272 research outputs found

    Coasts and Estuaries: the future

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    Coasts and Estuaries: The Future provides valuable information on how we can protect and maintain natural ecological structures while also allowing estuaries to deliver services that produce societal goods and benefits. These issues are addressed through chapters detailing case studies from estuaries and coastal waters worldwide, presenting a full range of natural variability and human pressures. Following this, a series of chapters written by scientific leaders worldwide synthesizes the problems and offers solutions for specific issues graded within the framework of the socio-economic-environmental mosaic. These include fisheries, climate change, coastal megacities, evolving human-nature interactions, remediation measures, and integrated coastal management. The problems faced by half of the world living near coasts are truly a worldwide challenge as well as an opportunity for scientists to study commonalities and differences and provide solutions. This book is centered around the proposed DAPSI(W)R(M) framework, where drivers of basic human needs requires activities that each produce pressures. The pressures are mechanisms of state change on the natural system and Impacts on societal welfare (including well-being). These problems then require responses, which are the solutions relating to governance, socio-economic and cultural measures (Scharin et al 2016)

    Urban Areas in Coastal Zones

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    [First Paragraph] Coastal cities have been subjected to extreme weather events since the onset of urbanization. Climatic change, in particular sea level rise, coupled with rapid urban development are amplifying the challenge of managing risks to coastal cities. Moreover, urban expansion and changes and intensification in land use further pressure sensitive coastal environments through pollution and habitat loss

    Coastal Ocean Processes : a science prospectus

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    CoOP (Coastal Ocean Processes) is an organization meant to study major interdisciplinary scientific problems in the coastal ocean. Its goal is "to obtain a new level of quantitative understanding of the processes that dominate the transformations, transport and fates of biologically, chemically and geologically important matter on the continental margin". Central to obtaining this understanding will be advances in observing and modeling the cross-shelf component of transport. More specific objectives are to understand 1) cross-margin exchanges, 2) air sea exchanges, 3) benthic-pelagic exchanges, 4) terrestrial inputs and 5) biological and chemical transformations within the water column. CoOP research will be carried out primarly through a series of process-oriented field studies, each involving about two years of measurements. Each of these field studies is to be initiated and defined through a community workshop. In addition to the process studies, CoOP will also involve modeling, long time series, exploratory studies, remote sensing, technological innovation, data archiving and communications. A CoOP pilot study has been approved for funding by the National Science Foundation, and funding will begin in 1992. The CoOP science effort is thus already underway.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-9108993

    PICES Science: the first ten years and a look to the future

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    Introduction [pdf, 0.17 MB] Warren S. Wooster [pdf, 0.12 MB] PICES - the first decade, and beyond Paul H. LeBlond [pdf, 0.03 MB] The Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee: The first decade D.E. Harrison and Neville Smith [pdf, 0.04 MB] Ocean observing systems and prediction - the next ten years Tsutomu Ikeda and Patricia A. Wheeler [pdf, 0.85 MB] Ocean impacts from the bottom of the food web to the top: Biological Oceanography Committee (BIO) retrospective Timothy R. Parsons [pdf, 0.2 MB] Future needs for biological oceanographic studies in the Pacific Ocean Douglas E. Hay, Richard J. Beamish, George W. Boehlert, Vladimir I. Radchenko, Qi-Sheng Tang, Tokio Wada, Daniel W. Ware and Chang-Ik Zhang [pdf, 0.2 MB] Ten years FIS in PICES: An introspective, retrospective, critical and constructive review of fishery science in PICES Richard F. Addison, John E. Stein and Alexander V. Tkalin [pdf, 0.12 MB] Marine Environmental Committee in review Robie W. Macdonald, Brian Morton, Richard F. Addison and Sophia C. Johannessen [pdf, 1.89 MB] Marine environmental contaminant issues in the North Pacific: What are the dangers and how do we identify them? R. Ian Perry, Anne B. Hollowed and Takashige Sugimoto [pdf, 0.36 MB] The PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program: Why, how, and what next? List of acronyms [pdf, 0.07 MB] (Document contains 108 pages

