity levels with few images but also to visualise how the activity evolves over time even when alternative techniques do not detect it. Two examples are shown, one relative to detection of bruise in apples and other relative to paint drying time, which are of commercial/industrial interest.Fil: Dai Pra, Ana Lucia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Rabal, Hector Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; Argentin

    Optical Coherence Tomography and Its Non-medical Applications

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a promising non-invasive non-contact 3D imaging technique that can be used to evaluate and inspect material surfaces, multilayer polymer films, fiber coils, and coatings. OCT can be used for the examination of cultural heritage objects and 3D imaging of microstructures. With subsurface 3D fingerprint imaging capability, OCT could be a valuable tool for enhancing security in biometric applications. OCT can also be used for the evaluation of fastener flushness for improving aerodynamic performance of high-speed aircraft. More and more OCT non-medical applications are emerging. In this book, we present some recent advancements in OCT technology and non-medical applications

    New advances in vehicular technology and automotive engineering

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    An automobile was seen as a simple accessory of luxury in the early years of the past century. Therefore, it was an expensive asset which none of the common citizen could afford. It was necessary to pass a long period and waiting for Henry Ford to establish the first plants with the series fabrication. This new industrial paradigm makes easy to the common American to acquire an automobile, either for running away or for working purposes. Since that date, the automotive research grown exponentially to the levels observed in the actuality. Now, the automobiles are indispensable goods; saying with other words, the automobile is a first necessity article in a wide number of aspects of living: for workers to allow them to move from their homes into their workplaces, for transportation of students, for allowing the domestic women in their home tasks, for ambulances to carry people with decease to the hospitals, for transportation of materials, and so on, the list don’t ends. The new goal pursued by the automotive industry is to provide electric vehicles at low cost and with high reliability. This commitment is justified by the oil’s peak extraction on 50s of this century and also by the necessity to reduce the emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere, as well as to reduce the needs of this even more valuable natural resource. In order to achieve this task and to improve the regular cars based on oil, the automotive industry is even more concerned on doing applied research on technology and on fundamental research of new materials. The most important idea to retain from the previous introduction is to clarify the minds of the potential readers for the direct and indirect penetration of the vehicles and the vehicular industry in the today’s life. In this sequence of ideas, this book tries not only to fill a gap by presenting fresh subjects related to the vehicular technology and to the automotive engineering but to provide guidelines for future research. This book account with valuable contributions from worldwide experts of automotive’s field. The amount and type of contributions were judiciously selected to cover a broad range of research. The reader can found the most recent and cutting-edge sources of information divided in four major groups: electronics (power, communications, optics, batteries, alternators and sensors), mechanics (suspension control, torque converters, deformation analysis, structural monitoring), materials (nanotechnology, nanocomposites, lubrificants, biodegradable, composites, structural monitoring) and manufacturing (supply chains). We are sure that you will enjoy this book and will profit with the technical and scientific contents. To finish, we are thankful to all of those who contributed to this book and who made it possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advances in Moire interferometry for thermal response of composites

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    An experimental technique for the precise measurement of the thermal response of both sides of a laminated composite coupon specimen uses Moire interferometry with fringe multiplication which yields a sensitivity of 833 nm (32.8 micro in.) per fringe. The reference gratings used are virtual gratings and are formed by partially mirrorized glass prisms in close proximity to the specimen. Results are compared with both results obtained from tests which used Moire interferometry on one side of composite laminates, and with those predicted by classical lamination theory. The technique is shown to be capable of producing the sensitivity and accuracy necessary to measure a wide range of thermal responses and to detect small side to side variations in the measured response. Tests were conducted on four laminate configurations of T300/5208 graphite epoxy over a temperature range of 297 K (75 F) to 422 K (300 F). The technique presented allows for the generation of reference gratings for temperature regimes well outside that used in these tests

