17 research outputs found

    Update of TTD: Therapeutic Target Database

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    Increasing numbers of proteins, nucleic acids and other molecular entities have been explored as therapeutic targets, hundreds of which are targets of approved and clinical trial drugs. Knowledge of these targets and corresponding drugs, particularly those in clinical uses and trials, is highly useful for facilitating drug discovery. Therapeutic Target Database (TTD) has been developed to provide information about therapeutic targets and corresponding drugs. In order to accommodate increasing demand for comprehensive knowledge about the primary targets of the approved, clinical trial and experimental drugs, numerous improvements and updates have been made to TTD. These updates include information about 348 successful, 292 clinical trial and 1254 research targets, 1514 approved, 1212 clinical trial and 2302 experimental drugs linked to their primary targets (3382 small molecule and 649 antisense drugs with available structure and sequence), new ways to access data by drug mode of action, recursive search of related targets or drugs, similarity target and drug searching, customized and whole data download, standardized target ID, and significant increase of data (1894 targets, 560 diseases and 5028 drugs compared with the 433 targets, 125 diseases and 809 drugs in the original release described in previous paper). This database can be accessed at http://bidd.nus.edu.sg/group/cjttd/TTD.asp

    The influence of negative training set size on machine learning-based virtual screening

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    BACKGROUND: The paper presents a thorough analysis of the influence of the number of negative training examples on the performance of machine learning methods. RESULTS: The impact of this rather neglected aspect of machine learning methods application was examined for sets containing a fixed number of positive and a varying number of negative examples randomly selected from the ZINC database. An increase in the ratio of positive to negative training instances was found to greatly influence most of the investigated evaluating parameters of ML methods in simulated virtual screening experiments. In a majority of cases, substantial increases in precision and MCC were observed in conjunction with some decreases in hit recall. The analysis of dynamics of those variations let us recommend an optimal composition of training data. The study was performed on several protein targets, 5 machine learning algorithms (SMO, Naïve Bayes, Ibk, J48 and Random Forest) and 2 types of molecular fingerprints (MACCS and CDK FP). The most effective classification was provided by the combination of CDK FP with SMO or Random Forest algorithms. The Naïve Bayes models appeared to be hardly sensitive to changes in the number of negative instances in the training set. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the ratio of positive to negative training instances should be taken into account during the preparation of machine learning experiments, as it might significantly influence the performance of particular classifier. What is more, the optimization of negative training set size can be applied as a boosting-like approach in machine learning-based virtual screening

    Applications of Support Vector Machines as a Robust tool in High Throughput Virtual Screening

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    Chemical space is enormously huge but not all of it is pertinent for the drug designing. Virtual screening methods act as knowledge-based filters to discover the coveted novel lead molecules possessing desired pharmacological properties. Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a reliable virtual screening tool for prioritizing molecules with the required biological activity and minimum toxicity. It has to its credit inherent advantages such as support for noisy data mainly coming from varied high-throughput biological assays, high sensitivity, specificity, prediction accuracy and reduction in false positives. SVM-based classification methods can efficiently discriminate inhibitors from non-inhibitors, actives from inactives, toxic from non-toxic and promiscuous from non-promiscuous molecules. As the principles of drug design are also applicable for agrochemicals, SVM methods are being applied for virtual screening for pesticides too. The current review discusses the basic kernels and models used for binary discrimination and also features used for developing SVM-based scoring functions, which will enhance our understanding of molecular interactions. SVM modeling has also been compared by many researchers with other statistical methods such as Artificial Neural Networks, k-nearest neighbour (kNN), decision trees, partial least squares, etc. Such studies have also been discussed in this review. Moreover, a case study involving the use of SVM method for screening molecules for cancer therapy has been carried out and the preliminary results presented here indicate that the SVM is an excellent classifier for screening the molecules

    Database development and machine learning prediction of pharmaceutical agents

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    Development Of Database And Computational Methods For Disease Detection And Drug Discovery

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