    A remote sensing approach to the quantification of local to global scale social-ecological impacts of anthropogenic landscape changes

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsLanduse and Landcover (LULC) is the common aspect that influences several ecological issues, environmental degradations, changes in Land Surface Temperature (LST), hydrological changes and ecosystem function at regional to global level. Research on the drivers and progressions of LULC change has been key to developing models that can project and predict future LULC extent, level and patterns under different assumptions of socioeconomic, ecological and environmental situations. Rapid and extensive urbanization and Urban Sprawl (US), propelled by rapid population growth leads to the shrinkage of productive agricultural lands, boosting mining, decrease in surface permeability and the emergence of Urban Heat Islands (UHI), and in turn, adversely affects the provision of ecosystem services. Mining for resources extraction may lead to geological and associated environmental changes due to ground movements, collision with mining cavities, and deformation of aquifers. Geological changes may continue in a reclaimed mine area, and the deformed aquifers may entail a breakdown of substrates and an increase in ground water tables, which may cause surface area inundation. Consequently, a reclaimed mine area may experience surface area collapse, i.e., subsidence, and degradation of vegetation productivity. The greater changes in LULC, US, LST and vegetation dynamics due to increasing human population not only affects inland forest and wetland, it also directly influences coastal forest lands such as mangroves, peat swamps and riparian forest and threats to ecosystem services. Mangroves provide valuable provisioning (e.g. aquaculture, fisheries, fuel, medicine, textiles), regulation (e.g. shoreline protection, erosion control, climate regulation), supporting (nutrient cycling, nursery habitat), and cultural (recreation and tourism) ecosystem services with an important impact on human well-being. However, the mangrove forest is highly threatened due to climate changes, and human activities which ignore the ecological and economic value of these habitats, contributing to its degradation. There is an increasing number of studies about mangrove distribution, changes and re-establishment activities, denoting a growing attentiveness on the value of these coastal wetland ecosystems. Most of these studies address mangrove degradation drivers at regional or local levels. However, there has not been yet enough assessment on the drivers of mangrove degradation at global level. Thus, complexity of inland and coastal landscape degradation should be addressed using multidisciplinary methodology and conditions. Therefore, this dissertation aimed to assess the impact of LULC associated with vegetation, temperature and wetland changes. To understand the relation among three different types of landscape changes associated with anthropogenic activities: Urbanization, Geological changes and Forest degradation at local to global level, we have selected thirty-three global regions. In chapter 2, We employed the Random Forest (RF) classification on Landsat imageries from 1991, 2003, and 2016, and computed six landscape metrics to delineate the extent of urban areas within a 10km suburban buffer of Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India. The level of US was then quantified using Renyi’s entropy. A land change model was subsequently used to project land cover for 2027. A 70.35% expansion in urban areas was observed mainly towards the suburban periphery of Chennai between 1991 and 2016. The Renyi’s entropy value for year 2016 was 0.9, exhibiting a two-fold level of US when compared to 1991. The spatial metrics values indicate that the existing urban areas became denser and the suburban agricultural, forests and particularly barren lands were transformed into fragmented urban settlements. The forecasted land cover for 2027 indicates a conversion of 13,670.33 ha (16.57% of the total landscape) of existing forests and agricultural lands into urban areas with an associated increase in the entropy value to 1.7, indicating a tremendous level of US. Our study provides useful metrics for urban planning authorities to address the social-ecological consequences of US and to protect ecosystem services. In chapter 3, We studied landscape dynamics in Kirchheller Heide, Germany, which experienced extensive soil movement due to longwall mining without stowing, using Landsat imageries between 2013 and 2016. A Random Forest image classification technique was applied to analyse landuse and landcover dynamics, and the growth of wetland areas was assessed using a Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA). We also analyzed the changes in vegetation productivity using a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). We observed a 19.9% growth of wetland area within four years, with 87.2% growth in the coverage of two major waterbodies in the reclaimed mine area. NDVI values indicate that the productivity of 66.5% of vegetation of the Kirchheller Heide was degraded due to changes in ground water tables and surface flooding. Our results inform environmental management and mining reclamation authorities about the subsidence spots and priority mitigation areas from land surface and vegetation degradation in Kirchheller Heide. In chapter 4, We demonstrated the advantage of fusing imageries from multiple sensors for LULC change assessments as well as for assessing surface permeability and temperature and UHI emergence in a fast-growing city, i.e. Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India. IRS-LISSIII and Landsat-7 ETM+ imageries were fused for 2007 and 2017, and classified using a Rotation Forest (RF) algorithm. Surface permeability and temperature were then quantified using Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) index, respectively. Finally, we assessed the relationship between SAVI and LST for entire Tirunelveli as well as for each LULC zone, and also detected UHI emergence hot spots using a SAVI-LST combined metric. Our fused images exhibited higher classification accuracies, i.e. overall kappa coefficient values, than non-fused images. We observed an overall increase in the coverage of urban (dry, real estate plots and built-up) areas, while a decrease for vegetated (cropland and forest) areas in Tirunelveli between 2007 and 2017. The SAVI values indicated an extensive decrease in surface permeability for Tirunelveli overall and also for almost all LULC zones. The LST values showed an overall increase of surface temperature in Tirunelveli with the highest increase for urban built-up areas between 2007 and 2017. LST also exhibited a strong negative association with SAVI. South-eastern built-up areas in Tirunelveli were depicted as a potential UHI hotspot, with a caution for the Western riparian zone for UHI emergence in 2017. Our results provide important metrics for surface permeability, temperature and UHI monitoring, and inform urban and zonal planning authorities about the advantages of satellite image fusion. In chapter 5, We identified mangrove degradation drivers at regional and global levels resulted from decades of research data (from 1981 to present) of climate variations (seal-level rising, storms, precipitation, extremely high water events and temperature), and human activities (pollution, wood extraction, aquaculture, agriculture and urban expansion). This information can be useful for future research on mangroves, and to help delineating global planning strategies which consider the correct ecological and economic value of mangroves protecting them from further loss.O uso e a cobertura da Terra (UCT) são o aspeto comum que influencia várias questões ecológicas, degradações ambientais, mudanças na temperatura da superfície terrestre, mudanças hidrológicas, e de funções dos ecossistemas a nível regional e global. A investigação sobre os determinantes e progressão da mudança de UCT tem sido fundamental para o desenvolvimento de modelos que podem projetar e prever a extensão, o nível e os padrões futuros de UCT sob diferentes hipóteses de situações socioeconómicas, ecológicas e ambientais. A rápida e extensa urbanização e expansão urbana impulsionada pelo rápido crescimento populacional, levou ao encolhimento de terras agrícolas produtivas, impulsionando a mineração, a diminuição da permeabilidade da superfície e o surgimento de ilhas urbanas. Por outro lado, tem afetado negativamente a produção de serviços de ecossistemas. A mineração para extração de recursos pode levar a mudanças geológicas e ambientais devido a movimentos do solo, colisão com cavidades de mineração e deformação de aquíferos. As mudanças geológicas podem continuar numa área de mina recuperada, e os aquíferos deformados podem acarretar uma quebra de substratos e um aumento nos lençóis freáticos, causando a inundação na superfície. Consequentemente, uma área de mina recuperada pode sofrer um colapso à superfície, provocando o afundamento e a degradação da produtividade da vegetação. As mudanças na UCT, no crescimento urbano rápido, na temperatura da superfície terrestre e na dinâmica da vegetação devido ao aumento da população humana não afetam apenas a floresta interior e as zonas húmidas. Estas também influenciam diretamente as terras florestais costeiras, tais como mangais, pântanos e florestas ribeirinhas, ameaçando os serviços de ecossistemas. Os mangais proporcionam um aprovisionamento valioso (por exemplo, aquacultura, pesca, combustível, medicamentos, têxteis), a regulação (por exemplo, proteção da linha de costa, controlo da erosão, regulação do clima), os serviços de ecossistema de apoio (ciclo de nutrientes, habitats) e culturais (recreação e turismo) com um impacto importante no bem-estar humano. No entanto, a floresta de mangal é altamente ameaçada devido às mudanças climáticas e às atividades humanas que ignoram o valor ecológico e económico desses habitats, contribuindo para a sua degradação. Há um número crescente de estudos sobre distribuição, mudança e atividades de restabelecimento de mangais, denotando uma crescente atenção sobre o valor desses ecossistemas costeiros de zonas húmidas. A maioria desses estudos aborda os fatores de degradação dos mangais a nível regional ou local. No entanto, ainda não há avaliação suficiente sobre os determinantes da degradação dos mangais a nível global. Assim, a complexidade da degradação da paisagem interior e costeira deve ser abordada usando uma metodologia multidisciplinar. Portanto, esta dissertação teve, também, como objetivo avaliar o impacto do UCT associado à