661 research outputs found

    Current trends in multilingual speech processing

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    In this paper, we describe recent work at Idiap Research Institute in the domain of multilingual speech processing and provide some insights into emerging challenges for the research community. Multilingual speech processing has been a topic of ongoing interest to the research community for many years and the field is now receiving renewed interest owing to two strong driving forces. Firstly, technical advances in speech recognition and synthesis are posing new challenges and opportunities to researchers. For example, discriminative features are seeing wide application by the speech recognition community, but additional issues arise when using such features in a multilingual setting. Another example is the apparent convergence of speech recognition and speech synthesis technologies in the form of statistical parametric methodologies. This convergence enables the investigation of new approaches to unified modelling for automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) as well as cross-lingual speaker adaptation for TTS. The second driving force is the impetus being provided by both government and industry for technologies to help break down domestic and international language barriers, these also being barriers to the expansion of policy and commerce. Speech-to-speech and speech-to-text translation are thus emerging as key technologies at the heart of which lies multilingual speech processin

    Frame-level features conveying phonetic information for language and speaker recognition

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    150 p.This Thesis, developed in the Software Technologies Working Group of the Departmentof Electricity and Electronics of the University of the Basque Country, focuseson the research eld of spoken language and speaker recognition technologies.More specically, the research carried out studies the design of a set of featuresconveying spectral acoustic and phonotactic information, searches for the optimalfeature extraction parameters, and analyses the integration and usage of the featuresin language recognition systems, and the complementarity of these approacheswith regard to state-of-the-art systems. The study reveals that systems trained onthe proposed set of features, denoted as Phone Log-Likelihood Ratios (PLLRs), arehighly competitive, outperforming in several benchmarks other state-of-the-art systems.Moreover, PLLR-based systems also provide complementary information withregard to other phonotactic and acoustic approaches, which makes them suitable infusions to improve the overall performance of spoken language recognition systems.The usage of this features is also studied in speaker recognition tasks. In this context,the results attained by the approaches based on PLLR features are not as remarkableas the ones of systems based on standard acoustic features, but they still providecomplementary information that can be used to enhance the overall performance ofthe speaker recognition systems

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Új, zajbecsléssel kombinált, entrópia-alapú beszéddetektálási eljárás a beszédfelismerési hatásfok javítására

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    A küszöbszint-alapú beszéddetekció egy új változatát mutatjuk be. Az eljárás energia helyett a robusztusabb spektrális entrópiát használja a beszéd jelenlétének kijelölésére. További különlegessége és újdonsága a megközelítésnek, hogy az entrópiaszámítás előtt minimum spektrális részsáv-energiákon alapuló zajspektrum becslést használ a zaj fehérítésére. Ennek eredményeképp nagymértékben zajtrő entrópia-alapú beszéddetekciós módszert kaptunk. Ezen állításunkat számos beszédfelismerési kísérlettel támasztjuk alá, melyekben normál és kifejezetten zajos telefonbeszéd-felismerést végeztünk. A javasolt beszéddetekciós eljárás alkalmazásával minden esetben javult a felismerési pontosság (maximálisan rel. 29,5%-kal), míg a felismerendő keretek számát nagyjából az eredeti mennyiség felére szorítva jelentősen csökkent a felismerő terhelése zajban is

    A Soft Computing Based Approach for Multi-Accent Classification in IVR Systems

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    A speaker's accent is the most important factor affecting the performance of Natural Language Call Routing (NLCR) systems because accents vary widely, even within the same country or community. This variation also occurs when non-native speakers start to learn a second language, the substitution of native language phonology being a common process. Such substitution leads to fuzziness between the phoneme boundaries and phoneme classes, which reduces out-of-class variations, and increases the similarities between the different sets of phonemes. Thus, this fuzziness is the main cause of reduced NLCR system performance. The main requirement for commercial enterprises using an NLCR system is to have a robust NLCR system that provides call understanding and routing to appropriate destinations. The chief motivation for this present work is to develop an NLCR system that eliminates multilayered menus and employs a sophisticated speaker accent-based automated voice response system around the clock. Currently, NLCRs are not fully equipped with accent classification capability. Our main objective is to develop both speaker-independent and speaker-dependent accent classification systems that understand a caller's query, classify the caller's accent, and route the call to the acoustic model that has been thoroughly trained on a database of speech utterances recorded by such speakers. In the field of accent classification, the dominant approaches are the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Of the two, GMM is the most widely implemented for accent classification. However, GMM performance depends on the initial partitions and number of Gaussian mixtures, both of which can reduce performance if poorly chosen. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a speaker-independent accent classification system based on a distance metric learning approach and evolution strategy. This approach depends on side information from dissimilar pairs of accent groups to transfer data points to a new feature space where the Euclidean distances between similar and dissimilar points are at their minimum and maximum, respectively. Finally, a Non-dominated Sorting Evolution Strategy (NSES)-based k-means clustering algorithm is employed on the training data set processed by the distance metric learning approach. The main objectives of the NSES-based k-means approach are to find the cluster centroids as well as the optimal number of clusters for a GMM classifier. In the case of a speaker-dependent application, a new method is proposed based on the fuzzy canonical correlation analysis to find appropriate Gaussian mixtures for a GMM-based accent classification system. In our proposed method, we implement a fuzzy clustering approach to minimize the within-group sum-of-square-error and canonical correlation analysis to maximize the correlation between the speech feature vectors and cluster centroids. We conducted a number of experiments using the TIMIT database, the speech accent archive, and the foreign accent English databases for evaluating the performance of speaker-independent and speaker-dependent applications. Assessment of the applications and analysis shows that our proposed methodologies outperform the HMM, GMM, vector quantization GMM, and radial basis neural networks

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 19. Number 4.