    The roughness and imaging characterisation of different pharmaceutical surfaces

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    The surface properties of solid state pharmaceutics are of critical importance. Processing modifies the surfaces and effects surface roughness, which influences the performance of the final dosage form in many different levels. Surface roughness has an effect on, e.g., the properties of powders, tablet compression and tablet coating. The overall goal of this research was to understand the surface structures of pharmaceutical surfaces. In this context the specific purpose was to compare four different analysing techniques (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, laser profilometry and atomic force microscopy) in various pharmaceutical applications where the surfaces have quite different roughness scale. This was done by comparing the image and roughness analysing techniques using powder compacts, coated tablets and crystal surfaces as model surfaces. It was found that optical microscopy was still a very efficient technique, as it yielded information that SEM and AFM imaging are not able to provide. Roughness measurements complemented the image data and gave quantitative information about height differences. AFM roughness data represents the roughness of only a small part of the surface and therefore needs other methods like laser profilometer are needed to provide a larger scale description of the surface. The new developed roughness analysing method visualised surface roughness by giving detailed roughness maps, which showed local variations in surface roughness values. The method was able to provide a picture of the surface heterogeneity and the scale of the roughness. In the coating study, the laser profilometer results showed that the increase in surface roughness was largest during the first 30 minutes of coating when the surface was not yet fully covered with coating. The SEM images and the dispersive X-ray analysis results showed that the surface was fully covered with coating within 15 to 30 minutes. The combination of the different measurement techniques made it possible to follow the change of surface roughness and development of polymer coating. The optical imaging techniques gave a good overview of processes affecting the whole crystal surface, but they lacked the resolution to see small nanometer scale processes. AFM was used to visualize the nanoscale effects of cleaving and reveal the full surface heterogeneity, which underlies the optical imaging. Ethanol washing changed small (nanoscale) structure to some extent, but the effect of ethanol washing on the larger scale was small. Water washing caused total reformation of the surface structure at all levels.Pinnanominaisuudet ovat tärkeitä kiinteiden lääkevalmisteiden toimivuudelle. Lääkevalmisteiden valmistusprosessit muuttavat valmisteessa olevien pintojen ominaisuuksia ja pinnankarheutta. Pinnankarheus taas vaikuttaa lääkevalmisteen toimivuuteen monella eri tavalla. Sillä on vaikutusta mm. jauheiden ominaisuuksiin, tablettien puristamiseen ja tablettien päällystämiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli oppia ymmärtämään farmaseuttisten pintojen rakennetta. Erityisesti tavoitteena oli verrata neljän eri analyysitekniikan (valomikroskooppi, laserprofilometri, pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppi ja atomivoimamikroskooppi) käyttöä pinnoilla, joilla oli erilaiset karheusominaisuudet. Menetelmien käytettävyyttä tutkittiin mallipinnoilla, jotka olivat tasaisia tablettipintoja, päällystettyjä tablettipintoja ja kidepintoja. Tutkimuksissa todettiin valomikroskoopin olevan käyttökelpoinen tekniikka, jolla voidaan saada pinnoista tietoa, jota ei ole mahdollista saada pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla tai atomivoimamikroskoopilla. Karheusmittaukset täydensivät kuvista saatavaa informaatiota antaen kvantitatiivista tietoa pintojen korkeusvaihteluista. Atomivoimamikroskoopilla mitattu pinnankarheustieto antaa kuvaa vain hyvin pieneltä alueelta, mistä syystä atomivoimamikroskooppi tarvitsee tuekseen muita mittaustekniikoita kuten laserprofilometrin, joka pystyy mittamaan pinnankarheutta laajemmalta alueelta. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyllä uudella pinnankarheudenanalysointimenetelmällä voidaan pinnankarheutta kuvata karttana, joka näyttää paikalliset pinnankarheuden muutokset. Menetelmällä voidaan kuvata pinnan epätasaisuutta ja sen suuruutta. Päällystettyjen tablettien tutkimuksessa laserprofilometrillä saadut tulokset osoittivat pinnankarheuden kasvun olevan suurinta ensimmäisen 30 minuutin aikana. Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppilla sekä energiaerottelevalla röntgen-analysaattorilla saaduista tuloksista voitiin päätellä, että päällystekalvo peitti tabletin pinnan 15-30 minuutin aikavälillä. Eri mittausmenetelmien yhdistäminen mahdollisti pinnankarheuden muutoksen ja kalvopäällysteen kehittymisen seuraamisen. Optiset mittausmenetelmät antoivat hyvän yleiskuvan kiteen pinnalla tapahtuvista prosesseista. Heikkoutena optisissa menetelmissä oli liian vähäinen tarkkuus, minkä vuoksi nanometrimittakaavan ilmiöitä ei havaita. Optisilla menetelmillä näkymättömien ilmiöiden kuvaamiseen käytettiin atomivoimamikroskooppia, jolla voitiin kuvata kidepintojen nanometrimittakaavaista rakennetta

    Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Journal of Imaging (ISSN 2313-433X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jimaging/special issues/faper2020)

    NASA thesaurus aeronautics vocabulary

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    The controlled vocabulary used by the NASA Scientific and Technical Information effort to index documents in the area of aeronautics is presented. The terms comprise a subset of the 1988 edition of the NASA Thesaurus and its supplements issued through the end of 1990. The Aeronautics Vocabulary contains over 4700 terms presented in a hierarchical display format. In addition to aeronautics per se, the vocabulary covers supporting terminology from areas such as fluid dynamics, propulsion engineering, and test facilities and instrumentation