vegetação, temperatura e mudanças de zonas húmidas. Para compreender a relação entre a dinâmica da paisagem associada às atividades antrópicas a nível local e global, selecionámos quatro áreas de estudo, duas da Ásia, uma da Europa e outro estudo a nível global. No capítulo 2, empregamos a classificação Random Forest (RF) nas imagens Landsat de 1991, 2003 e 2016, e computamos seis métricas de paisagem para delinear a extensão das áreas urbanas numa área de influência suburbana de 10 km da cidade de Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Índia. O nível de crescimento urbano rápido foi quantificado usando a entropia de Renyi. Um modelo de UCT foi posteriormente usado para projetar a cobertura de terra para 2027. Uma expansão de 70,35% nas áreas urbanas foi observada principalmente para a periferia suburbana de Chennai entre 1991 e 2016. O valor de entropia do Renyi para 2016 foi de 0,9, exibindo uma duplicação do nível de crescimento urbano rápido quando comparado com 1991. Os valores das métricas espaciais indicam que as áreas urbanas existentes se tornaram mais densas e as terras agrícolas, florestas e terras particularmente áridas foram transformadas em assentamentos urbanos fragmentados. A previsão de cobertura da Terra para 2027 indica uma conversão de 13.670,33 ha (16,57% da paisagem total) de florestas e terras agrícolas existentes em áreas urbanas, com um aumento associado no valor de entropia para 1,7, indicando um tremendo nível de crescimento urbano rápido. O nosso estudo fornece métricas úteis para as autoridades de planeamento urbano para lidarem com as consequências socio-ecológicas do crescimento urbano rápido e para proteger os serviços de ecossistemas. No capítulo 3, estudamos a dinâmica da paisagem em Kirchheller Heide, Alemanha, que experimentou um movimento extensivo do solo devido à mineração, usando imagens Landsat entre 2013 e 2016. Uma técnica de classificação de imagem Random Forest foi aplicada para analisar dinâmicas de UCT e o crescimento das áreas de zonas húmidas foi avaliado usando uma Análise de Mistura Espectral. Também analisámos as mudanças na produtividade da vegetação usando um Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI). Observámos um crescimento de 19,9% da área húmida em quatro anos, com um crescimento de 87,2% de dois principais corpos de água na área de mina recuperada. Valores de NDVI indicam que a produtividade de 66,5% da vegetação de Kirchheller Heide foi degradada devido a mudanças nos lençóis freáticos e inundações superficiais. Os resultados informam as autoridades de gestão ambiental e recuperação de mineração sobre os pontos de subsidência e áreas de mitigação prioritárias da degradação da superfície e da vegetação da terra em Kirchheller Heide. No capítulo 4, demonstramos a vantagem de fusionar imagens de múltiplos sensores para avaliações de mudanças de UCT, bem como para avaliar a permeabilidade, temperatura da superfície e a emergência do ilhas de calor numa cidade em rápido crescimento, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, Índia. As imagens IRS-LISSIII e Landsat-7 ETM + foram fusionadas para 2007 e 2017, e classificadas usando um algoritmo de Random Forest (RF). A permeabilidade de superfície e a temperatura foram então quantificadas usando-se o Índice de Vegetação Ajustada pelo Solo (SAVI) e o Índice de Temperatura da Superfície Terrestre (LST), respectivamente. Finalmente, avaliamos a relação entre SAVI e LST para Tirunelveli, bem como para cada zona de UCT, e também detetamos a emergência de pontos quentes de emergência usando uma métrica combinada de SAVI-LST. As nossas imagens fusionadas exibiram precisões de classificação mais altas, ou seja, valores globais do coeficiente kappa, do que as imagens não fusionadas. Observámos um aumento geral na cobertura de áreas urbanas (áreas de terrenos secos e construídas), e uma diminuição de áreas com vegetação (plantações e florestas) em Tirunelveli entre 2007 e 2017. Os valores de SAVI indicaram uma extensa diminuição na superfície de permeabilidade para Tirunelveli e também para quase todas as classes de UCT. Os valores de LST mostraram um aumento global da temperatura da superfície em Tirunelveli, sendo o maior aumento para as áreas urbanas entre 2007 e 2017. O LST também apresentou uma forte associação negativa com o SAVI. As áreas urbanas do Sudeste de Tirunelveli foram representadas como um potencial ponto quente, com uma chamada de atenção para a zona ribeirinha ocidental onde foi verificada a emergência de uma ilha de calor em 2017. Os nossos resultados fornecem métricas importantes sobre a permeabilidade da superfície, temperatura e monitoramento de ilhas de calor e informam as autoridades de planeamento sobre as vantagens da fusão de imagens de satélite. No capítulo 5, identificamos os fatores de degradação dos mangais a nível regional e global resultantes de décadas de dados de investigação (de 1981 até o presente) de variações climáticas (aumento do nível das águas do mar, tempestades, precipitação, eventos extremos de água e temperatura) e atividades humanas (poluição, extração de madeira, aquacultura, agricultura e expansão urbana). Estas informações podem ser úteis para investigações futuras sobre mangais e para ajudar a delinear estratégias de planeamento global que considerem o valor ecológico e económico dos mangais, protegendo-os de novas perdas