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    Acta Universitatis Sapientiae - Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

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    Series Electrical and Mechanical Engineering publishes original papers and surveys in various fields of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

    Syväoppiminen puhutun kielen tunnistamisessa

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    This thesis applies deep learning based classification techniques to identify natural languages from speech. The primary motivation behind this thesis is to implement accurate techniques for segmenting multimedia materials by the languages spoken in them. Several existing state-of-the-art, deep learning based approaches are discussed and a subset of the discussed approaches are selected for quantitative experimentation. The selected model architectures are trained on several well-known spoken language identification datasets containing several different languages. Segmentation granularity varies between models, some supporting input audio lengths of 0.2 seconds, while others require 10 second long input to make a language decision. Results from the thesis experiments show that an unsupervised representation of acoustic units, produced by a deep sequence-to-sequence auto encoder, cannot reach the language identification performance of a supervised representation, produced by a multilingual phoneme recognizer. Contrary to most existing results, in this thesis, acoustic-phonetic language classifiers trained on labeled spectral representations outperform phonotactic classifiers trained on bottleneck features of a multilingual phoneme recognizer. More work is required, using transcribed datasets and automatic speech recognition techniques, to investigate why phoneme embeddings did not outperform simple, labeled spectral features. While an accurate online language segmentation tool for multimedia materials could not be constructed, the work completed in this thesis provides several insights for building feasible, modern spoken language identification systems. As a side-product of the experiments performed during this thesis, a free open source spoken language identification software library called "lidbox" was developed, allowing future experiments to begin where the experiments of this thesis end.Tämä diplomityö keskittyy soveltamaan syviä neuroverkkomalleja luonnollisten kielien automaattiseen tunnistamiseen puheesta. Tämän työn ensisijainen tavoite on toteuttaa tarkka menetelmä multimediamateriaalien ositteluun niissä esiintyvien puhuttujen kielien perusteella. Työssä tarkastellaan useampaa jo olemassa olevaa neuroverkkoihin perustuvaa lähestymistapaa, joista valitaan alijoukko tarkempaan tarkasteluun, kvantitatiivisten kokeiden suorittamiseksi. Valitut malliarkkitehtuurit koulutetaan käyttäen eri puhetietokantoja, sisältäen useampia eri kieliä. Kieliosittelun hienojakoisuus vaihtelee käytettyjen mallien mukaan, 0,2 sekunnista 10 sekuntiin, riippuen kuinka pitkän aikaikkunan perusteella malli pystyy tuottamaan kieliennusteen. Diplomityön aikana suoritetut kokeet osoittavat, että sekvenssiautoenkoodaajalla ohjaamattomasti löydetty puheen diskreetti akustinen esitysmuoto ei ole riittävä kielen tunnistamista varten, verrattuna foneemitunnistimen tuottamaan, ohjatusti opetettuun foneemiesitysmuotoon. Tässä työssä havaittiin, että akustisfoneettiset kielentunnistusmallit saavuttavat korkeamman kielentunnistustarkkuuden kuin foneemiesitysmuotoa käyttävät kielentunnistusmallit, mikä eroaa monista kirjallisuudessa esitetyistä tuloksista. Diplomityön tutkimuksia on jatkettava, esimerkiksi litteroituja puhetietokantoja ja puheentunnistusmenetelmiä käyttäen, jotta pystyttäisiin selittämään miksi foneemimallin tuottamalla esitysmuodolla ei saatu parempia tuloksia kuin yksinkertaisemmalla, taajuusspektrin esitysmuodolla. Tämän työn aikana puhutun kielen tunnistaminen osoittautui huomattavasti haasteellisemmaksi kuin mitä työn alussa oli arvioitu, eikä työn aikana onnistuttu toteuttamaan tarpeeksi tarkkaa multimediamateriaalien kielienosittelumenetelmää. Tästä huolimatta, työssä esitetyt lähestymistavat tarjoavat toimivia käytännön menetelmiä puhutun kielen tunnistamiseen tarkoitettujen, modernien järjestelmien rakentamiseksi. Tämän diplomityön sivutuotteena syntyi myös puhutun kielen tunnistamiseen tarkoitettu avoimen lähdekoodin kirjasto nimeltä "lidbox", jonka ansiosta tämän työn kvantitatiivisia kokeita voi jatkaa siitä, mihin ne tämän työn päätteeksi jäivät