9 research outputs found

    Обзор современных систем и алгоритмов технического зрения, которые используются на беспилотных летательных аппаратах и наземных мобильных роботах

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    В роботі наведений огляд сучасних систем та алгоритмів технічного зору, описані їх сильні та слабки сторони, вирішені та невирішені задачи. Окреслений напрямок майбутніх досліджень в цій галузі.In this paper state-of-art of computer vision systems and algorythms is presented. The algorythms advantages and disadvatages, solved and unsolved tasks are discribed. The topics of the future work are circumscribed.В работе приведен обзор современных систем и алгоритмов технического зрения, описаны их сильные и слабые стороны, решенные и нерешенные задачи. Очерчено направление будущих исследований в этой области

    Object Tracking with a Multiagent Robot System and a Stereo Vision Camera

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    AbstractWhen working with a robot in terms of object manipulation the essential information is relative position between robot's tool center point (TCP) and the object of interest. This paper proposes a method of frame relative displacement and describes a working multiagent robot application that can be used for tracking, tooling or handling operations with the use of stereo vision in unstructured laboratory environment. Robot system is composed of two Fanuc robot arms, one of which carries a stereo vision camera system and the other which is guided in relation to object of interest. The latter robot has a marker that is used for navigation between the robot and the object of interest. Image processing, marker detection, 3-D coordinates extraction, coordinate system transformations, offset coordinates calculation and communication are handled using c++ multithread program and TCP/IP protocol

    Evaluation of three vision based object perception methods for a mobile robot

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    This paper addresses visual object perception applied to mobile robotics. Being able to perceive household objects in unstructured environments is a key capability in order to make robots suitable to perform complex tasks in home environments. However, finding a solution for this task is daunting: it requires the ability to handle the variability in image formation in a moving camera with tight time constraints. The paper brings to attention some of the issues with applying three state of the art object recognition and detection methods in a mobile robotics scenario, and proposes methods to deal with windowing/segmentation. Thus, this work aims at evaluating the state-of-the-art in object perception in an attempt to develop a lightweight solution for mobile robotics use/research in typical indoor settings. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012.This work was supported by the following grants: JAE Doc of the CSIC, FEDER European Social funds, AGAUR grant 2009-SGR-1434, the Government of Spain under research programme Consolider Ingenio 2 010: MIPRCV (CSD2007-00018) and MICINN project TIN2011-25606 (SiMeVé), Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation, and the ARC Centre of Excellence programme, funded by the Australian Research Council and the New South Wales State Government.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluation of three vision based object perception methods for a mobile robot

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    This paper addresses visual object perception applied to mobile robotics. Being able to perceive household objects in unstructured environments is a key capability in order to make robots suitable to perform complex tasks in home environments. However, finding a solution for this task is daunting: it requires the ability to handle the variability in image formation in a moving camera with tight time constraints. The paper brings to attention some of the issues with applying three state of the art object recognition and detection methods in a mobile robotics scenario, and proposes methods to deal with windowing/segmentation. Thus, this work aims at evaluating the state-of-the-art in object perception in an attempt to develop a lightweight solution for mobile robotics use/research in typical indoor settings.Peer Reviewe