    Spatial modelling and GIS-based decision support tools to evaluate the suitability of sustainable aquaculture development in large catchments

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    Land, water and natural resources are under increasing pressure due to rising demands for food and energy from the rapidly growing global population. Across a catchment there can be multiple stakeholders with conflicting opinions over how space and resources should be used and managed. Consequently, it is important to consider the suitability of a catchment for a particular purpose to optimise use of the area and minimise potential conflicts and impacts on the wider environment. Aquaculture is a significant contributor to world food supply and as fisheries are unlikely to increase it is expected that the industry will continue to grow and expand in the future to help meet food security requirements. As a result, it is essential that the sector aims for sustainable development within the most suitable locations. However, it can be difficult to assess the suitability of multiple large catchments and some issues may not be immediately apparent. This project aimed to show how spatial models could be used as decision support tools to evaluate the suitability of large catchments for sustainable aquaculture. Four large areas of importance to aquaculture were selected; covering 10,148km2, 26,225km2, 48,319km2 and 66,283km2 in Bangladesh, China, Thailand and Vietnam respectively. Asia is by far the most dominant aquaculture region in the world and each of the four study areas contribute to local, regional and global food supplies. The study area in Bangladesh was located in Khulna region in the south west of the country and the main species of focus were prawn and shrimp. The Chinese study area was located in the south eastern province of Guangdong and the main species covered were tilapia and shrimp. Similarly, in Thailand, the main species evaluated were tilapia and shrimp whilst the study area extended across the Central region. Finally, the largest study area was the Mekong Delta in Vietnam and the main species of focus in this area were pangasius catfish and shrimp. One of the challenges in modelling large catchments is model applicability and data availability. Often, the required data are not available (or accessible) and it would be difficult, time consuming and expensive to collect new information. Furthermore, when assessing multiple areas is it vital that a representative and unbiased approach is used where no one catchment is favoured over the other due to higher quality data. Therefore, this study used data that are available for almost any area in the world; allowing future application of the models and enabling effective and unbiased decision support. Four modelling stages were employed in this study to evaluate the suitability of large catchments for sustainable aquaculture development. The first stage was the classification of seasonal land use models from satellite imagery. This provides information on what the land is used for and how aquaculture could impact or be impacted by the wider environment. The second step was the development of seasonal models of site suitability using optimal values within a GIS-based multi-stage framework. These models identify which locations are best for culture and can also be used to estimate the availability of areas for food production. The next stage investigated the use of Maxent as a novel approach in site suitability modelling to evaluate the conditions experienced by existing farms. The information from Maxent can be used to identify trends, opportunities and concerns related to sustainable management and farm locations. Finally, qualitative models of non-point source pollution (NPSP) were developed which assess the risk of NPSP within a catchment. NPSP is an issue which can impact both aquaculture and the wider environment. Thus, it is important to understand the areas within a catchment where NPSP risk is higher enabling the establishment of monitoring and/or mitigation procedures. The models support the ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA) and enable objective planning and management strategies to enhance productivity across large catchments without negatively impacting the environment. In order to meet growing food requirements, large areas will need to be used for agriculture and aquaculture; therefore, analysis at a wider catchment level, which complements assessment at a local scale, is required as it allows a holistic view of the situation. The work presented here illustrates the potential use of spatial models across large catchments and considers the suitability of the areas for aquaculture development

    Cities Transformation

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    The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), in collaboration with its Japan National Member Organization (NMO), supported by Ministry of the Environment Japan (MOEJ) has initiated a joint research endeavor centered on Cities Transformation. The primary aim of this collaborative effort's inaugural phase is the compilation of a fast-track comprehensive report. This report aims to consolidate the current understanding of urban transformations, identifying critical knowledge gaps therein. It serves to support the scientific community, city stakeholders, and policy-makers in discerning areas warranting greater attention and, crucially, further investigation and study. Particularly, it provides updates on the IPCC 7th Assessment Cycle, with a specific focus on its Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. Commencing with an overview of global urbanization trends, the report delves into the status of informal urban settlement development (Section 2). Subsequently, it comprehensively discusses the physical aspects of climate change, including impacts, vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation, with a spotlight on air pollution and waste challenges (Section 3). Section 4 shifts focus to systems transformation, examining sectors and cross-cutting perspectives through various case studies. Following this, Section 5 investigates the enabling conditions for city transformations, emphasizing the roles of governance, behavioral and lifestyle changes, innovation and technology, and finance. Expanding further, Section 6 assesses the synergies and trade-offs of mitigation and adaptation strategies, with a particular lens on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health, and well-being. The report concludes by recognizing significant knowledge gaps highlighted through expert insights

    Contaminants of Emerging Concern: occurrence and distribution in aquatic environments

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    The aim of this PhD study was to assess the occurrence, behavior and fate of Contaminants of Emerging Concern, and more specifically Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in natural freshwater and saltwater environments. To this purpose, estrogens, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and phenolic compounds were analysed in the freshwater environment of the Romagna area (Italy). Two sampling campaigns were carried out in two following years during summer. Wastewater treatment plant effluents were the main source of introduction of PFCs in the water compartment, whereas phenolic compounds occurrence was likely related to the presence of industrial activities. Both PFCs and phenolic compounds were persistent in the aquatic compartment during the monitoring periods. On the contrary, estrogens occurrence was not constant over time, suggesting local sporadic events of contamination. Sediments were mainly affected by the occurrence of the phenolic group, whose presence was controlled by sediment size and organic carbon content. Analysis on the surrounding transitional environment of the Pialassa Baiona revealed salinity to be a relevant element controlling their partition between water and sediment. PFCs were also analysed in the transitional environment of the Ebro delta (NE Spain) during three sampling campaigns (autumn, winter, spring-summer). PFCs were confirmed to be persistent in the water compartment over the year. On the contrary, concentrations in sediments were highly influenced by seasonality. Nevertheless, a greater partition of PFCs between water and sediment was registered in the Ebro delta, in contrast with their almost absence in riverine sediments of the Romagna area, as a consequence of PFCs lower solubility in saline environments. Analyses of PFCs in both seawater and freshwater fish pointed out a higher PFCs accumulation in the freshwater species, with perfluorocarboxylic acids being more concentrated than sulfonates